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10统考英语A试题 网络教育.docx

1、10统考英语A试题 网络教育一、阅读理解First aid is the kind of medical care given to a victim of an accident or sudden sickness before trained medical help can arrive. First aid techniques often are simple. They can be taught to people of all ages. And learning them is important. Knowing how to treat someone in an em

2、ergency can mean the difference between life and death.Thousands of persons die each year after eating or drinking poison substances. Experts say most accidental poisonings happen in or near the home. And most are caused by substances we commonly use at home: medical supplies, insect poisons or clea

3、ning fluids. There are several common signs of poisoning: a sudden feeling of pain or sickness, burns in the area of the mouth, or an unusual smell coming from a persons mouth.Health experts generally advise poison victims to drink water or milk. But never give liquids to someone who is not awake or

4、 to those having a violent reaction to the poison. Next, seek help from trained medical experts. Save material expelled from the mouth for doctors to examine. Save the container of the suspected poison to answer questions the doctors may have. The container also may describe a substance that stops t

5、he poisons effects. Use this substance without delay.The American Red Cross says all homes should have at least three substances to deal with poisoning. One, syrup (糖浆) of ipecac, is a fluid that helps the body expel material from the stomach. Another, activated charcoal (木炭), lessens the danger of

6、poisons. The other material, Epsom salts, helps to speed the release of body wastes. All three should be used only on the advice of a medical expert.1、The phrase medical supplies in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by_. A、medicinesB、medical instrumentC、medical deviceD、medical service参考答案:A解析:空 空 空 空 空 空

7、空 空 空 2、Which of the following statements is NOT true? A、First aid is the medical care given to a victim of an accident or sudden sickness.B、First aid skills often are simple and can be taught to teenagers.C、Syrup of ipecac is a kind of medicine to empty the stomache.D、Health experts generally advis

8、e that we should never give liquids to poison victims.参考答案:D解析:3、What is the main purpose of the passage? A、Tell people how to deal with poison.B、Tell people that first aid is essential.C、Tell people how to deal with accidental poisoning.D、Tell people that they can use three substances to deal with

9、poisoning.参考答案:C解析:4、Which of the following is TRUE of a poison victim? A、He will die without first aid.B、He should always drink water or milk.C、He should eat any recommended substances.D、He should be given first aid or resort to medical experts.参考答案:D解析:5、The author states all the following EXCEPT

10、that _. A、there are thousands of poison victims each yearB、knowing how to treat someone in an emergency is a vital questionC、health experts advise poison victims not to vomit if they were poisoned by a petroleum productD、There are several common signs of poisoning such as a sudden feeling of pain or

11、 sickness, or an unusual smell coming from a persons mouth.参考答案:C解析:Theres a great story about an old Finnish woman who, without quite realizing it, was using her cell-phone to access the Internet and track her citys public transit system. When asked why she used the wireless Internet so frequently,

12、 she replied, “What are you talking about? I dont know anything about this wireless Internet stuff. I just know the bus is here.”Regardless of whether you want to admit it, a lot of us are like that old Finnish woman. When it comes to new mobile applications, many of us do not realize the capability

13、 and power that we hold, literally, in our hands.What we are looking at today is the mobile Internet in its infancy. Now that using the Internet from home or work has saturated much of society, the next logical step is to be able to use the Net when you are far away from your desktop or laptop. Spee

14、ch recognition is one way to do this, and there are a number of services, collectively called the “voice Web”, that will make this possible. All you do is to use a phone or wireless device to call a phone number, and speak commands to an intuitive system. It will then give you the information youre

15、seeking, using either a synthesized voice or an audio file.In the United States and Europe, the hot technology for wireless devices is called WAP (Wireless Application Protocol), which is being considered as the world standard. WAP is supported by major phone companies including Nokia, Motorola and

16、Ericsson, and is simply a means of transmitting information, much like HTML which is a means of communicating on the Internet.Currently, wireless Internet connections may give you news, sports scores, stock quotes, and the weather if youre lucky. But if youve ever used this technology, you know its

17、slow, costly and doesnt seem worth the time and effort, if it works at all. All of this technology points to easier living. Perhaps youll need to find a restaurant for an occasional business meeting. Youll press a button on your mobile phone, and access the Internet to pull up a list of great restau

18、rants in your immediate area. Youll hit another button, say a few words into the handset and youve got a reservation for four.6、The author uses the story of an old Finnish woman to indicate that _. A、she is ignorant of some common knowledgeB、public transit system contains the accessory to InternetC、

19、many people are unaware of the function of the new appliances being usedD、the Internet is experiencing rapid growth参考答案:C解析:7、The word “saturate” (Para. 3) most probably means _. A、stateB、utilizeC、despiseD、fill参考答案:D解析:8、According to the text, WAP is a _. A、technology standard set by major phone com

20、paniesB、substitution of HTML which can be applied on the InternetC、means of exchanging informationD、software application for transmitting voice over telephone lines参考答案:C解析:9、We can infer from the passage that the mobile Internet is different from the previous Internet in that the former _. A、can be

21、 accessed by desktop computersB、has no need for wire appliancesC、can be used to book a table in a restaurantD、is equipped with speech recognition systems参考答案:B解析:10、What is the attitude of the author towards the future of mobile Internet? A、IndifferentB、NeutralC、OptimisticD、Pessimistic参考答案:C解析:二、词汇与

22、语法11、The two friends shared a _ interest in stamp collecting. A、commonB、generalC、popularD、usual参考答案:A解析:12、_ the fact that his initial experiments had failed, Prof. White persisted in his research. A、Because of B、As toC、In spite of D、In view of参考答案:C解析:13、Only after he has acquired considerable faci

23、lity in speaking _ to learn to read and write. A、he began B、will he begin C、did he begin D、must he begin参考答案:B解析:14、Not only _ our money, but we were also in danger of losing our lives. A、we lostB、lost weC、we did loseD、did we lose 参考答案:D解析:15、That poorly dressed old man felt quite _ at such a big pa

24、rty attended by many important figures. A、in the wayB、out of the wayC、out of placeD、in place参考答案:C解析:根据句意,此处应该选C,大概的句意是“老人在宴会上感到不自在”。16、The girl will get _ her nervousness once she is on stage. A、overB、throughC、offD、away参考答案:A解析:Get over: 克服;度过;Get through: 完成;get off: 下车;Get away:离开,脱身。根据句意,选择A。17、

25、I advise that she _ another day. A、will comeB、comesC、cameD、should come参考答案:D解析:I advise 后的从句应该使用虚拟语气,动词应该是原形的形式或者should +动词原形。18、If the rain doesnt stop, people will be faced _ serious flooding. A、toB、aboutC、byD、with参考答案:D解析:be faced with:面临,是固定搭配,因此此处选择D。19、At that moment she was standing a few met

26、ers away from _ we are now. A、whereB、whatC、whichD、there参考答案:A解析:where引导的地点状语从句前面可用介词。20、In recent years much more emphasis has been put _ developing the students productive skills. A、ontoB、overC、inD、on参考答案:D解析:put emphasis on: 把重点放在,固定搭配,选D。三、完型填空Everyone likes a person with good manners but no one

27、likes a person with bad manners.Yes, you may say, _21_ what are good manners? How do I know what to do and what not to do?Here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do. He never _22_ at people when they are in trouble. _23_, he tries to help them. He is always

28、kind, never cruel, _24_ to people or animals. When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he takes his turn. He does not push _25_ the front of the queue. In the bus, he gives his seat to an older person or a lady who is standing. If he accidentally bumps into someone, or gets in their w

29、ay, he says _26_me or Im sorry.He says please when making a request, and Thank you when he receives _27_. He stands up when speaking to a lady or an older person, and he does not sit down _28_ the other person is seated. He does not _29_ other people when they are talking. He does not talk too much

30、himself. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. When eating, he does not speak _30_ his mouth full of food. He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes(打喷嚏) or coughs.21、 A、thereforeB、orC、butD、so参考答案:C解析:空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 22、 A、smilesB、laughsC、enjoysD、delights参考答案:B解析:23、

31、A、InsteadB、Instead ofC、Rather thanD、Though参考答案:A解析:24、 A、bothB、norC、neitherD、either参考答案:D解析:25、 A、inB、forC、toD、before参考答案:C解析:26、 A、PardonB、ForgiveC、ReleaseD、Excuse参考答案:D解析:27、 A、anythingB、somethingC、everythingD、one thing参考答案:B解析:28、 A、even thoughB、asC、so thatD、until参考答案:D解析:29、 A、interruptB、joinC、mix upD、bother参考答案:A解析:30、 A、whenB、withC、afterD、since参考答案:B解析:四、汉

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