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1、科技翻译技巧 如前所述,本章将介绍科技英语翻译中常用的五种技巧:转译法、省译法、增译法、还原法及倒置法。 转泽法主要有词类转译和句子成分转译两种。一、词类的转译 如前所述,英语的一个词类能充当的句子成分较少,充当不同成分时常需改变词类;而汉语的一个词类能充当的句子较多,充当不同句子成分时无需改变词类。因此英汉翻译时,原语中的某种词类不一定还要,也往往不可能译成汉语中的同一词类,而应根据译语的习惯和需要,转译成另一种词类。这就是所谓词类的转译。 (一)英语名词的转译 1转译为汉语的动词 (1)具有动作意义的名词(也称“行为名词”,英语叫做Action Nouns)的转译 英语中有一些具有动作意义

2、的名词,这些名词汉译时往往要转译为汉语的动词,才会使译文通顺,合符汉语的习惯。如: 1 Television is the transmission and reception, of images moving objects by radio waves. 电视通过无线电发送和接收活动物体的图像。 2. Integrated circuits are fairly recent development. 集成电路只是近年才发展起来的。 3. The transfer of information from one part of the computer to another depend

3、s on the electric current being conducted over wires. 信息从计算机的一部分传送到另一个部分,靠的是电线中传导的电流。 4. The transformation could be from any convenient input voltage to any convenient output voltage. 可将任一所需转换的输入电压整换成任一所希望的输出电压。 5. The operation of an electric machine needs some knowledge of its performance. 操作电机需要

4、懂得电机的一些性能。 6. Discussions of the application of the second method of Liapunov to the stability analysis of linear timeinvariant systems are given later. 随后,讨论李亚普诺夫第二方法在线性时不变系统稳定性分析中的应用。 7. The tests indicate that a countercurrent flow of gases and solids is necessary in the reactor. 诚验表明,使气体和固体在反应器内

5、逆向流动是必要的。 8. Laser has the applicability to many fields of science and the adaptability to practical uses. 激光可应用于许多科学领域,也适合各种实际用途。 9. A one-celled animal or plant cannot, of course, survive the destruction, of its one cell.单细胞的动物或植物,在仅有的一个细胞被破坏后当然就不能生存。 The air is made up of mixture of gases 空气是由若干种

6、气体混合而成的。 与具有动作意义的名词转译成动词相类似的,便是动名词的转译。动名词实际上就是一个具有动作意义的名词。因汉语中根本就没有动名词,因此这类词可与“具有动作意义的名词”一样处理,即在汉译时转译成动词。如: Reversing the direction of the current reverses the direction of its lines of force. 倒转电流的方向也就倒转了它的磁力线方向。 No other changes occur upon mixing the two compounds, 把这两种物质混合起来没有发生其他变化。 This kind of

7、 the pipes can be used for carrying air, gas, water, etc 这种管予可用来输送空气、煤气和水等。 (2)某些由动词作词根+er(或or)构成的名词,当它并不是真正表示个人的职业,而具有较强的动作意义时,可将其转译成汉语的动词。如: Professor Wang was the instructor of our experiment. 王教授指导我们做实验。 He was a good calculator, so we considered the answer correct. 他算得很好,因此,我们认为这个答案是正确的。 He was

8、 our good supporter. 他很支持我们的方案。 (3)某些中心词(Head Word)是名词的习语化动词词组,其中心词可转译为动词。如: Anyone who has a look at an old radio set will remember the large, heavy vacuum tube and other components. 凡是看过老式收音机的人,一定会记得那些硕大而笨重的真空管和其他元件。 He had a good knowledge of chemistry. 他精通化学。 类似的动词词组还有make use of,have a try,take

9、 care of等等。 (4)某些中心词是名词的介词短语,其中心词可转译为动词。如: A body is negatively charged when it has electrons in excess of its normal number. 当物体所带电子超过正常数时,该物体便带负电。 Most experiments at very low temperature are made with the help of liquid helium 大多数低温试验都要借助于液态氦。 With the use of the increased temperature and pressur

10、e, the oil is cracked into lighter or heavier fractions. 利用升温升压,可将石油裂化成轻馏分或重馏分。 2转译为汉语的形容词 在英语中,有些表达事物性质的名词是由形容词派生而来的,其本身就具有形容词的性质。汉译这类词时,可转译为汉语的形容词。如: Single crystals of high perfection are an absolute necessity for the fabrication of integrated circuits. 对制造集成电路来说,高纯度的单晶是绝对必要的。 He found some diffi

11、culties to design a power plant without an electronic computer. 他感到没有电子计算机,要设计一座电厂是困难的。 The electrical conductivity has great importance in selecting electrical materials. 在选择电气材料时,电导率是很重要的。 This experiment is an absolute necessity in determining the best processing route 对确立最佳工艺流程而言,这次实验是绝对必要的。 I a

12、m a stranger to the operation of this kind of machine. 我对这类电机的操作是陌生的。 The combination, of mechanical properties of this alloy can be well achieved by heat treatment. 通过热处理,这种合金能获得综合性机械性能。 The photo mask must possess dimensional stability. 光掩模的尺寸必须是稳定的。 It was the perfection of a valve which made the

13、 aqualung possible and put man back into the sea with all the freedom of a fish, 是阀的完善使研制水中呼吸器成其为可能,并将人类重新带回海里,使其像鱼一样自由。 The lower stretches of rivers show considerable variety. 河流下游的情况是大不相同的。 (二)英语形容词的转泽 1转译为汉语的动词 当形容词作表语、主语、补足语或其他成分时,可转译为汉语的动词。如: This system makes these chemicals soluble in water

14、and thus easier to transport for eventual excretion through the kidneys and lower intestines. 该系统使这些化学剂溶于水,便于经由肾脏从肠尾排出。 If low-cost power becomes available from unclear plants, the electricity crisis would be solved. 如果能从核电站获得低成本的电力,电力紧张问题就会解决。 We are al1 familiar with the fact that nothing in natur

15、e will either start or stop moving of itself. 我们却熟悉这样一个事实:自然界中没有任何物体会自行开始运动或自行停止运动。 The design calculations will serve as an illustrative application of the theory of semiconductor devices. 这些设计计算可用来证明半导体器件理论的实际应用。 When the switch is off,the electric circuit is open. 拉下开关,电路断开。 Each new oscillator a

16、dded to the coupled system will contribute an additional natural frequency. 在耦合系统中,每增加一个新振子,就增加一个自然频率。 Such clumps form the kind of clots responsible for heart attacks and strokes. 这样的凝结会产生凝块,引起心脏病发作。 They were certain that the fluorescent effect was not due to cathodes rays. 他们确信,荧光效应不是起因于阴极射线。 Als

17、o present in solids are numbers of free electrons. 固体中也存在着大量自由电子。 It is evident that there is something wrong with the television set. 显然是电视机出了毛病。 2转译为汉语的名词 当形容词作表语、主语、补足语或其他成分时,也可转译为名词。如: Experiment indicates that the new chip is about l.5 times as integrative as that of the old ones. 试验表明新型芯片的集成度是

18、原来型号的1.5倍。 The electrolytic process for producing hydrogen is not so efficient as the thermochemical process. 用电解法生产氢的效率不像热化学法那样高。 In fission processes the fission fragments are very radioactive. 在裂变过程中,裂变碎块的放射性很强。 Computers are more flexible, and can do a greater variety of jobs. 计算机的灵活性较大,因此,能做更多不

19、同的工作。 The reduction of the tap-to-tap time leads to lower radiation loss per heat. 两次相邻出钢时间间隔的缩短,可导致每炉钢辐射热损失的降低。 IPC is more reliable than common computer. 工控机的可靠性比普通计算机高。 The cutting tool must be strong, tough, hard, and wear resistant. 刀具须有足够的强度、硬度、韧性和耐磨性。 Mercury is appreciably volatile even at r

20、oom temperature. 即使在室温下,水银的挥发性也很强。 Glass is much more soluble than quartz. 玻璃的可溶性比石英大得多。 Both the compounds are acids. The former is strong, the latter weak 这两种化合物都是酸。前者是强酸,后者是弱酸。 3转译为汉语的副词 (1)当形容词所修饰的名词转译为动词时,该形容词便转译为副词。如: With slight repairs, the old type of motor can be used. 只要稍加修理,这台旧电机便可重新使用。

21、A steady increase of load on a part will cause it to deform gradually. 不断地增加零件的负荷会使零件逐渐变形。 Let us have a good look at the machine. 让我们仔细看看这台机器。 FACTS are fairly recent development. 柔性交流输电系统只是堑近发展起来的。 Below 4,water is in continuous expansion instead of continuous contraction. 水在4以下是在不断地膨胀,而不是不断地收缩。 T

22、he modern world is experiencing rapid development of information technique. 当今世界的信息技术正在迅速地发展。 The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity. 电子计算机的应用大大地提高了劳动生产率。 The wide application of electronic computer in scientific work, in designing and in economic c

23、alculations will free man from the labor of complicated computations. 在科研、设计和经济等方面,广泛地应用计算机可使人们从繁重的计算工作中解放出来。(2)形容词转译成副词的其他情况 Most hardening steps employ some form of shaft furnace. 淬火工艺大多使用某种形式的竖炉。 The average proportion of molybdenum in igneous rock is about 1.510 -3% 钼在火成岩中所占的比例平均为1.510 -3%左右。 It

24、 is prudent to make sure that there are no short circuits. 要小心地地查明确无短路情况。 The same principles of low internal resistance also apply to million-meters 低内阻原理也同样地适用于毫安表。(三)英语动词的转译1英语动词的分类 英语动词分为两类: (1)状态动词(State Verb) 状态动词不表真正的动作,只表某种状态。 (2)行为动词(Action Verb) 英语中只有行为动词才表真正的动作。 2动词的转译 无论是状态动词还是行为动词,在一定情况

25、下均可转译为汉语的名词。如: The instrument is characterized by its compactness and portability. 这种仪器的特点是结构紧凑和携带方便。 An electric current varies directly as the electromotive force and inversely as the resistance. 电流的变化与电势成正比,与电阻成反比。 Coating thicknesses range from one-tenth mm t0 2 mm. 涂层厚度的范围为0.1-2毫米。 An electron

26、or an atom behavesin some ways as though it were a group of waves. 电子或原子的运动方式,多少有点像一组波。 Neutrons act differently from protons. 中子的作用不同于质子。 A voltmeter connected across A to B would read 10 volts. AB两点之间的伏特计的读数应为10伏。 The scale is marked to show the strength of the current in amps. 度盘上的刻度表示电流强度的安培数。 G

27、ases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the latter. 气体和固体的区别在于气体的可压缩性比固体的大。 This kind of satellites are designed to burn up in the earths atmosphere after completing their missions. 这种卫星按其设计,将在完成使命后于大气层中烧毁。 Circuit -breakers are very large, but they work in exact

28、ly the same way as a small electric-light switch. 断路器很大,但其工作方式却与小的电灯开关完全相同。 Mercury weighs about thirteen times as much as water. 水银的比重约为水的13倍。 The earth on which we live is shaped like a ball. 我们居住的地球,其形状像个球。 Tests showed that the cooling air must flow at a rate of at least 170 m3h 试验表明,冷却空气的流体速度至少

29、须为170米3小时。 (四)英语中副词的转泽 1.转译成汉语的形容词 当英语中的动词转译成汉语的名词时,修饰动词的副词一般便转译为形容词。如: Members of the group are not so closely related to each other as are the elements in the halogen family. 这一族中各元素之间的相互关系不像卤族元素那样密切。 This communication system is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of operation and the ease wi

30、th which it can be maintained. 这种通信的主要特点是操作简便,易于维护。 The universal lathe is most widely used and plays an important part in industry. 万能车床得到了广泛的应用,因而在工业上起着重要作用。 Such robots controlled by large electronic computer impressed us deeply 这种由大型计算机控制的机器人给我们留下深刻的印象。 He routinely radioed another agent on the

31、ground.他与另一个地勤人员进行了例行的无线电联络。 修饰形容词的副词,有时可转译成汉语的形容词。如: The electrode is uniformly thin. 极板薄而均匀。 His basic studies on the retina arc considered the foundation for practically every advance in the neurophysiology of vision. 人们认为,他对视网膜的基础性研究,是视神经生理学的每项实际进展的基础。 It is a matter of common observation that gases arc perfectly elastic 大家都知道,气体的弹性很好。 This apparently simple function of the transformer makes it as vital to modern industry as the gear train. 变压器的这种显而易见的基本功能使其与齿轮装置一样,对现代工业至关重要。 Nitric acid is an extremely reactive agent. 硝酸是一种强烈的反应剂。 The wash water from

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