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本文(外研版四年级上册英语第一模块第一单元 she is a nice teacher 教学设计汇编.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

外研版四年级上册英语第一模块第一单元 she is a nice teacher 教学设计汇编.docx

1、外研版四年级上册英语第一模块第一单元 she is a nice teacher 教学设计汇编Module 1 FriendsUnit 1 shes a nice teacher本模块分两单元Unit1Shesaniceteacher. Unit2Hescool.整个模块介绍了怎样描述人物的性格特征?要求学生能够用简单的句子对好友的性格、外形进行描述。同时复习了上学期学过的一些单词fatthinsmallbigtallshort,从而引出naughtyshyniceclever等几个新单词。在本模块中,出现了两个表示程度的副词abit very,分别表示非常和有一点儿可以修饰后面的形容词,鼓励

2、学生在造句时使用适当的副词。Teaching objectives1. Words and phrases: nice a bit shy clever naughty 2. Sentences: This is Ms Smart. She is a nice teacher.3. Grammar: Using adjectives to describe person.Teaching properties: cards pictures photo Tape-recorder CAITeaching proceduresStep1:Warmup1)Singasong.2)Greetings

3、A: Song: There are twelve months in the year. B: Free talk: Talk about your holiday. C: New concepts:Step2:Learningand Practice1)Listenandpoint1.Tellthestudentsopentheirbooks,andlookatthefirstpicture.AnswertheteachersquestionIsthisadog?2.Thestudentsrespond.Now,Imgoingtoplaythetape.Iwantyoutolistenan

4、dtellmewhois nice?(Theteacherplaysthetapeasmanytimesasnecessary.)3.Writethenewwordsontheblackboard:niceshyclevernaughtyTheteachershouldexplaintheneaningofthesefourwords.nice:meanspleasant.shy:meansnervousandembarrassed, especiallywhenyouarewithpeopleyoudontknow. clever:meansintelligentnaughty:meansb

5、adlybehaved.4.Thentheteachershould makestatementscontainingthosewords.2)Listenandsay1.PleaselookatAcitivity2.Imgoingtoplaythetapeagain.This timeImgoingtopauseitaftereachpersonspeaks.3.ThenIwantyoutorepeatthesentence.4.Thenyouwilltellmethe correctadjectivetodescribethatperson.(Theteacherdoesmoreexamp

6、leswiththeclassandalsowithindividualstudents.) 3)PointandsayLookatAcivity3,(分角色读课文)1.TheteacherholdsupthebookandpointstothePicture of Xiaoyong.2.Explaintothestudentsthatwhenwearesomedistanceaway fromanobjectorperson,wemustusethatinsteadofthis.Anddescribeshimheritusingasuitableadjective.Theteacherrea

7、ds thedialogues.SummaryHomework 1.Writethenewwordstwice, 2. Copy the textThe design of the blackboard Unit 1 shes a nice teacherModule 2 London教材分析本模块由Londonis a big city和Its very old.两个单元组成,介绍怎样描述一座城市或一处景物?本模块向我们介绍了伦敦是英国的首都、世界著名的大城市,是英国的金融、文化、艺术和教育中心,泰晤士河穿越而过。伦敦历史悠久,名胜古迹众多,拥有许多著名的建筑物和旅游景点,其中包括伦敦桥、伦

8、敦塔、塔桥、大本钟、白金汉宫、海德公园等。歌曲LondonBridgeisfallingdown.是一首传统的英国歌曲,让我们感觉一下歌曲的旋律和内容,并边唱边做游戏。Unit 1 London is the big cityTeaching objectives:1、Words and phrases: capital, about, beautiful, be from2、Sentences: Im from London. London is the capital of England. Its very big and very beautiful.3、Grammar: the pr

9、esent tenseTeaching properties: cards, pictures, taperecorder课时安排:3课时Unit 1 London is a big city .2 课时 Unit 2 Its very old . 1 课时主备人: 王梅Teaching proceduresStep1.A: Chant: This is a little girl, and she has a little curl. And when she is good, she is very, very good. And when she is bad, she is very,

10、 very bad!B: Talk Free:T: Hello! Boys and girls. Im a teacher. Are you a teacher? S1: No, Im not.S2: No, Im a pupil.T: Are you naughty?S3: No, Im not.T: Are you clever?S4: Yes, I am.(反复操练,以此复习上节所学到的描述人物性格的单词:naughty, shy, clever, nice, cool.)C: New concepts:Step 2、导入利用卡片教授“capital”, 反复领读,读熟之后带入句子“Lo

11、ndon is the capital of England.”中。Then translate it into Chinese. 找生用英语说出“北京是中国的首都。”鼓励学生踊跃参加抢答赛“说首都”,学生可以用中文说。Step3 presentation在愉快的氛围中,师告诉学生:“Amy 和Lingling 是同班同学。一天,Amy 带来了一本关于自己家乡伦敦的书。Lingling 看见这本书后非常好奇,于是就请Amy 向她介绍伦敦的情况。现在我们就来跟 Amy 学一学怎样描述城市和景物。 今天学习过后,请大家也来介绍一下自己熟悉的城市、地区或景物。请学生听录音,听一听Amy 和 Ling

12、ling 之间的对话。师:“Where is London?” 生在地图上指出伦敦的位置。再放一遍录音,让学生在自己的书上勾出描述城市的形容词 (nice, big, beautiful, small)。请学生根据插图和上下文猜一猜每个生词的意思。“beautiful”一词教师要反复示范,借助肢体语言帮助学生读清并理解这一单词。个别单词处理完之后,教师领读课文几遍。然后鼓励学生分角色大胆试读,教师及时给予表扬。Step4 Practice完成SB 第一单元活动3. 把全班分成两人一组,分别扮演 Amy 和 Lingling,进行问答练习。例如:1.A: Whats this? B: Its a

13、 book about London. Its very nice.2.A: Whats the capital of England? B: Its London.Step 5 Homework1. 完成活动用书练习1到练习4。2. Copy the new wordsDesigns: Unit 2 Its very oldTeaching objectives: 1Words and phrases: long, wide, many, river, old, famous 2Sentences: This is the River Thames. Its long and wide. 3

14、Grammar: Using adjectives to describe cities and buildings.Teaching properties: cards (pictures), taperecorder, CAITeaching procedures: A: Song: Chant: This is a little girl. B: Talk about: Using adjectives to describe a persons personality and London. C: New concepts:Step 1 Warmer: Revise adjective

15、s. Tell the students that I am going to say an adjective. They have to find something in their books that the adjective describes. Ask two or three students to say which object the chose.Example:T: Its big. S1: (points to London) London.S2: (points to elephant) Elephant. S3: (points to Beijing) Beij

16、ing.Do more examples with the class.Step 2 Listen, point and say: 1Listen, point and find out the new words and underlime them. Then revise them using cards or pictures. (Write down these words on the board.) 2After doing this, tell the students to close their books. I am going to say the first word

17、 of a two-word place name. These places are all in London. The students have to say the second word of the two-word name.Example:T: Buckingham Ss: Palace.T: Hyde Ss:Park. 3Have the students continue the activity in pairs. They should take turn to say the first word. 4Showing four pictures on the scr

18、een about the River Thames, Big Ben, Hyde Park, and Tower Bridge. (Write down these words.) The same time, I am going to read the text for the students. Have them remember the sentences. The second times, ask some students to introduce the pictures. 5Games: Guessing game. 6Do AB Unit 2 exercise 1. Q

19、uiz: Listen and say the answers. 7Showing AB Unit2 exercise 2 on the screen. Do this exercise together.Step3 Practice 1.Do SB Unit2 activity 4. Listen and point. First, have students say something about these pictures. Then listen and guess which one is right. 2.Do AB Unit2 exercise 4. Write about y

20、our school building.Step 4 Learn to sing 1.Have the students look at the picture and describe it (children playing a game). 2.Tell the students that this song, London Bridge is falling down is a traditional English song. Explain that London Bridge is a very famous bridge in London. 3.Play the spoken

21、 version of the song and have the students repeat each line. Play the tape and have the students sing the song. 4.Explain the actions and have the class sing the song again. Choose some students to come to the front and play it. Lets see Who is the winner? Have the students sing and do the actions a

22、fter class.Step 5 HomeworkMake a survey to compare London and My hometown. You can using This is Its (very) and the other sentences to introduce. LondonMy HometownCountryLanguageBig/SmallGames: 1.Guessing game Tell the students that I am going to say adjectives and they have to think of some places in China that these adjectives describe.Example T: Old. S1: Great Wall. S2: Palace Museum. Designs: 教学反思

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