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1、新一代大学英语2课文翻译大学生英语精读2课文翻译UNIT 1About 2,400 years ago in Athens a man was put to death for asking too many questions. There were philosophers before him, but it was with Socrates that a the subject really took off. If philosophy has a patron saint it is Socrates. 大约是 2,400 年以前,在雅典,有一个人因为问了太多问题被判了死刑。在他

2、之前,也有许多哲学家,可哲学这门学科却是从他苏格拉底开始,才进入一个真正腾飞的阶段。苏格拉底之于哲学,就是一位引路和守护的圣人。As a young man he had been a brave soldier fighting in the Peloponnesian War against the Spartans and their allies. In middle age he shuffled around the marketplace, stopping people from time to time and asking them awkward questions. T

3、hat was more or less all he did. But the questions he asked were razor-sharp. They seemed straightforward; but they werent.年轻时的苏格拉底曾是一名勇敢的战士,参与了伯罗奔尼撒战争,抵御斯巴达人及其盟军。到了中年,他在市集随处走动,时不时拦下路人,问他们一些难以回答的问题。 他差不多就只干这个。但他的问题都很犀利,看似简单直白,实际却不好回答。The word “philosopher” comes from the Greek words meaning “love of

4、 wisdom”. The Western tradition in philosophy spread from ancient Greece across large parts of the world, at time cross-fertilized by ideas from the East. The kind of wisdom that it values is based on argument, reasoning and asking question, not on believing things simply because someone important h

5、as told you they are true. Wisdom for Socrates was not knowing lots of facts, or knowing how to do something. It meant understanding the true nature of our existence, including the limits of what we can know. Philosophers today are doing more or less what Socrates was doing: asking tough questions,

6、looking at reasons and evidence, struggling to answer some of the most important question we can ask ourselves about the nature of reality and how we should live.“哲学家”一词( philosopher)来源于希腊语,意思是“对智慧的热爱”。西方哲学的传统正是从古希腊发迹,传播到了世界的绝大多数地方,期间在历史上也曾若干次吸纳东方思想。西方传统哲学重视的是论点、推理与提问,而不是简单地相信权威人士如何说。智慧在苏格拉底看来不是知道多少

7、事实,也不是了解如何做事。 智慧是了解我们存在的本质,包括我们能洞悉的事物的界限。现今的哲学家差不多和苏格拉底做的事一样:提出难以回答的问题,检验推理和证据,试图解答我们针对自身提出的最重要的一些问题,这些问题关乎现实的本质,关乎我们如何生活。What made Socrates so wise was that he kept asking questions and he was always willing to debate his ideas. Life, he declared, is only worth living if you think about what you ar

8、e doing . An unexamined existence is all right for cattle, but not for human beings.苏格拉底之所以获得如此智慧,是因为不断地提问,而且始终愿意与人辩论自己的观点。他说,生活,未经反思是不值得过的。未经推敲的存在对于一头牛来说没什么,但对于人却是不能接受的。UNIT 3Why is “you” such a powerful word? Because when we were infants, we thought we were the center of the universe. Nothing matt

9、ered but ME, MYSELF and I. The rest of the shadowy forms stirring about us (which we later learned were other people) existed solely for what they could do for us. Self-centered little tykes that we were, our tiny brains translated every action, every word, into, “How does that affect ME?”为什么“你”是如此有

10、力的一个词?因为当我们还是婴儿时,我们就以为自己是宇宙的中心, 没有什么能大过“我”。周围往来穿梭的一团混沌(后来我们才知道这是“其他人”)不过因其对我们的用处而存在。我们这些自我为中心的小不点儿,小脑瓜里把别人的一举一动、一言一行都解读为“这对我有什么影响?Before answering, Jill is thinking to herself, “By good does he mean the food or the atmosphere or both?” Her reverie continues, “Indian cuisine, Im not sure. He says its

11、 good. However, will I like it?” While thinking, Jill hesitates. You probably take her hesitation personally, and the joy of the exchange diminishes. Suppose, instead, you had said to her, “Jill, you will really love this new Indian restaurant. Will you join me there this evening for dinner?” Phrasi

12、ng it that way, youve already subliminally answered Jills question and shes more apt to give you a quick “yes.”回答之前,吉尔暗忖:“他说不错是指食物还是环境,还是两者都不错?”她接着想:“印度菜,我拿不准。他说好,可是我会喜欢吗?”想着想着,吉尔就犹豫了。她的犹豫可能会使你感到不快,交流的乐趣也因此而打了折扣。试想,你换一种问法:“吉尔,你一定会喜欢这家新开的印度馆子的。今晚和我一起去那儿吃怎么样?”这样措辞,你已经下意识地解答了吉尔的疑问,因此她更有可能会很快答复你“好啊。”The

13、 pleasure-pain principle is a guiding force in life. Psychologists tell us everyone automatically gravitates toward that which is pleasurable and pulls away from that which is painful. For many people, thinking is painful.“快乐痛苦原则”是生命中的指引力量。心理学家告诉我们,每个人都会自动趋向于令其快乐的事物而远离令其痛苦的事物。对于很多人而言,思考便是痛苦的。So big

14、winners (when they wish to control, inspire, be loved by, sell to people, or get them to go to dinner) do the thinking for them. They translate everything that powerful little three-letter word, “you.” Thus, I call the technique “Comm-YOU-nication.”因此,真正的赢家(当他们想控制,想激励,想被爱,想向人兜售什么或想请人吃饭时)总是替别人考虑。他们把一

15、切都转化为从对方的角度出发,尽可能多地以“你”这样一个简单而有力的字开头。因此,我称这种沟通技巧为“唯你独尊”。Putting “you” first gets a much better response, especially when youre asking a favor, because it pushes peoples pride button. Suppose you want to take a long weekend. You decide to ask your boss if you can take Friday off. Which request do you

16、 think he or she is going to react to more positively? “Can I take Friday off, Boss?” Or this one: “Boss, can you do without me Friday?”因此,真正的赢家(当他们想控制,想激励,想被爱,想向人兜售什么或想请人吃饭时)总是替别人考虑。他们把一切都转化为从对方的角度出发,尽可能多地以“你”这样一个简单而有力的字开头。因此,我称这种沟通技巧为“唯你独尊”。Comm-YOU-nication also enriches your social conversation.

17、 Gentlemen, say a lady likes your suit. Which woman gives you warmer feelings? The woman who says, “I like your suit.” Or the one who says, “You look great in that suit.” Big players who make business presentations use Comm-YOU-nication to excellent advantage. Suppose youre giving a talk and a parti

18、cipant asks a question. He likes to hear you say, “Thats a good question.” However, consider how much better he feels when you tell him, “Youve asked a good question.”“唯你独尊”还会丰富你的社交语言。对于男士们来说,假如有位女士赞赏你的衣着,哪一种会让你觉得更热情? 是“我喜欢你的衣服”还是“你穿上这件衣服显得很帅气”?做商务展示的行家里手也把“唯你独尊”的优势发挥到了极致。假设你在讲话,一位观众提了一个问题。如果你说“这是个好

19、问题”,他固然开心;但如果你说“你提了一个好问题”,想想他会有多得意。Salespeople, dont just tell your prospects, “Its important that” Convince them by informing them, “Youll see the importance of” When negotiating, instead of, “The result will be” let them know, “Youll see the result when you”销售人员们,不要仅仅告诉你的目标客户“XX很重要”,应该用“你会看到XX的重要性

20、”来说服他们。谈判时,也不要说“结果将会是”,要让他们知道,“如果你,你会看到结果。”UNIT 4Research conducted since the Genovese murder indicates that the failure of the bystanders to get involved cant be simply dismissed as a symptom of an uncaring society. Rather, the bystander effect, as it is called by social scientists, is the product

21、of a complex set of psychological factors.吉诺谋杀案后,调查研究随即展开,结果表明,众多旁观者没有出手救助不能被简单地认作社会冷漠的一种体现。相反,这种旁观者效应,正如社会科学家们所说,是一系列复杂心理因素的产物。Two factors appear to be most important in understanding the reactions of bystanders to emergencies. 要理解旁观者对突发事件的反应,有两个因素似乎极为重要。 First is the level of ambiguity involved in

22、 the situation. Bystanders are afraid to endanger themselves or look foolish if they take the wrong action in a situation they are not sure how to interpret. A person lying face down on the floor of a subway train may have just suffered a heart attack and be in need of immediate medical assistance-o

23、r he may be a dangerous drunk. 第一个要素就是突发事件的事态明朗度。旁观者害怕在不确定事件的具体情况下采取了错误的举动,从而使自己陷入危险或看起来愚蠢。一个人脸朝下趴在地铁车厢的地板上,他可能因为心脏病发作而急需医疗帮助,也可能他只是一个危险的酒鬼。Determining what is happening is especially difficult when a man is attacking a woman. Many times lovers do quarrel, sometimes violently. But they may strongly

24、resent an outsider, no matter how well-meaning, intruding into their affairs.当一个男人攻击一个女人的时候,搞清楚事情的真相尤其困难。情侣间很多时候会吵架,有时还会伴有暴力。但他们可能会很反感有旁观者干涉他们的私事,无论是多么善意的。When a group of bystanders is around, interpreting an event can be even more difficult than when one is alone. Bystanders look to others for cues

25、 as to what is happening. Frequently other witnesses, just as confused, try to look calm. Thus standers can mislead each other about the seriousness of an incident.有一群旁观者在场时,搞清楚事情的真相比只有一个旁观者在场时困难得多。旁观者会依赖其他人的暗示来弄清楚发生了什么,而情况经常是,其他的目击者也是一头雾水,只是努力保持镇定。因此,关于某一事件的严重程度,旁观者们可能会彼此误导。The second factor in det

26、ermining the reactions of bystanders to emergencies is what psychologists call the principle of moral diffusion. Moral diffusion is the lessening of a sense of individual responsibility when someone is a member of a group Responsibility to act diffuses throughout the crowd. When a member of the grou

27、p is able to escape the collective paralysis and take action, others in the group tend to act as well. But the larger the crowd, the greater the diffusion of responsibility, and the less likely someone is to intervene. 理解旁观者对突发事件反应的第二个要素就是心理学家们所说的“道德分散原理”。“道德分散”是指当个体是群体中的一员时,个体的责任感会下降,即出手援助的责任感在整个人群

28、中会有所分散。若群体中的某一个人能够摆脱集体麻痹意识而采取行动,那么群体中的其他人也会随之行动起来。但群体的人数越多,责任感就会越分散,个体介入的可能性就会越低。The more social scientists are able to teach us about how bystanders react to an emergency, the better the chances that we will take appropriate action when faced with one. Knowing about moral diffusion, for example, ma

29、kes it easier for us to escape it. If you find yourself witnessing an emergency with a group, remember that everybody is waiting for someone else to do something first. If you take action, others may also help.如果社会学家能够更多地教会我们作为旁观者如何应对突发事件,那么我们在遭遇此类事件时采取恰当行动的可能性就越大。例如,了解了“道德分散”可以帮助我们更容易地摆脱它。如果你发现自己和一

30、群人目击了一起突发事件,那么请记住,每个人都在等待其他人先采取行动。如果你先行动,其他人或许也会给予帮助。Unit 5The goal of business strategy must be “to take All-Under-Heaven intact- to capture your marketplace. You must define the markets you are going after and commit to achieving relative market dominance in those markets. By doing so, your compan

31、y will ensure its business exists survival and prosperity.为了夺得市场份额,商业战略的目标须“全争于天下”。你必须规划好准备争取的市场,并且下定决心在这些市场上取得市场相对优势地位。如此一来,你的企业将会确保实现生存和兴旺。There are many examples of companies that have done this. They began as seedlings, but used creative strategy to bring value to the marketplace, grew quickly a

32、nd continued doing business successfully for a number of years. They had to be able to gain a position in their industry or niche that enabled them to protect themselves and shape the forces in their industry in their favor. They achieved relative market dominance.有许多成功企业的例子可以用来证明这一点。这些企业从最初的萌芽状态,通过创造性的战略带来市场价值,迅速成长,商业成功经久不衰。它们不得不在行业里获得一席之地或占领专营市场,以保护自身并在行业里塑造于自身有利的势力。这些企业取得了市场相对优势地位。Market dominance can appear in many forms, technology leadership, brand recognition or cost leadership are some signs of it. Market dominance can also be thought of in terms of m

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