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1、一年级上册英语Module9教案外研版一年级上册英语Module9教案(2013外研版) 潍坊外国语学校小学_英语_时备教学内容(题)9U1-1 H ld are u? 型Ne教 学 方 法导入法、游戏教学法前准备电子本、教学目标1、学习目标语句H ld are u ?I ure 2、能口头运用H ld are u?I询问对方的年龄并回答。 3、能在图片提示下识别单词ld、l等词,学习本的歌曲,让学生根据自己的情况选择学习与掌握。 教学重难点能用H ld are u询问对方的年龄,并能用I 作回答。教 学 过 程一、热身复习 GreetingsT: Are u happ? S: es T: L

2、ets begin ur lass Stand up Hell, bs and girls S: Hell, iss a T: H are u tda? S: I fine, and u? T: Ver ell, thans Sit dn, please S: Than u 2 Revisin (Sh the pitures) T: hats this? S: Its a penil T: hats this? S: Its a pen T: ell dne! D u reeber the hant? S: es T: ! Lets sing。3、带领学生唱学过的英歌Pen and penil

3、 二、导入 对学生的表现进行鼓励表扬。然后针对内容向学生提问用卡片、手询问H an dgs? H an ats? H an fingers? 生答导入新,学了英数字,除了问物品的多少,我们还可以用英数字谈论年龄。问“你几岁?”、答“我九岁了” 该怎么用英语说呢?这就是我们今天要学习的新。板书题 H ld are u?让学生跟读几次,明白中意思。这样的导入既简明也对启发学生理解H ld的意思起到一定作用,师对学生说 “大家知道Daing的多大了吗?今天的手工上,大家都在制作年龄牌。Daing闹了一个小笑话,我们一起去看看吧。三、 教学 1、播放录音前,请学生仔细看书上的图,并试着猜测故事的情节。

4、有的学生可能会提出一些疑问,请学生带着疑问听录音。 2、老师可以在听录音前向学生提出一些具体的问题,请学生在听的同时找出问题答案。例如 “H ld is Sa?H ld is Daing?hat are the hildren ding?h are the hildren laughing at Daing?”老师再使用中重复这些问题。 3、播放录音,听过第一遍录音后,老师可以请几个较好的学生试着回答刚才的问题,老师先不要公布正确答案。请学生看着书听第二遍录音。请刚才没有找到问题答案的学生再次回答问题。 4、老师请学生以小组为单位,找出问题的正确答案。Sa is nineDaing is ni

5、ne,tThe are aing age badges,He ears his age badge upside dn 学生可以使用中回答后两个问题回答正确的学生由老师给予适当的奖励、再听几遍录音,请学生跟读6、老师教读并讲解全。再让生齐读全 在自由朗读,最后请学生以小组为单位表演,请几个小组到教室前面展示。6、学生操练H ld are u? I 四、 练习巩固 1、At it ut把学生分为多人小组,仿照书上的事例使用“H ld are u?I ”进行关于年龄的问答。着重强调相同的岁数最后要使用t(可多请几个小组)2、Sing the sng :先让学生读歌曲,理解大意,着重理解H ld a

6、re u and H are u。播放歌曲,让学生整体感受音乐,再轻声跟唱,反复几次后,齐唱歌曲。3、Gae仿照书上的事例开展游戏,复习数字110,老师也可以使用“Sa sas”的形式开展这个游戏。首先请全班学生逐个报数,可以重复。当每个学生都知道自己的数字后,老师开始发出口令。例如 “Sa sas2 4 6 and 10 stand up please”数字为2 4 6 10的学生要站起。如果老师的口令中没有“Sin sas”,而学生错误地执行了口令,他们就要被罚出局。老师可以请被罚出局的学生发出口令。坚持到最后的学生获胜,由老师给予奖励。 设计意图:在做游戏的过程当中,为学生提供实践交流与

7、合作的机会,提高学生学习的兴趣,活跃堂气氛,而且能复习大量的英单词。此活动强调准确、快速、合作。将男女同学分开,可以在教学过程中进行学习竞争,提高学生学习的积极性。五、堂小结1、本节学习了用英语谈论年龄的知识,怎么说H ld are u? I 2、这节 小组表现很好, 同学回答很积极给与奖励,让我们鼓掌祝贺他们。作业设计Read the text 2 ties板书设计9U1 H ld are u?H ld are u?I教学反思潍坊外国语学校小学_英语_时备教学内容(题)9U1-2 H ld are u? 型Ne教 学 方 法导入法、游戏教学法前准备电子本、教学目标1、学习目标语句H ld a

8、re u ?I ure 2、能口头运用H ld are u?I询问对方的年龄并回答。 3、能在图片提示下识别单词ld、l等词,学习本的歌曲,让学生根据自己的情况选择学习与掌握。 教学重难点能用H ld are u询问对方的年龄,并能用I 作回答。教 学 过 程I、 ar-UP1、GreetingT: lass beginsSs: Stand up, please!T: Gd rning, bs and girlsSs: Gd rning, ,iss aT : Please sit dn!2、出示卡片,复习上节所学的单词3、Revisin (有层次复习数字,由浅入深)1) T: N, tae u

9、t ur fingers Lets unt (师生一起数数,从1到10,再从10到1)2)T: N, unt, (教师拍手),h an?(教师拍手,让学生数次数,并进行抢答。)3) T: N , I sa , u lap hands?(教师说英语数字,学生进行拍手) 4)T: Next, lets l at the srea T: hats this? /H an bs?(1 b , girls, 3pens, 8dgs,9bies ) 做算术 教师通过多媒体呈现算术题,让学生直接报出得数即可。 如:1+1= 10-2= 6+3= II、 Presentatin1、 I教师戴Daing 头饰,

10、跟学生打招呼 T: Hell, everne! Ss: Hell, Daing 2、H ld are u T: L, Daing is ing D u n h ld is Daing?(你知道Daing几岁了吗?你该怎么问他呢?) T: Let e tell u H ld are u?(板书 H ld are u? 你几岁了?”) T: Fll e ,h ld are u?(通过和H are u的比较认识)领读组读开火车读 T: h an as Daing? H ld are u , Daing? S1: H ld are u , Daing? T: I sixT: Tgether ,I si

11、x (跟读这个句子,齐读,男女生读)3、r in pairT: Hell, *,h ld are u?Ss: Hell, I six H ld are u?T: lever N , lets tal in pairs(同桌小朋友互相问)T: hih pair? Hands up!(抽几组进行对话操练,进行评价)4、T: Hell, h ld are u?S1: I six T: h is six, t? Stand up! T: S e an sa: I six, t (板书 “I six, t 我也九岁了“) (教师让所有站着的同学跟读“I six, t “) T: Hell , h ld

12、are u? Are u six? S2: N T: H ld are u? S2: I seven T: Than u N , h is seven, t? Stand up! (教师让所有站着的同学说“I seven, t“)III、Pratie1、Listen and repeatT: N , pen ur bs and turn t P01 请大家先仔细地看书,他们在说什么? S1:他们在互相问彼此的年龄。 T: Right Lets listen t the tape , then anser questinIV、nslidatin1、互问年龄2、问小动物年龄T:那个同学问小狗的年龄

13、?(出示)3、游戏:老鹰捉小鸡。老师戴上老鹰的头饰,再选一名同学当鸡妈妈,其他组员戴上自己准备的小鸡头饰站好,师生一起玩老鹰捉小鸡的游戏,被老鹰抓到的小鸡要回答老鹰提出的问题,如果回答正确将再得到一次回到鸡妈妈怀抱的机会,否则将被告老鹰吃掉。问题: T : Gd rning! B/girl hat is u nae? S: nae is * T: H are u? S: I a fine , than u T: H ld are u? S: I a 作业设计背诵0页活动二。板书设计9U1 H ld are u?H ld are u?I教学反思潍坊外国语学校小学_英语_时备教学内容(题)9U2-

14、1Happ birthda! 型Ne教 学 方 法导入法、游戏教学法前准备、电子本教学目标学会表达祝贺生日的日常用语。Happ birthda Than u ure eleAfr u让学生感受英语的实用性,培养学生运用语言能力。教学重难点Than u ure eleAfr u教 学 过 程Step 1: arer1Tell the students t dra this grid2Have the rite a different nuber in eah square The nubers ust be beteen 1 and 103N tell the students that u a

15、re ging t pla a gae alled bing u are ging t all ut nubers If the students have thse nubers, the rss the ff their grid4The first student t rss ff all six nubers alls ut “ bing” and he / she is the innerStep 2: Revisinr in pairT: Hell, *,h ld are u?Ss: Hell, I seven H ld are u?T: I 22(板书22)T: lever N

16、, lets tal in pairs(同桌小朋友互相问)T: hih pair? Hands up!(抽几组进行对话操练,进行评价) Step 3: Presentatin1Tda is Sas birthda Se friends sent se presents t Sa hat d the sa? Let the lass thin a inute2pen their bs and pla the assette The hildren listen and fll in their bs3Pla the assette again, pausing after eah utteran

17、e fr the hildren t pint at the rrespnding piture4Pla the assette again This tie pause fr the lass t repeat eah utterane Enurage the lass t perfr atins as the repeatIn pairs, pratie these sentenes re and reStep 4: Pratie1As the hildren hat is happening in the piture, and hat the a sing at the tie2Enu

18、rage the hildren t sing the eld f the birthda sng r sing in hinese 3Teah the hildren t sing the birthda sng in EnglishStep : nslidatin ae a birthda ae1As the hildren t stud the piture first2Teah the hildren h t ae a birthda bae3Enurage the strnger pupils t rite dn the sentene n the ae ver作业设计Read th

19、e text 2 ties板书设计9U2 Happ birthda!Than uure eleAfr u教学反思潍坊外国语学校小学_英语_时备教学内容(题)9U2-2Happ birthda! 型Ne教 学 方 法导入法、情景教学法前准备、电子本、物品教学目标学会表达祝贺生日的日常用语。Happ birthda Than u ure eleAfr u让学生感受英语的实用性,培养学生运用语言能力。教学重难点Than u ure eleAfr u教 学 过 程Step 1: arerRepeat the hant fr dule 8: The fx and the frgThen pla ands

20、 all hildren t the frnt f the lass t all ut the ands the n n The rest f the lass respnds Inlude pint t the! Stand up! Sit dn! Pass the! pen the!Step 2: Revisinve arund the lass and as students “H ld are u?” hen the anser, pint t the student and sa “u are”N ntinue the ativit but have the students as

21、and anser the questin and ae the stateent hse t petent students and have the ndut the dialgue n pletin, have all the students ntinue the ativit in sall grupsStep 3: Presentatin教师介绍说:“同学们,今天正好是某某同学的生日,让我们为他唱一首生日歌,怎么样?”师生齐唱:Happ birthda t u Happ birthda t u Happ birthda dear Happ birthda t u 唱完生日歌之后,教

22、师要引导过生日的同学对全班同学说:“Than u !”师这时从讲台下面拿出一个精美的礼物,对今天过生日的某某同学说:“Happ birthda ! A pen fr u”引导该学生说:“Than u !”教师回答:ure ele教师对班里学生说:“同学们,你们想对某某同学说什么呢?送什么礼物呢?引导学生用自己的语言表达自己的祝愿。在此同时,充分练习句子:Happ birthda !A fr uThan u !ure eleStep 4: Listen and sa Then hantDra the hildrens attentin t the piture in their Students

23、 B As the hildren hat the b is ding Teah and denstrate the rd buneSa the hant r pla the assette This hant praties the sund / b / ie buning a ball t ephasise the rhthTeah the hildren the hant line b lineExplain the eaning f the hant Dra their attentin t the piture again t illustrate the eaningRepeat

24、the hant 2 r 3 ties Step : nslidatin ( D and sa)Instead f getting the students t give pitures f bets, have the bring sall ites fr he r use real lassr betsNte that if the bring things fr he, ae sure thse ites are nt valuable and ensure that the students have their parents perissin Step6:D exerises1Li

25、sten and irlePla the assette r read the text The hildren listen arefull and l at eah piture The then irle either bet arding t hat the hear Then pla the send part f the rerding s that the hildren an he their ansersTape sript1) A b fr u, SaThan u u are ele2) A pen fr u, AThan u u are ele 3) A penil fr

26、 u, DaingThan u u are ele4) An eraser fr u, Lingling Than u u are ele) A bx fr u, s SartThan u u are ele6) A ball fr u, Panpan Than u u are ele, Panpan2D and sa1) Have the students l at the t pitures and desribe hat is happening2) Get the students t read the t exaple dialgues in pairs3) N have the s

27、tudents identif the ites at the tp f the page4) Have eah student get a b, bag, pen and penil and put it n the des) Have ne student stand up Pi up his / her penil and sa A penil fr u The student shuld respnd Than u6) D re exaples ith ther individual students7) Get the students t ntinue the ativit in

28、pairs The students shuld tae it in turns t return an bet t its ner3ae1) As the hildren t stud the pitures first2) Teah the hildren h t ae a birthda ard3) Enurage the strnger pupils t rite dn the sentene n the ard ver作业设计背诵3页。板书设计9U2 Happ birthda!Than uure eleAfr u教学反思 潍坊外国语学校小学_英语_时备教学内容(题)9 型Revie教

29、 学 方 法导入法、游戏教学法前准备、电子本教学目标复习询问对方年龄的日常交际用语和表达祝贺生日的日常用语。教学重难点能用H ld are u询问对方的年龄,并能用I 作回答。Happ birthdaThan u ure ele Afr u教 学 过 程一、Greeting T: Gd rning bs and girls S:Gd ring ,teaher T: H are u? S:I fine,H are u? T:I fine ure great!(师分别向grup green, Grup ell,grup green,grup blue 问好) ar up<the gd rni

30、ng trains ing> T:grup is gd nEverbd stand upLets d a ar up ? S:”“ T: The gd rning trains ing h are u?S: (矗矗)the gd rning trains ing h are u?S:(矗矗) thf gd rning trains ing *3 h are u? Sa hell t teaher,h are u?S:H are u? Daing S:H are u? Lingling ,A S:H are u?(一边唱一边找完成作业好的同学上小火车) T:Teaher bees a tiger!I sa ne t three g ba t ur seat二、复习 1、听录音 2、听录音跟读 3、教师领读 4、请小老师领读 、生齐读。 6、生指读 7、背诵三、做练习听力练习和歌曲表演唱。四、模块总结五、小组检测 作业设计把9读1遍。板书设计H ld are u?IHapp birthda!Than uure eleAfr u

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