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八年级新目标上Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake教案.docx

1、八年级新目标上Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake教案Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?I Teaching objectives 单元教学目标Skill Focus 听Listen to the process and the ingredients of making something说Describe the process of making somethingTalk about the culture of eating home and abroad读Read a passage

2、 about recipe写Write about the process and ingredients of making somethingWrite instructions about how to eat Beijing Duck功能句式Describe a process and follow instructionsHow do you make a banana milk shake?First, peel the bananas and cut them up.Then pour the milk into the blender .Next .Finally .Langu

3、ageFocus词汇1. 重点词汇cut, up, peel, pour, into, instruction, top, check, ice cream, salt, sandwich, bread, butter, duck2. 认读词汇shake, milk shake, yogurt, watermelon, popcorn, popper, relish, lettuce, turkey, slice, green onion, sauce, pancake, blender, ingredient, amount, teaspoon, super, recipe, mix, bo

4、il, add, roll3. 短语turn on, cut up, put/pour . into ., mix up, add . to .语法1. Imperatives (祈使句) Peel the bananas and cut them up.Pour the milk into the blender. 2. Countable/Uncountable nounsHow many bananas do we need? There.How much yogurt do we need? Two cups.StrategyFocusGuessingSequencing Task b

5、ased learningII. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元的中心话题是Cooking at home,主要围绕How do you make a banana milk shake?这一主题展开各种教学活动。并以这一主题引出可数名词和不可数名词,how many/how much 问句及祈使句等语言功能。本单元旨在让学生学会描述制作某个东西的过程和步骤,进而分析中西方在饮食文化方面的不同,通过听、说、读、写来培养学生综合运用这些知识的能力。最终让学生能在“做中学”(learning by

6、 doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,能准确地用英语来表达。 Section A 1a介绍本单元的重点词汇:一些用以描述香蕉饮料的制作过程的动词,并让学生根据图片选择正确的动词完成图中句子,由此引入本单元的主题;1b让学生听一段对话录音,根据听到的顺序给句子排序,帮助学生从听力材料中了解、获取目标语言;1c是一个口头会话练习(结对子活动),指导学生如何用目标语言进行对话(描述香蕉饮料的制作过程);2a和2b是两个听力活动,通过听力训练帮助学生进一步了解目标语言的用法,落实听与写的技能目标;2c是结对子口语会话活动,从描述如何制作香蕉饮料扩展到如何制作水果色拉,以巩固目标语言,是对学生的一种语

7、言输出练习;3a要求学生阅读对话,并用所给的词完成对话,掌握几个表顺序的副词的用法;3b要求学生根据3a中的对话示范,看图向同伴描述爆米花的制作过程,帮助学生进一步用目标语言进行口头表达;4 是一个写食谱、拼食谱的游戏活动,给学生提供了一个学以致用的机会,是学生运用目标语言进行听、说、读、写的综合训练。 Section B 1a让学生写出自己喜欢的三明治配料并与其他学生比较,学习一些表食品的词汇,为后面的课堂活动作铺垫;1b是在1a基础上的口头训练,仿照对话与同伴谈论喜欢的三明治配料;2a和2b是两个听力练习,其中2b也有写的训练;2c又是一个结对子口头会话练习,要求学生描述自己最喜欢的三明治

8、的制作过程,是对目标语言的巩固与扩展; 3a、3b和3c为读、写训练,通过一系列活动了解中西方饮食文化的差异,其中3a是一篇关于Recipe的阅读材料,要求学生根据材料内容写出“Super Chicken Sandwich”的配料并进行分类完成表格,是一项巩固词汇的读写训练;3b是在3a的基础上的读与写的训练,完成 A recipe for Sandwich的阅读语言材料;3c用目标语言进行写作的训练,落实与巩固写的技能;4是一项口语训练活动,体现了英语语言“在做中学,在学中用”的特点,本单元的综合语言知识能力的运用在此体现出来。 Self check 1 检验学生对几个重要动词和动词短语的掌

9、握情况,形式为填空和造句;2 要求学生根据所给图片和提示语写一段吃北京烤鸭的步骤和过程,是对学生语言应用能力的综合检验。 2. 教材重组和课时分配Period 1(Section A: 2a, 2b, Section B: 1a,1b)Function, Listening and SpeakingPeriod 2(Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2c, 3a, 3b, 4)Function and Integrating skills Period 3(Section B: 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 3c)Integrating skills and Cultur

10、ePeriod 4(Self check and some exercises)Grammar and PracticeIII. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案Period 1 Function, Listening and SpeakingTarget language 目标语言 1. Words and phrases生词和短语shake, watermelon, yogurt, teaspoon, blender, salt, popcorn, popper, sandwich, butter, relish, sauce, turkey, sl

11、ice, green onion, duck, pancake, ingredient, instruction, amount2. Key sentences重点句子How many bananas do we need?How much milk do we need?Ability goals 能力目标Get students to know the names of food and drink, the plural forms of countable nouns, and uncountable nouns.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help stud

12、ents learn how to eat healthy.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点The use of countable nouns and uncountable nouns.Teaching aids 教具准备CAI or lantern slides, pictures, tape recording.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Warming up T: Good morning, boys and girls! Do you like English son

13、gs? Lets relax ourselves and enjoy an English song: “One hamburger, two hamburgers .” (CAI呈现)T: Whats the song about? Ss: Food and drink.T: Yeah, great! In this unit well talk about how to make delicious food and drink. (Write “How to make things” on the blackboard.) Today we will learn the names of

14、 food and drink first.Step II Guessing game and PresentationT: Now please tell me what kind of food/drink/fruit you like.S1: I like noodle.S2: I like bananas.S3: .In this way, help students to review the words about food they have learned. Then teach the following new words by using pictures or slid

15、es.shake, watermelon, yogurt, teaspoon, blender, salt, popcorn, popper, sandwich, butter, relish, sauce, turkey, slice, green onion, duck, pancakeSample pictures:Step III Make chantsT: I have a good way to remember the words well. Now look at the slide and chant after me.Show the following on the sl

16、ide.What do you like? What do you like?I like onions. I like . What does she like? What does she like?She likes yogurt. She likes .T: OK. Now make your own chants by changing the words underlined with the new words that we have learned.Students make chants with each other, then ask individual studen

17、ts to present their chants to the class and see who does it best. Then choose the best chant maker and the best chanter.Step IV Countable nouns and uncountable nounsShow the following words on the screen. shake, watermelon, yogurt, teaspoon, blender, salt, popcorn, popper, sandwich, butter, relish,

18、sauce, turkey, slice, green onion, duck, pancake, apple, ice cream, noodle, broccoli1. Put the words into the correct placesCountable nounsUncountable nounsT: Now please look at the words carefully. Then tell us which words can be counted and which words can not be counted. Put them in the right pla

19、ces in groups of four.After that have the students make a conclusion on the rules of plural forms of countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Finally sum up about the rules that:Countable items are things you can count like one apple, two apples, three bananas; Uncountable items are things you cant co

20、unt like milk or yogurt. So you should say some milk/yogurt or two cups of milk/yogurt. 2. PairworkAsk a student to act as partner, and present the following dialogue as a model. Then let students make more similar dialogues with the words above. Model: T: How many bananas do we need?S: Three banana

21、s.T: How much relish do we need?S: Two teaspoons.Step V Listening (Section A: 2a, 2b)In this step students will do some listening, speaking and writing practice using the target language.T: Maria and Katie are making a fruit salad. Listen carefully to what theyre talking about.Play the recording for

22、 the first time. Students only listen. T: They mentioned some names of foods, right? We call them ingredients. Look at the chart in 2a on page 42. (Call attention to the headings “How much” and “How many”) Write the ingredients you can count under the heading “how many” and write those you cant coun

23、t under the heading “how much”. Play the recording again, students listen and write the names of the ingredients in the correct column. Check the answers. Then point at the chart in 2b and ask a student to read the amounts in the first column. Point out the measuring cup and teaspoon in the picture

24、above.T: Listen to the recording again. This time listen to the amount of each ingredient the girls talk about. Write the name of each ingredient after the amount in the chart.Play the recording again. Students write words in the correct places in the Ingredient column.Then check the answers. T: Now

25、 look at the sample conversation in the picture. Which pair would like to read the conversation for us?Ask two students to read it to the class. Enable them to read in proper tone and intonation. Then let students make similar dialogues with the ingredients and the amounts in the chart in pairs.Fina

26、lly, have some pairs present their dialogues. Step VI My favorite (Section B: 1a, 1b)Show the followings on slide.Discussion:What kind of salad/sandwich/popcorn/smoothie/ . would you like to have? Write down the ingredients of your salad/sandwich/popcorn/smoothie/ . Model: A: Do you like lettuce in

27、sandwiches?B: Yes, I do.A: Do you like tomatoes?C: No, I dont.A: Do you like relish?D: Yes, I do. Report: In my sandwich, I like lettuce, relish . In his/her smoothie, he/she likes apples, oranges .T: Now discuss in groups of four. Take turns to ask your partners what he or she likes in sandwiches/p

28、opcorn/smoothie/ . Each group can choose one food and talk about it, then report to the class.Finally make a comment and choose:the best reporter the best saladthe best smoothiethe best sandwichStep VII Summary and Homework T: Today we have learned some names of food, what ingredients we need to mak

29、e things and how many/how much of them we need. Most of you talked about your favorite food as well. But I dont think you can eat everything that you like. We should have healthy eating habit.Homework:Your class is having a party. You want to make some fruit salad and sandwiches. So your classmates

30、and you are shopping. Yon are talking about what you need and the amount.Please make a shopping list.Shopping listIngredient(配料)Amount(数量)Period 2 Function andIntegrating skillsTarget language 目标语言 1. Words and phrases生词和短语peel, cut, pour, cut up, turn on, pour . into, boil, add, add . up, mix . up,

31、 finally 2. Key sentences重点句子(1) How do you make a banana milk shake?First, peel the bananas and cut them up.Then put the milk into the blender .First . next . then . finally .(2) How do you make fruit salad?(3) How do you make popcorn?Ability goals 能力目标Learn the adverbs of procedure: first, next, after that, then, finally etc.Talk about making food. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to describe a process with the target language. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点Describe the process of making

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