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1、新东方托福写作总结托福作文得分点:1、 清晰的文章脉络三部分:1、开头(introduction)2 、主体(main body)3、结尾(conclusion)主题脉络:论点要有论据,论据要有例子,例子要有细节。2、 自然的段落衔接重要连词:1、首先:first and for-most, to begi n/start with, in the first place, for one thing.2、 其次: furthermore, moreover, i n additi on, what more.3、 最后:in the end, at last, ultimately.3、 注

2、意语言、词汇的选用6 大恶心词: big, importa nt, but, and, think, make.Big : might, enormous, tremendous, massive.Important : vital, essential, critical, significant.But: though, although, despite, whereas, conversely, nevertheless, in spite of, in contrast, on the contrary,regardless of.And: as well as, together

3、with, along with.Think : As I see it, From my point of view, Where it comes to me, As far as I am concerned.Make:使得.4、 字数综合写作:200-300.独立写作:350-550.5、 避免语法错误6、 符合托福的行文规范:杜绝口语化的表达 (禁止缩写)审题2类:1、单观点:题干一般为疑问句2、双观点:题干中会有比较 (prefer, better,_or,_more_important) 的词汇Sample:Do you agree or disagree with the fo

4、llow ing stateme nt?The on ly thi ng that gover nment can do for en ergy con servati on is to in crease the price of gasoli ne andelectricity?Sample:Do you agree or disagree with the follow ing stateme nt?It is better to use our pers onal kno wledge and experie nee to solve problems,rather tha n ask

5、 ing other peoplefor advice.Sample:Somepeople prefer to spend money on something that lasts for a long time, such as an expensive piece of jewelry.Others prefer to spe nd the money on someth ing that provides a short-term pleasure such as a vacati on. Whichway would you prefer?立意:审题之后列提纲,写下简要理由。注意三点

6、:1、几条理由:3条不同角度的理由即可2、 什么是不好的理由: 1、不切题的Sample:What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your coun try?Car-.-Computer_ 杂交水稻 理由不合适于 Discovery ”合适的理由:DNA double helix structure (DNA 双螺旋结构)The discovery of oil in the Middle East( 中东发现石油)2、 含有绝对化的词汇的: absolutely, defin it

7、ely, completely, totally, en tirely.Sample:Do you agree or disagree with the follow ing stateme nt?After twenty years, stude nts will on Ion ger use prin ted books.l-mai ntai n-that-pri nted-books-must-va nish-at-twe nty-years-I ater.Because-we-ca n - download-anything-we-need-from-the-lnternet. 观点过

8、于绝对! !3、 自己都不知道的理由:提高生活水平: Upgrade/Adva nee the liv ing sta ndard.提高交流水平: Improve one conversational ability.提高文化水平: Raise cultural level.3、 好的理由:多功能的理由。1、经济与效率经济发展:econo mic developme nt就业:Job opportunities.税收:tax revenue.投资:in vestme nt.Sample:建造类(政府要在你家旁建造工厂 )”Agree:because ofIt can create more j

9、ob/employme nt opport un ities.A lot of investment can be attracted in this area.It will be an important source of tax revenue for the local government.It will help promote/stimulate the area econo mic developme nt.Disagree:Because of2、成就与财富成就感: sense of achieveme nt.荣誉感: sense of honor.雄心壮志:ambiti

10、on.动力:motivati on.财富:wealth.压力:pressure/stress.丰富的工作经验: rich work experie nee.更多晋升机会: more cha nee for promoti on.优越的福利条件: gen erous ben efit packages.灵活性:flexibility.高工资:high salary.稳定的收入:stable in comes.Sample:Some people prefer to work for a large compa ny. Others prefer to work for a small compa

11、 ny. Which wouldyou prefer?Small compa ny:Whenit comes to job satisfaction and sense of achievement, a large company simply cannot competewith a small compa ny.Ano ther importa nt factor is that smaller compa nies also provide their employees greatflexibility un like large compa ni es.3、环境保护与社会发展保护生

12、态平衡: maintain the bala nee of ecosystem.实现可持续发展: achieve susta in able developme nt.人类的生存: huma n-kinds existe nee.人类社会的发展: the developme nt of huma n societySample:Do you agree or disagree with the follow ing stateme nt?It is more importa nt to use land for huma n n eeds such as farming, hous ing,

13、and in dustry tha n to saveit for endan gered ani mals.4、生活与健康生活态度-显示自 己与众不同: stand apart from rest.Explai n:Daredevils who con sta ntly seek great exciteme nt basically want to sta nd apart from the rest.生活内容-是生活丰富多彩: color ones dell and boring life.Explain:Some people are simply motivated by the s

14、ense of fun and excitement that will color their dull and bori ng life.身心健康-缓解压力: relieve ones pressureExpla in: It can relieve people pressure.5、品格与能力Persiste nt, optimistic, in depe ndent, tolera nt, aggressive, brave.Brave : Christopher Columbus; Neil Armstrong.6、国家与文化国家发展:n ati onal developme nt

15、.文化传播:cultural tran smissi on.社会和谐:social harm ony.Sport is a global la nguage.It can bridge social, cultural and religious divides.某篇初探开头、主体、结尾、仅有规定动作。1、 开头:in troduct ion topic + thesisTopic :转述题目(不能重抄!)Thesis :提出中心论点。2、 主体:三段或四段。3、 结尾:Transitional words( 过度连词)+ ThesisSample:Should a city try to p

16、reserve its old, historic buildi ngs or destroy them and replace them with moder n build in gs?开头:Topic:Some people believe that a city should destroy its old historic buildings and replace them with modernon es. Others, myself in cluded, have an opposite opinion.Thesis:I advocate that a city should

17、 try to preserve its old, historic buildi ngs. There are three primary reas ons as follows.主体:First of all, historic buildi ngs are symbols of cities. Without these historic buildi ngs, a lot of citieswould lose their cultural image or even their ide ntity .In fact, a historic buildi ng not only is

18、the symbolof a city, but also represe nts the culture of a coun try. For example, people associate the Statue of Libertywith democracy of the Un ited States, un dersta nd the long history of China from the Great Wall, and know theinnovative artistry of France from the Eiffel Tower. Without these his

19、toric buildings, cities, and even countries,would be overshadowed.In additi on, historic buildi ngs serve as an importa nt resource for historic educatio n. For in sta nee, theForbidde n City is one of the most visited historic buildi ngs in China. Not only are people impressed by its traditi onal a

20、rchitecture, but also gain rich kno wledge about the lifestyle of ancient Chin ese emperors in the Ming and Tsing Dyn asties.What is more, historic build ings ben efit the tourism in dustry. Lusha n, one of China mountains, attractsmilli ons of visitors every year. Not only its n atural scenic beaut

21、y, but also its abundant historical relics,such as jia ng jieshi villa, makes this mountain a remarkable heritage. These historic buildi ngs continu allyattract visitors.结尾段:In summary, old, historic buildi ngs in deed play a vital role in symbolic sig ni fica nee represe ntati on,historical educati

22、 on and as a tourism resource of a city. Preservi ng these buildi ngs is n ecessary.开头段落:使笼统到具体。方法:1、 分析论题法;a) 现象+中心论点争论:debate, dispute, controversy.热门的: heated, focused引起注意: be brought into attention, be in the limelight.面临问题: confron t/be faced with problems.套用句型: Nowadays, . Is a topic of public

23、 in terest and concern.At prese nt, the problem of . I n now in the limelight.Recent days, there is a heated debate about .Recen tly, this phe nomenon of . Has loomed up wide public concern.Sample:Do you agree or disagree:Governments should focus more on preservati on of en vir onment rather tha n e

24、cono mic developme nt.At prese nt, the problem of protect ing the en viro nment in the course of econo mic developme nt is now in the limelight. No time in history has the issue become more prominent in tha n it is now, and we are faced with the problems of air polluti on, forest disappeara nee and

25、desert enlarging.b) 摆正反观点:正反双方观点 +作者观点反对:oppose, challenge.主张:advocated, endorse, set forth.套用句型: Some people advocate that . , while opponents suggest that . , As far as i amconcern ed,.The question of. Is one that has concerned many people. It is held by some people that . Mea nwhile, there is an

26、equally good argume nt that . From my perspective.Sample:知识是从书本获得的还是从实践获得的The questi on of whether kno wledge is gained form experie nee or books is one that has concerned many people. It is held by some people that everything learned is derived form books. Meanwhile, there is an equally good argume

27、 nt that all kno wledge is accumulated from experie nee. From my perspective, books can provide us more to lear n.2、 引人入胜法:突出趣味性用谚语、俗语开头。谚语:proverb.俗语:saying.找工作: hunt for job, seek ones future career.There is an old say ing which goes that_. There is a profo und proverb which goes that_. Sample:Top

28、ic: How to look for a job?There is a profound saying which goes that two heads are better than one. In the process of hunting for a job, we should always remember to talk with parents, teachers and headmasters or anyone we trust, all of whom possess rich and in valuable experie nee and kno wledge fr

29、om which we sure to ben efit whe n we seek our future career.主体部分一、 主体结构1三段式:先表明自己的观点,再用 3个例子其支撑这一观点。Sample:Topic:Live in big city or small city, which would you prefer?Main point: I love to live in big city, for most reason is that It is more convenient.()andExample that support the Main point:If y

30、ou live in a city that politics advaneed, you could know the political message faster tha n other city, like Beijing, London, Wash ington.If you live in a economic developed city, the more convenience for work, medical, shoppingen terta inment.If you live in a famous culture city, you could see, cou

31、ld feel, could hear the charm that culturetakes to you, and it could also have take n your taste to a higher level.2、两段式:在两种不同的情况下的不同解决方案。 (参考情况:不同的地点、阶段、年龄、人群、目的 )Sample:Topic:旅游,你会选择跟导游 or不跟导游?游览历史文化古迹,跟一一能了解更多典故和知识。欣赏自然风景名胜,不跟一一可以自己体会感受大自然的风光。二、 每一段的写法重点先行一一先写分论点套路: 段开头:写主题句 首先,分论点段中间:写支持型细节其次,具体内容1、 主题句i、 使主题句具体化、方向化:即,使讨论有方向有话可说。Sample:。nli ne games are harmful.( 话题太大,不好展开)Change it to this: On li ne games are harmful for ones pers onal growth.Water is importa nt.( 话题太大,不好展开 )Change it to this:Water plays a critical role in the development

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