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1、多媒体参考复习资料中英对照版讲解Part I Multimedia Authoring and Data Representation第一部分多媒体创作和数据表示01-Introduction to Multimedia 01-多媒体概论02- Multimedia Authoring and Tools 02 - 多媒体创作和工具03-Graphics and Data Representations 03,图形和数据表示04-Color in Image and Video 04色的图片视频05-Fundamental Concepts in Video 05 - 基本概念的视频06-Ba

2、sics of Digital Audio 06 - 基础数字音频What is Multimedia? 什么是多媒体?When dierent people mention the term multimedia, they often have quite dierent, or even opposing, viewpoints.当不同的人提到这个词多媒体,他们往往有很大的不同,甚至对立,观点。 A PC vendor: a PC that has sound capability, a DVD-ROM drive,and perhaps the superiority of multi

3、media-enabled microprocessors that understand additional multimedia instructions.- 一个PC厂商:电脑有声音功能,一台DVD-ROM驱动器,也许的多媒体功能的微处理器的优越性说明白额外的多媒体指令集。 A consumer entertainment vendor: interactive cable TV with hun-dreds of digital channels available, or a cable TV-like service delivered over a high-speed Int

4、ernet connection.- 一个消费娱乐供应商:交互式有线电视HUN-数字信道的可用dreds,或交付有线电视般的服务在一个高速互联网连接。 A Computer Science (CS) student: applications that use multiple modalities, including text, images, drawings (graphics), animation, video, sound including speech, and interactivity.- 计算机科学(CS)学生:使用多个应用程序方式,包括文本,图像,绘图(图形),动画,

5、视频,声音,包括演讲和互动。 Multimedia and Computer Science: 多媒体与计算机科学学院: Graphics, HCI, visualization, computer vision, data compression, graph theory, networking, database systems.- 图形学,人机交互,可视化,计算机视觉,数据压缩,图形.理论上讲,网络,数据库系统。2、Multimedia Research Topics and Project 2,多媒体的研究课题和项目To the computer science researcher

6、, multimedia consists of a wide variety of topics:以计算机科学研究员,多媒体包括一个广泛的主题:1. Multimedia processing and coding 1。多媒体处理和编码2. Multimedia system support and networking2。多媒体系统支持和网络3. Multimedia tools, end-systems and applications3。多媒体工具,终端系统和应用程序4. Multi-modal interaction and integration4。多模态交互和集成Current

7、Multimedia Projects目前的多媒体项目 Many exciting research projects are currently underway. Here are a few of them:许多令人兴奋的研究项目正在进行中。下面是其中的一些:1. Camera-based object tracking technology 1。基于摄像头的目标跟踪技术2. 3D motion capture 2。 3D动作捕捉3. Multiple views 3。多个视图4. 3D capture technology 4。 3D捕捉技术5. Specic multimedia a

8、pplications 5。特定的多媒体应用6. Digital fashion: 6。数码时尚:7. Electronic Housecall system 7。电子Housecall系统8. Augmented Interaction applications 8。增强互动应用Hypermedia and Multimedia 超媒体和多媒体 A hypertext system: meant to be read nonlinearly, by fol-lowing links that point to other parts of the document, or to other

9、documents一个超文本系统:意在非线性阅读,通过FOL-指向该文件的其他部分仰角调整链接或以其他文件 HyperMedia: not constrained to be text-based, can include other media, e.g., graphics, images, and especially the continuous media sound and video.超级媒体:不限制为基于文本的,可以包括其他媒体,例如,图形,图像,特别是连续介质 - 声音和视频。 The World Wide Web (WWW) the best example of a hy

10、permedia application.万维网(WWW) - 一个超媒体应用程序的最好的例子。 Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through audio, graphics,images, video, and animation in addition to traditional media.多媒体是指计算机信息可以通过声音,图形,图像,视频和动画,除了传统媒体表示。World Wide Web 万维网 The W3C has listed the following goals for the

11、 WWW: W3C已经列出的WWW以下目标:1. Universal access of web resources (by everyone every- where).2. Eectiveness of navigating available information.3. Responsible use of posted material. 网络资源的通用访问(通过每 - 每个人)。2。有效性提供导航信息。3。负责任地使用发布的材料 HTTP: a protocol that was originally designed for transmitting hypermedia, bu

12、t can also support the transmission of any le type.HTTP:一种协议,它最初被设计用于传输超媒体,而且还可以支持任何文件类型的传输。 HTTP is a stateless request/response protocol: no information carried over for the next request.HTTP是一个无状态请求/响应协议:没有信息结转为下一个请求。 The basic request format: Method URI Version Additional-Headers: Message-body基本

13、的请求格式:方法URI版本附加报头:消息体HTML (HyperText Markup Language) HTML(超文本标记语言)XML (Extensible Markup Language) XML(可扩展标记语言)SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) SMIL(同步多媒体集成语言) Overview of Multimedia Software Tools(一些常用多媒体软件) The categories of software tools briey examined here are:在这里简要探讨软件工具的类别

14、有:1. Music Sequencing and Notation(。音乐测序和符号): Cakewalk, Cubase,Macromedia Soundedit2. Digital Audio(数码录音): cool edit, sound forge, Pro tools3. Graphics and Image Editing(图形和图像编辑): Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Fireworks, Macromedia Freehand4. Video Editing(视频编辑): Adobe Premiere , Ad

15、obe After Eects, Final Cut Pro5. Animation(动画): Multimedia APIs: Java3D, Open GL, DirectXTools: 3D Studio Max, Softimage XSI, Maya,RenderMan6. Multimedia Authoring (多媒体创作) Macromedia Flash,Macromedia Director,Quest Chapter 2 Multimedia Authoring and Tools 第2章多媒体创作和工具 2.1 Multimedia Authoring 2.1多媒体创

16、作 2.2 Some Useful Editing and Authorin Tools 2.2一些有用的编辑和Authorin工具 2.3 VRML 2.3 VRML Multimedia Authoring(多媒体编著) Multimedia authoring: creation of multimedia productions, sometimes called “movies” or “presentations”.多媒体创作:创作多媒体作品的,有时也被称为“电影”或“演示文稿”。 we are mostly interested in interactive applicatio

17、ns.- 我们最感兴趣的交互式应用程序。 For practicality, we also have a look at still-image editors such as Adobe Photoshop, and simple video editors such as Adobe Premiere.- 对于实用性,我们亦看静止图像编辑器如Adobe Photoshop,以及简单的视频编辑器,如Adobe首映。 In this section, we take a look at: 在本节中,我们来看看: Multimedia Authoring Metaphors - 多媒体创作隐喻

18、 Multimedia Production - 多媒体制作 Multimedia Presentation - 多媒体演示 Automatic Authoring - 自动创作Multimedia Authoring Metaphors 多媒体创作隐喻1. Scripting Language Metaphor 1。脚本语言的隐喻2. Slide Show Metaphor 2。幻灯片隐喻3. Hierarchical Metaphor 3。分层隐喻4. Iconic/Flow-control Metaphor 4。标志性/流量控制隐喻5. Frames Metaphor 5。帧隐喻6. C

19、ard/Scripting Metaphor 6。卡/脚本隐喻7. Cast/Score/Scripting Metaphor 7。铸造/得分/脚本隐喻Multimedia Presentation 多媒体演示Graphics Styles: Color principles and guidelines; Fonts; A color contrast program图形样式:颜色的原则和指导方针;字体,颜色反差程序Sprite Animation 分镜动画Video Transitions(视频转换:): Cut, Wipe, Dissolve(cross dissolve(交叉溶解) a

20、nd dither dissolve(抖动溶解))Some Technical Design Issues 一些技术设计问题 1. Computer Platform: Much software is ostensibly “portable” but cross-platform software relies on run-time modules which may not work well across systems.1。计算机平台:很多软件表面上是“便携式”,但跨平台的软件依赖于它可能无法跨系统运行良好的运行时模块。 2. Video format and resolution

21、: The most popular video formats NTSC, PAL, and SECAM are not compatible, so a conversion is required before a video can be played on a player supporting a dierent format.2。视频格式和分辨率:最流行的视频格式 - NTSC,PAL和SECAM-是不兼容的,所以需要进行转换的视频可以在播放器支持不同的格式进行播放。 3. Memory and Disk Space Requirement: At least 128 MB of

22、 RAM and 20 GB of hard-disk space should be available for acceptable performance and storage for multimedia programs.3。内存和磁盘空间要求:至少128 MB的硬盘空间,RAM和20 GB的应提供可接受的性能和存储的多媒体节目。4. Delivery Methods: Not everyone has rewriteable DVD drives, as yet. CD-ROMs: may be not enough storage to hold a mul-timedia p

23、resentation. As well, access time for CD-ROM drives is longer than for hard-disk drives. Electronic delivery is an option, but depends on network bandwidth at the user side (and at server). A streaming option may be available, depending on the presentation.4。交货方式:不是每个人都有可重写DVD驱动器,尚未。CD-ROM光盘:可能是没有足够

24、的存储空间来保存一个MUL-timedia演示。同时,为CD-ROM驱动器的访问时间是比硬盘驱动器更长的时间。电子交付是一种选择,但取决于网络带宽在用户侧(和服务器)。流式选项是可用的,这取决于呈现。 Automatic Authoring - 自动创作 Hypermedia documents: Generally, three steps: 超媒体文件:一般情况下,三个步骤:1. Capture of media: From text or using an audio digitizer or video frame-grabber; is highly developed and we

25、ll automated.2. Authoring: How best to structure the data in order to support multiple views of the available data, rather than a single, static view.3. Publication: i.e. Presentation, is the objective of the multimedia tools we have been considering.1。捕获的媒体:从文本或使用音频数字转换器或视频帧采集;高度发达和良好的自动化。2。制作:如何最好

26、地安排数据,以支持现有的数据,而不是单一的,静态视图的多个视图。3。出版:即演示,是多媒体工具,我们一直在考虑的目标。Some Useful Editing and Authoring Tools 一些有用的编辑和制作工具One needs real vehicles for showing understanding principles of and creating multimedia. And straight programming in C+ or Java is not always the best way of showing your knowledge and crea

27、tivity.一个人需要真正的车辆显示原理的理解和创造多媒体。直编程在C + +或Java并不总是显示你的知识和创造力的最佳途径。 Some popular authoring tools include the following: 一些流行的创作工具包括以下内容: Adobe Premiere 6 Macromedia Director 8 and MX Flash 5 and MX Dreamweaver MX Hint for Studying This Section: Hands-on work in a Lab environment, with reference to the

28、 text. VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) VRML(虚拟现实建模语言)(a) VRML: conceived in the rst international conference of the World Wide Web as a platform-independent language that would be viewed on the Internet.(一)VRML:设想在万维网作为一个平台无关的语言,将在互联网上看到的第一次国际会议。(b) Objective of VRML: capability to put col

29、ored objects into a 3D environment.VRML(二)目标:能力把颜色的物体变成一个3D的环境。(c) VRML is an interpreted language; however it has been very inuential since it was the rst method available for displaying a 3D world on the World Wide Web.(三)VRML是一种解释型语言,但它已经非常有影响力的,因为它是第一种方法可用于在万维网上显示3D世界。(d) The last major revision

30、 of VRML was VRML 2.0, standardized by ISO as VRML97(四)VRML的最后一个主要版本是VRML2.0,由国际标准化组织标准化为VRML97Chapter 3Graphics and Image Data Representations 图形和图像数据表示3.1 Graphics/Image Data Types 图形/图像数据类型3.2 Popular File Formats 流行的文件格式 Graphics/Image Data Types(图形图像的数据类型) 1-bit Images: Each pixel is stored as

31、a single bit (0 or 1), so also referred to as binary image. Such an image is also called a 1-bit monochrome image since it contains no color.1 - 比特图像:每个像素被存储为单个位(0或1),所以也被称为二值图像。这种图像也被称为1位单色图像,因为它不包含任何颜色。 8-bit Gray-level Images: Each pixel has a gray-value between 0 and 255. Each pixel is represented by a single byte; e.g., a dark pixel might have a value of 10, and a bright one might be 230.8位灰度图像:每个像素具有0至255之间的灰度值。每个像素由一个字节表示,例如,一个黑暗的像素可能有一个值10 ,和一个光明的可能是230 24-bit Color Images: In a color 24-bit image, each pixel is represented by three bytes, usually r

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