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1、中口句型1.句型一:“A is B”(主语中出现动词)。译法:It is that / it is for to do(形式主语)示例:中国坚定不移地走和平发展道路,是基于中国国情的必然选择。(0709)翻译:It is an inevitable choice based on its national conditions that China unswervingly takes the road of peaceful development.相同句型,请同学们再练3句。A. 消除战争,实现和平,建设独立富强、民生幸福的国家,是近代以来中国人民孜孜以求的奋斗目标。(0709)B. 推动

2、经济社会发展,不断改善人民生活始终是中国的中心任务。(0709)C. 中国政府在宣布实行和平统一的方针时,是基于一个前提,即当时的台湾当局坚持世界上只有一个中国、台湾是中国的一部分。(0003)2.句型二:“A is B”(谓语出现动词)。译法:A is to(目的状语)/ A is v.(-ed)(被动关系)示例:这次博览会将是自1851年在英国伦敦第一次举办以来,首次在发展中国家举办的世界博览会。(0703)翻译:The World Exposition will be the first one held in a developing country since the first t

3、ime in 1851 in London练习D. 这是我国推进自主创新、建设创新型国家取得的又一标志性成果,是中华民族在攀登世界科技高峰征程上实现的又一历史性跨越,是中华民族为人类和平开发利用外层空间作出的又一重大贡献。(0803)3.句型三:“A is B + v.”(句中两大动词,其中一个为“是”)译法:A, B, +v. (同位语)/ As B, A+v.(介词As)示例:未来的城市生活是全球关注的话题,与每一个国家及其人民息息相关。(0703)翻译:The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, con

4、cerns every nation and its people练习E. 上海是一座朝气蓬勃、充满活力、多姿多彩的国际大都市,改革开放以来,上海变化之大令世人瞩目。(0603)4.句型四:主语结构“A的B”(都是名词)”译法:请仔细判断主语。通常情况下,主语为A非B。示例:上海的明天充满希望。翻译:Shanghai has a bright future.(0603)练习F. 城市日新月异的面貌却使越来越多的世人折服。(0603)G. 中国与亚欧各国的互利合作正在步入一个全新的阶段。(0509)H. 中国改革开放以来,国民经济年均增长速度达到9.7%。(0303)I. 用一句话来表述,那便是

5、未来老百姓的生活会更好,那时的老百姓的生活将和中等发达国家的居民一样。(0209)5.句型五:v.+4字格译法:通常将4字格译为名词。示例:中国人民始终希望天下太平,希望同各国人民友好相处。(0003)翻译:the Chinese people are always looking forward to the global peace and good friendship among all the nations. 练习J. 对外关系中,我们一贯主张以邻为伴、与人为善。(0403)6.句型六:两个动词(后者表结果、目的)译法:to do / -ing / with an aim to示例

6、:西部大开发一定能成为沟通世界各国和中国的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济共同发展、共同繁荣。(0303)翻译:The Development of Western China is bound to be a bridge linking China and the rest of the world to promote the common prosperity and development.练习K. 随着西部大开发战略的稳步推进,西部地区资源优势、经济优势将得到充分发挥,经济增长的质量和水平将进一步提高。(0309)L. 近年来,公司先后参与承建了一大批上海市重大工程,为建设国际大都市作

7、出了应有的贡献。(0409)M. 中国要赶上发达国家,还需要几代人、十几代人的艰辛努力。(0403)7.句型七:复杂句简单句译法:当句中有疑似动词或偏正结构(名词+形容词)出现时,请大家仔细识别,将其转换成名词。从而使复杂句改为简单句。此类结构通常出现在句子首尾。当它出现在居首时,直接将其该为名词作主语;当它出现在句尾(也就是谓语动词之后)时,将其改为名词,然后用介词“with”将其与前面部分相连。(*哪些动词为疑似动词,有一定规律,同学们可以做完题后,自行总结。)示例1:中国有13亿人员,这是最大的国情。(0403)翻译:The population of 1.3 billion in Ch

8、ina is most obvious state condition.示例2:第一次以“城市”作为主题的2010世界博览会将吸引全球约200个国家和国际组织参与盛会,国内外参访人数预计达7000万。(0703)翻译:As the first World Exposition on the theme of city, Expo 2010 will attract about 200 nations and international organizations to participate in it, with an estimate of 70 million visitors from

9、 home and abroad. 练习N. 经济高速发展,社会秩序稳定,人民安居乐业,(上海)呈现出一片繁华气象。(0603)O. 任何一个国家建设和发展,都需要一个和平稳定的国际国内环境。(0003)P. 经过二十多年的快速发展,中国西部地区已奠定了一定的物质技术基础,社会保持稳定,市场经济体制正在逐步建立和完善。(0309)Q. 中国加入世贸组织后,外商参与中国西部开发的机会将越来越多。(0303)R. 但中国人口多,底子薄,发展不平衡,仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家。(0709)S. 香港有着其独特的文化氛围。在电影制作方面,香港名列世界前茅。其流行歌曲在全球华人中有着广泛的影响。而且还

10、有8所著名的大学。(0503) 8.句型八:其他常见句型我们将坚定走和平发展的道路(0509):we unswervingly take the road of peaceful development为做出贡献/ 为提供/ 有利于:make contribution to一定能(0303):be bound to占了大头(0209):account for / take the proportion of the major part奠定了基础(0309):lay a (solid, sound, relative) foundation on总结正所谓规矩是死的,人是活的上述所列句型仅适用

11、于大部分中规中矩的中口汉译英篇幅(好在目前为止大部分也的确是)。但如若碰到像0203,0103这样的真题时,就完全不适用。所以同学们再背公式套格式的时候,也应当自己做好总结,以供不时之需。KeyA. Ever since the advent of modern times, it has become the assiduously sought goal of the Chinese people to eliminate war, safeguard / maintain peace, and build a country of independence and prosperity

12、in which the people can lead a happy life.B. It is the central task of China to promote economic and social development and improve its peoples life.C. It was based on a premise when China declared to implement the policy of peaceful reunification, that is, Taiwan authorities should maintain that th

13、ere is only one China in the world and Taiwan is only one part of China.D. It constitutes the milestone of China to promote independence and innovation and to build a country of innovation, the historic advance of China in the conquest of the worlds scientific and technological peak, the momentous c

14、ontribution of China to world peace and human utilization of outer space.E. Shanghai, a dynamic, vigorous and colorful international metropolis, has attracted the worlds attention with its great changes sine the reform and opening up.F. The city has increasingly attracted the worlds admiration with

15、its rapid changes.G. Now, China and the Continent are going a step further in our cooperation based on mutual benefits.H. The national economy has annually grown at the rate of 9.7% since the reform and opening up.I. To put it in a nutshell, the civilians will live a better life as well as that in m

16、iddle-ranked developed countries.J. We constantly pursue the partnership and friendship with the neighboring countries in terms of foreign relations.K. With the stable advance of the Development of Western China, the advantages of resources and economy in western region has been fully exerted, furth

17、er promoting the quality and standard of economic growth.L. The company has successively undertaken many key projects in Shanghai In recent years, making contribution to the development of an international metropolis.M. To catch up with the developed countries, several, even dozens of generations ef

18、forts are still expected. N. Shanghai has presented a prospect of prosperity with its rapid development of economy, social stability and the contented life of people.O. The development of any country needs an international and domestic environment in peace and stabilityP. Due to the development of p

19、ast 20-plus years, a relative foundation has been laid on the wealth and technology in western China with the sustained social stability and the gradual establishment and improvement of the system of market economy.Q. Chinas entry into WTO will provide more opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs to

20、 participate in the development of western China.R. But China is still the biggest developing country among the world with its large population, weak economy and unbalanced development.S. Hong Kong has its unique cultural environment with its top rank of movie making around the world, the extensive

21、influence of pop songs among all the Chinese as well as 8 celebrated universities.1.我非常感谢Reference:Thank you very much for2.热情友好的欢迎辞Reference:gracious speech of welcome3之一Reference:be one of4.访问是Reference:A visit tohas5.多年梦寐以求的愿望Reference:has long been my dream6给予我一次的机会Reference:(The visit will) giv

22、e me(an excellent ) opportunity to 7.我为,再次表达(我的愉快之情和荣幸之感)。Reference:I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to8.(我对您为我到达贵国后所做的一切安排)深表感谢。note:注意这里“到达”的动词向名词形式的转变。Reference:Im deeply grateful for everything youve done for me since my arrival in China.9.(我很高兴)有此机会(来贵公司工作),与中国汽车业的杰出人士合

23、作共事。note:(1)这里的“合作共事”可以不译,由前面的“工作”统领,用with连接就可以了。(2)“杰出人士”的翻译Reference:Im very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company with a group of brilliant people in Chinas automobile industries.10多年来一直盼望note:主要是对“盼望”一词的快速反应。Reference:have been looking forward to for many years11.我很感激note:出现“感激”,首

24、先反应就是appreciate及其同族词。Reference:I appreciate12.你若不在意的话,Reference:If you dont mind,13.去走走Reference:tour around14.浦江商务旅游公司note:注意其中的旅游的选词Reference:Pu Jiang Business Travel Campany15.国家旅游局note:局不一定要用bureau Reference:the Chinese National Tourist Administration16.经批准的Reference:approved by17.在华Reference:in

25、 China18.以为主要服务对象Reference:provide services mainly to19.公司的宗旨是Reference:We operate under the principal of 20.促进,改善,发展Reference:promote,improve,promote21及其周边地区Reference:and its surrounding areas22.提供全方位的服务note:注意这里的“全方位”的翻译Reference:offer an all-round service to23.竭诚Reference:do ones best24.坦诚相待Refer

26、ence:in an honest partnership25.商务Reference:business activities51.外国来宾note:宾不一定就是guest Reference:overseas visitors(guests)52.尽情品尝中国的传统美酒和佳肴Reference:have a good time enjoying to ones hearts content the finest traditional Chinese cuisine and wine53.彼此沟通,增进友谊note:除了前者,还要注意增进的择词Reference:to get to know

27、 each other and to increase our friendship54.最后,我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年身体健康,事业有成,吉祥如意。note:除了注意最后那祝福词的翻译外,要关注光临和句首最后的翻译Reference:In closing, Id like to thank you again for your presence and wish everyone good health, a successful career and the very best of luck in the new year.55.热情的迎接和款待note:热情的.多个词可以

28、表示这个意思Reference:warm reception and hospitality56.The past five days in China,Reference:在中国度过的这五天57.令人愉快,难以忘怀!note:难以忘怀的口译确实被固定了下来Reference:be truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable58.我特别要称颂我们的中国合作者,他们的真诚合作与支持使这项协议得以签署。note:句子最后一部分的口译方式是值得学习的,此外特别,称颂都应该学到条件反射的程度。Reference:I particularly want

29、 to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.59.我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两家公司的永久友谊和合作而干杯!note:好句子,背出来。Reference:May I ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glasses, to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two co

30、mpanies.60.中美合资企业Reference:a Sino-American joint venture61.I have to say thatReference:我认为 management Reference:经营管理63.由于,所以note:用了due to后要学会将to 后内容都转化为名词性形式Reference:,due to64.直率Reference:direct and straightforward65.I cant say our way of doing business is absolutely superior. note:尤其是句首

31、:I cant say的参考翻译Reference:我无法断言,我们的经营方式一定在他们之上。66.优点和弊端note:翻出来后,还要注意,的优点和弊端,用什么介词Reference:strong and weak points in67.近年来,Reference:In recent years, executives Reference:经理人员69.毕竟,Reference:After all,70已认识到Reference:have recognized71.更具人情味的Reference:the more humane way of 72.管理方式note:方式何必去翻译出来Reference:management73在中(上)存在差异Reference:t

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