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八年级下册Unit 6 413.docx

1、八年级下册Unit 6 413八年级下册Unit 6:How long have you been collecting shells?一 词法1. 动词collect raise run store miss talk would like have to/must thanks to/ thanks for have been in/have been to/have gone to2. 名词room(There isnt much room in these rooms.) foreigner shell marathon pair skate skater stamp kite mon

2、ster globe/world/earth cake collector coin topic writer dynasty character capital Jew thousand emperor the Olympic Games3. 形容词common extra European Russian Australian Jewish certain/sure each/every several all/whole be interested in/ be interesting everyday/every day 4. 副词before/ago particularly qui

3、te/rather/very far away 5. 介词for/since by the way/on the way/in the way/out of the way6. 代词anyone/any one二词组1. make a list 列一张清单21. several skaters 几个滑冰者2. talk to sb. 对某人说话22. the snow globe of the monster 这个怪物雪球3. be welcomed by the Song Emperor 受到宋朝皇帝的欢迎23. an interesting city with a very colorfu

4、l history 具有丰富多彩历史的有趣城市 4. collect old coins 收集古币24. my summer clothes 我的夏装5. collect stamps 收集邮票25. Chinese dynasties 中国朝代6. collect shells 收集贝壳26. the capital of Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省会7. fly kites 放风筝27. some European influence 一些欧洲痕迹8. watch movies=see films 看电影28. be certain 肯定9. think of 想

5、起、认为29. western history 西方历史10. miss your family 想念你的家人30. anybody else 任何别的人11. have problems with 做某事有困难31. since I was seven years old 从我七岁起12. raise money for charity为慈善机构募捐32. stuffed animals 填充玩具动物13. finish writing my test 完成我的测题33. the whole five hours 整整五个小时14. start a snow globe collectors

6、 club 创办一个雪球收集俱乐部34. three and ha half years =three years and a half 三年半15. have to 不得不35. the most common hobby 最普通的兴趣16. tickets to the film 电影票36. the most unusual hobby 最不寻常的兴趣17. in fact 事实上37. a talent show 才艺表演18. by the way 顺便说一下38. far away 遥远的19. in a skating marathon在一次滑冰马拉松比赛中39. a pair

7、of skates 一双滑冰鞋20. on my seventh birthday在我七岁生日时40. learn a lot 学到很多三重点句型1. For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.2. The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my seventh birthday.3. Im very interested in that interesting bi

8、rd.4. -He has been in London fro half a month. Then he has been to Beijing. -Where is he now? -He isnt here. He has gone to Pairs.5. Every boy and (every) girl gets a story book. =Each boy and (each) girl gets a story book.6. Jack raised his voice and said, “Mary raised money to raise 20 chicken for

9、 eggs and now the price of the eggs is raised to $20. Lets raise glasses to her success, O.K.? ”7. My hobby is flying kites with my father.8. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me.四重点语法现在完成时态和现在完成进行时态导入:一般过去时 did something./ was (were) past now future现在完成时:have/has + 过去分词型past 自从

10、过去某个时间点,一直持续到现在 now future (since、till now、up to now、ever since、so far) 1 have/has +done2 It is the first/second/third time that have/has done3 It is +时间段+since did (非延续性动词)型past 过去至现在的某个时间段里总是在做的事 now future (for、in the past/last few years、during、this term)型past now future 现在已经做完了的动作 (不确定的时间状语:rece

11、ntly、never、ever、already、rarely、yet、just)时态现在完成时现在完成进行时例句They have built a new lab. 他们建造了一个新的实验室。 They have been building a new lab. 他们一直在建造一个新的实验室。结构have/has (not) + V. 过去分词have/has (not) + been + V.-ing形式用法1. 表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或结果; 2. 从过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在的动作或状态。1.表示从过去某时开始一直延续到说话时还在进行,或可能还要延续下去的动作;

12、 2. 表示从过去某时开始,一直延续到说话时,可能是刚刚结束的动作。区别表示动作的完成表示动作的延续时间状语1. since+过去的时间点(since ten years ago) 2. for+时间段(for ten years) 3. these+时间名词(these years) 4. all day/all the time 5. recently共同点work、study、live、teach等一些动词用两种时态,意思差不多。注意事项1. be、have、like、love、hate、know、see、hear等动词不能用现在完成进行时,只能用现在完成时; 2. 如句子中有表示一段时

13、间的状语或How long, 动词需用延续动词,不可用非延续性动词。语法单一习题-1:将下列非延续性动词转化为延续动词buy: borrow: put on: catch a cold:die: open: closed: begin/start:finish: get up: wake up: fall asleep:come: leave: lose: join:arrive/reach: fall ill: lay: 语法单一习题-1:用for或since填空:1. three years ago 2. he was ten years old3. six oclock 4. half

14、an hour5. August 1st, 1989 6. about 15 years.7. several days 8. last night9. a long history 10. I came to China11. Its ten years we met each other last time.12. He has taught English 25 years.13. The Greens have lived on the farm 1990.14. They have been paracticing the guitar two hours.15. -How long

15、 have you been a reporter?- 8 years ago.16. I havent gone for a walk in the park a long time.17. Hes been collecting stamps he was in primary school.18. They have been running 9 oclock.19. I have been collecting shells I saw her.20. The men have been drinking they came to the party.语法单一习题-1:名称动词原形过去

16、式过去分词 名称动词原形过去式过去分词 1am/is37babysit2are38sit3bear39bring4begin40catch5break41buy6do/does42build7draw43feed8drive44feel9eat45fight10fall46find11fly47get12freeze48forgot13go49have/has14grow50hear15know51hold16ride52keep17ring53learn18see54leave19speak55lose20swim56make21take57mean22wear58meet23write59

17、pay24show60say61sell25come62send26become63sleep27run64spell65spend28cost66stand29cut67sweep30put68teach31read69tell32let70think33beat71win72hang34can73lie35may74lay36will语法单一习题-1:根据汉语意思完成句子:1. 你最近一直在忙着做什么?What you these days?2. 我一直在读这部小说。I the novel all the time.3. 她整天对我唠叨个没完。She to me all day. 4. 从

18、六岁开始, 你就一直在集邮吗? you stamps since you were six?5. 李明一直看英语电影多长时间了? has Li Ming English movies?6. 我一直在等我父母的来信。I for a letter from my parents.7. 自从2004年以来,我们一直在这里学习。We here since 2004.8. 她一整天都在扫大街。 她太累了。She the street all day. She is too died.9. 我们已经等你两个小时了。We for you for two hours.10. 这些年他并没有一直在这儿教书。He

19、 here these years.11. 你今天一直在准备英语测试吗? 不, 我没有。 you for the English test today?No, .12. 最近你在看什么书?What book you recently?13. 我一直在写一本书。I a book.14. 从晚上六点起你就在和他通电话吗? you with him on the phone since 6:00 p.m.?15. 自从4岁起我就学英语了。I English since I was 4 years old.语法单一习题-2:1. 他加入俱乐部两年了。 It is since he the club.2

20、. 这是他第三次看这个戏。 It is that he the play.3. 我买了条新裤子。 I a new pair of trousers.4. 他已经吃过药了。 He already the medicine.5. 这学期学生们进行过六次英语测验。 The pupils six tests in English this term.6. 过去十年中,我们建造了两座核电站。 We two nuclear power stations in the past ten years.7. 迄今为止他一向迟到。 He always late so far.8. 演说者讲了两小时。 The sp

21、eaker for about two hours.9. 自从来到伦敦, 他一直在一所语言学校教中文吗? he Chinese in the language school since he to London?10. 她去过颐和园了吗? she ever to the Summer Palace?11. 我很久没见他了。 I him for a long time.12. -他们给花园的花浇过水了吗? -不,还没有。 - they the flowers in the garden? -No, .13. 迄今为止,我们已经学了一千五百个英语单词了。 Up till now we 1,500

22、English words.14. 他刚刚看了病。 He just (pay) the doctor.15. 他以前从未去过上海。 He to Shanghai before. He never to Shanghai before.语法综合习题-1:1. My uncle has been taught in this school he was twenty years old. A. since B. for C. until D. after2. Helen loves to talk about travel. She many places. A. has gone to B. h

23、as been to C. has gone for D. has been from3. -Jack, I havent seen your brother for a long time. -He Shanghai on business for two months. A. went to B. has gone to C. has been in D. has been to 4. Jack has been studying Chinese in this school the year of 2005. A. since B. in C. on D. by5. Kate Chine

24、se for two years. A. study B. studies C. studied D. has studied6. I havent written home Christmas. A. on B. since C. until D. after7. - did you stay in Shanghai last year? -For twenty days. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. When8. We friends for ten years. A. became B. have been C. have made D

25、. have become9. Dad English since 1995. A. has been teaching B. has been taught C. began to teach D. taught10. There great changes in China since 1987. A. were B. are C. have been D. have been being11. He had a headache because he too long. A. has been reading B. had read C. has been watching D. wat

26、ched12. The girl TV all afternoon. A. has watched B. had watched C. has been watching D. watched13. Every boy and girl hard in Class Two. A. studies B. study C. are studying D. have studied14. has your brother been in the army? A. How long B. Since when C. When D. Both A and B15. When they the bus s

27、top? A. have, been in B. did, arrive at C. have, got to D. did, get16. Have you heard from John ? A. recent B. later C. recently D. late17. He is too busy to have time TV. A. watch B. watching C. watched D. to watch 18. He just lunch. He it at home. A. has, had, had B. had, had, had C. /, had, had D. has, had, has had 19. Shenzhou VI around the earth for 115 hours. A. has been flown B. has been flying C. flew D. will fly20. -When you teaching in our school, Mr. Smith?-I here since 1998. A. did, sta

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