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1、英语辞汇学答案下列概念所表示的名称:1.a minimum unit of meaning :(morpheme)2.a morpheme to which affixescan be added : (root) 3.a linguistic form that can occur as an independent word: (free form)4.a morpheme that must occur with at least one other morpheme: (bound form) 5.a bound morpheme attached to a base (root or

2、 stem): (affix) affix attached to the beginning of a base (root or stem ): (prefix) affix attached to the end of a base (root or stem) : (suffix) affix (in English,usually a suffix) that changes the form of a word without changing its part of speech or basic meaning: (inflectional affi

3、x)9.the process by which noninfectional affixes are added to roots to form words: (derivation) 10.the process of joining together two linguistic forms which can function independently : (compounding)各组单词中一路的粘着词根、其词源及语义:1.acoustic,acoustical,acoumeter,acoustician,acoustics,acouphone:(acou-听,GK)2aerod

4、omestics,erodrome,erodynamic,aerofoil,aerogramme,aerolite,aerography,aeronautics,aerophysics,aeroplane,aerosphere: (aero-空气GK)3.agenda,agent,agile, active,actor,actual,enact,inactive,transact,interact,react:(ag-,ac-做L)4.agrarian,agricultural,agriculture,agrimotor,agrobiology,agrochemical,agrology,ag

5、ronomic,agronomy,agrostology,agrotechnique,agrotechny,agrotown,agrotype: (agr-土地L)5.altimeter,altimetry,altitude,alto,exalt,contralto: (alt-高L)6.amateur,amatory,amiable,amicable,amorous,enamoured,unamiable:(am-,amor-爱L)7.Ample,ampleness,amply,amplidyne,amplification,amplifier,amplify,amplitude,radio

6、amplifier: (ampl-充沛L)8.annals,annual,perennial,centennial,annuity,biennial: (ann-年 L)9anthropology,philanthropist,misanthropical,anthropotomy,anthropogeneses,anthropography,anthropophagus: (anthrop- 人类 GK)10aqualung,aquanaut,aquaplane,aquanelle,aquarium,aquatic,aqueous,aquiculture,aquosity,subaquati

7、c,subaqueous,terraqueous,aqueduct: (aqu-水 L)11archangel,archbishop,arch-criminal,archdeacon,archdiocese,archenemy,archfiend: (arch- 首要 GK)12asterisk,asterism,asteroid,astrodome,astrodynamics,astrograph,astrologer,astrology,astronautics,astronavigation,astronomer,astronomy: (astr- 星 GK)13atmosphere,a

8、tmolysis,atmometer,atmeter,atmoseal,atmospherics:(atmo-气体GK)14audible,audibility,inaudible,audience,audiology,audio-visual,audiometer,audiophile,audiophile,audition,auditor,auditorium: (aud- 听 L)15atoalarm,autobiographer,autoboat,autobus,autochrome,autoclave,autocrat,autograph,autoinfection,automate

9、,automatic,automation,automobile,autonomy,autotruck,autotype: (auto- 自己 GK)16barodynamics,barogram,barograph,barometric,barothermograph:(bar-压力 GK)17bathymeter,bathymetric,bathysphere,bathythermograph:(bathy-深海的 GK)18Bible,bibliofilm,bibliography,bibliology,bibliolater,bibliomania,bibliophile,biblio

10、philism,bibliopole,bibliotheca,bibliotic,bibliotist: (biblio- 书籍 GK)19bioassay,biocatalyst,biochemistry,biocide,bioclean,bioclimatic,bioclimatolgy,bioelectricity,biology,biogeneses,biogenic,biogeography,biography,biometerology,bionics,bioscope,biosyntheses,biotic: (bio- 生命 GK)20.Breve,breviary,brevi

11、rostrate,brevity,brief,abbreviate,abridge: (bre- 简短 L) 用否定前缀in-(及其变体),non-,un-组成下列单词的反义词:mature:im regular:ir considerate:in noble:in contentious:non legitimate:il metal:non passive:im ferrous:non accuracy:in endurable:un variance:in inductive: non legible:il reasonable:un rational:ir scrupulous:un

12、staple: non balance:im legalize:il写出下列单词中前缀的意义:antecedent: before byproduct: near apocope: off enclose: in endobiotic: inside epitaph: outside expire: out foretell: before hypocrite: beneath include: in infrared: under intercede: between: intramural: within introspect: into outbid: exceeding overwor

13、k: beyond postgraduate: after precede: before proceed: forward retrospect:back subscribe: below superman: above supramundane: beyond transmit: across ultraconservatism: extreme以所列的单词为第一个成份,按照概念写出复合名词(A)green: 1.a stretch of land,round a town,where building is not allowed,so that fields woods,etc,rem

14、ain:greenbelt2.a shop-keeper who sells vegetables and fruit:greengrocer 3.a young,inexperienced person,especially male,who is easily cheated: greenhorn 4.a room in a theatre or concert hall where actors musicians,etc.,can rest when not performing :greenroom(B)hand: 1.a small bag for a woman to carry

15、 her money and personal things in: handbag2.a short book giving all the most important information about a subject: handbook apparatus that stops a vehicle,worked by the drivers hand: handbreak4.a bar of wood or metal fixed beside a place where one walks for holding onto,especially near stairs:

16、 handrail(C)after:.The care or treatment to someone after a period in hospital,prison,etc: aftercare effect (usually unpleasant) that follows some time after the cause or after the main effect: aftereffect 3.a taste that stays in the mouth after the food that caused it in no longer there : afte

17、rtaste idea that comes later: afterthought(D)sleeping: a large thick envelope or bag of warm material for sleeping in when camping:sleeping bag a railway carriage with beds for passengers:sleeping cara pill which helps a person to sleep:sleeping pill.a partner in a business who takes no active

18、part in its operation: sleeping partner(E) running :1. a person with whom another is running for a pair of political positions of greater or less importance,especially those of President and vice-Prisident: running mate 2. handwriting in which the letters are slanted and the words formed without lif

19、ting the pen : running hand 3.a headline repeated on consecutive pages (as of a book):running head 4.a footboard especially at the side of an automobile: running board(F)wash: 1.a large fixed basin for water for washing ones hands and face: washbasin2.a movable board with a wavy surface against whic

20、h clothes may be rubbed when washing: washboard3.a woman whose job is to wash clothes,often in her own home:washerwoman 4.a cloth that is used for washing ones face and body : washcloth(G)sun:1.the condition of having sore skin after experiencing the effects of strong sunlight:sunburn 2a flash of su

21、nlight,especially through a break in clouds: sunburst3.the time when the sun is seen to disappear as night begins:sunset4.strong sunlight,as when there are no clouds:sunshine(H)break:1.aa sudden failure in operation:breakdown2.the unlawful cantering of a building,using force : break-in3.the action o

22、f forcing a way through the enemy: breakthrough4.a division int smaller parts:breakup(I)out:1.sudden appearance or beginning of something bad:outbreak2.a public show of anger:outcry spent for a purpose :outlay4.a way through which something (usually a liquid or a gas )may go out: outlet将下列复合

23、动词译成汉语Blue-pencil:修改,校正 cold-shoulder:冷淡 court-martial:对.进行军法审判 Handcuff:将.上手铐 pitch-fork:骤然;把.塞进 sandbag:用沙袋阻塞Shipwreck:船只出事 short-circuit:使短路 snowball:(滚雪球似的)增加 Wisecrack:说俏皮话找出下列句子中由名词转化的动词(答案为黑体字的原形)1.A shy,frightened child”Name the Czar of Russia”2.At once the villagers formed a circle3.Agamerm

24、non with the rest of the Greek army sailed away.4.Almost before the Trojans could arm themselves.5.I began to see would expect a large purse stuffed with.6.A few years ago the landlady locked the front 7.An upstairs,questioned the men and 8.The children headed toward school9.Like the,branching out10

25、.An hour went by and darkness still shrouded11.They boarded boats12.The day-to-dayhard to measure,13.,smog results14.There are a few success stories in battling air15.Pollution can be trapped before16.If nations traded item17.Shes the one whos sapped your confidence.18.,fairly well dressed but19.The

26、 young by pocketing the money.20.But the preparation to flake off even形容词转动词(答案为黑体字的原形)1.Calming down,2.Such was Pompeii has been cleared away.3.Houses and clothes must be cleaned more frequently4.”helped raise the standard of living and lower the standard of air”5.There his father opened a business

27、6.The Academy of Science was closed to him rise are cooled and8.He emptied out9.,and it took half an hour to free him 10.The wet clothes will soon dry in the sun.动词转名词(答案为黑体字的原形)1.Why is thisenormous increase in population to the spread of the 2.came to the aid of the surgeon3.I know my friends

28、 from the feel of their faces.4.personalities by touch5.,between serves6.of his slow appealing look.8.has given rise to if it were a chew of tobacco.10.get rid of Rex. 写出下列报刊题目中利用的截短词的全称1.US auto workers end strike.(automobile)2.Soviet sub off Japan.(submarine)3.Palestinian demos

29、 mark massacres.(demonstrations)4.US:first use of nuke weapons not unlawful.(nuclear)5.Viet troops suffer setback in Kampuchea.(Vietnamese)6.Iran asks for into on stolen gems.(information)7.Petrochemical Corp builds 42 banks.(corporation)8.Rural-credit co-ops to get more autonomy.(cooperatives)9.W E

30、urope acts to meet high-tech challenge.(high-technology)10.Setback for governing parties in Euro vote.(European)写出下列首字母拼音词的全称并译成汉语1.AIM: Air Intercept Missile 空中截击导弹2.BADGE: Base Air Defence Ground Environment 基地防空地面戒备系统3.BAR: Browning Automatic Rifle 勃朗宁自动步枪4.CAR: Civil Air Regulations 民航条例5.CORE:

31、Congress of Racial Equality 争取权平等大会6.DOP: developing-out paper 相纸7.FIAT: Fabbrica Italiana Automobili 菲亚特汽车公司8.MAP: Military Aid Program 军事援助计划9.MOSS: manned orbital space station 在人轨道空站10.MOUSE: minimum orbital unmanned satellite the earth 不载人的最小地球卫星11.NANA: North America Newspaper Alliance 北美报业联盟1

32、2.NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织13.OPEC;Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织14.SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks限制战略武器会谈15.SAM: surface-to-air missile 地对空导弹16.SEATO: Southeast Asia Treaty Organizaion 东南亚条约组织17.SHAPE: Supreme Head quarters of Allied Powers in Europe 欧洲盟军最高司令部18.UFO :Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物

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