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Unit 11 分析竞争对手.docx

1、Unit 11 分析竞争对手Unit 11 分析竞争对手DEREK JONES: The technology is the same as ours. 德里克琼斯:技术和我们的一样。 I have never seen two products which are so similar. 我从没见过两个如此相象的产品。 In concept and design there are no basic differences. 在理念和设计上没有根本的不同。 None. However I have examined the components and the xr590. 没有。但是,我检

2、验过部件和xr590 KATE MCKENNA: What is the xr590? 凯特麦凯纳:xr590是什么? DEREK JONES: The xr590 is the power source which drives dealer dan. 德里克琼斯:xr590是驱动“商人丹”的能量源。 I think it has a few weaknesses. 我认为它有几个弱点。 It s not as good. 还不是很完善。 In my opinion it s not reliable enough for children. 我看对儿童来讲还不足够可靠。 don bradl

3、ey: Exactly how unreliable is it? 堂布拉德利:具体讲,怎么个不可靠法? DEREK JONES:Ican t say exactly. 德里克琼斯:我说不出来。 I haven t completed the tests yet. 我还没完成测试。 It s too early to say. 现在说为时太早。 KATE MCKENNA: Will it affect their sales? 凯特麦凯纳:这会影响他们的销售吗? don bradley: Derek? 堂布拉德利:德里克? DEREK JONES: Not much in the first

4、six months, i suppose. 德里克琼斯:我想最初的6个月不会有太大的影响。 KATE MCKENNA: It s the first six months that are important. 凯特麦凯纳:最初的6个月才是重要的。 don bradley: Edward, what do you think of their packaging? 堂布拉德利:爱德华, 你认为他们的包装怎么样? EDWARD GREEN: Well, plenty of bright colours. 爱德华格林:色彩很鲜艳。 It ll have a lot of impact at po

5、int of sale. 在现场销售时会有很强的冲击效果。 GERALDINE: I m afraid they are all meeting at the moment. 杰拉尔丁:恐怕他们现在都在开会。 No, I m sorry, I don t know what time it will finish. 不, 对不起,我不知道会议什么时候结束。 I ll put you through to mr. harris s secretary, and she can make an appointment for you. 我给你转到哈里斯先生的秘书,她可以为你安排约会。 Please

6、 hold the line. 请不要挂机。 CLIVE HARRIS: Nice to see you again, peter. 克莱夫哈里斯:很高兴再见到你,皮特。 It s been a long time. 好久不见了。 PETER DAY: How are things at bibury systems? 皮特戴:bibury系统公司运转的怎样? CLIVE HARRIS: Very interesting at the moment. 克莱夫哈里斯:正处在非常有趣的时期。 PETER DAY: I ve just heard you re going into partners

7、hip with a rather good japanese company. 皮特戴:我听说你们要和日本的一家不错的公司合伙。 CLIVE HARRIS: That s not exactly true.peter, are you still doing consultancy work? 克莱夫哈里斯:也不全是这样皮特,你还在做顾问业务吗? PETER DAY: yes. I haven t retired yet! 皮特戴:是啊。我还没退休啊! CLIVE HARRIS: Look, can i give you a lift back? 克莱夫哈里斯:那 ,我开车送你回去,好吗?

8、We haven t had a chance to chat for a long time. 我们好久没机会一起谈谈了。 DON BRADLEY: What have you found out about their marketing strategy? 堂布拉德利:你对他们的营销策略有什么发现吗? KATE MCKENNA: They have already scheduled a television advertising campaign. 凯特麦凯纳:他们已经安排了一场电视广告推广。 DON BRADLEY: Who with? 堂布拉德利:和谁一起? KATE MCKEN

9、NA: e.g.n.c.KATE MCKENNA: E.G.N.C. The company that they always use. 凯特麦凯纳:E.G.N.C.他们一直用的那家公司。 DON BRADLEY: When is it scheduled? 堂布拉德利:定在什么时候? KATE MCKENNA: Something next month, but I haven t found out the exact date yet. 凯特麦凯纳:下个月的某个时候,但还没查到具体的日期。 DON BRADLEY: Have you heard what they are spendin

10、g on TV advertising? 堂布拉德利:有没有听说他们在电视广告上的花费是多少? KATE MCKENNA: I don t know. 凯特麦凯纳:不知道。 GERALDINE: No, I m sorry, they are still in a meeting. 杰拉尔丁:不,对不起,他们还在开会。 I don t know how long they ll be. 不知道还要开多久。 Let me take your number and I will get one of them to call you back. 我记下你的号码,我会让他们中的一个打回给你。 PET

11、ER DAY: It s good of you to give me a lift. 皮特戴:你真好,开车送我。 CLIVE HARRIS: It s no problem. 克莱夫哈里斯:没什么。 Are you still doing consultancy work for J.K. Toys? 你还在为J.K.玩具公司做顾问工作吗? PETER DAY: I wondered why you were going out of your way to give me a lift. 皮特戴:我正在想你为什么大老远地送我,又不顺路。 CLIVE HARRIS: Well, are yo

12、u? 克莱夫哈里斯:嗯,你还在做吗? PETER DAY: Technically no. I ve just finished. 皮特戴:可以说不做了。我刚做完。 But that work was confidential. ,knfidenl但那项工作是保密的。 CLIVE HARRIS: Yes, of course. 克莱夫哈里斯:是的,当然。 You could be working for us, you know, I might need a consultant. 你可以为我们工作,要知道,我们也可能需要顾问。 PETER DAY: Really? 皮特戴:真的? CLIV

13、E HARRIS: Well, perhaps. 克莱夫哈里斯:嗯,或许。 I might need an idea of the best way to react to Dealer Dan. 我需要一个反击“商人丹”的最佳方式的点子。PETER DAY: How did you get to hear about that? 皮特戴:你怎么知道的? CLIVE HARRIS: A customer. 克莱夫哈里斯:一个顾客告诉我们的。 Do you know that Dealer Dan is very like a new toy we have developed? 你知道“商人丹

14、”跟我们的一款新玩具很相似吗? Dealer Dan could hurt us badly. “商人丹”可以重创我们。 I don t want any secrets. 我不要任何秘密。 I don t want to compromise you, I just want some general information. 我不想为难你,我只想要些大面上的信息。 PETER DAY: How general? 皮特戴:怎样才算大面上的信息? KATE MCKENNA: We know their selling price, but what s their unit cost? 凯特麦

15、凯纳:我们知道他们的销售价格,但他们的单位成本是怎样的? DON BRADLEY: Derek, what s your estimate? 堂布拉德利:德里克,你的估计是多少? DEREK JONES: I can t say. 德里克琼斯:说不上来。 I don t know what their production run is. 我们还不知道产品是怎样的。 We haven t had that information yet. 我们还没有这方面的资料。 DON BRADLEY: Well, Big Boss s production run is three hundred tho

16、usand. 堂布拉德利:“大老板”的产量是30万。 Will they produce three hundred thousand? Or more? 他们会生产30万吗?或者更多? DEREK JONES: I don t know the answer to that one. 德里克琼斯:这个我不知道。 At that retail price they have to sell a lot of toys. 以那样的零售价,他们要售出很多玩具才行。 DON BRADLEY: It can t be less than 300 thousand, can it? 堂布拉德利:但不能少

17、于30万,对吧? PETER DAY: Thanks for the lift, Clive. 皮特戴:谢谢你送我,克莱夫。 CLIVE HARRIS: You are something of a specialist in the Far East, aren t you? 克莱夫哈里斯:你在远东是名专家,对吧? PETER DAY: You could say that. 皮特戴:也可以这样说。 CLIVE HARRIS: Well, when this deal with this Japanese company is settled, we might need your help

18、. 克莱夫哈里斯:我们和日本公司的交易完成后,我们或许会需要你的帮助。 We shall need a consultant to help set things up. 我们需要一名顾问处理事情。 Of course, the success of Big Boss is a very important part of the deal. 当然,“大老板”的成功是这项交易的一个重要部分。 PETER DAY: When might this happen? 皮特戴:那会是什么时候? CLIVE HARRIS: That depends. 克莱夫哈里斯:这个要看情况。 PETER DAY:

19、The production run is 300,000 units. 皮特戴:产量是30万件。 CLIVE HARRIS: And the advertising budget? 克莱夫哈里斯:广告预算呢? PETER DAY: Clive, I don t know. 皮特戴:克莱夫, 不知道。 Really, I don t know. 真的,我不知道。Unit 12 商业信函和介绍DON BRADLEY: We haven t decided on a plan of action yet. 堂布拉德利:我们还没决定行动计划。 We must outline a strategy,

20、but first let me summaries what we re said so far. 我们必须定出行动纲领,下面我先总结一下大家的发言。 This is a critical situation. kritikl这是个非常危机的形势。 We know that J.K. Toys are playing to win. 我们知道J.K.玩具公司计划大获全胜。 And we know that right now they have the edge. 我们知道,目前他们占有优势。 So, let s look at the down side. 所以,我们先来看一下不利因素。

21、What are their advantages? 他们的优势是什么? They have a larger market share; 他们有更大的市场份额; they have a cheaper product; 他们的产品更便宜; they have an earlier launch date, 他们产品上市时间更早, and we think they have a larger advertising budget. 并且我们认为他们的广告预算很高。 KATE MCKENNA: Their strategy is very clear: 凯特麦凯纳:他们的策略很清楚: they

22、 want our share of the market, both the European market and the export market. 他们要的是我们的市场份额,包括欧洲市场和出口市场。 DON BRADLEY: We cannot let them succeed. 堂布拉德利:我们不能让他们成功。 We have to consider which of these factors we can influence. 我们一定要考虑,我们可以影响这些因素中的哪些。 Kate, any ideas? 凯特,你怎么看? KATE MCKENNA: There are tw

23、o immediate things we can do: 凯特麦凯纳:有两件事是我们可以马上做的: we can increase our advertising budget and bring forward the launch date. 我们可以增加广告预算、提前上市日期。 DON BRADLEY: Derek, is that feasible? fi:zbl堂布拉德利:德里克,这行得通吗? DEREK JONES: I don t think so. 德里克琼斯:我看不行。 CLIVE HARRIS: I ve got some news for you all. 克莱夫哈里斯

24、:我有些消息要告诉大家。 DON BRADLEY: Okay, just a second.I ll switch on the speaker. 堂布拉德利:好的,请稍等。我改成扬声器。 Okay, Clive, go ahead. 好了,克莱夫,说吧。 CLIVE HARRIS: I ve got some useful information from Peter Day: 克莱夫哈里斯:我从皮特o戴得到一些有用的资料: first of all, I think they re moving too fast. 首先我认为他们走的太快了, They haven t done their

25、 sums. 他们还没做好准备。 DEREK JONES: Clive, this is Derek. 德里克琼斯:克莱夫,我是德里克。 Do you know how large their production run s going to be? 你知道他们的产量会是多少吗? CLIVE HARRIS: It s going to be around 300,000 units. 克莱夫哈里斯:约30万件。 DEREK JONES: That s about what we hoped-more than 450,000 and we ve got problems. 德里克琼斯:和我们

26、想的差不多-45万多,我们有麻烦了。 KATE MCKENNA: This is Kate. I ve got a question. 凯特麦凯纳:我是凯特。我有个问题。 CLIVE HARRIS: Go ahead, Kate. 克莱夫哈里斯:说吧,凯特。 KATE MCKENNA: Were you able to find out anything about their overseas marketing strategy? 凯特麦凯纳:能查到他们的海外销售策略吗? CLIVE HARRIS: Well, I ll tell you this, Kate: 克莱夫哈里斯:凯特,我这样

27、跟你说吧: they won t crack the American market-we re a few steps ahead of them there, 他们不会动美国市场-我们比他们出手要早, and I want you to exploit that advantage-you need to get out there fast. 我要你利用这个优势-你要尽快抓住那里的市场。 Look I ll ring off now. 我现在要挂断了。 ll get back to the office as soon as I can. 我会尽快赶回办公室。 DON BRADLEY:

28、The most important thing now is to let all of the sales force know about this change in our game plan. 堂布拉德利:现在最重要的事就是让我们的销售人员了解我们在销售计划方面的变化。 Jenny, we need to write them at once. 詹妮,我们要立刻书面知会他们。 We need to give them some of the background to this-about what J.K. Toys are planning, 我们要给他们一些背景-有关J.K.

29、玩具公司的计划 and about our new marketing strategy-that s 1. the launch date 2. the price cut. 有关我们新的营销策略-也就是1、上市日期 2、降低价格 And 3. the increased advertising budget. 3、增加广告预算。KATE MCKENNA: We need to make it clear that Big Bossis an absolute priority. 凯特麦凯纳:我们要清楚的表明“大老板”才是绝对的首选。 DON BRADLEY: Jenny, could yo

30、u make a draft of that 堂布拉德利:詹妮,你能草拟以下这篇文字吗? and we ll get it out as soon as possible. 我们要尽快出这篇文字。 Edward-you re been very quite-what else can we do in marketing? 爱德华你一直沉默不语我们在营销方面还可以做什么? EDWARD GREEN: We must get into Smith s catalogue-he s chosenDealer Danand he s decided not to include Big Boss. 爱德华格林:我们必须出现在史密斯的产品目录-他选了“商人丹”而没选 “大老板”。 KATE MCKENNA: I don t think he ll change his mind now. 凯特麦凯纳:我想他现在是不会改变注意的。 CLIVE HARRIS: I ll deal with Mr. Smith-I ll write to him straight after the meeting and let you have a copy. 克莱夫哈里斯:我会处理史密斯先生的事情我会在会后写信给他,并给你们一份。

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