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1、仁爱英语八上Unit4导学案Unit 4 Our World导学案:Topic1 Whats the strongest animal on the farm?生词集中营Section AD(n) 天空 河流 美丽 自然 森林 地面 地球 表面 陆地 海洋 南方 (v) 覆盖 控制 保护 (adj) 清晰的 薄的 茂密的 潮湿的 (短语) 成千上万 灭绝 以为食 越来越少 处在危险状态 (连线中文) horse sheep(sheep) hen cow whale rose rainforest climate southwest bamboo ocean fur bone feature 课

2、文预习区Section A.B.C.DSection A:短语互动 阅读1a并译出短语 think about in the countryside the beauty of nature summer holiday :语言知识 阅读1a并掌握以下语言点1. What are you thinking about?think about 译成: , think over 译成: ,think of 译成: (用这些短语完成句子)eg: _What do you this movie? _I think it is just so-so. I am how to work out the p

3、roblem. The price is too high, I will it again.2.I like it very much. very much同义词是 ,一般放在 (句中/句末) 我非常喜欢宠物狗。 .3.People can enjoy the beauty of nature 是 (名词/形容词), 其形容词是 。eg: Beijing is one of the most (漂亮) cities in China. (漂亮) is her advantage.4.My grandparents live in the countryside. l

4、ive in后跟居住 (地点/对象),live with后跟居住 (地点/对象)eg: I live an apartment my parents.(with/in).课文解析 1. 根据 1a在1c横线上填上适当的单词(文章复述). 语法讲解一:单音节与部分双音节形容词的比较级和最高级的构成. 规则变化:(1.)一般在词尾加 或 .如:freshfresherfreshest.(2.)以字母e结尾的形容词,加 或 ,如:latelaterlatest.(3.)以重读闭音节结尾的词,词尾只有一个辅音字母时,应 写这一辅音字母,再加 或 .如:bigbiggerbiggest. (4.)以辅音

5、字母y结尾的双音节词,先改 为 ,再加 或 . 如:happyhappierhappiest.二:写出下列形容词的比较级与最高级 strong tall nice cute large big fat happy heavy 三:完成课文2b.Section B:短语互动 阅读1a并找出短语 与一起玩耍 和 众所周知 对重要 与.分享 :语言知识 阅读1a并掌握以下语言点1.I like cats best because they are cuter than any other animals.句型:A+be+than+any other+名词单/复数,译成:A比其他任何东西都.用形容词的

6、比较级表达法表示最高级的意思。eg: Tom比我们班其他任何一个学生都高。Tom is than in our class.我认为狗比其它任何动物都聪明。I think dogs are than . 2. I like both plants and animals.bothand译成: bothand的谓语要用复数形式eg: Both Jane and Maria (like) playing the piano. Both Jane and Maria (be) good at drawing.3.We share the same world with them.share with译

7、成: eg: 我们应当与我们的好朋友分享快乐。 . 课文解析 1. 阅读 1a在横线上写出含形容词有比较等级的陈述句 2. 根据 1a完成1c(文章复述). 语法讲解一:形容词的比较级和最高级的用法. 比较级或,经常与than搭配,或给出比较的两者内容。可用much和a little修饰 句型:A + be + adj比 + than + B. 如:Im happier than you.我比你更快乐。Plants are much more beautiful than animals.植物比动物漂亮的多。. 三者或三者以上比较用最高级,一般给出比较范围如:of(in)。句型:A + be

8、+ the + adj最 + of(in) 如:The boy is the tallest in my class.这个男孩是我们班最高的。Math is the most difficult of all subject.数学课是所有科目中最难的。二:用所给形容词的适当形式填空1.I am _. But Jane is _ than me. (fat)2.Building A is _. Building B is _ than A. But Building C is _of three buildings. (tall)3.A lion is _ than a tiger. And a

9、n elephant is much _ than a lion. (strong)4.This box is _of all ones. (heavy)5.Beijing is one of _ cities in China. (big)Section C: 短语互动 阅读1a并找出短语成千上万 对重要 在发挥重要作用 灭绝 :语言知识 阅读1a掌握以下的语言点1.Thousands and thousands of animals live in rainforests.thousands of 译成: hundreds of译成: 当hundred/thousand后与of 连用时,表

10、示 (确切/不确切)数字,hundred/thousand后 (要/不要)加 We plant (成千上万)trees every year.当hundred/thousand用来表达 (确切/不确切)数字时,它属于单复数同形,hundred/thousand后 (要/不要)加 There are two (千)students in our school .2. They play an important part in controlling the an important part in 译成: 后面动词要用 形式eg: One-chil

11、d policy . 在控制人口方面起很大作用3. But now, rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller.smaller and smaller译成: 总结:单音节或双音节的表示“越来越”的英文表达法是“ ”,多音节的表示“越来越”的英文表达法是“ ”。eg:The weather is getting . (越来越温暖了) The girl becomes . (越来越漂亮了):课文解析 1.阅读课文并完成表格1b2.根据Part2的图片和提示内容写一篇“如何保护热带雨林”的文章 Section D: 短语互动 阅读1a并找出短语居住在

12、以为生 在数量上 在危险中 :语言知识 (略):课文解析1.阅读1a并找出以下的动物为什么处在危险中pandas: blue whales: Chinese tigers: 2. 完成文章所设计的表格内容导学案:Topic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?生词集中营Section AD(v) 侵袭 摇动 检查 重建 出现 派遣 (n) 地震 电话 火灾 水平 国家 百万 军队 (adj) 失踪的 可移动的 伤心的 镇静的 中间的 整个的 正常的 受伤的 (连线中文) province rainstorm snowstorm

13、typhoon flood drought downstairs indoors doorway furniture power line aftershock gas 课文预习区Section A.B.C.DSection A: 短语互动 阅读1a并找出短语 倒塌 超过 失去某人的生命 保护.不受侵害 向.求助 :语言知识 阅读1a掌握以下的语言点 1. And Ii know there are another two terrible earthquakes in China. another 用法:another +可数名词单数:另外一个(三者或三者以上以上) another+数词+名

14、词复数= 数词+more+名词复数:另外几个注意the other 与another 区别: the other:另一个(两者) eg:I have two brothers, the one is a doctor, (另一个) is a teacher. I dont like this coat, please give me (另一个)one. 2. How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake? protect .from.译成: , from后面若跟动词要用 形式。 eg:The raincoat can .(保护我们不被雨淋).

15、 课文解析1. 阅读1a写出课文含有比较等级的句子并译出中文。a. b. c. . 语法讲解 多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的构成 1. 部分双音节词和多音节词前面加 或 构成比较级或最高级。如:carefulmore carefulmost careful,beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful.不规则变化: good/wellbetterbest, littlelessleast, many/muchmoremost, bad/illworseworst, farfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest.3. 完成2a表格 Sect

16、ion B: 短语互动 阅读1a并找出短语 听说 fall down more than 保持镇静 :语言知识 (略). 课文解析 1. 跟句1a内容的理解来把以下句子补充完整 When the earthquake is coming, we shouldnt . Its for us to do like this. We should . And the most important thing is to .2. 完成 3a的练习Section C: 短语互动 阅读1a并找出短语靠近 远离 将有 保持冷静 :语言知识 阅读1a掌握以下的语言点1.When they happen nea

17、r a city, they can be very serious. When it is safe safe for you to move around, check the people near you. The danger is not over when the strong shaking stops. 以上三句译成: . . .when 引导的是时间状语从句 eg: . 当地震发生的时候,最重要的是我们要保持镇静。2.If you are indoors when the earthquake happens, the safest place is under a str

18、ong table or desk. If you are out of doors, move to clear areas. 以上两句译成: . . if引导的是条件状语从句 eg: . 如果我们学会保护我们自己,我们将不会受伤害。:课文解析 1. 根据1b的图片并自己写出提示词,然后简短描述我们在地震时应该怎么做 If you are indoors, you should If you are outdoors, you should Section D: 短语互动 (略):语言知识 (略):课文解析 1. 阅读课文完成表格内容2. 根据表格2提示内容写一篇关于唐山地震事件的新闻 导学

19、案:Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.生词集中营Section AD(v) 欺骗 纠正 搜索 改进 (n) 语言 信息 网站 记者 结果 语法 字典 (adj) 便宜的 完美的 真实的 正确的的 昂贵的 (adv) 在线 安全地 (短语) 面对面 查阅 课文预习区Section A.B.C.DSection A: 短语互动 阅读1a并找出短语购物 find information send emails 与.聊天 面对面 找出 形成 :语言知识 阅读1a掌握以下的语言点1. Its a little cheaper. 修饰形容词比较级的修

20、饰词可以有a little, a lot, much even,它们常位于比较 级的前面。 eg:I am (高一点)than Tom. She is (快乐多了)than before.2. I am sure the Internet will become more and more important.more and more important译成: 总结:单音节或双音节的表示“越来越”的英文表达法是“ ”,多音节的表示“越来越”的英文表达法是“ ”。eg:The weather is getting . (越来越冷了) The story becomes . (越来越有趣了).

21、课文解析1.至少写出三句你们平时在上网时常做的事情 2. 根据Part例句完成对6幅图的造句 . 语法讲解 句型:主语+谓语动词+宾语+宾补 make/let/have+宾语+动原(当宾补) make/keep+宾语+形容词(当宾补) want/ask/get+宾语+动词不定式(当宾补)Section B: 短语互动 (略):语言知识 (略). 课文解析 1.阅读1a完成1c(课文复述). 语法讲解be sure结构be sure一般用来表示肯定,后面接that引导的陈述句be not sure表示不肯定,其后要与(whether/if:是否)连用eg:1. We are sure .(我们可

22、以修理好电视)2. Are you sure (是否)he switched the computer on? 3. I am not sure (是否)there is a UFO or not.Section C: 短语互动 阅读1a并找出短语所有种类的 与.分享. 试着做 花费.做. : 语言知识 阅读1a掌握以下的语言点1. The Internet makes our lives more interesting. This helps make life easier.由以上两句可总结出make 的一个用法是: eg: Staying up often can make us (不

23、健康). Internet can make our life (更加丰富多彩). 2. We should use it safely. But we should use it carefully. safely与carefully都是 词;此类性质的词可以修饰 词,并位于 (前面/后面)。eg: The old men get tired (easy). The young men often drive cars (quick). The boys are playing soccer (happy).3. Some young people usually spend too much playing games and so on. spend too much playing games译成: , spend 用法有 和 eg: He spent two hours (chat)online with his friends last night. I the bike.(这辆自行车花了我200元).:课文解析 1. 阅读1a完成1d (列出因特网的优缺点)Section D: 短语互动 (略):语言知识 (略). 课文解析 1.完成Part 1,2练习。

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