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1、混凝土缺陷修补程序中国核工业华兴建设有限公司CHINA NUCLEAR INDUSTRY HUAXING CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD.项目名称PROJECT文件编码CODE文件类别DOC. TYPE程序Procedure文件名称DOC. TITLE混凝土缺陷修补程序 Repairing Procedure For Concrete DefectsA版 次Revision日 期Date编 制Prepared审 核Reviewed批 准Approved总 包Contractor业主/监理Owner/ Supervision修改说明Description提交供审核For Approv

2、al Contents目录1 Purpose目的The purpose of this procedure is to describe the method of inspection, controlling, and repairing of concrete defects in LNG Tank project.本程序的目的是对LNG储罐常见缺陷的检查、控制和修补方法做出描述。2 Extent of Application适用范围This procedure applies to the following concrete defects:concrete shrinkage an

3、d cracks of pile collar,pile cap, PC wall and RC roof, and concrete honeycombs, spots, exposed re-bars, cavities, etc.本程序适用于修补以下部位的混凝土缺陷:罐体桩帽、底板、墙体、和穹顶混凝土收缩裂缝,以及混凝土表面蜂窝、麻面、露筋、孔洞等其它混凝土缺陷。3 Reference编制依据Code for construction of concrete structures混凝土结构工程施工规范GB50666-2011Code for acceptance of construct

4、ional quality of concrete structures混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范GB50204-2015Unified standard for constructional quality acceptance of building engineering建筑工程施工质量统一验收标准GB50300-20134 Preparation施工准备4.1 Manpower人员The personnel for defect repairing are qualified to carry out such repairing works under the supervisi

5、on of technician, foreman and QC inspector.与混凝土缺陷修补有关的人员应是合格的施工人员,修补工作应在技术人员、工长和QC人员的监督下进行。4.2 Equipment and Tools设备和工具Table 2:Equipment and Tools表2:设备和工具No. 序号Type名 称Quantity/tank数量/罐Remark备注1Trowel抹灰刀2Wire brush钢丝刷3Air compressor空压机4Air pik风镐5Polish machine磨光机6Mixer搅拌器7Vibrator振动棒8Hammer锤子9Drill电钻

6、10Cutting machine切割机11Electric pick电镐12Blower吹风机13Bucket混凝土桶14Grout machine压力灌浆设备15Measuring cup量杯4.3 Material修补材料Table 3:Materials表3:修补材料No. 序号Type名 称Quantity/tank数量/罐Remark备注1Cement水泥Adequate足量2Sand砂Adequate足量3Gravel石Adequate足量4Grouting material灌浆料Adequate足量5FOSROC Brand Nitobond SBR粘霸修补剂Adequate足

7、量压力灌浆树脂5 Defect inspection缺陷的检查Crack width inspection will be carried out by the crack microscope with internal light. HXCC to check and mark cracks width 0.20.3mm and over 0.3mm and take records, contractor and Supervision Company review.裂缝的宽度检查,仪器选用裂缝显微镜,由华兴检查并标识宽度超过0.20.3mm和0.3mm以上的裂缝,并由总包和监理复查。T

8、he joint inspection (Owner/Supervision Company, contractor and HXCC) will be carried out before repairing to confirm the location, width and repairing methods of defects such as cracks, honeycombs, spots and out-of-flatness. 修补前,由相关方(包括:业主/监理,总包和华兴)联合对混凝土裂缝、蜂窝麻面等缺陷进行检查,确定缺陷的位置和宽度,确定修补方法,并得到各方认可。Hone

9、ycombs, spots and other defects on surface of concrete can be visual inspected or by hammering with little hammer. Out-of-flatness can be inspected by leveling rod or feeler.混凝土表面蜂窝、麻面及其他缺陷可采用目视或小锤敲击混凝土表面的办法来检测是否存在缺陷,对于混凝土表面的平整度可采用水平靠尺和塞尺来检查。For the serious defects such as obvious deformation of for

10、mwork or concrete surface, the repairing method should be decided according to site condition.对于明显的胀模、跑模、外观变形等混凝土严重缺陷,需根据现场情况制定修补方法,并得到总包、监理及业主同意后方可进行修补。After joint inspection, the inspection sheet and cracks sketch (or pictures) shall be prepared according to the format of appendix, filled out and

11、signed off timely. This Inspection Sheet will be preserved in the Construction Data Book.联合检查后,应按附件的格式编制裂缝检查单,并绘制裂缝草图(或图片示意)。裂缝检查单应及时填写并得到各方签字批准。裂缝检查单作为裂缝施工过程资料给予保留。6 Repair of defects缺陷的修补6.1 Preparation for repairing修补前准备Related documents for repair materials will be submitted to contractor for ap

12、proval prior to the commencement of repairing. Repairing materials should be mixed apply to its instruction book, and strength of the mixed material should not less than design concrete strength.修补前须将所用的材料及相关技术资料提交给总包,批准后方可实施。按照产品说明书配制修补材料,修补材料强度不低于混凝土设计强度。Mixing and applying the repairing materials

13、 in accordance with instruction manual.修补材料严格按照说明书进行配置、搅拌、施工。Prior to repairing with repairing materials, clean concrete surface to be free of oil and laitance, compressed air or water shall be used to clean the surface when necessary to ensure that the repairing materials and concrete can joint tig

14、htly.修补之前对缺陷处混凝土表面进行清理,做到表面清洁、坚固、无油渍、浮浆等,需要时采取压缩空气或压力水清洗,以确保修补材料能可靠地与混凝土表面粘结。6.2 Repairing method修补方法6.2.1 General defects一般缺陷Protuberance: polish with mini-polishing machine until acceptable.表面凸起:用小型手持打磨机具打磨顺滑,直到可接受。Honeycombs, spots and air hole: use cement mortar mixed Nitobond SBR to fill and le

15、vel the area needs repair. For large area with spots and air hole, sprinkle cement on the surface with little water and rub with soft material.蜂窝、麻面和气孔:用与粘霸调制的水泥砂浆填充,若用抹子将局部填充并抹平;如大面积出现麻面及气孔时,采用原混凝土使用的水泥,涂洒在混凝土面上,洒少量水,用软质材料涂擦,再浇水养护。Rebar exposure or aggregate exposure: saw along the crack to maximum

16、 20mm deep and chip off the loose concrete and weak layer around according to depth of cracks ,If rebar exposed ,chip off the concrete behind rebar, brush with steel brush and water, and then use cement mortar mixed with Nitobond SBR to repair it by layers. Each layer should be no more than 20mm. 露筋

17、:凿除露筋周围松散的石子和薄弱层,再用钢丝刷和水刷洗表面,用粘霸配制的修补砂浆,分层进行修补,每层不超过20mm。Cavities: chip off the loose aggregates around and clean it per requirement of construction joint. Brush with Nitobond SBR and fill concrete with the same level grade. Compact it with mini-vibrator and curing in time.孔洞:将周围松散石子凿除,按照施工缝要求清理,刷粘霸

18、,用同强度等级的混凝土填实,并使用小振捣棒振捣密实,及时养护。Patching of cone hole. First, flush the hole with water after taking the cones out of concrete. Fill up the hole with cement mortar mixed with Nitobond SBR at twice.锥体孔修补:将锥体从混凝土中拆卸出,用水冲洗孔洞,用与粘霸配制的砂浆,分两层进行修补,第一次修补2/3,第二次修补1/3,待表面硬化后打磨处理。Repair for the molding expanding

19、 and deformation: use air pick(or electric hammer) to chip redundant concrete, repair with cement mortar mixed with SBR*binder layer by layer after clearing the surface, the thickness of each layer should be less than 20mm. If there are hollows on the surface of concrete, chip the concrete surface a

20、nd cover cement mortar mixed with SBR*binder layer by layer after clearing the surface. The thickness of each layer should be less than 20mm. After cement mortar setting, grinding or other ways will be used to deal with the repaired surface.涨模及表观变形的修补:用风镐(或电锤)凿掉鼓出的混凝土,清理基面后用拌有粘霸的水泥砂浆分层修补,每层修补厚度以不超过2

21、0mm为宜;如果表观变形为凹入,需先将混凝土表面凿毛,清理基面后分层披上修补料,每层修补厚度以不超过20mm为宜。待修补处的砂浆完全凝固后,进行打磨处理。Less concrete cover of shear bar: first, grinding the area where the concrete cover of shear bar is not enough. Second, cover this area with duty paint. Third, cover the paint with cement mortar mixed with Nitobond SBR(abou

22、t 10mm thick).抗剪钢筋(拉钩、箍筋)保护层不足:首先打磨保护层不够的区域。然后使用防腐油漆进行涂覆。最后使用拌有粘霸的水泥砂浆覆盖油漆(约10毫米厚)。Embedded plate for support of inner doka formwork: first, remove welded component. Second, clean and dry the surface. Third, repair the hollow with BS grouting. See appendix for more detail.底板多卡模板地锚梁预埋件:埋件设计标高低于底板3050

23、mm,先清理埋件表面,将锈蚀部分打磨,然后使用灌浆料填补,详见附件灌浆料说明书。Expose of binding wire and metal lath: first chisel it to 50mm deep. Second, clean and dry the surface. Third, repair the void with cement mortar mixed with Nitobond SBR.外露的绑扎丝和金属片:在混凝土表面凿至钢筋保护层处,移除扎丝/金属片,然后清理表面,最后使用拌有粘霸的水泥砂浆修补。Drain pipes: first check there i

24、s no block in the whole drain pipe, chisel it to 50mm deep(and iron pipe will be removed). Second, install the formwork. Third, repair the drain pipes with concrete (the same as pile cap) or grouting material.雨水管:清理管道内杂物,两头凿50mm深,切除管道,然后安装模板,最后使用混凝土(与原结构相同)或灌浆料修补。6.2.2 Crack repairing裂缝修补The surface

25、 cracks which is exceed the width limitation needs to be repaired. It will be repaired by opening V-groove. Cracks inspection and repairing work can be carried out as soon as concrete strength meets design requirement.对于宽度超过规定的裂纹需要进行修补,一般采用切V型槽的方法进行裂缝修补。裂缝的修补在结构混凝土达到设计强度时即可开始。The crack inspection of

26、 the inner surface and outer surface of wall should be taken at each wall lift. Only the unacceptable cracks whichever is on outer surface or inner surface will be marked on the crack map. Unacceptable cracks on inner surface will be repaired at once. After tendons stressing, re-inspection for the u

27、nacceptable cracks on outer wall in crack map should be done. After re-inspection, the cracks which are still unacceptable will be repaired. Cracks on pile cap and roof should be repaired immediately after inspection. Crack repairing method is as following:模板拆除后,每一层墙体都需要进行墙体内侧和外侧裂纹检查验收。宽度超出规范要求的裂纹需要

28、标识出来,并在裂纹图上画出。墙体内侧表面不合格的裂纹将立即进行修补。在预应力张拉之后,再一次检查外侧墙体裂纹。如果裂纹宽度依然超出规范要求,则需要进行修补。底板、穹顶的超宽裂纹应在检查后立即修补,裂缝的修补方法如下:a. Find and mark the crack, then use cutting machine to cut a groove of 10mm wide and 10mm deep. After that, use compressed air to clear up the residues to keep the surface clean.施工前找到裂缝所在位置,做

29、好标记,使用切割机进行开槽,V型槽的表面宽度约10mm,深度约10mm,开槽完成后使用空压机将V型槽内的残渣清理干净,保证表面无残留物。b. Remove the water and dry the surface and then to fill up the crack with repairing material. Smooth the surface and prevent small holes and air bubbles, make sure well sealed. Use grinding machine finish the surface after filling

30、material hardened completely.清除表面水渍,进行干燥处理,处理完成后使用修补材料进行修补。抹修补材料时应防止产生小孔和气泡,要刮平整,保证封闭可靠。待修补材料完全凝固后,使用打磨机进行表面平整处理。c. It should be cured right after the surface is finished. Cover with wet hessian and hold-down the hessian by timber to prevent it blown away by wind.修补完成后,立即进行养护。底板表面用湿润的麻布片进行覆盖,麻布片用木方压

31、住防止被风吹走,墙体表面洒水养护。6.2.3 Cold crack repairing冷缝修补The cold cracks needs to be repaired by injecting epoxy base grout. The repairing steps are as following:混凝土表面冷缝拟采用注射环氧基灌浆的方法修补。步骤如下:a. Grouting holes arrangement: the space between grouting holes will depend on leakage pressure, size of cracks and amount of leakag

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