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1、江西省宜春市宜丰中学学年高二英语上学期第二次月考试题江西省宜春市宜丰中学2019-2020学年高二英语上学期第二次月考试题第一部分 听力第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What food does the woman suggest?A. Sandwiches. B. Salads. C. Noodles. 2. What will the man do first with the womans car?A. Fill up the tan

2、k. B. Wash the windows. C. Check the tire pressure. 3. What is the man doing right now?A. Walking around. B. Watching TV. C. Eating snacks. 4. Where is the conversation probably taking place?A. In an office. B. In a hospital. C. In a restaurant. 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Diff

3、erent colors. B. A picture. C. Some flowers. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。6. Who might the woman be?A. A doctor. B. An assistant. C. A professor. 7. When will the mango to see the doctor?A. On Wedne

4、sday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday. 听第7段材料, 回答第8至10题。8. What will the man do tomorrow?A. Rest at home. B. Go shopping. C. Work. 9. What will the man buy?A. A hat. B. A necklace. C. A coat. 10. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Colleagues. B. Mother and son. C. Husband and wife. 听第8段材料

5、, 回答第11至13题。11. What are the speakers doing? A. Doing a test. B. Having an interview. C. Playing a puzzle game. 12. What is Jennifer bad at?A. Focusing. B. Dealing with stress. C. Getting on with others.13. How does Jennifer feel about the result?A. Surprised. B. Disappointed. C. Worried. 听第9段材料, 回答

6、第14至17题。14. Why will the man miss the school dance? A. He wont be in school. B. He doesnt like dancing. C. Hes busy with other events. 15. When is the senior picnic? A. In a week. B. In a month. C. In two months. 16. Which event is in June? A. The photo day. B. The graduation party. C. The awards ce

7、remony. 17. Which city are the speakers in?A. Boston. B. New York City. C. Washington. D. C. 听第10段材料。回答第18至20题。18. What will the weather be like today in the southeast of the country? A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Dry. 19. What will the highest temperature be in the north? A. 15 degrees centigrade. B. 20

8、degrees centigrade. C. 23 degrees centigrade. 20. Which part of the country will likely be sunny tomorrow?A. North. B. Southeast. C. South. 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节;满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文 , 从每题所给A、B、C 、D中 , 选出最佳选项 , 并在题卡上将该项涂黑。ADo you see the same products in every store? Do you want unique items

9、 things that are different and one-of-a-kind? My answer is “Yes!” And that is why I shop on E.Etsy is an online marketplace- people can buy many unique things there. But Etsy is different. It is not just another Amazon or eBay.First, I can find unique items from all over the world. Customers buy cra

10、ftwork ,such as handmade jewelry and furniture. They also find other unusual products, such as watches and old clothing. You cant find these items in stores, certainly not in big-box stores. I love that!Second, when I shop at Etsy, I know I am helping the vendors(小贩). Most of these vendors are the a

11、rtisans, that is , the people who make their items by hand. They care about crafts. their business, and their customers.Lastly, the customer service is great. I get all of the benefits of shopping at a small business. I can ask the vendors questions online and they quickly answer me. Also, my items

12、arrive carefully wrapped(包裹)by the craftsperson, not by a machineThere is one small disadvantage. Because the items are unique or handmade, sometimes it is not possible to return them to the vendor. That is an advantage of a big-box store. But I am happy with everything from EtsyOnline shopping is u

13、sually fast but not very personal. Etsy changes that. It brings people together. This makes Etsy unique and exciting.Visit Etsy. com and see for yourself.21. What do we know about the products on Etsy?A. All are special or made by hand. B. All are wrapped by machine.C. All are very cheap. D. All can

14、 be found in big-box stores.22. What does the author think of the small disadvantage of Etsy?A. It is worrying. B. It is surprising. C. It is acceptable D. It is avoidable23.Whats the main purpose of the author in writing this text?A. To encourage readers to do online shopping. B. To introduce what

15、an online marketplace is.C. To compare three different online marketplaces. D. To explain why he prefers shopping on Etsy.BWalk into a newsroom of journalists and you will smell the coffee and see people rushing for their 14th bathroom break of the day. You will see a business “about people and why

16、they do what they do, and what it all means”.Thats how Jack Smith, the 72-year-old former newspaper reporter and editor, described it to 30 visiting students from Auburn High School.While growing up, Smith waited every day for the mail carrier to pull up and drop the newspaper off. “Id read and stud

17、y every issue, sometimes for hours on end, ” he said. The stories and design of the paper began his love for journalism.His first route when he went to college wasnt journalism though. He first wanted to become a civil engineer until someone told him the amount of math and physics involved. He then

18、changed to the business school, eventually making the move to journalism. Paul Burnett, standing on the same place as Smith did during his speech, inspired him while he was in college.Smith walked up the steps to his first job at the Montgomery Advertiser earning $ 50 a week. His first task was to r

19、ewrite an article on Martin Luther King Jr.“Those seemingly meaningless stories could be just as important as a story on the front page,” he told the students that it is a job that needs hard work and they have to be eager to go and do all again the next day.“Im glad I didnt decide to build the Gold

20、en Gate Bridge or take Wall Street by storm,” Smith said. That wouldnt have landed him a job that is so near his heart. For him, the sweat and pain in the life of a journalist was worth every moment.24. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?A. To present the work of journalists.B. To explain th

21、e responsibility of journalists.C. To show the working condition of journalists.D. To describe the development of journalism.25. Why did Jack Smith give up being a civil engineer?A. He wasnt interested in it. B. He wanted to learn business.C. Paul Burnett inspired him to be a reporter. D. His math a

22、nd physics werent good enough.26. What does Jack Smith think of journalism?A. It needs skills. B. It requires many talents.C. It should focus on important events.D. It deserves peoples love and hard work.27. What can we know about Jack Smith from the last paragraph?A. He tried many different jobs. B

23、. He gets much pleasure from journalism.C. He loves being a journalist from his heart.D. He would have chosen a worthier job.CDo you have trouble trying to create the next big idea? Sometimes the answer isnt to just force an idea out of your mind. Instead, you might want to try sitting back, relaxin

24、g and letting your mind wander. Yes, you heard that correctly. If you are in need of a new idea, try daydreaming.Researchers from the university of California, Santa Barbara, found an association between daydreaming and creative problem-solving. Their study includes having participants first do an “

25、unusual-use task”. They had to try to come up with as many different ways to use an object as they could.Then, the participants chose to do one of the following four things before doing the “unusual-use task” again: complete a difficult task; complete an easy task; take a 12-minute break; or skip th

26、e 12-minute break and move right on to the task exercise again.Surprisingly, the group that performed best was the one that completed the easy task. Many participants reported that they were daydreaming while performing the easy task. So the researchers believed that this daydreaming might have help

27、ed unlock their creativity.But how could daydreaming help the brain come up with creative ways? The answer is something known as “unconscious thought”. Even when you are not actively working to solve a problem, it is still in the back of your mind. Your brain is still thinking about the problem, but

28、 in a much more subtle (不易察觉的) way.When you daydream, your mind is allowed to think in ways it normally would not. Because it is free of control, it can create completely new and out-of-the-box ideas.Great ideas never come easily, but that does not mean you always have to work hard to get them. Feel

29、 free to do what you want and let your mind wander.28. The “unusual-use task” in Paragraph 2 means that participants _.A. complete an easy task B. complete a very difficult taskC. take a 12-minute break D. think of various ways to use an object29. Why did the participants who completed the easy task

30、 perform best?A. They were not actively working to solve the easy task.B. They daydreamed and it helped them be more creative.C. They were daydreaming while performing the difficult task.D. They skipped the 12-minute break to complete the task again.30. What does the underlined phrase “unconscious t

31、hought” in Paragraph 5 mean?A. Your brain wanders in a subtle way within your control.B. Your brain knows clearly what youre thinking and doing.C. Your brain is thinking about a problem outside of your awareness.D. Your brain refuses to receive any information from the outside world.31. The passage mainly wants to tell us that _.A. brainstorming is important to creative ideas.B. daydreaming is a way to improve creativity.C. problem-solving skills are important in our lives.D. the more we exercise brains, the more ideas well get.DBefore uploading a photo of

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