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1、八年级英语下册Unit 1 helping these in need一、 核心词汇Raise_ permission_ disabled_Teenager_ offer_ suffer_Serious_ illness_ express_Pain_ lonely_ friendship_Difficulty_ hurt_ courage_Spirits_二、 重点短语In need_ voluntary work_Ask permission_ suffer from_Raise ones spirits_ in order to _三必背句子1. Three teenagers offer

2、ed to do some voluntary work during the school holidays.三个青少年主动提出在学校假期期间去做义工。2. The children there all suffer from serious illnesses.那儿所有的孩子都被严重的疾病折磨着。3. My mother and I will continue to visit Vivien,我和我的妈妈将继续看望微微安。4. Her parents died in a car accident, and she is unhappy and very lonely.她父母死于一场车祸,她

3、很不开心且非常孤单。5.They have difficulty walking or moving.他们走路或移动有困难。6.I will continue to do voluntary work in the future.将来我要继续做义务性工作。7. I taught them to sing because music can bring them joy and peace.我教他们唱歌,因为音乐能带给他们喜悦与宁静。8. We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits.四、 词性变化总结1. permissio

4、n 名词动词 permit 2. illness 名词形容词 ill3. organize 动词名词organization 4. express 动词名词 expression5. friendship 名词形容词 friendly 6. difficulty 名词形容词 difficult7. joy/ peace 名词形容词 joyful/ peaceful 8. courage 名词动词 encourage9.paint 动词名词 painting(绘画)五、 第一单元主要语法点:动词不定式1. 基本结构:to+动词原形,有时可省略to,其否定形式是“ not+动词原形”2. 不定式作

5、宾语:(即不定式直接跟在谓语动词后)如:We decide to have a party.能直接带不定式作宾语的及物动词主要有:want, like, love, need, try, ask, learn, begin, start, forget, remember, hope, wish, agree, choose, fail, refuse, decide, afford, offer, plan 等。 3.不定式做宾语补足语:能用动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:Ask, tell, get, would like, want, teach, show, allow, encour

6、age, wish, invite如:Our teachers encouraged us to work hard on our subject.* 动词不定式作宾语补足语省略TO的情况:一听:hear, listen to二看: watch, see, look at三使: let, make, have四注意: notice五感觉:feel如:1. Let him do the work. 2. He made me work day and night. 3.I saw him fall off the bike. 3. 不定式作目的状语:(即不定式直接跟在谓语动词后,仅对谓语动词起一

7、个补充说明的作用,如果没有它,句子意思仍然完整,它不像作宾语一样,与谓语动词有密切的联系)如: The doctor came to operate on her. He rushed into the room to save the girl. He got up early to catch the train.六、 小语法点1. raise, rise的区别这两个词都有提高,上升,增加的意思,但其用法不一样。Raise是及物动词,其主语是人,而rise 是不及物动词,其主语是物。如: The sun rises and bathes the earth.太阳升起,普照大地 The bo

8、y is helping raise money. 这个男孩正在帮助筹钱。2. ill, sick的区别Ill和sick都有“生命的,有病的“之意,但用法并不完全相同。Ill 表示生病的,有病的,这一意思时,一般用作表语,不能作定语。而sick既可以做标语也可以作定语。如:“病人”可以说 a sick man,(sick作定语),但不能说 an ill man.She is ill / sick in bed. 她卧病在床。(ill, sick作表语)* 3.lonely 和 alone的区别形容词:alone 意为“单独的”只作表语不能用作定语。 Lonely 意为“孤独的”.作定语时,意为

9、“荒凉,偏僻”,多修饰表示地点的名词。副词: alone作副词,意为“单独,独自”如: She went home alone. 她独自回家去了。 The old man lives in a lonely town, he lives alone but he doesnt feel lonely.这位老人住在偏僻的镇上,他独自一人住着,但他并不感到孤独。*4. spend, take, cost, pay的区别Spend的主语必须是人,常用以下结构。 Spend time / money on sth. ( I spend two hours on this maths problem)

10、Spend time/money (in) doing sth. ( They spend two years(in) building this bridge)Cost 的主语是物。Sth. Costs (sb.) + 金钱 ,某物花了(某人多少钱)如: A new computer costs a lot of money.Pay 一般是人作主语。Pay (sb.)money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买。如: I pay lots of money for books.Take一般用It 作主语。It takes sb. Sometimes to do sth. A做某事花了某人多

11、少时间。如: It took them three years to build this road. Unit 2 Body language一、核心词汇Language_ communication_ accept_Meaning_ gesture_ message_Bored_ part-time_ well-dressed_Lady_ sigh_ matter_Expression_ impression_ towards_Hold_ later_ remind_Appearance_ neck_2、重点短语Follow advice_ take place_ according to

12、 _Look up_ walk over to_Make a impression on_ remind sb.about/ of sth _3、必背句子1. She looked at Debbie and Simon, and then walked over to Debbie.她看了黛比和西蒙,然后朝着黛比走了过去2. Debbie gave her a cheering greeting.黛比热情地问候了她3. Simon sighed and walked away.西蒙叹了口气,走开了。4. People always choose Debbie instead of me.客人

13、们总是选黛比而不是我5. Its the way you communicate.那是(因为)你的沟通方式。6. Communication is more than just speaking. 沟通不仅仅是谈话。7. You dont give people a good impression.你没有给人们留下好印象。8. Her body language is making people feel welcome, so they go to her for help.她的肢体语言让人觉得很受欢迎,因为他们都会到那里去寻求帮助。9. Simon decided to improve h

14、is body language.西蒙决定改进他的肢体语言。10. Mr Yang came over at once and said,” You made a good impression on her, Simon.”杨先生立刻就走了过来,说道:“西蒙,你给他留下了好印象。”4、词性变化总结1. Communication 名词动词 communicate 2. Meaning 名词动词 mean3.bored 形容词动词 bore 4. Appearance 名词动词 appear5. Impression 名词形容词 impressive 6. Accept 动词名词 accept

15、ance7. Reject 动词名词 rejection 5、第二单元主要语法点:动名词1.结构: 动词+ing , 否定形式是:Not +doing2.动名词作主语1)置于句首作主语。其谓语动词用第三人称单数。 Reading is an art. Smoking is bad for your health.2)动名词作主语时,经常用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语后置。如: It is fun playing with children.It is nice being with you.3.动名词作宾语。1)作动词的宾语。易错点提示:有些动词或短语只能跟动名词作宾语,而不能跟不定式完成、

16、实践、值得、忙(finish, practice, be worth, be busy)继续、习惯、放弃(keep, be used to, give up)考虑、建议、不禁、想要(consider, suggest,cant help, feel like)喜欢,想象,思念,介意(enjoy, imagine, miss, mind) Enjoy,imagine, practise,finish, mind, keep, miss, consider, avoid, dislike, admit, cant help ( 情不自禁), look forward to (盼望做某事), hav

17、e difficulty in2) 作介词的宾语如:I am good at drawing.He is keen on paying football.We are thinking of making a new plan for the next exam.6、动名词作宾语与动词不定式作宾语的比较1. 在stop, forget, remember, try, mean 等, 后面既可以接动词不定式,也可以接不定式,但是含义截然不同。A. Stop doing something 停止正在做的事 stop to do something 停下来去做另外一件事B. Remember doi

18、ng something 记得做过某事 remember to do something 记得要去做某事C. Forget doing something 忘记了做过的事 forget to do something 忘记要去做某事D. Try doing something 尝试做某事 try to do something 努力去做某事E. Mean doing something 意味 mean to do something 打算做某事7、小语法点1. Accept、receive、take的区别:这三个词都有接受的意思。Receive 只表示被动的接受,accept 总表示主动且高兴

19、地接受, take 所表示的接受包含有人赠给的意思。如: She has received his present, but she will not accept it. He takes anything he is given.2. Bore、bored、boring的区别1)Bore 动词:使某人感到厌烦Bored 与boring 都是形容词。Bored,它修饰的主语是人, boring,它修饰的主语是物。如:His class bores me badly, and I cant stand it. = I am bored by his class, and I cant stan

20、d it. = His class is boring, and I cant stand it.2) be bored with 对.感到厌烦I am bored with so many boring things.我厌烦了如此多的乏味的事情。3.Appear :出现 (动词)appearance 外貌、出现(名词)反义词:disappear 消失(动词) disappearance 消失(名词)Judge sb. By ones appearance 以貌取人4. Remind= make sb. Remember something1)remind sb. About/of sth.

21、提醒某人某事如:Remind him of the meeting tomorrow. 提醒他别忘了明天开会2) remind sb. To do sth. 提醒某人做某事Please remind him to take his medicine tomorrow. 请提醒他明天吃药 Unit 3 Arts and crafts1、核心词汇Description_ describe_ fisherman_Net_ although_ fit_Dive_ready_ reach_Attract_ hang_ require_Practise_ post_ tool_ health_2、重点短语

22、Up to_ set off_ be ready for_Stop .from_ up and down_ be interested in _In 50 years_3、必背句子1. They can dive down and stay under the water for up to two minutes.它们可以潜入水下,待上两分钟的时间。2. Damin usually sets off in the late morning and gets the cormorants ready for work.大民通常在傍晚出发,让鸬鹚做好捕鱼的准备。3. First, he ties

23、 a piece of grass around their necks to stop them from eating big fish.首先,他会在它们的脖子上系上一根草,以防它们把大鱼吞下。4.Then when Damins boat reaches the right place in the river, he pushed them into the river. 接着,当大民的船到达河中适当的位置时,他就会把它们赶上河。5. During the day, he jumps up and down on his boat.在白天,他会在船上上上下下地跳跃。6.After da

24、rk, he hangs a light on a post at the front of the boat夜幕降临后,他就在船头的柱子上挂一盏灯。7. The cormorants bring the fish back to the boat.鸬鹚会将鱼带回到船上。8. The fish are then taken and thrown into a big basket by Damin.鱼会被大民取出,扔进一只大篮子上里。9. Cormorants fishing was once practised in lots of places in South-East China.鸬鹚

25、捕鱼曾经在中国东南部的很多地方采用。10. But today, few young people are interested in it.但如今,几乎没有年轻人对它感兴趣。11. In 50 years, perhaps there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world.50 年后,可能世界上就再也不会有用鸬鹚捕鱼的渔夫了。4、词性变化总结1. Description 名词动词 describe 2.attract 动词名词、形容词 attraction , attractive 3. Require 动词名词 requireme

26、nt 4. Practise 动词名词 practice 5. Health 名词形容词 healthy 形容词名词 fitness 5、第三单元主要语法点:被动语态1. 构成:be+ 及物动词的过去分词1)一般现在时的被动语态构成:am/is/are +及物动词的过去分词2)一般过去时的被动语态构成: was/were+及物动词的过去分词3)一般将来时的被动语态构成:will be+及物动词的过去分词2.步骤:1)把主动语态中的宾语变为被动语态中的主语 2)把谓语动词变为be+过去分词 3)末尾加by不能忘3.注意点:1)不及物动词无被动语态。 Eg. What will hap

27、pen in 100 years time ? 2)有些动词用主动形式表示被动意义。 Eg. This pen writes well. This new book sells well. *3) 感官动词或使役动词在主动语态中使用省略to的动词不定式中,但变为被动语态,须加上to。 Eg. A girl saw my wallet drop when she passed by. My wallet was seen to drop by a girl when she passed by. The boss made the boy do heavy work. The boy was m

28、ade to do heavy work by the boss.4.动词的过去分词形式:1)动词原形,过去式,过去分词相同cost-cost-cost cut-cut-cut hit-hit-hit hurt -hurt -hurt let -let -let put -put -put read -read -read set -set -set shut -shut -shutspread- spread- spread2)动词原形与过去分词相同 become -became - become come-came - come run-ran-run3) 在动词原形后加-en/n构成过去分词be-was/werebeen beat-beat-beaten drive -drove-drivenride -rode-ridden rise -rose-risen eat-ate-eatenfall-fell-fallen give-gave -given shake -shook-shakensee-saw-seen take-took-taken blow-

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