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1、北京八中初三上期中英语2020北京八中初三(上)期中英 语注意事项:1. 本调研卷共10页, 满分100分, 考试时间120分钟。2. 在调研卷和答题纸上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。3. 调研卷答案一律填涂或书写在答题纸上, 在调研卷上作答无效。4. 在答题纸上, 选择题用2B铅笔作答, 其他题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5.考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。知识运用一、单项选择。从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Im talking to you, Jack. Are you listening to _?A. me B. mine C. my

2、D. I2. My uncle arrived in Beijing _ December 29 for a business meeting.A. to B. at C. of D. on3. The classroom is very quiet. All the students _ carefully.A. read B. are reading C. have read D. will read4. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is bridge I have ever seen.A. wonderful B. more wonderful C. mo

3、st wonderful D. the most wonderful5. Tony and his friends often _ movies on weekends.A. watched B. watch C. will watch D. are watching6. Bill has asked me to be more careful _ I wont make so many mistakes next time.A. until B. so that C. as soon as D. although7. Paul and I _ tennis yesterday. He did

4、 much better than I.A. play B. will play C. played D. are playing8. I tried to stop him, _ he didnt listen.A. and B. but C. or D. so9. When I went to say goodbye to Ann, she _ for a writing competition.A. prepares B. prepared C. has prepared D. was preparing10. We _ trees if it is sunny next Sunday.

5、A. plant B. planted C. have planted D. will plant11. My aunt is a writer. She _ more than ten books since 1980.A. writes B. wrote C. has written D. will write12. Do you know _ the Capital Museum?Next Saturday.A. when will they visitB. when did they visitC. when they visitedD. when they will visit二、完

6、形填空。I am the mother of two wonderful, beautiful and clever boys. I am also a policewoman who works on cases(案件)about children. It is my job to keep children _13_.Several months before my son Thomass third birthday, he asked me what I did for work. I told him that it was to keep little boys and girls

7、 safe, but I did not go into any more details. Over the next several weeks I would hear my son telling people that his mommys job was to keep little boys and girls safe. But then he seemed to _14_ about it and didnt mention it any more.The day after Thomass third birthday, I decided to take the day

8、off from work to spend time with Thomas and Alex, his twenty-one-month-old brother. After saying goodbye to their father, I turned to my boys and said _15_ that Mommy didnt have to go to work. She was going to spend the whole day with her boys! I looked down at Thomas, _16_ to see an excited look on

9、 his face, but instead I saw tears in his eyes. I bent down(弯腰)close to him and asked him what was wrong. He looked at me with tears _17_ down his face and said, Who will keep the little boys and girls safe if you dont go to work? I could not believe that my son who just _18_ three the day before wa

10、s worried about the little boys and girls he did not even know.I took my son in my arms and gave him a big hug. And I _19_ that there were other people who worked with mommy to keep the little boys and girls safe. We hugged each other for several minutes. And I tried to make him believe that the lit

11、tle boys and girls would still be safe even if Mommy stayed home. When he finally felt better he went off to play with one of his new toys.I sat there on the floor for a few minutes longer and was just _20_ by the feelings my son had for these children that he had never met. I never explained what s

12、afe meant to three-year-old Thomas, but I believe that he understands its meaning very well.13. A. healthy B. popular C. polite D. safe14. A. dream B. talk C. worry D. forget15. A. nervously B. excitedly C. carefully D. politely16. A. expecting B. offering C. starting D. deciding17. A. flying B. mov

13、ing C. walking D. running18. A. turned B. grew C. changed D. counted19. A. suggested B. explained C. insisted D. complained20. A. bored B. surprised C. worried D. frightened三、阅读理解阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。AHoliday Activities for KidsClay Craft (陶艺) at Art CenterThis two-hour worksho

14、p teaches children to make giftsusing clay. For children aged 6 to 12.When: Jul. 19 (1-3 pm) (Friday)Price: $20Go to for more information.Fun Cooking at Little Cook SchoolChildren aged 6 to 10 can learn to make healthy hamburgers Children aged10 to 12 can learn to make delicious

15、cake.When: Every Wednesday (2-5 pm) in the month of Aug.Price: $ 35Wonder Dance Class at Emma WorkshopLearn to dance with excellent teachers. A four-week dancecourse for those aged 10 to 12.When: Jul. 11 (3-5 pm) every ThursdayPrice: $ 60 for four lessonsFor details, go to .21. Children can learn to

16、 make clay gifts on _.A. Jul. 11 B. Jul. 19 C. Aug. 11 D. Aug. 1922. At Emma Workshop, children can _.A. have a big dinner B. make special giftsC. make hamburgers D. learn to dance23. How many activities can an eight-year-old child take part in?A. 4. B. 3. C. 2. D. 1.BOne Bite at a TimeOne summer da

17、y when I was heading for the teaching building I met Philip, one of my colleagues ( 同 事 ), who worked in the same office with me. Beside him stood another young man. Philip introduced me to the young man, named Stephen. He told me that Stephen would take one of my classes Introduction to American Hi

18、story. Stephen asked if my class was going to be hard. I felt he was worried about failing before the opening day of classes. We talked about what the class would cover and I saw Stephens eyes getting big with fear.Then I remembered a classical dialogue: Question: “How do you eat an elephant?” Answe

19、r: “One bite at a time”I told him to deal with his work that way to do all his assignment (作业) and to hand them in on time. I added that most successful students I knew made a timetable in order to plan their study well.As time went on, I learned more of Stephens story. He had difficulty in study wh

20、en he was in the middle school. Family members, including his mother, kept telling him that he was a failure. He told me that before coming to our college no one had believed he had much potential (潜力).Stephen didnt become an “A” student. Still, he managed to pass most of his courses by being in cla

21、ss every day, turning in all of his assignment on time and breaking down his studying into bite-sized parts. By passing course after course he began to build up bit of self-respect.Every time I saw him, he would brighten up and say, “One bite at a time.” He told his friends that he was succeeding wh

22、en he was supposed to be failing. His secret, he said, was that he was practising what I taught him before classes ever started: “Take it one bite at a time.”24. What is the relationship between the writer and Stephen?A. Father and son. B. Teacher and student.C. Classmates. D. Colleagues.25. To plan

23、 their study well, most successful students .A. made a timetable B. chose many coursesC. asked teachers questions D. took notes carefully26. Stephens story mainly tells us that .A. it is hard to pass courses in college B. we all need good luck to make a successC. bad things can turn out to be good s

24、ometimes D. taking one bite at a time can help students succeedCParis is the city of dreams. If you plan to head to Paris for a study period, then perhaps a little reality check is in order. But my experience was a romantic one.I paved my path to Paris through an exchange program. On arrival in Pari

25、s, I was constantly reminded of the official processes I had to complete forms to be filled in, meetings to attend, the list seemed endless.Then the real work began. Once classes were underway, I found myself volunteering to do oral presentations and assignments first, rather than last. This method

26、proved to be very helpful.Once I had finished class for the week, I had an ever-increasing list of museums to visit, neighborhoods to explore, and cafes to sit in. Read books about Paris. Talk to locals and other foreigners living there. But the one thing that reading a book or talking to someone ca

27、nnot do is to provide you with the experience of wandering Paris on foot. The people watching, the sounds of the city, the colors as the seasons change, they all add to the ecstasy that I experience in Paris as an exchange student.After spending five months wandering through the charming neighborhoo

28、ds, I fell in love with the atmosphere that came out from every open door, and with every spoken word. There is something comforting about walking to the market each Sunday to enjoy the beautiful display of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. There is warmth in saying bonjour to the passers-by.On

29、 my last day in Paris, I confidently said, Bonjour Monsieur, as I passed the little store down the street. I guess the best part about going on exchange in Paris is falling in love with the city in your own way. And I know mine is unique and special to me, my own little pieces of Paris.27. What does

30、 the passage mainly tell us?A. The special working experience in Paris.B. The charming neighborhoods in Paris.C. Living abroad in Paris as a student.D. The stressful study in Paris.28. What does the underlined word ecstasy in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Happiness. B. Imagination. C. Confidence. D.

31、Competition,29. Beyond reading books, which experience would the author treasure most?A. Enjoying a cup of coffee in his spare time.B. Greeting people in French in the street.C. Buying vegetables in the market.D. Wandering in Paris on foot.30. According to the passage, what left the author the deepest impression(印象)?A. The steps he went through before the exchange program.B. The presentations and assignments he did in class.C The academic achievement he made in his study.D. The special culture he experienced in the city.DA Fluent Advantage

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