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1、高中英语必修6Module3Period3WritingHowandIbecamegoodfriends2019-2020年高中英语必修6Module3Period3Writing-How.andIbecamegoodfriendsGoals To learn to write a paragraph on the subject: How and I became good friendsProcedures Reading to warm up By Choice We Became FriendsIt is by chance we met, by choice we became fr

2、iends. Friendship is a strange thing.we find ourselves telling each other the deepest details of our lives.things we dont even share with our families who raised us.But what is a friend? A confidant? A lover? A fellow email junkie? A shoulder to cry on? an ear to listen? a heart to feel?. A friend i

3、s all these things.and more. No matter where we met, . I call you friend. A word so small.yet so large in feeling.a word filled with emotion. It is true great things e in small packages. Once the package of friendship has been opened, it can never be closed. it is a constant book always written.wait

4、ing to be read. and enjoyed. We may have our disagreements.we may argue. we may concern one another.friendship is a unique bond that lasts through it all. A part of me is put into my friends.some it is my humor. some it is my listening ear. some it is real life experiences. some it is my romanticism

5、.but with all, it is friendship. Friendships forged are a construct stronger than steel built as a foundation.necessary for life. and necessary for love. and me. you brought another friend. and then there were 3. we started our group. Our circle of friends. and like that circle. there is

6、 no beginning or end. by UnknownWriting a paragraph on: How and I became good friendsHow Xu Fang and I became good friendsI first met my true friend Xu Fang one June afternoon in 2005. That afternoon she came to me for some information for her report. A few days later, I called her an invite her to

7、a dinner. She came. And we talked much over the dinner.From then on we started to see each other very often. I found that she was really nice. She is pretty, attractive, considerate and intelligent. I came to like her. We manage to meet twice or three times a week. We have lots to say and to do when

8、 we are together. Xu and I are true friends and we shall be good friends for ever. The Girl Who Never Became Our Sisterby Martine KlaassenMy sister and I were friends. Best friends. Where she went, I went. Where I went, she went. Together we had it all. Laughter, friendship and tears. The last thing

9、 we needed was another sister. Enter: my mothers new boyfriend. Along came Jenna the boyfriends daughter. Jenna was roughly the same age as us. Perhaps a few years younger, but that really didnt matter. My sister and I: we didnt need another sister, but mostly we didnt want another sister. After all

10、 we had each other and that was plenty.At first we only saw Jenna once in a while, but as our parents courted (求爱)we saw her more and more. We hated this. We didnt want to share our cookies and Barbie dolls with this stranger. Besides why would we? Last year, there had been another little girl. Her

11、Daddy told us that he loved our mother and one time in the yard he told my sister and I to hold hands with his little girl while he took a picture. Afterwards he laughed and said: “the three sisters on the lawn.” We never saw him again.And than all of a sudden Jenna and her dad started staying over.

12、 Sometimes it was planned. Sometimes it was unexpected. Out came the blankets and the extra pillows and suddenly there was a stranger sleeping on the floor of my pink bedroom. Jenna never said much. She just slept and the next morning she would go home. My mother never asked me whether I objected.Th

13、an they discussed moving in together. It never happened. My mother explained that there was baggage. He had two children. She had three. It was just too plicated. Instead we all moved to the same street. There were exactly 16 houses between their house and our house. I liked our house much better.So

14、metimes we would stay at Jennas house. I didnt like their house. All the furniture and even the carpet was blue. My sister and I would sleep in Jennas room and play with Jennas toys. I liked her toys. Especially her Barbie Horse. I had never seen anything like it. It looked so real.That summer we al

15、l went on vacation together. Camping. All of us in one big tent. It was so much fun. Whoever would lay the table in the morning would get an extra ice cream that day. Just imagine: two ice creams in one day. One afternoon we all went to the zoo. My sister and I liked the monkeys. So did Jenna. We be

16、came friends.When school started that fall, we would meet Jenna afterwards and play together. Not because her dad or our mom told us to, but because we wanted to. Sometimes we would play with our marbles, other times we played with our dolls. Jenna would always let me play with her Barbie Horse. We

17、were after all almost sisters.A few years later we started our own club: The Sunshine Girls. By now my sister was in Junior High. Jenna and I envied her like crazy. Once a week we would meet, eat potato chips in the dark of the attic and tell each other our darkest secrets. Jenna told us that she wa

18、s worried. Since she was living with her father, who was going to teach her how to apply make-up? It was a serious concern. We all agreed. My sister came up with the answer. We werent surprised: she was after all older than us and knew about these things. She would teach us. She would teach us both

19、how to apply make-up. It was genius.And than as quickly as Jenna had entered our lives she was jolted out of it. Gone. Vanished. But not really as she still lived only 16 doors away. Our parents split up. The break up was hostile. My mom told us not to speak to him again. One time we went over to se

20、e Jenna. Her father was home and looked at us real mad. We didnt stay long.I have a picture of the three of us- tucked away in one of my many albums. It was taken that first summer we all went camping. My brother and Jennas are already asleep, but we, the girls, were old enough to stay up for a barb

21、ecue. Sitting around the grill with my mother (who looks amazingly young), we look so very happy. Almost like three sisters. Today is Jennas birthday. Shell be 23 or is it 24? I dont remember. Over the years we have stayed in touch. Writing each other every couple of years. I know the superficial st

22、uff about her life- she finished college and just bought a house with her boyfriend- but I no longer know what goes on inside her heart. Is she happy? Is she content? Does she ever think about the days the three of us would play together? Does she ever wonder what it would have been like had our par

23、ents stayed together and had she been our sister? I know I do.2019-2020年高中英语必修6Module3Section3WordsandExpressionsfromModule3InterpersonalRelationshipPart Two: Teaching Resources第二部分:教学资源Section 3: Words and Expressions from Module 3 Interpersonal RelationshipsFriendshipclose1 v.WINDOW / DOOR, etc.1

24、to put sth. into a position so that it covers an opening; to get into this position shut: vn Would anyone mind if I closed the window? She closed the gate behind her. Its dark nowlets close the curtains. I closed my eyes against the bright light. v The doors open and close automatically. BOOK / UMBR

25、ELLA, etc.2 vn sth. (up) to move the parts of sth. together so that it is no longer open shut: to close a book / an umbrella SHOP / STORE / BUSINESS3 (sth.) (to sb./sth.) to make the work of a shop/store, etc. stop for a period of time; to not be open for people to use: vn often passive: The museum

26、has been closed for renovation. The road was closed to traffic for two days. v What time does the bank close? We close for lunch between twelve and two. 4 (also close down, close sth.down) if a pany, shop/store, etc. closes, or if you close it, it stops operating as a business: vn The club was close

27、d by the police. v The hospital closed at the end of last year. The play closed after just three nights. END5 to end or make sth. end: vn to close a meeting / debate to close a case / an investigation to close an account (= to stop keeping money in a bank account) The subject is now closed (= we wil

28、l not discuss it again). v The meeting will close at 10.00 p.m. The offer closes at the end of the week. FINANCE6 v to be worth a particular amount at the end of the days business: Shares in the pany closed at 265p. closing prices also v-adj DISTANCE / DIFFERENCE7 to make the distance or difference

29、between two people or things smaller; to bee smaller or narrower: vn These measures are aimed at closing the gap between rich and poor. v The gap between the two top teams is closing all the time.HOLD FIRMLY8 (sth.) about / around / over sb./sth. to hold sth./sb. firmly: vn She closed her hand over

30、his. also vclose2 adj. (closer, closest) NEAR1 not usually before n. (to sb./sth.)| (together) near in space or time: Our new house is close to the school. I had no idea the beach was so close. The two buildings are close together. This is the closest we can get to the beach by car. We all have to w

31、ork in close proximity (= near each other). The President was shot at close range (= from a short distance away). The children are close to each other in age. Their birthdays are very close together. ALMOST / LIKELY2 not before n. (to sth.)| (to doing sth.) almost in a particular state; likely to do

32、 sth. soon: He was close to tears. The new library is close to pletion. She knew she was close to death. We are close to signing the agreement.RELATIONSHIP3 (to sb.) knowing sb. very well and liking them very much: Jo is a very close friend. She is very close to her father. She and her father are very close. Were a very close family. 4 near in family relationship: close relatives, such as your mother and fa

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