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本文(创新设计届高考英语一轮复习 Module 3 Unit 7 The Sea综合训练 北师大版.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

创新设计届高考英语一轮复习 Module 3 Unit 7 The Sea综合训练 北师大版.docx

1、创新设计届高考英语一轮复习 Module 3 Unit 7 The Sea综合训练 北师大版Module 3 Unit 7 The Sea 综合训练.品句填词1.Mary has a very good c_ of foreign coins.2.He studied so hard that e_he entered Beijing University.3.We should stop p_ our environment,or else the earth will be ruined.4.The poor boy made a l_by selling newspapers.5.The

2、 old man is as_(有活力的)as a young person and he cant sit still.6.The moment I picked up the telephone,I_(辨认出)your voice.7.Look at the road_(标牌)!We are in the wrong direction.8.The_(反义词)of the word “good” is “bad”.答案:1.collection2.eventually3.polluting4.living5.energetic6.recognised7.sign8.opposite.短语识

3、境Make a living;set sail;get into trouble;carry on;fill out;relate to;all at once;watch out;take up1.I am tired every day because my homework almost_all my time.2.I am_her by marriage.3._the door opened and in came our life coach.4.Whatever difficulties we meet,we should_working.5._! There is a car c

4、oming!6.Some people blamed Harry when he_,but Joe stood by him.7.The young man left his office job to try to _on his fathers farm.8.It took us quite a long time_the boring questionnaire.答案:1.takes up2.related to3.All at once4.carry on5.Watch out into trouble7.make a fill out.翻译句子1.几

5、个小时后我说服他买了这辆自行车。(persuade)_2.不长时间后他娶了那个女孩。(before)_3.在巴黎,他染上吸烟的坏毛病。(pick up)_4.除了名单上的名字外,还有六个申请人。(addition)_答案:1.After a few hours,I persuaded him to buy this bike.2.It was not long before he married the girl.3.In Paris,he picked up the bad habit of smoking.4.In addition to the names on the list,the

6、re are six other applicants.单项填空1.The traffic is heavy now,so Mike _come late.Lets wait ten more minutes.A.can B.need C.may D.shall解析:考查情态动词的用法。语意:现在交通繁忙,所以Mike可能会迟到。那让我们再等10分钟吧。此处may表示 “(有可能但不肯定)也许,可能”;can表示 “能够”;need表示 “需要”;shall用于第二、三人称的陈述句中,表示 “警告、命令、威胁” 等语气。据此选C项。答案:C2.The differences between A

7、merican and British English are _ in the spoken form than in the written form.A.great B.greater C.greatest D.the greatest解析:考查形容词比较级。语意:美式英语与英式英语在口语上的差别远大于在书面上的差别。根据语意和than可以判断,这里选B项。答案:B3.Mr Black has _ playing golf at the weekends since he rid of B.catered to C.taken to D.corresponde

8、d to解析:考查短语动词。自从退休后,Black先生养成了周末打高尔夫的习惯。take to意为 “养成某种习惯”。答案:C4.Do you know the 3G mobile phone will come into the market soon?Really?It is said to be superior_any other model.I cant wait;one B.than;one;it D.than;it解析:考查短语和代词。be superior to表示 “比好”;第二空代指一个3G mobilephone,所以A项正确。答案:A5

9、._ that you didnt care about this matter at all,I should not have wasted my timeexplaining it to you.A.Should I realize B.Had I realized C.If I realized D.Did I realize解析:考查虚拟语气。根据主句谓语should not have wasted可知是对过去事实相反的假设,前面的条件句应为 “If I had realized.” ,省略了if,所以选B。答案:B6.The vase cost me almost 150 yuan

10、.Well,it was crazy of you to spend so much money _ you could buy a muchcheaper one.A.while B.if C.when D.because解析:考查连词。when表示 “既然”,符合语境。又如:Its silly of you to take a taxithere when you could walk there.答案:C7.Nowadays when people talk about magicians,the first one that comes into their mind isLiu Qi

11、an.Absolutely!Im sure_else can match him.A.nobody B.someone C.anyone D.nothing解析:考查代词。根据语境,没有人能赶上他,nobody else表示 “别无他人”,故选A项。答案:A8.Look!A group of students are playing the violin there,_their teacher as front of them stand front of them front of whom standing f

12、ront of whom stands解析:考查定语从句。根据句子结构分析,空格后是定语从句,先行词是students,该定语从句是个倒装句,地点状语后面如有表示位置的动词(如lie,live,sit,stand)或转移的动词(如come,go,rise),用作主语的名词可以放在动词之后形成倒装。从句的主语是their teacher,所以谓语用单数。答案:D9.It is in that primary school_Mary once studied for six years_she will builda library,_ delights all the students and

13、teachers in the school.A.where;when;that B.that;that;thatC.that;when;which D.where;that;which解析:考查强调句和定语从句。根据句子结构分析, “_Mary once studied forsix years” 是定语从句,修饰先行词that primary school,引导词作地点状语,所以用where;第二空和前面的部分构成强调句 “It is in that primary school that she willbuild a library” ;“_ delights all the stud

14、ents and teachers in the school” 也是定语从句,先行词是前面整个主句,故引导词用which。答案:D10.The news about the terrible flood there greatly discouraged_there for from going to go going D.we to go解析:考查固定结构。discourage sb.from doing sth.是固定表达,表示 “阻止某人做某事”。答案:A.完形填空Each year this organization of men

15、 came to the childrens Home Society.The men would take us in groups of five to_1_Jackson Vide,Florida,to do some shopping.I_2_going with this gentleman in a row.He would take us to_3_ area,and then he would ask us if we wanted to go to the_4_.We agreed.I remember watching him as he_5_his wallet to p

16、ay for our_6_.He looked at me and just_7_with his big smile.During the movie he bought us popcorn and candy.I remember thinking how_8_it was that someone would_9_their own money on someone like us.We all laughed at the _10_movie and had a good time.The man also laughed really _11_and then patted me

17、on the head.I looked at him,and he just _12_ smiling with his great big wonderful smile.That trip to the movie was the first time in my life that I ever felt as if someone really _13_about me.It was a wonderful _14_I have never forgotten,even to this day,_15_later.I dont know if the man felt sorry f

18、or me,but I do know this:If I ever _16_the big lottery(彩票),that man will find out that he carried a milliondollar smile.This is_17_I believe it is so important that organizations continue to _18_out and help the children who are less_19_.In my particular case,it was this mans personal act of _20_ th

19、at will be remembered forever.Just one little simple act of kindness.I thank you,kind sir,for a memory which I now share with my children and grandchildren fifty years B.downtown C.middle D.downstairs解析:由do some shopping可知。答案:B2.A.remind B.record C.dislike D.remember解析:由本段中的第三句和最后一句

20、中的“I remember”可知三个“I remember”相呼应。答案:D3.A.reading B.walking D.swimming解析:由第一段最后一句do some shopping 可知。答案 C.park D.cinema解析:由该段中During the movie可知。答案:D5.A.pulled out B.found out C.exchanged for D.put away答案:A6.A.foods B.drinks D.snacks解析:他带我们去看电影,我记得他掏钱包给我们买电影票

21、。答案:C7.A.laughed B.smiled C.spoke D.whispered解析:由该句中with his big smile可推出。答案:B8.A.terrible B.common C.boring D.wonderful答案:D9.A.spend B.return D.hide解析:我记得当时的我这样认为:有人给我们花钱真是太好了。答案:A10.A.serious B.frightening C.funny D.modern解析:由We laughed可知。答案:C11.A.slightly B.hard C.less D.untruly解析:上文中提到我们看

22、电影时很开心,那位绅士笑得也很开心(hard)。答案:B12.A.stopped B.prevented C.protected D.kept解析:第二段提到当我看着他时,他对我微笑。这时我再次看他时,他继续保持(kept)微笑。答案:D13.A.talked B.cared C.worried D.doubted解析:那次去看电影使我生平第一次感觉到有人在真正关心(care about)我。答案:B14.A.movement B.expression C.feeling D.sense解析:我一直到今天也没忘记被人关心的感觉。答案:C15.A.months B.decades C.days

23、D.weeks解析:由文章最后一句可知事情发生在五十年前,故选decades。答案 C.sell D.lose解析:win the lottery中彩票。答案:A17.A.why B.because D.when答案:A18.A.bring B.take C.reach D.carry答案:C19.A.wealthy B.healthy C.important D.fortunate解析:作者根据自己的经历总结这就是他为什么认为组织机构继续伸出援助之手帮助不幸儿童是非常重要的。答案:D20.A.satisfaction B.instruction C

24、.kindness D.politeness解析:由下文的just one little simple act of kindness可知。答案:C阅卷现场(教师用书独具)第五节阅读理解题常见问题与解决方法高考阅读理解要求考生在3035分钟的时间内完成3到5篇不同题材、体裁的短文的理解,是整个高考试题中难度最大、区分度最高的题型。它不仅考查考生对语篇的整体把握能力,而且考查考生快速捕捉信息、准确理解特定细节以及复杂句子的能力。考生不仅要正确理解文章的表层意思,还要能通过表层意思去合理推断、挖掘文章的隐含意义和延伸意义。它是对考生知识和心理素质的综合检验。可以说,阅读理解得分率的高低在很大程度上


26、理解题型主要分为三类题型:问题一是主旨类;问题二是推理判断类;问题三是词义猜测和细节理解类。下面我就这三类题型一一讲解一下高考阅卷中发现的常见问题和解决方法。问题一:主旨类常见问题问题二:推理判断类常见问题问题三:词义猜测和细节理解类常见问题问题一:主旨类常见问题问题描述与分析高考题对此类题型的考查综合性强,难度大,文章的题材丰富,需要学生综合多方信息,但是很多考生无法找到主题句,常被枝节表达所迷惑,所以对文章的主旨分析就会出现偏差导致失分。典例精析:【例1】 (2020北京卷E篇)Camping wild is a wonderful way to experience the natura

27、l world and,at its best,it makes little environmental influence. But with increasing numbers of people wanting to escape into the wilderness,it is becoming more and more important to camp unobtrusively(不引人注目地) and leave no mark.Wild camping is not permitted in many places,particularly in crowded low

28、land Britain. Wherever you are,find out about organizations responsible for managing wild spaces,and contact them to find out their policy on camping and shelter building. For example,it is fine to camp wild in remote parts of Scotland,but in England you must ask the landowners permission,except in

29、national parks.Camping is about having relaxation,sleepingoutdoors,experiencing bad weather,and making do without modern conveniences. A busy,fullyequipped campsite(野营地) seems to go against this,so seek out smaller,more remote places with easy access to open spaces and perhaps beaches. Better still,find a campsite with no road access: walking in makes a real adventure.Finding the right spot to camp is the first step to guaranteeing a good nights sleep. Choose a campsite with privacy a

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