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1、中口阅读第二次课Be dependent on a wheel chair离不开轮椅A bed-confined mother久病在床的母亲 A series of strokes have left him paralyzed. He is now dependent on a wheel chair. A series of strokes have left him a wreck 废人Wreck: a person who is physically and mentally broken down.Participate in sth -与会国表示要共同努力来对付环境恶化的问题The

2、 participating countries all expressed a wish to make joint efforts to stop the environment from worsening.与会者the participants 10,she stood in tribute as Margrets coffin passed Tribute表示尊敬和赞美的行动,言语,礼物Tribute to the dead leader has been received from all around the world. 世界各地的人们向已故的领袖表示哀悼The mourner

3、s stood in silent tribute as the coffin was laid to rest. 灵柩下葬时,送葬者默立致哀清明节在中国是拜谒先祖的时节。On the pure brightness day, the living pays tribute to their forefathers. 扫墓。 清明节是中国人扫墓的时节 On the pure brightness day, the Chinese pay tribute to their departed ancestors.Complex 联合体 Commercial complex 商业群The palac

4、e museum, or the imperial palace, is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building complex in the world. Twenty-four emperors were crowned/enthroned there.She was born to the royal life身出名门Gloomy灰蒙蒙的,the gloomy weather, The gloomy buildings -人,个性阴郁的,郁闷的have a gloomy personality She

5、 is keeping everything to herself.take it off your chest Treat people and handle things 接人待物Handle把握,处理I will send someone there to handle everything. Its my treat. Its on me.Lets split/share the bill.When you are in Hangzhou/Ningbo next time, I will guide you around the most beautiful places, and i

6、ntroduce to you the most delicious local snacks. But I hope you can arrange your trip a little earlier, so that I can squeeze time out for you. 11,life as a loyal was not a role she coveted Covet 觊觎,贪求covet the position, possessions觊觎别人的地位和财产This years winner of the coveted Nobel Prize.梦寐以求的诺贝尔奖获得者T

7、o come to china, the very earliest cradles of civilization, is, I suppose, the dream of many people the world over.来到中国这个文明古国/文明的摇篮,我认为是全世界很多人梦寐以求的。12, the two were wed amid a trumpeting of pageantry in Westminster Abbey Trumpet 大声地宣告或鼓吹 He is always trumpeting his own opinions他总是不遗余力地宣扬自己的观点。promot

8、e兜售G .W. Bush is promoting his tax cut in the Capitol Hill. Tout 鼓吹,兜售 tout his tax cut in the capitol hill. Pageantry盛况all the pageantry of the opening ceremony of the west lake leisure expo. 西湖休闲博览会的开幕盛况/the leisure expo opened with great ceremonies. 隆重召开。-文中句子:两人的婚礼在西敏寺隆重举Indulgent 放纵的,纵容的-libera

9、l 开明的Unpardonable dereliction of duty不可原谅的失职Accession 靠近,进入Chinas WTO entry / accession/ admission 中国加入WTOAccess 进入,利用have easy access to 很容易靠近,很容易利用。The citizens have easy access to the facilities in the nearby universities.She schooled them in such lady-like arts as dancing and drawing Cultivate 培

10、养,树立cultivate noble spirits 培养浩然正气, cultivate healthy values 培养正确的价值观Foster =cultivatefoster healthy values Nurture 养育, 培养 +人; 孕育Zhejiang university has nurtured many world famous scholars. The 5000 year splendid human civilization has nurtured the unique Chinese cooking art. 促进精神文明建设Promote the spi

11、ritual construction. Promote the cultivation of healthy values and noble spirits. 13 As wife to the shy and stammering (说话结巴的)king, she encouraged him through his speeches and put him at ease with her outgoing charm. Stammer 口吃(病理)Falter 支吾讲话;蹒跚 Stagger蹒跚伊丽莎白个性开朗,充满魅力,这让国王非常自在。People consider her be

12、havior a shameful piece of snobbery人们认为她行为既可耻又势利。Dressed often in flamboyant wide-birmmed hat, Britains first commoner Queen in almost 4 centuries never stood on ceremony Flamboyant 炫耀的,过分华丽的Brim 边框,golden-brimmed glasses. Stand on ceremony 讲究客套,拘礼作为4个世纪以来的首个平民女王,她落落大方,从不拘礼14, those qualities blosso

13、med during World War II, when the Queen revealed a doughty(勇敢而顽强的) spirit. blossom开花-健康成长,兴盛 Mozart blossomed very early in life.早在童年时就崭露头角,He blossomed every early but his talent faded as he grew up.She has blossomed into a beautiful young woman.A hundred flowers in full blossom contending in beaut

14、y A hundred theories in full blossom contending in influence -文中句子,二战期间,女王的英勇顽强以及这些美好品质更是充分的展示在了世人面前。Blossom 相貌,才能充分的展示兴旺发达= prosper / thrive /boom Thrive on sth /blossom on sth /The economy of Zhejiang mostly thrives on the small and medium-sized private enterprises.Boomn, the economic boom Prosper

15、ing/thriving/blossoming economyDeliver 投递,deliver the letters, newspapers 传达 deliver a message=broadcast a message=convey a message. Ads with the image of a smoking pop star will deliver an irresistible message.5,the queen recognized that war would prove to be a great democratic leveler. “I am happy

16、 we have been bombed”, she said in 1940, after Buckingham Palace weathered the first series of air attacksLeveler(施加道德压力的)手段和方法 The 911 incident may be the lever needed for Bush Administration to lead this country into an anti-terrorism war. Weather平安度过危难,经历危难而存活=survive- 挺过了第一场大规模袭击大规模 mass mass pr

17、oduction The mass 人民群众Mass media 大众传媒Bulk 大宗的,大量的bulk manufacturing 批量生产The economy of Yiwu has thrived on the bulk manufacturing Bulk purchasing I am going to place a bulk order. Order agriculture Manufacturing 手工制作制造业I have been in the manufacturing industry for 2 decades. 工商贸manufacturing, busine

18、ss, trading services/activities. 我公司及工商贸于一体Our company is engaged in manufacturing, business and trading activities.Weapons of mass destruction are or may be the right leveler US needs to launch a war on Iraq.Prove to be=is=offer/provide 诸多场合,表示“是” 可以有如下不同的阐述火车是便捷的交通方式the railway service offers/prov

19、ides an easy way of transportation. 打短工是我的收入来源doing a part-time job provides the only source of income for me .air attack = air strikes Sneak attack 偷袭 Slip in 偷偷溜进来Steal a kiss 16, the role she chose for herself was to help her daughter, then jus 25, shoulder the burdens attendant upon a queenShoul

20、der =assume 肩负起,承担起For a wholly /solely foreign-funded enterprise, the foreign party should shoulder/assume all the risks and take all the profits as well. Burdens 重负重担responsibilities Attendant 随着-而来的,伴随的充分利用中国加入WTO所带来的机会make full use of the opportunities coming along with chinas WTO entry/ brought

21、 about by chinas WTO entrytake advantage of the opportunities attendant upon Chinas WTO accessionSeen/viewed from a distance, the new museum is like an ancient bronze ding tripod, shouldering in silence the heavy burdens of the 5000-year history and civilization. 从远处眺望,新馆犹如一尊青铜古鼎,默默承载着五千年的的历史和文明重荷 俯

22、视,have a bird view of 只见远处的北高峰云雾缭绕have a bird-eye view of the Beigao peak, which is wrapped up in mist and clouds. Viewed from high above, the Beigao peak is wrapped up in clouds and mist You will find the Beigao peak wrapped up in mist and clouds in the distance. 山外有山,景外有景,无限风光,摄人心魄You will find yo

23、urself be carried away by the endless vistas, that are mountain beyond mountain and scenery beyond scenery. Show deference to sb对某人显示尊敬be solicitous of sb为某人担心,着想(健康,福利)a solicitous husband 一个非常疼爱妻子的丈夫17. The smiling Duchess glided with resilient good humor through roughly 10 engagements each month

24、until she was midway into her 80sglide滑行,滑翔move along smoothly and continuouslyWith 5 years experience in this industry, she just glides through the job every day. 有了这个行业5年的经验,每天的工作只要轻松混混,便可打发。tramp脚步很重的走,或者艰难的走(尤其是长途之后,很累)we tramped miles and miles without finding anywhere to stay我们走啊走啊,没有找到落脚的地方tr

25、amp through the rain雨中艰难行进potter 漫无目的的走,闲逛she likes pottering around her beloved garden in baggy trousers他喜欢穿着宽松的裤子在自己的花园里闲逛,potter around the exhibition在展览前逛来逛去。(小偷)amble 乘骑缓行或漫步徐行He came ambling down the road他沿着小路溜达过来。roam漫无目的的走动,漫游,闲逛roam through a woods在树林间漫步,更多地用在两种场景:Those huge dinosaurs used

26、to roamed on this planet. But they are now extinct from our planet. There is a serious accident on the highway, and pigs are roaming around. While you are roaming the Web, businesses are studying your habits and vulnerabilities. 当你在网上漫游的时候,商家也在研究你的消费习惯和弱点。vulnerable 脆弱的,容易受伤的kids are very vulnerable

27、 Resilient (人或性格)能迅速恢复或重新振作(从打击或悲伤中)达观的Children have a resilient character. Physically resilient Engagement=appointment约会笑容可掬的公爵夫人幽默风趣,豁达开朗,每个月轻松应对10多场约会,这样的情形一直延续到她八十四五.-艰难,量多Plough plough through a heavy load of work Midway into her 80s-They started about 7 and were less than halfway into their Tu

28、esday route when the machine broke down 他们七点钟开工,星期二的工作还没有做到一半。I started about 8 and was less than half way into my work, the computer system broke down. The vast land of USA stretches from -to - over the Rocky mountains and then halfway across the Pacific to Hawaii 美国大陆从-延伸到-,越过落基山脉,然后跨越半个太平洋到达了夏威夷。

29、Patron 赞助人, 欢迎惠顾, thank you for your patronage Patron 主顾In recent years, she kept up an amazing public and private schedule for a person of her age日程安排have a tight schedule for the headquarter meetings. Have a tight itinerary 行程安排Host sb = entertain sb 招待某人She was an implacable defender of the royal

30、 family against modernity and change. Implacable 不能变动的,无法安抚和平息的Stand against /object to /oppose sanctionsDemand sth of sb Demand of sb sth Loose morals 道德沦丧Condemn sbs loose morals Sluttish 水性杨花的,招风引蝶的,(女性)-slut 18, So the sexual, social and financial shenanigans of the past two decades, floodlit by a prurient and deference-be-damned press, strained her relationship with the younger royals. Shenanigans 恶作剧,胡闹;诡计,欺骗(trickery, deception)Adopt deceptive practic

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