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高二英语Saving the earth教案.docx

1、高二英语Saving the earth教案高二英语Saving the earth教案RSEFC 2A Unit 9 Saving the ea教材分析 本单元的中心话题为“拯救地球”,通过课堂导入引出水污染、空气污染、环境破坏,乱砍乱伐树木等环境问题,围绕这一主题,结合听、说、读、写的训练达到熟悉话题表述,语言熟练应用,能运用所学知识就环境问题展开讨论,在口头上和笔头上阐述自己的观点,达到语言输出的目的。 “热身”(Warming up)部分,运用图片导入法,通过对所展示图片的讨论,引出环境保护、拯救地球的主题,初步了解学生对现状、原因、解决办法的掌握程度,并通过提问了解学生对本单元学习内

2、容、学习策略、学习途径的愿望,以便教师及时调整其后课堂教学的内容、难度、和深度的把握。 “听力”训练由两大部分组成,分别安排在“听力”(Listening)和“综合技能”(Integrating Skills)两个部分。前者又由两部分组成,第一部分为纪念“世界地球日”活动上的讲话,阐述了保护水资源的必要性和紧迫性。第二部分围绕保护水资源的主题,介绍了如何保护水资源的具体措施;后者,作为综合语言运用部分,听力内容主要为其后的写作作为铺垫,除了敏锐捕捉语言信息以外,学生还需要了解发言稿的开篇、论证、以及结束。 “阅读”(Reading)着重介绍世界地球峰会的由来,详细描述了2002年南非约翰内斯堡

3、地球峰会的召开情况,展示了“可持续发展”这一主题,会上大多数代表所涉及的“世界三大杀手(被污染了的饮用水、简陋的卫生设备和空气污染,以及贫困、战争、和暴乱,指出世界的顺利发展,取决于各国的和平相处、互相合作、互相促进、共同进步,最后文章还阐述了世界地球峰会的作用和意义。 “语言学习”(Language Study)要求学生利用构词法的知识,灵活运用词形变化进行正确运用,在第二部分要求学生正确辨别ly结尾词的词性。 “语法”(Grammar)通过对倒装形式的总结,全面了解倒装的具体结构和应用,结合句型转换和选词填空练习,帮助学生掌握这一语法现象。 “综合技能”(Integrating skill

4、s)采用高一课本中未曾出现过的展示方式,选用听力方式展示写作模式,通过口头讨论等方式,巩固学生对本单元知识的掌握,从而有效地指导学生进行写作练习, 并通过Unit 2中的checklist对所写的书面表达进行修改。 教案范例 Period 1 Warming up, listening and Speaking I. Goals:To maw pollution anduaughouworld and encouragd solubl2. To encouragactivalevant vocabulaTo develop Ss speaking by practicing supportin

5、g aII. Teaching proceduWarming uGreetings 2. Talk abouuPudents aures to assuw serioulluand aquabouures. Q1: What can youures? How dappen? Q2: What caublem? Q3: What are the biggest problems facing the earth? Why do you? Q4: Have you ever dg badv? Q5: Can you givxamples that happenedles daily life an

6、d is badv? Step 2 ListeningLeadandle are realizing the damage that is being dvand learning more and more harm thavdoing to our human inhabit. People are celebrating International Earth Day, when vaactivities are held so thale will be involved in env2. While-listening LPart 1 and answer the q

7、u)Wgiving? 2)What dus problem is? 3)What day that we should do about it? 4)What do youwill say next? LPart 2 and fillblanks with what Ss hear. Argument 1: We should _. We must _. We should _. If we _, we _.Argument 2; _ Problem: _ Solutions: _ 3. Post-listening Pair work: Infer whaak

8、er will say next, list labove one and shawartner and the claGroup work: Discuss with group members abouasures that we may taa; animals; grassland. AdelivvakingTalking about what Ss caure. (1) (2) Q1: What is being piledure 1? Q2: What can coal be used for? Q3: What is being givingwor

9、kshop? Q4: What is being polluted? Evas two sides. It is true with coal, wa valuable resource that can be used to produce energy, but it can also cauus pollu2. Group work: A debate Coal is/isnt a valuable resouA businessmanAn envalAA localA local leader Period 2 Reading Welarth SuI. Goals:Tudents un

10、derstandingx2. To gudgrasp the detailed informaxTo enabludawords and exTo improvudents reading abilityII. Teaching proceduWarming uAudqud with polluQ1: Did you use to go swimming in a river when you were young? What abouldren today? Why not? Q2: Do you use one-while having fast food? Q3: How do you

11、deal wlastic bags? Q4: What do youair today? Q5: What do youlabetwdevelopment andllution? Step 2 Pre-readingDiscuReadle and discuss in pairs what problems will be discussed at the su(Ale stablems relatedarth will be discussed at the summit, like air, wadesert, grassland, etc) 2. PredGroup work: Fill

12、art with whadict about what each paxt will be abouIntroduBodluProblem-solving Go through the whole passage and compare whose gulassagFind the answwo quQ1: When and where was the Earth Summit held? (In 2002 in Johannesburg in South Africa.) Q2: Wattendedg? What did he say? (Premier Zhu Rongji;dd for

13、quality and faworld. )While-readingIndividual wGudad the text carefully and audanswllowing quwn wordQ1: What wag held in 1972 about ? Q2: Whats the maarth Summit? Q3: Do you know the big three? What are they? Q4: Where do you think usually has the big three? Why? Q5: What does global develan nowaday

14、s? What should developeduntries actually do? Q6: Whats the ularth Summit? Q7: Whatuture? As a student, what should you do? 2. ReadingationIntroductionNameThe Earth SuWhenIn 2002 WhereJohannesburg, south Africa ThemeSustainable develHowue developing the world without damaging the envBody The “big thr

15、ee”Contaminated drinking water; 20% Poor sanitation: Air pollution:llion deaths; in rural areas in developing couGlobal developmentEquality Each country takes paFaInternational cooperation Rich couluntries; Pdeveloping countries; Possible sustainable devellusion to understand the existi

16、ng serious probl2.theres stillake aange the way we live to save the eaare learning “earth issues” 5.a plad soluutuPost-readingRetelling Suu wgirl who attended the Earth Sull whaard and saw at the Summit. Begin with “Hello, evIm the luckiest girl to attend the 2002 Earth Suannesburg. Now lll you abou

17、t the summit. ” 2. Interviewwairs, playing the role of a newspaattendadattending the Earth Summit. Finallacher invairs to act ouview 2. Desigg Earth SuGroup work: Task: Prepag Earth SuArrangement: S1: organiza2: Prepau:dia: Attendants invited S5: budg: Transportation accommodaHavaraugrouPeriod 3Lang

18、uage Study Grammar I. Goals:To glearn and mausagw words and the useful exu2. To enablgrasp the grammar: InvII. Teaching procedures:Warming uGreetings 2.Play a guessing game:are showand eaaraphraw word. Divide the claur groups. Ss are encouraged to guword as quickly as possible. This galarge Ss vocab

19、ula(1) To make a place or substance dirty and dangerous by adding(2) To make aatement giving only the maation anddetails of a pla(3) The situaxbeing(4) Auawle have the same rights, advantag(5) To ddbeing attacked (6) To dat produces aang(7) .Behavior thaded to hulally (8).Not right or fair (9).Sth t

20、hat you cado or uadlse contaminate, summaverty, equality, defend, affect; violence, unfair, alternative )lllowingwwordbracket, usingAccordingvas become a major _ worldwidve children before age five ddiseases caused by envalblems. ( kill ) 2. Iuse has bading at a(n) _ speeda. “Have you surfed? has be

21、come agreeting thaaditional “ Have you eaten? ( alarm )The word “netizen”, which means awho uI“net” and “_”. ( city )Duringviewung man asked aboub _ as a sales manager. (ble)How ma_ will bational meetinglm, Sweden? ()The people who listenedwd by the _villagers. ( suffer )It wales _ to work hard and

22、well thad( willing ) ( possible answers: killer, alarmingbilatives, suffering, willingness )languagand useful exAttend: 出席,上(大学等),照料 To go to an event such as a meetingg: Onlle attendedg. To go regularly to a school, chug: All children betwagand 16 must attend school. To look aally becauare ill eg:

23、The nurse attended the patient daily.attend to sb/sth 处理,照应 eg: I may be late I have gwo things to attendAre you being attended to in a shop? Then dxabldistingullowing words: attend / join / take part in / join sbx: Fillblanks wxgivHell _ aagw. 2. Almost all the teams in our school _ the basketball

24、maw_ the army after graduaWell _ social activities during the summer vacaThey didnt _ the weddingI _ the party last yeaur headmaster will _ us _ the discua( possible answers: attendake part in, attend, joined) 2. ta: 作笔记,记录 take action: 采取行动 Eg: Do you talectures? He sat quietlakingarefully. TaThe p

25、oladeal wg immediately. The medicine will not take averal hou开始起作用,见效,生效 The pill taas soon as you swallowtake tutake measures/take place take care take medtatake cold tatake sidg: You always takes sides wwithout even listening: 1). n. 内容,目录 (常作 s ) ; 容量,容积 Eg:a ba tablLook uat the beginningba buan

26、usual2). Adj. 满足的,满意的 bdbwlf wHe is quwatch TV for houIm vwith my life aAs theres no butter we muurselves with dry bread. access: 进入,接近 Eg: The dead-endwaly aAuntain-towdifficult becaubad roadave a: Eg: Twle on earth do not have alean drinking waavat you can ug: The public dont have aga place Not un

27、til we know more will we be ablvuaUntil 的三种句式 I didnt go to bed untilame back. ( 陈述句 ) v Not untilame back did I go to bed. ( 倒装句 ) It was not untilame back that I went to bed. ( 强调句 )直到她母亲把一切对杰克和盘托出,杰克才明白她为什么跟自己生气。 1).Jack didnt understand why she was angry wuntilld him everything. 2).Not untilld h

28、im everything did Jack understand why she was angry w).It was not untilld him everything that Jack understood why she was angry wA better understandingvary, awillingaAs 此处的用法与so相同。 Eg: He is a patriot, as are his bDavid works hard, as do his classmaHarry is unusually tall, as aHe believed, as did hi

29、s family, that you were telling the truWith better educale will be able to build a barmony watuarmony with 与- 协调 ,和谐 Eg: The colaarmony wgHund himself in harmony ww co-wur suggaarmony waperhaps put an enddeath and suffering caused by the bigut an end to 结束,毁掉 Eg: Winningut an endancial problThe disc

30、ussion was put an end to by his sudden arrival. The wind put an endwipe out : 擦洗- 的内部,去除,消灭To made clean Eg: wipe ouTo dve, or get ridletely Eg: wipe ous major military targHalulation was wiped out by this diseaal ) to make you feel extremely tired Eg: The heat had wiped us out. And if povless of a

31、problem and people are better educateda good chance that we will see -a good chance ( that ) - “有 可能发生某事 ”Eg: Ta good chance that Illww. Ta good chance ( that ) he will be gone baffect: vt.影响,感动,(疾病)侵袭:n. 影响,效果,作用 Eg: This country was affected by draugThe amount of rain agrowThe sight affectedaIt may bllThis accide

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