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Treasure Island《金银岛1990》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

1、Treasure Island金银岛1990完整中英文对照剧本The squire and Dr. Livesey.长官和利夫西医生. having asked me to write down the particulars of Treasure Island.一直嘱咐我把金银岛的细节写出来. leaving nothing out but the bearings of the island itself.除了它的位置外 什么都不要遗漏 . and that only because there is still treasure not yet lifted.毕竟还有些财宝尚未起获I

2、go back to the time when my mother and I kept the Admiral Benbow Inn.回首往事 那时我和母亲经营着本鲍将军旅店. and the brown, old seaman with a saber cut.那位褐色皮肤、脸上有一道刀疤的老水手. first took up lodging under our roof.也就在那时住进了我们店里Open the door, will you? Open the door!开下门!开门!Go away! Were closed.走开!我们已经打烊了Open the door, you l

3、ubberly swab, or by thundering.开门 你这个蠢女人 遭天谴的Throw that cutlass away this instant.马上扔掉你的刀What do you want?你想干什么?Good evening, missus.晚上好 太太Lad.年轻人Will you not put up your musket?你能不能把枪放下?Im just a simple sailor seeking lodgings.我只是个普通的水手 想找个住的地方Just so?没别的吗?This looks like a conveniently situated gr

4、ogshop.你这里看起来位置不错 很方便You have much company here, lad, do you?年轻人 生意不错吧No, sir. No one hardly ever comes in here since Father died.不 先生 自从家父过世以后 已经很少有人光顾了Shh. Ha, ha.嘘! 哈哈Then this heres the place for me, matey.这么说来 这里正合适我 朋友!And what might we call you, sir?怎么称呼你 先生?If were to put up with the likes o

5、f you under our roof.似乎我们得忍♥耐我家招牌上那种人了You may call me captain, maam.你就叫我船长好了 夫人Captain Billy Bones at your service.比利伯恩斯船长为你效劳Im a plain man, maam.我这人很随和 夫人Rum, bacon and breads what I want.朗姆酒、熏肉加面包 足之够也And that headland down the road there to watch ships off of.再逛逛海边 看看船来船往Here, matey.接着!朋友

6、Tell me when Ive worked my way through that, will you?要是花光了 只管招呼一声便是He stayed with us long after his gold had run out.那以后他一直赖着我们 那些钱很快就花光了But none of us had the courage to ask for more.可是我们谁都不敢向他开口要All day, he hung around the cove or upon the cliffs with a brass telescope.他成天拿着黄铜望远镜 到小海湾和悬崖上去. gazin

7、g out over the waves.直勾勾地盯着海面. as if he feared something were coming for him from the sea.仿佛担忧海的那头会有些什么冲他而来All evening, he would drink rum and water very strong.每个晚上 他都拼命喝酒. looking up fierce when spoken to.跟人说话时 眼露凶光His stories and songs were all about hanging and piracy.他讲的故事 哼的歌♥ 都是些绞刑啊海盗啊

8、. and wild deeds on the Spanish Main.以及那些西属美洲的疯狂往事None of us suspected then, of course.当然 我们那时谁都没有想过. how our lives would be changed by them forever.我们的生活会因此而永远地改变Jim, here. Have you seen a seafaring man.吉姆 过来 你有没有见过一个瘸腿的水手?.with one leg, Jim? - No, sir.先生 我没见过BONES: Keep a weather eye open, Jim, fo

9、r a seafaring man.吉姆 帮我留心一个瘸腿的水手I will give you a silver fourpenny each week, you understand that?每周我就给你四便士的银币 懂吗?Aye. See, youve told me, captain, but I havent seen one yet.是的 船长 您倒是说过不少次了 可是我现在一个子儿都没见过Dr. Livesey. Hello, Jim.利夫西医生您好 你好 吉姆Ah. Dr. Livesey.啊 利夫西医生Good evening, Mrs. Hawkins.晚上好 霍金斯太太E

10、vening, doctor.您好 医生And how are you feeling, Mrs. Hawkins? Better, I trust.感觉如何 霍金斯太太?相信您好些了Oh, yes, doctor. Thanks to your visit.噢 是的医生 您的光临让寒舍蓬荜生辉Fifteen men on a dead mans chest棺材岛上还活着十五个家伙Drink to the devil And had done for the rest其他人都死于酗酒和恶魔了Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum哟嗬嗬嗬哟嗬嗬 再来一瓶朗姆酒Give me r

11、um, you hear?来一瓶酒 听见没有?Give us rum, goddamn you!拿酒来 该死的!Rum, its feed and drink to the likes of me! Rum, good laddie.我拿朗姆当饭吃 拿酒来 年轻人!Mrs. Hawkins, I once prescribed a draft for Squire Trelawney.霍金斯太太 有一次我给特里劳尼长官开了药方He had the gout, you know. And his man, Joyce, swore he would see him take it.他有痛风症 他

12、的仆人乔伊斯发誓要督促他服下去But the squire. Silence!但这位长官呢 安静!Silence between decks to here.从吧台到我这儿 都给我安安静静的!Were you addressing me, sir?先生 你在说我吗?I was indeed, sir.你还挺有自知之明 先生Have you something to say about that?有什么意见吗?I have only one thing to say to you, sir.先生 我只奉劝你一句If you keep on drinking rum.如果你一直这么喝下去.the

13、world will soon be quit of a very dirty scoundrel.很快这个世界就会少一个无赖了Youre a whistler.你个乌鸦嘴Captain.船长Ill take none of that from the likes of you nor any other lubberly swab.我才不买♥♥你这种人的账 你们这些蠢货You call me captain or Im gonna pin you to the wall with this cutlass.乖乖叫我一声我船长 不然我就用这把刀把你钉在墙上.and

14、hang you from the yard by your thumbs and use you for musket practice.吊在院子里 给我当枪靶Now, you hear me.你给我听好了If you do not put down that cutlass this instant.奉劝你马上放下刀 否则的话.I promise you, upon my honor that Ill have you drawn up at the next assizes.我用我的名誉担♥保♥ 下一次巡回审判一定把你揪出来I am not a doctor

15、only, but a magistrate.别忘了我不只是个医生 我还是这里的治安官And now I know there is such a fellow in my district.而现在我发现了 我的辖区里有一只害群之马And if I catch so much as a breath of complaint against you.但凡我听到有人说你半个不字.Ill have you hunted down and hanged like t he dog you are.我一定会穷追猛打 让你永无翻身之地Let that suffice.好话不说第二遍Well, I say

16、, Mrs. Hawkins, the squire is a clever fellow.接着说 霍金斯夫人 长官是位明白人What might I get for you, sir?您需要什么 先生?Rum, sonny.朗姆酒 小家伙Rum will do.朗姆酒就行Is this here a table for my mate, Bill?是不是给我的比尔兄弟留的位子?I dont know your mate Bill, sir. This tables for the captain.我不认识您的比尔兄弟 先生 这是留给船长的Ah.哦Right, because now Bill

17、 would be called captain, aye.对 比尔现在叫船长了Now.那么.is my mate, Bill, in this here house?我的比尔兄弟现在在吗?No, sir. Hes out walking.不在 先生 他出门散步去了Back soon?是否很快回来?Yes, sir.他会的 先生Wheres your mother, boy? Shes not here.孩子 你母亲呢? 她不在Shes in the village. To market.她到集市上去了 买♥♥东西去了Just as well.很好All right

18、.唔Thisll be a pleasant surprise for my mate, Bill.对我的比尔兄弟来说 这肯定是个惊喜Good as drink.像酒一样令人惊喜You know, I have a young nipper of my own.告诉你 我也有个小子Its like you is two blocks.跟你像一个模子刻出来的And hes all the pride of my yards.他是我的骄傲But a great thing for boys.但对小孩子来说 最要紧的是.is discipline.要循规蹈矩Discipline?循规蹈矩?Aye.没

19、错Discipline.循规蹈矩Right. Would you step in here and surprise old Bill.好啊!你过来 我们来给老比尔一个惊喜Billy Bones.比利伯恩斯!Come, Bill, you know your old shipmate, surely.比尔 还记得你的老搭档吧Black Dog? Aye.你是黑狗? 没错Black Dog as ever was.一如既往的黑狗Come for to see his old mate, Bill.看望老搭档比尔来了Now, look here.看看你Youve run me down here.

20、不远千里追到这里来Here I am.我不就在这里么Now, what you want, Dog?黑狗 你想要什么?You speak up, will you?说来听听啊?Ah? Thats you, Bill.嗯?你还是老样子Ill just have a glass of rum from this dear child here.我向这个好小子要一杯朗姆Youll join me, wont you?一起喝一杯 如何?Now, well sit down and talk square, like old shipmates.咱们坐下来叙叙旧 重温旧时光嘛Wheres the cha

21、rt, Bill?比尔 那张图在哪儿?No. No, no!别妄想 别妄想!Well swing. Swing once, swing all, say I.我们会发大财的 大财要大家一起来发That werent Flints way, no sir.那不是弗林特的风格 不Flints dead, God damn him. Aye.弗林特死了 这就是上帝的诅咒 没错Aye. That he is, mate, dead and damned.没错 兄弟 他是死了 他该死All I wants the chart, Bill.比尔 我只想要那张图All Im askings whats ri

22、ghtfully ours.我只想要回属于我们的东西Our lawful shares.我们合理合法的那一份Damn your lawful shares and damn you too.去你的合理合法 去你的!Rum, Jim.拿酒来 吉姆!Rum, boy.孩子 拿酒来!Oh, God.噢 天哪Are you hurt?你受伤了吗?Its rum I need, Jim.吉姆 我要酒!Give us rum, will you?拜托你 拿酒来Ah. I needed that.唉 酒是我的命啊I must get away from here, Jim before they have

23、the black spot on me.吉姆 在他们给我黑券之前 我得离开这里了That black what? Spot, Jim.什么券? 黑券Its a summons.那是个最后通牒The lubbers will be going around by now to get their wind of me.那些痞子会开始到处找我What lubbers are those, captain?船长 那些都是什么人?Ah, its Flints men, as like as not. Black Dog, Blind Pew.十有八♥九♥是弗林特的人 比如

24、黑狗 瞎子皮尤Its my old sea chest theyre after, macky.他们想要我的水手箱Now, you look here, Jim.吉姆 你听好了If they should slip me the spot, you get on a horse.如果他们真的送来黑券 你赶紧骑马.and you go and fetch that infernal swab of a doctor.去找那个讨厌的鬼医生You tell him why Im the only one that has it.告诉他 为什么只有我有那个箱子Has what? Oh.有什么? 噢Fl

25、int gave it to me as he was lying, dying in some island.当年在一个岛上 弗林特临死前给我的For the love of God, boy, give me some rum, will you?看在上帝的份上 孩子 给我拿点儿酒来Will you?拿酒来啊Whos there?谁?Jim Hawkins. What do you want?吉姆霍金斯 您有何吩咐?Would some kind friend tell a poor, blind man.好心人 我又老又瞎 能不能告诉我为什么命运偏偏.whats lost the sig

26、ht of his eyes in the service of King George, God bless him.让我失明 毫不怜悯我多年效忠乔治陛下噢!天佑吾皇.in what part of the country he might now be?能否告诉我 我现在在什么地方?Youre at the Admiral Benbow Inn.这里是本鲍将军旅馆Oh, yes.噢 来对地方了Give me your hand, my kind young friend.过来扶我一把 好心的年轻人Lead me in.领我进去吧Now, boy, you take me to the ca

27、ptain. I darent.小子 现在你带我去见船长! 我不敢You take me in straight, and as soon as Im in view, you cries out.你直接带我去就行 一旦他看见我 你就大喊Heres a friend of yours, Bill.比尔 你的老朋友来了Yes, yes, oh, yes.来了 来了 噢!我来了Captain Bones.伯恩斯船长Blind Pew. Yes.瞎子皮尤! 正是Come for you at last, Billy.比利 终于找到你了Now.如今.business is business, Mr.

28、Bones.伯恩斯先生 咱们公事公办Sit right where you are.你坐着别动!Hold out your hand.伸出你的手Boy, take his left hand and bring it near my right.孩子 抓着他的左手 递给我的右手Yes.好了And now thats done.这样就行了Oh, yes.噢 行了Its a spot, Jim.吉姆 黑券来了Its the black spot, lad.孩子 这就是索命符You have till 10:00.你的大限 10点整Thats two hours.只剩下两个小时了Well have

29、them yet, Jim.吉姆 我们还有时间Get me a top of rum, will you?给我一瓶朗姆酒 好吗?Here, lad, its.给你 孩子 这个就是Its for the sea chest.水手箱的钥匙For the old sea chest, boy.就是那个旧的水手箱 孩子What chest? Mother.什么箱子? 母亲!Whats been happening here, Jim?发生什么事了 吉姆?Is he dead?难道他死了?Aye, dead.是的 死了Being in his cups again, I shouldnt wonder.准又是喝得烂醉Now, what about this chest?现在告诉我 箱子是怎么回事?He owes me money.他还欠我钱呐!Mother, the captain said we have the devil to pay and no pitch hot.母亲 船长说会我们马上会有恶人来访They tipped him the black spot.他们给他送了一个索命符That what?什么符?Stop talking nonsense and open the chest.不要废话了 开箱子吧If theres money i

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