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1、英语高三英语阅读理解试题类型及其解题技巧(英语)高三英语阅读理解试题类型及其解题技巧一、高中英语阅读理解1阅读理解 Even a small increase in light activity such as washing dishes, or walking around the house might help prevent an early death among older adults, researchers say. It is important for elderly people, who might not be able to do much moderate i

2、ntensity(强度)activity, that just moving around and doing light intensity activity will have strong effects and is beneficial, said Ulf Ekelund, who led the research. Published in the BMJ, the latest research was based on a review of eight studies involving a total of more than 36,000 people with an a

3、verage age of almost 63 years. Participants were followed for five to six years; 2,149 deaths were recorded. All of the studies involved monitoring the physical activity of individuals who had activity trackers, and the studies did not rely on self-reporting, which, the experts noted, could be unrel

4、iable. For each study participants were split into four equal-sized groups, based on the total amount of time spent actively, and the risk of death assessed, taking into account factors such as age, sex, body mass index, and socioeconomic status. This was then repeated for an amount of activity at d

5、ifferent levels of intensity. The results were analyzed together to give an overview. The team found a greater amount of activity was linked to a lower risk of death. The results held for different intensities of activity. The team said the study supported the message sit less and move more and more

6、 often. However, the study had limitations. It only looked at the situation for middle age and older adults, most of whom lived in the US or Europe, and some of the effect could be due to those people with a higher risk of death being less likely to be related to physical activity. Physical activity

7、 levels also were only measured over one period of time. Dr Gavin Sandercock, from the University of Essex, said the results suggested moving more brought bigger benefits than simply reducing the time of sitting, another factor measured in the study. This study reinforces the important message that

8、getting the least active people to do even just a little bit more physical activity can have important public health benefits, he said.(1)Which of the following may Ulf Ekelund suggest elderly people do? A.lying on the sofa reading.B.Doing a little gentle gardening.C.Going out to hike with friends.D

9、.Playing basketball sometimes.(2)What can we know about the research? A.It lasted about 8 years.B.The researchers admitted they used fake data.C.The participants didnt include younger people.D.Some participants died because of doing too much physical activity(3)What is the authors attitude towards t

10、he researchers conclusion? A.DoubtfulB.CriticalC.SupportiveD.Neutral(4)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word reinforces in the last paragraph? A.HighlightsB.ConveysC.ExcludesD.Denies【答案】 (1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,研究发现轻微活动能帮助预防老年人过早死亡,对老年人健康很有好处。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第二段中

11、的“It is important for elderly people, who might not be able to do much moderate intensity(强度)activity, that just moving around and doing light intensity activity will have strong effects and is beneficial.”对于无法做中等强度活动的老年人来说,轻度活动对健康很有好处。故选B。 (2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Published in the BMJ, the latest research

12、 was based on a review of eight studies involving a total of more than 36,000 people with an average age of almost 63 years.”可知参与调查的36,000人平均年龄是63岁,因此不包括年轻人,故选C。 (3)考查推理判断。根据文中researchers say , said Ulf Ekelund, who led the research. Dr Gavin Sandercock, from the University of Essex, said, he said.等

13、内容可知,作者只是陈述了研究结果和专家观点,并未掺杂自己观点,作者对研究结果是中立观点,不带感情色彩。故选D。 (4)考查词义猜测。根据第一段中的“Even a small increase in light activity such as washing dishes, or walking around the house might help prevent an early death among older adults”, 陈述研究结果,小的轻微活动能帮助预防老年人过早死亡;以及最后一段中的“This study reinforces the important message

14、that getting the least active people to do even just a little bit more physical activity can have important public health benefits”.提到的 getting the least active people to do even just a little bit more physical activity can have important public health benefits即让最不爱运动的人多做一点点体育活动,对公众健康也有重要的好处,这是对研究结果

15、的进一步强调,由此推知画线词语表示“强调”,与Highlights同义,故选A。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测和推理判断三个题型的考查,是一篇科研类阅读,考生需要准确掌握细节信息,同时根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读理解 When Andrew Kaplan recalls, his stories leave the impression that he has managed to pack multiple lives into a single existence: A war reporter in his 20s. an army membe

16、r, a successful businessman and- later. the author of numerous spy novels and Hollywood scripts. Now the silver haired 78-year old has realized he would like his loved ones to have access to those stories, even when he is no longer alive to share them. Kaplan has agreed to become AndyBot- a virtual

17、person who will be: immortalized(T F5)in the cloud for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years If all goes according to plan future generations will be able to interact with him using voice computing platforms of mobile devices, asking him questions, letting him tell stories and drawing upon a lifetime

18、s worth of advice long after his physical body is gone. Someday, Kaplan, who playfully refers to himself as a pig, may be remembered as one of the worlds first digital humans. For decades, Silicon Valley futurists have sought to free humanity from the life cycle. Today, a new generation of companies

19、 is selling some approximation(近似) of virtual immortality, which gives people the opportunity to preserve ones legacy(遗产) online forever. Kaplan is eager to become one of the worlds first virtual residents, partly because he considers the effort a way to extend closed family bonds over multiple gene

20、rations. If technology succeeds in creating emotionally intelligent digital humans, experts say, it may forever change the way living people cooperate with computers and experience loss. AndyBot may become one of the worlds first: meaningful examples, raising complex philosophical questions about th

21、e nature of immortality and the purpose of existence itself.(1)What is the purpose of the first paragraph? A.To highlight Kaplans achievements.B.To introduce the topic- -AndyBot.C.To arouse readers interest in Kaplan.D.To introduce Kaplans life.(2)Why did Andrew Kaplan agree to become AndyBot? A.He

22、wanted to share his life experience as long as possible.B.He wanted to make his loved one remember him.C.He believed this action will help with his novels.D.He could live in the cloud to continue his life.(3)What might the AndyBot do for future generations? A.He may use voice computing platforms.B.H

23、e may use a new body to go on living.C.He may offer some guidance.D.He may ask them questions.(4)What can we infer from the last paragraph? A.Philosophical problems can be worked out by modern science.B.People can talk with their late family members freely.C.Scientists have made great progress in co

24、mputer science.D.There is still a long way for digital humans to go.【答案】 (1)B(2)A(3)C(4)D 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了科技新动态-数字人。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第一段可知,当安德鲁卡普兰回忆往昔的时候,他的故事让人感觉他活出了各种各样的人生:20多岁的时候是战地记者,还是一名军人,一位成功的商人,随后又是很多间谍小说和好莱坞剧本的作者。主要介绍安德鲁卡普兰丰富多彩的人生;在根据第二段中的“Now the silver haired 78-year old has realized he w

25、ould like his loved ones to have access to those stories, even when he is no longer alive to share them. Kaplan has agreed to become “AndyBot”- a virtual person who will be”现在这位花白头发的78岁的老人想要他爱的人知道这些故事,甚至当他去世之后还可以分享这些故事。Kaplan同意变成数字人 ,可知,第一段的内容主要是引出下文中文章的话题数字人。故选B。 (2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Now the silver ha

26、ired 78-year old has realized he would like his loved ones to have access to those stories, even when he is no longer alive to share them. Kaplan has agreed to become AndyBot.a virtual person who will be”现在这位花白头发的78岁的老人想要他爱的人知道这些故事,甚至当他去世之后还可以分享这些故事。Kaplan同意变成数字人,可知,卡普兰同意变成数字人是为了能更长时间的分享自己的这些故事。故选A。

27、 (3)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“If all goes according to plan. future generations will be able to interact with him using voice computing platforms of mobile devices, asking him questions, letting him tell stories and drawing upon a lifetimes worth of advice long after his physical body is gone. ”如果一切按计划进行,后代可以通

28、过移动端的语音平台和他交流,即使他的肉体不存在后,还可以问他问题,让他讲故事以及咨询他一生经验的宝贵建议。可知卡普兰成为“数字人”后,他的后代仍能得到他一生经验的宝贵建议。故选C。 (4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“If technology succeeds in creating emotionally intelligent digital humans, experts say, it may forever change the way living people cooperate with computers and experience loss.”可知,专家们说,如果科技

29、成功地创造出高情商的数字人类,它可能会永远改变人类与电脑交互的方式,以及处理失去亲人创伤的方式,即目前的数字人类还无法拥有高情商,还是不够完美的,因此数字人技术还有很长的路要走。故选D。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和推理判断两个题型的考查,是一篇科技类阅读,考生需要准确掌握细节信息,并根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。3阅读理解 Nowadays, especially in China, everything seems to favor social intercourse(社交) , such as gatherings of friends, KTV, group trave

30、l, dining tighter, playing cards and Mahjong, plus the Chinese-style street-crossing group. Back home, discussions can still be boisterously carried on within the circle of friends of WeChat. However, these scenes cannot always ease a sense of loneliness. Zhu Ziqing, a well-known professor of Tsingh

31、ua University, signed with emotion: My loneliness increases as scene becomes much busier. One popular song today is also called A lonely man in crowds. Actually, engaging in social intercourse requires ability, while being alone involves the whole character. These days, it is not easy to calm down t

32、otally and return to ones true self. Willpower, intellect and discipline are required. Einstein said: It is not your working time but your spare time that determines the possibility of whether you will be successful or not. The spare time he referred to could be taken as spending time by yourself. Lonely life could be either dull, boring and tasteless or abundant, interesting and colorful, depending on ones quality

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