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Unit 4 Topic 3 What do you know about Mars 学案5仁爱版九年级上.docx

1、Unit 4 Topic 3 What do you know about Mars 学案5仁爱版九年级上 【学习目标】1.学习含有情态动词的被动语态;2.谈论外星人以及太空生活,学习表达可能和不可能的功能用语。【预习】一在文中找到并划出下面的短语 1.生活在火星_ 2.太空生活_3乘飞船旅行_4.在地球_5.将会有_6.将能够_ 7真有意思!_8.(梦想)实现_ 9为了了解人类文化_10我亲眼见到他们_11.观看这样的电影_12做科学研究_ 13.迫不及待做某事_14.造纸_【探究案】在文中划出下面的句子并分析 1.We will be able to do anything that ca

2、n be done on earth. 思考:that can be done on earth是_从句,修饰先行词_点拨:can be done - 能够/可以被做(带有情态动词的被动语态) 练习:a.这些树明天必须被栽种。These trees _ _ _ tomorrow.b.下课后应该擦黑板。The blackboard _ _ _ after class.2. They are reading information on the Internet in order to learn about human culture. 点拨:in order to (do) 为了 (后接目的状

3、语),否定形式 in order not to (do)链接:so that - 为了 (后接目的状语从句)练习: 1.为了通过考试,他每天学习十多个小时。_ _ _ _ fail the exam, he studied _ _ _ _ _ every day. 2.为了能赶上早班车今天早上他起床很早。He _ _ early _ _ he _ _ the early bus this morning.3.I dont think aliens can be found in space. 点拨: 主语(第一人称)+think/suppose/believe/imagine/expect,后

4、面宾语从句中的否定词not要前移到主句,即_ 注意:这种含有否定前移复合句的反意疑问句部分要与从句一致 我认为明天不会下雨,是不是?I _ _ it _ _ tomorrow, _ _?4.I wont believe there are aliens until I see them with my own eyes. 点拨: notuntil直到才(until引导了时间状语从句),要遵循主将从现原则对比:until 和notuntil 分析:a.They kept waiting for her until she came back. _ b.They didnt leave until

5、 she came back. 译:_总结:until前面主句的谓语动词是_; notuntil前面主句的谓语动词是_练习:1.昨天晚上直到完成作业我才睡觉。I _ go to bed _ I _ my homework last night. 2.明天我会一直等到你回来。I _ _ you _ you _ back tomorrow.按要求变化下列各句1. The question can be answered by him. (改为被动语态) He _ the question.2. He doesnt come here. I think. (合并成一句) I _ think he _

6、 here.3. They traveled to the moon by spaceship. (对画线部分提问) _ they travel to the moon?4. They had plenty of water on the bus. (改为否定句) They _water in the bus.5. The work must be finished by you. (改为一般疑问句) _ the work _ finished by you?按要求变化下列各句1. Scientific research should be done carefully. (改为一般疑问句)

7、_.2. Must the pet be looked after carefully? (做否定回答) _.3. The dog will be taken to the hospital. (改为否定句) _.4. These trees should be cared for by everyone. (对画线部分提问) _.5. Monkeys may be cloned by scientists some day. (对画线部分提问) _. Section B一、在文中找到并划出下面的短语 1发现新的事情_ 2掌握一些基本电脑技术_3在舞台上表演芭蕾_4.喜欢科学胜过舞蹈_5.将被

8、揭秘/发现_ 6.以为基础_7.月球之旅_ 8.go wrong_9.的开端_ 10.地球末日_【探究案】在文中划出下面的句子并分析1.I prefer science to dance. 点拨:prefer - 更喜欢= likebetter 总结:a. prefer sth. 和比较起来更喜欢b. prefer doing sth. to doing sth. - 和做某事比起来更喜欢做某事 c. prefer to do sth - 更喜欢做某事(一时性的) d. prefer doing sth. - 更喜欢做某事(长久性的)练习:a.和重庆比起来我更喜欢厦门。I _ X

9、iamen _ Chongqing. b.和游泳比起来我更喜欢滑冰。I prefer _ _ _. 2.I really admire them. 译:_点拨:admire sb. / sth. -钦佩,羡慕某人/某事 拓展:admire sb. for doing sth.- 钦佩某人做某事3.Lets work hard to make our dreams come true. 点拨:make sb./sth. do sth. - 使某人/某物做某事 思考:to make our drams come true在句中做_状语拓展:make sb. adj. 使某人处于某种状态; make

10、 sb. + 名词 使某人成为练习:a.不要让我等太久。Dont _ _ _ _ too long. b.那个消息使他们兴奋。The news _ _ _.4.Sams watch doesnt work. 译:_ 5.The trees are dying. 译:_ 思考:dying的原形_过去式_形容词_【归纳】I. 把下列各句改为被动语态1. The children must clean the blackboard after class. The blackboard _ by the children after class. 2. He should finish the wo

11、rk at once. The work _ by him at once. 3. Can you help him this afternoon? _ he _ by you this afternoon?4. You may check his homework at home. His homework _ at home. 5. You must write a letter to him tomorrow. A letter _ to him tomorrow.II. 汉译英 1. 我们要做我们能做的事情。 We will do _.2. 为了考试及格,他努力学习。 _ pass t

12、he exam, he works hard.3. 他从收音机里听天气预报吗。 Has he heard the weather report _?4. 我想将来会有越来越多的东西被发明。 I think more and more things _ in the future. 5. 老年人应该得到良好的照顾。 The old _.6. 这些病人应该送往医院吗? _ the patients _ the hospital?Section C【学习目标】了解更多关于火星的知识。【预习案】一、读1a的内容,完成1b 二 、在文中找到并划出下面的短语 named after Mars_

13、2.the Roman god of war_3.53% as wide as_4.相隔_5.覆盖火星的整个表面_ 6.仅仅36公斤重_7.和的2/5一样重 _8.彼此距离最近_9.搜寻更多信息_10.水的供应_11限制水的使用_12.更糟糕的是_13.进展顺利_14.的兴奋_【探究案】 在文中划出下面的句子并分析 1 Its diameter is 53 as wide as that of the earth. 点拨:as形容词/副词原级as 名词 - 像一样 思考:句中that指代_, 如果前面的名词是复数,用_指代 练习:a.我们学校像花园一样美。Our school is _ _ _

14、 a park.b.城市的楼比农村的高。The buildings in the city _ _than _ in the country.2.Mars goes around the sun at a distance of about 228 million kilometers. 点拨: at a distance of -相隔 拓展:at/from a distance - 在远处 3.The gravity on the surface of Mars is about two-fifths as strong as it is on earth.点拨:倍数词/分数/百分数as 形

15、容词或副词原级as是的几倍/几分之几/百分之几 练习:a.这个盒子是那个盒子的四倍重。 This box is _ _ _ _ _ that box. b.这个房间是那个房间的三分之一大。This room is _ _ _ _ _ that room.4.So a person who weighs 90 kilos on earth weighs only 36 kilos on Mars.点拨:a person who weighs 90 kilos on earth - 一个重达90公斤的人 思考:句中第一个weighs是_句的_; 第二个weighs是_句的_5. It takes

16、a spaceship about eight months to reach Mars from the earth when the two planets are closest to each other.同义句:A spaceship _ _ _ _ _ Mars from the earth when 点拨:be closest to- 离最近 拓展:离近_;离远_6.Scientists are still searching for more information about Mars. 点拨:search - 搜寻,搜索,搜查(动词) 拓展:search sb. / sth

17、 - 搜某人的身/搜某物 search for sb. / sth.- 搜寻某人/某物 b.警方在寻找失踪的孩子。The _ are _ _ the _ child.c.消防员在建筑物中搜寻幸存者。Firefighters were _ the building _ survivors.7. It has been two days since we landed on Mars. 同义句:It _two days _ we landed on Mars.练习:a.自我们上次上街购物已经是两个月了。It _ _ two months _we _ shopping. b.他父亲死了十年了。It

18、_ ten years _ his father _. 同义句:a. His father _ ten years _. b. His father _ _ _ for ten years.8.We had to limit the use of water during those days. 点拨:limit - 限制(动词) the use of - 的使用 注意:use在此是名词链接:use -_( ) useful-_( ) useless-_( ) reuse-_( ) user-_( )9.Whats worse, our water supplies were very low

19、. 点拨:supply -供给(名词) 链接:supply -供应(动词) supply sth. for sb.= supply sb. with sth.给某人供应某物10.I often miss the family, but the excitement of being on Mars is worth it. 译:_ 点拨:be worth sth. - 值 链接: be worth doing sth. - 某事值得做练习:a.这辆汽车值一万美元。The car _ _ 10,000.b.这事值得我们付出劳动。It _ _ our work.c.这本书值得一读。The book

20、 _ _ _.汉译英1. 计算机被广泛用于我们的生活中。 The computer _ in our everyday life. 2. 据说他昨天给她发了一封电子邮件。 _that he sent an email to her yesterday.3. 到目前为止我已经买了许多本书。 _, I have bought many books.4. 妈妈昨天警告过你晚上不要独自出去。 My mother _ you _ out alone at night yesterday.5. 学习科学技术是很有用的。 Learning science and technology _ us. 6. 自从

21、我们登上月球已经很多年了。 It _ many years _.7. 这部电影很有趣,很值得一看。 This movie is very interesting and it _.完形填空。(10分)Last Wednesday, Mr. Green took his class to the Space Museum. There 8 many things about space there. First, the children saw a film about space travel. They saw 9 the spaceship took off into space and

22、 landed on the earth 10 . It was very exciting and the children felt they were traveling in space 11 !After the film, Mr. Green took 12 to see some models of rockets and the shuttles. The models looked very real, but they were much 13 . 14 the children saw some moon rocks. Two 15 landed on the moon

23、in 1969, and they put up an American flag there. Then they took some rocks back to the 16 . 17 the children left, they also watched a video show about people living and working in a space lab. The people could stay in the space lab for months.( ) B.are C.was D.were( ) B.what C.when D.which( )10.A.too B.already C.again D.badly( )11.A.itself B.ourselves C.oneself D.themselves( )12.A.their B.them C.they D.theirs( )13.A.small B.smaller C.big D.bigger( )14.A.Or B.But C.And D.Then( )15.A.Americans B.Englishmen C.Aus

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