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1、英语语句锦集1. I will burn the heart out of you.让你下到十八层地狱wburn/w somebody灼烧某人,引申为让某人下地狱eg:May God burn you in hellfire for all eternity, the priest flared.“愿上帝保佑,让你受地狱之火的永恒煎熬,”神甫快被气疯了。2. Catch you later.后会有期wcatch/w you抓住你,引申为跟上,赶上eg:You go on, I will catch you up.你先走, 我一会儿来赶你。3. But everything I have to

2、say has already crossed your mind.可我要说的你全都心知肚明了cross ones mind想到,知道,引申为心知肚明eg:Someday, weeks will go by, maybe even years, it wont even cross our mind.随着时间的慢慢流逝,总有一天,我们都不会再想起这些。4. Wrong day to die.今天还不适合死wrong day错误的时间,引申为还不适合怎样eg:They were in the right place, on the wrong day. Or so it would seem.他

3、们来对了地方,却不是合适的时间,至少当时看起来是这样。【影片独白台词】Ten years ago, Carlos mother died after being hit by a carthat Andrew was driving.Orson packed his bags.You are not the woman I thought you were.Hes my son. I had no choice.And I no longer choose to be your husband.And Bree decided to come clean.Theres something I

4、need to tell you. Its the kind of thing that could end our friendship.A dying nurse made a wconfession/w.The people who run this hospital need to know what I did.How do you tell parents the child theyve been raisingisnt really theirs?Financial worries drove Susan to a big decision.You cant sell your

5、 house.Were not selling. Were renting.Which led to the return of a long-lost wneighbor/w.The truth is, I used to live here.Oh, I guess everyone will be surprised to see you again.They absolutely will.【重点词汇讲解】1.packed ones bags整理行装,收拾行李。Orson非常气愤Bree为了自己的儿子做出违背良心的事情,于是收拾包袱打算与Bree分开。当要表示收拾东西出门可用pack,

6、如pack books; pack bags for travelling。同时童鞋们还应掌握一些pack的短语:pack up 整理,把打包;pack in 停止;pack with 塞进,挤进,某地方挤满了人。2. come clean这是一个美国俚语,译为:全盘招供,坦白承认。Bree隐瞒了一些事情,现在决定向Gaby坦白,就可以用come clean with Gaby。如果你想对某人坦白一些你做过的坏事,就可以说come clean with sb.3. make a confession坦白,招供,承认错误(有忏悔的含义)。大家还记得N年前的香港电影伤城吗?它的英文名字就叫“Con

7、fession of Pain. 如果所做之事涉及犯罪了,可用confession to justice表示自首之意。4. run this hospital管理这家医院。run是一个小学词汇,小学生都知道run是跑步的意思。今天我们要介绍的是run的另一个意思,是经营,管理,运转之意,这个意思在生活中更为常用,相当与supervise, operate, control. eg: run a business; run a company; run a firm. 另外还有一些run 的短语: in the long run 长远,终究;run on 继续,连续不断;run time 电脑运

8、作时间。5. drive这个也是一个熟词,它的“驾驶”的意思就此跳过,我要提的是drive还有“不得不做,被迫使做某事”之意。Susan由于财务危机,被迫使出租自己的房子抵债。相当于have to; be compelled to. 短语:you drive me crazy 你让我神魂颠倒;drive away at work 努力工作;hard drive (电脑)硬盘驱动器【经典句型】1. You are not the woman I thought you were.你已不是我心中的那个完美女人了。这句话有与之前的想法、事物比较之意,可指人也可指物。eg: You are not w

9、hat I thought you were./They are not as friendly to me as they were before. 2. Theres something I need to tell you.我有一些事情想要告诉你。当你想要告知某人某事时,可以直接只用,用这句话来替代简单的talk。当然这句话还是比较正式的,如果只是闲聊的话,还是不用为妙。注意something是的的确确的某种信息。看来不管是西方文化还是东方文化,都不喜欢纸上谈兵、只说不做。所以英语里也有事实胜于雄辩这个谚语:Actions speak louder than words.华丽辞藻wdis

10、tress/w n.悲痛, 痛苦, 忧伤, 苦恼;贫困, 窘迫;危险, 困难, 危难 vt.使痛苦, 使忧伤The news of his death distressed us greatly.他逝世的消息使我们极为悲痛。wtouchy/w adj.易动气的,过分敏感的;小心眼的;需要小心对待的;棘手的;难办的Be careful the way you tell him the true. Hes kind of touchy.注意你告诉他真相时的语气,他是个非常敏感的人。as like as (two) peas in a wpod/w 一个模子刻出来的I had never met h

11、is brother before but I recognized him immediately because theyre as like as two peas in a pod.我从来没见过他哥哥,不过我马上就把他认出来了,因为他俩长得简直是一模一样。花言巧语How did something so lovely turn into wmediocrity/w?为何这么美好的东西要流于平庸呢?Dont show your fearness to the others. Because if the world senses it,its going to wchew/w you u

12、p and spit you out.不要对外人表现出你内心的恐惧。因为如果这个社会感知到了你的恐惧,就会把你啃得尸骨无存。 1.Well, that was tedious.这一路可够长的。wtedious/w沉闷的,冗长乏味的e.g:It would be very tedious and difficult to write all information in binary code.把所有的信息都翻译成二进制码是十分枯燥和困难的。2.Anyway, youve paid everyone off, remember?反正你给过大伙钱了,记得吗?pay off付清e.g:Most of

13、 the dwindling takings are used to pay off winning bets.大部分减少的收入都被用于支付赛马投中的奖金。3.A rocket, tearing itself to pieces, trapped on the launch pad. i need a case!就像一枚火箭被困在发射台上,急得都快把自己扯烂了。我需要案子!wtrap/w使.陷入困境e.g:The locals were encouraged to trap and kill mice to stop the spread of the virus.当地人被鼓励用捕捉器捕杀老鼠

14、以阻止病毒的传播。4.Before bluebell disappeared, it turned luminous.蓝铃花是先开始发光才消失的。wluminous/w发光的,明亮的,清楚的e.g:The fire of pain traces for my soul a luminous path across her sorrow.痛苦的火通过她的忧郁替我心灵探索到一条光明的路。1. Youll be w=hear fromhearing from/w me, Sherlock.我俩后会有期hear from收到.的信,引申为后会有期eg:And we hope to hear from

15、you soon.我们也希望很快能听到你的回应。2. Ill make you into shoes.我让你吃不了兜着走make you into shoes把你塞到鞋子里,引申为让你吃不了兜着走eg:Promise me or I will make you into shoes!答应我,否则我让你吃不了兜着走!3. I think my husband might be having an affair.我想我的丈夫有外遇have an waffair/w有外遇,婚外恋eg:Do you know he is said to have an affair ?可你知道吗,据说他搞婚外情?4.

16、 We are prepared to offer any sum of money you care to mention.你开什么价,我们都愿意付woffer/w提供,出价eg:A good start would be to announce that he will offer jobs to a few Republicans.宣布为一些共和党员提供工作机会将是一个很好的开始。1.My advice, best forget about him. Best get on with your life.我的建议是,你最好忘了他,继续过你的生活。沪江小编:没有谁是不可替代的,少了谁地球都

17、照样转。无论发生什么事,你都必须继续生活,唯一的区别就是你生活得更好,或者沉迷过去,永远无法真正“生活”。2.Youve still got people that love you. Look to them.你还是能找到爱你的人的,你要自己去找你的幸福。沪江小编:梳理一下与look搭配的一些词组的用法。(1)look after 照顾;(2)look at 看;(3)look back 回顾;(4)look for 寻找;(5)look forward to 期盼;(6)look down upon 看不起;(7)look into 调查;(8)look to 注意;(9)look in

18、顺便拜访。3.Were well coined.我们的钱包鼓着呢。4.Id rather die than leave her.我宁愿死都不想离开她。沪江小编:一个男人的告白。不过,我们这里要学的是would ratherthan的用法。这个词组的意思是“与其宁可”,than后接不带to的动词不定式,比如:I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema. 我宁可在家看电视而不愿去看电影。5.I dont think youll die for the sake of w=appearanceappearances/w.我不希望你为了面

19、子丢掉性命。沪江小编:很多童鞋都对for the sake of 这个词组表示一头雾水,它常常出现在老外口中,但中国人就是不习惯用这个词组。其实,它的用法和意思和because of有点类似。For the sake of可以表示“为了的缘故”, 后接名词或动名词。比如Never do wrong for the sake of money. (绝不要为金钱而做坏事。),这里接的是名词;再比如He went into the business for the sake of making a lot of money. (他经商是为了赚更多的钱。),这里接的就是动名词。6.What an wi

20、diot/w you are!你真是个大白痴!7.Why cant you learn to keep your fat mouth shut?!你为什么就不能闭上你的臭嘴?沪江小编:这句话比说“shut up”有感觉多了吧?这里的fat mouth可以根据不同的语境,翻译成“闭上你的臭嘴/乌鸦嘴/大嘴巴”等等,译法很灵活。这句反问句还可以简单地说成祈使句Shut your fat mouth!8. Its a wgesture/w of friendship.这是友谊的象征。沪江小编:这也是一句万能句型,后面的friendship可以换成任何名词。Its a gesture of love.

21、这是爱的象征;Its a gesture of success.这是成功的象征;Its a gesture of wapproval/w.这是赞成的象征。1. But is there something else lurking out here?但除此之外,这里是否还潜伏着其他什么?wlurk/w潜伏,潜藏,埋伏eg:I lurk in the alleys, wait for the kill.我有潜伏在巷道里等着下一个牺牲品。2. There are horrors beyond imagining.有超乎想象的恐怖事物。beyond imaging超乎想象eg:An army of

22、slaves, vast beyond imaging, ready to devour tiny Greece.是一支奴隶大军,庞大得难超乎想象,准备要吞噬渺小的希腊。3. They found me the next morning, just wandering on the wmoor/w.人们第二天早上找到了我 当时我正在沼泽里游荡。wander徘徊,漫步,迷路eg:And then I wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season.于是在这无情的季节,可怕的夜间,我在乡野徘徊。4. At le

23、ast the tv people took me seriously.至少拍电视的人拿我的话当真。take something/somebody seriously认真对待,重视eg:We take the handling of the case seriously, and have made representations to the Russian side on several occasions.我们对此事件的处理高度重视,已经多次向俄方提出交涉。1. This is your case, its entirely up to you, this is just friendl

24、y advice.这案子你接了 完全归你管 只是要给你提个善意的醒wup to/w由.决定eg:I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.我给予你祝福,快乐幸福是你自己的选择。2. He was killed by a single blow to the back from a blunt instrument.他是脑后遭钝器袭击 一击毙命的wblunt/w钝的,不锋利的eg:Too much alcohol made the young drivers sense blunt.大量喝酒使得那个年轻 司机感觉迟钝。3. Hes trying t

25、o be clever. Its overconfidence.自作聪明 自信心膨胀woverconfidence/w自负,过分自信eg:Overconfidence in oneself is the first step to fail.过度自信是走向失败的第一步。4. Low self-esteem, tiny IQ and a limited life expectancy.自信不足 智商低下 胸无大志wexpectancy/w期望,期待eg:For most Americans, life expectancy continues merrily to rise.对于大多数美国人来讲

26、,寿命预期持续喜增。1.Owing to the prodigious talent of Mr Sherlock Holmes.多亏夏洛克福尔摩斯先生的奇才。wprodigious/w惊人的,异常的,奇妙的,巨大的eg:Probably fewer than 50 prodigious savants are alive at the moment.目前在世的天才学者大概不到50位。2.Hang on.稍等。whang on/w等下;坚持下去;不要挂断eg:Oh, hang on! I think I know where they ended up.哦,等一下!我想起来它们被放在哪里了。3

27、. Back together with my family, after my terrifying ordeal.我历经艰辛,终于和家人重聚。wordeal/w严酷的考验,折磨eg:Life is a bitter ordeal.生活就是痛苦的煎熬。4. With all his customary diplomacy and wtact/w.仰仗他对人情世故的精通。diplomacy外交,交际手段eg:That is true of the coalition governments diplomacy.对于联合政府的外交来说,情形同样如此。1.Maps never redraw the

28、mselves.版图永远不会自己重画的。沪江小编:这是一句可以模仿的句型。比如Successes never come themselves.(成功永远不会自己过来);w=misfortuneMisfortunes/w never wbefall/w themselves.(噩运从不会无故降临)。活用这个句型,你的口语、写作都会更有文采哦!2.You are cooking w=rabbitrabbits/w that have not been caught.你是在空中画大饼。沪江小编:这句话直译的意思就是:老鼠还没抓到,就想着怎么煮了。这让我们想起另一句英语谚语“One bird in h

29、and is better than two birds in wbush/w”,两鸟在林不如一鸟在手。握在手里的才是最有保障的。3.Forgive my anger. I am not myself.请原谅我的口不择言,我控制不了我自己。4.Everything will be fine.一切都会好起来的。沪江小编:这句话很实用,安慰别人的时候非常好用。类似的表达还有:(1)All will be well. (2)Everything is going to be ok. (3)Everythings gonna be walright/w.5.We must win or die. Po

30、mpeys men have other w=optionoptions/w.我们不赢就是死路一条,而庞培的军队还有其他的选择。沪江小编:凯撒的军队不仅人少,而且又饥又渴,还背着“叛国”的骂名,因此这些士兵都是破釜沉舟,背水一战!所以,只要我们也有“win or die”的决心,什么都阻止不了我们前进。6. The man should be made an example of!这个人应该用来杀鸡儆猴。沪江小编:这句话可以根据语境来翻译,从贬义的方面来看,就是杀鸡儆猴的意思;从褒义的方面来看,就是“这个人应该被当成榜样来学习”。所以,语言是很奇妙的东西,在不同的语境下,意思会截然不同。我们平

31、常在阅读时,也要注意上下文,运用语境来更好地理解文意。1. And I assume this did wonders for devons tourism.我猜这对Devon的旅游事业也大有裨益吧。do wonder for.对.有裨益eg:It will do no wonder for you if you are always staying up late.总是熬夜对你一点好处也没有。2. The girl across the waisle/w fancied you.过道对面的女孩对你有意思。wfancy/w喜爱,想要eg:We fancy the big oval one, in the middle.我们想要那间位于中间的椭圆形的大屋。3. How on earth did you notice all that?你究竟是怎么推断到那些的?won earth/w究竟eg:What a mess! What on earth is history? A po

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