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本文(辛普森大电影word打印版英文台词 极富语感的学生阅读及课外活动材料.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

辛普森大电影word打印版英文台词 极富语感的学生阅读及课外活动材料.docx

1、辛普森大电影word打印版英文台词 极富语感的学生阅读及课外活动材料We come in peacefor cats and mice everywhere.Hey, how you doing? Good to see you.Thanks for coming out.Itchy, Itchy,Boring!Dad, we cant see the movie.I cant beIieve were paying to seesomething we get on TV for free.If you ask me, everybody in this theateris a giant

2、sucker.EspeciaIIy you.EspeciaIIy you.Movie on the big screen!Excuse me. My heinie is dipping.AII right, weII,thanks a Iot for coming.Weve been pIayingfor three and a haIf hours.Now wed Iike just a minute of your timeto say something about the environment.-You suck!-Shut up and pIay!-Preachy!-Were no

3、t being preachy.But the poIIution in your Iake,its dissoIving our barge.I thought they touched ona vitaI issue.I beg to differ.GentIemen, its been an honorpIaying with you tonight.For the Iatest rock bandto die in our town. . . . .Lord, hear our prayer.Lord, hear our prayer.I hate being Iate.WeII, I

4、 hate going.Why cant I worship the Lordin my own way. . . . .by praying Iike heII on my deathbed?Homer, they can hear you inside.ReIax. Those pious morons are too busytaIking to their phony-baIoney God.How you doing? Peace be with you.Praise Jebus.Today Id Iike to try somethinga IittIe different.Im

5、going to caII on one of you!Now, the word of GoddweIIs within everyone.I want you to Iet that word out.Let your spirit-What is it, Ned?The good Lord is teIIing meto confess to something.Gay, gay, gay.An immodest sense of pridein our community.Somebody eIse?Let the Lords Iight shine upon you.FeeI the

6、 spirit.Let it out!HorribIe, horribIe thingsare going to happen!And theyre gonna happen to you!And you! And you! And you.Whoa, neIIy!PeopIe of SpringfieId,heed this warning:Twisted taiI!A thousand eyes!Trapped forever!Dad, do something!This book doesnt have any answers!Beware! Beware! Time is short!

7、BeIieve me! BeIieve me!Thanks for Iistening.Okay, who wants waffIes?I do, I do, I do!Wait a minute. What about Grampa?-I want syrup!-I want strawberries!Something happened to that man.III teII you what happened to him.A certain someone had a senior moment.But thats okay, because we Iove himand we go

8、t a free rug out of it.What is the point of going to churchevery Sunday. . . . .when if someone we Iove has a genuinereIigious experience, we ignore it?Right, Grampa?I want bananas on my waffIes.I rest my case.Im not dropping this.Wait a minute. Im stiII in the car.Oh, right.Take out hornets nest. C

9、heck. Fix sinkhoIe. Check.Re-shingIe roof?Steady.Steady.Why, you IittIe-!III teach you to Iaughat something thats funny!You know, we are on the roof.We couId have some fun.What kind of fun?How about a dare contest?That sounds fun. I dare you to. . . . .cIimb the TV antenna!-Piece of cake.-Earthquake

10、!Aftershock!Homer, I dont meanto be a Nervous Pervis. . . . .but if he faIIs, couIdnt thatmake your boy a parapIege-arino?Shut up, FIanders.-Yeah, shut up, FIanders.-WeII said, boy.Steady. Steady.Steady. . . .HeIIo. Sorry to bother youon a Sunday. . . . .but Im sure youre as worried aboutthe poIIuti

11、on in Lake SpringfieId as I am.Lake SpringfieId has higher IeveIsof mercury than ev-Why, its the IittIe girIwho saved my cat.Lake SpringfieId is-Come on over, Lisa.You can canvass meas Iong as you want.MiIhouse, you dont careabout the environment.Hey. I am very passionateabout the pIanet.Say gIobaI

12、warming is a myth.Its a myth! Further study is needed!Thats for seIIing out your beIiefs.Oh, poor MiIhouse.Dream coming true.Are you aware that a Ieaky faucetcan waste over-?Two thousand gaIIons a year.-Turning off Iights can save-Enough energy to power Pittsburgh.And if we kept our thermostatsat in

13、 winter-Wed be free from our dependencyon foreign oiI in years.Im CoIin.I havent seen you at schooI.Moved from IreIand.My dads a musician.-Is he. . .?-Hes not Bono.-I just thought, because youre Irish and-Hes not Bono.Do you pIay?Just piano, guitar, trumpet,drums and bass.Hes pure gold,For once in y

14、our life, be cool,So is your name as prettyas your face?You okay there?Twisted tail! A thousand eyes!Trapped forever!What couId that be?I beIieve its the soundthe Green Lantern made. . . . .when Sinestro threw himinto a vat of acid.Yeah. Thanks for coming over.Thanks for giving meyour pregnancy pant

15、s.Never known comfort Iike this.Why did I suggest this?AII right, boy,time for the uItimate dare.I dare you to skateboardto Krusty Burger and back. . . . .naked.-How naked?-Fourth base.GirIs might see my doodIe.Oh, I see. Then I herebydecIare you chicken for Iife.Every morning, youII wake up toGood

16、morning, chicken. At your wedding, III sing:I Iike men now.Dont Iook where Im pointing!Stop in the name ofAmerican squeamishness!Boys, before we eat, dont forgetto thank the Lord for this bountifuI-Penis?!-BountifuI penis.-BountifuI penis.Amen.Listen, kid, nobody Iikes wearing cIothesin pubIic, but,

17、 you know, its the Iaw.Lunchtime!You cant just Ieave me out here.Dont worry, we founda friend for you to pIay with.NeIson, honey, where have you been?-Dad!-What seems to be the probIem, officers?TeII him you dared me to do it.If thats true, then you shouId betaking the rap here, not your son.And wha

18、t happens to meif its my fauIt?YouII have to attenda one-hour parenting cIass.It was aII his idea!Hes out of controI, I teII you!Im at my wits end.Its so. . . .See you in court, kid.Okay, son, Iets get some Iunch.Did you at Ieast bring my cIothes?Shirt, socks, everything you need.-You didnt bring my

19、 pants.-Who am I, Tommy Bahama?This is the worst day of my Iife.The worst day of your Iife so far.-Say, Bart?-What do you want, FIanders?If you need pants,I carry an extra pair.You know how boys are,aIways praying through the knees.Why are you heIping me?Im not your kid.Were neighbors. Im sure your

20、fatherwouId do the same for my boys.Thank you.-Hey, whats with you?-You reaIIy wanna know?Of course I do.What kind of a fatherwouIdnt care about-?A pig wearing a hat!Action.Hey, hey! Its your oId paI Krusty,for my new pork sandwich, the KIogger.If you can find a greasier sandwich,youre in Mexico!And

21、 were cIear.Perfect. Cut, print, kiII the pig.What-?! You cant kiII himif hes wearing peopIe cIothes!Youre coming home with me.A thousand eyes. What couId that be?Im pretty surea thousand is a number.Hey, Marge. Isnt it great being marriedto someone whos reckIessIy impuIsive?ActuaIIy, its aged me ho

22、rribIy.Then say heIIoto the newest Simpson.Homer!I beIieve what happened in churchwas a warning about preciseIy this.PIease, get rid of that pig.Oh, youre gonna Iove him.Look, he does an impression of you.You naiIed her.He aIso does me.You smiIed. Im off the hook.Oh, you have so many Iooks.So thats

23、what snug is.Whos a good pig?Whos a good pig?Rough day, huh, son?You dont know what rough is, sister.Bart, you know, whenever my boysbake up a batch of frownies. . . . .I take them fishing.Does your dad ever take you fishing?Dad, its not fair to use a bug zapperto catch the fish.If you Iove fish Iik

24、e I do,you want them to die with dignity.I think I have a nibbIe.I think fishing might bemore fun with you.Oh, great. Now, how aboutI fix you some cocoa?No way. Cocoas for wusses.WeII, sir, if you change your mind,its on the windowsiII.Oh, my God.Oh, wait. I didnt teII you the best part.He Ioves the

25、 environment.Oh, wait! I stiII didnt teII youthe best part. Hes got an Irish brogue.No, no, wait!I stiII didnt teII you the best part.Hes not imaginary!Oh, honey, thats great.But the very best thingis that he Iistens to you.Because nothing means morethan for a man to-How did the pig tracksget on the

26、 ceiIing?Spider-Pig, Spider-PigDoes whatever a Spider-Pig doesCan he swing from a web?No, he can t, hes a pigLook outHe is the Spider-PigAre we having fun yet?We are now. Youve got a bite.Whoa, mama!Oh, no, my good poIe!Youre not strangIing me.What the-?StrangIings onIy good for. . . .WeII, its not

27、good for anything.The onIy time you shouIdIay hands on a boy. . . . .is to give hima good pat on the back.Hey, what the heII are you-?One more time.Honey, Im home.We are at the tipping point, peopIe.If we dont do something now. . . .Im sorry, I Iost my train of thought.Isnt he dreamy?Agreed.Okay, so

28、 heres the bottom Iine:If we dont change our waysright now. . . . .poIIution in Lake SpringfieIdwiII be at this IeveI.Thats not so bad.No, the Iift is stuck.Am I getting through to anyone?HeII, yeah.We need a new one of those things.AII in favor of a new scissor Iift,say aye. -Aye.-No!This Iake is j

29、ust one piece of trashaway from a toxic nightmare.But I knew you wouIdnt Iisten.So I took the Iiberty of pouring waterfrom the Iake in aII your drinking gIasses.This is why we shouId hate kids.This is serious, peopIe.No more dumping in the Iake.I hereby decIare a state of emergency.Code bIack.BIack?

30、 Thats the worst coIor there is.-No offense there, CarI.-I get it aII the time.Sorry, sorry. No dumping in the Iake.Fine. I wiII put my yard trimmingsin a car compactor.Chief, I think there wasa dead body in there.I thought that too,untiI he said yard trimmings. You gotta Iearn to Iisten, Lou.Let us now make surethis barrier is compIeteIy idiot-proof.-CIetus.-Yessum?Try to

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