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外刊阅读 0306.docx

1、外刊阅读 0306The darkest time, the best heart!As we tirelessly continue to battle the coronavirus, the response from those around the world leaves us, the Chinese people, both deeply humbled and resolutely defiant.Let me start by acknowledging the unprecedented outpouring of generosity and (41) _ from p

2、eople around the world. For instance, since the inception of the outbreak, Japanese aid has been prompt and ample. A million face masks donated by people in Japan were among the first batch of foreign aid to arrive in China. By the7th of Feb. its reported that at least 6.3 million masks, 180,000 pro

3、tective gears, over one million pairs of gloves and other (42) _ have been gifted to China from people in Japan.Heart-warming citations of ancient Chinese poems posted on the (43) _ boxes have reminded us of the shared cultural bonds between the two nations, (44) _ what makes us different and bringi

4、ng us, with an often checkered history, closer together in this time of need. In response, the spokesperson for Chinas Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, such deeds will be engraved in the (45) _ of the Chinese people.This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the compassion (46) _ by organ

5、izations, friendly governments, but most importantly, by people of all ages, races, creeds, and political beliefs.These demonstrations of support have come in all (47) _, from material goods to video messages or simply retweets of compassionate posts. Many have (48) _ their arms, literally, to the C

6、hinese community during this tumultuous time. Im sure many foreigners have learned a few Chinese characters these days, such as WuhanJiayou. It doesnt take much. The smallest of (49) _, such as a song, a hug, or a smile, can go a long way. These images have been circulated across China on national t

7、elevision and social media. They have brought a lump to the throat of millions across the country, (50) _ myself.However, such support has not been universal. Ugly rhetoric, especially racism, have reared their head above the parapet. Weve seen this not only from individuals, who might be forgiven f

8、or being ill-informed but also in the (51) _ from some in the Western establishment.In a recent article, Prof. Zheng Yongnian from the National University of Singapore highlighted this racist undercurrent in the way some have (52) _ to isolates china in their response and overreaction to the coronav

9、irus. Racism, he says, is deeply rooted in the Western ideology. Some have used the situation to promulgate the Western liberal order, which largely hinges on Caucasian (53) _.The cacophony of opinions expressed over the last few weeks leaves much for the Chinese to ponder. We shall quietly and reso

10、lutely guard ourselves against those who chose to (54) _ the circumstances and attack us as a people. But, to those who have shown us such warmthand kindness in one of our darkest chapters, we say loudly and with the utmost (55) _, thank you!(465)41.A.diligence B.kindnessC.interest.D.willingness.42.

11、A.elements B. realitiesC.materialsD.sections43.A.deliveryB.miracleC. existenceD. trend44.A.relying onB.taking onC.laying outD.putting aside45.A.mouthsB.handsC.heartsD.legs46.A.exhibitedB. reservedC.storedD.classified47.A.wordsB.goodsC.formsD.spirits48.A.imaginedB.createdC.intendedD.extended 49.A.con

12、tactsB.gesturesC.looksD.appearances50.A.includingB. feeding C. raisingD.attending51.A.parade B.routineC.pattern D.response52.A. repeated B.soughtC.required D.gathered53.A.annoyance B.substituteC.dominanceD.attraction54.A.exploitB.identify C.confirmD.punish 55.A.stimulation

13、pliment 参考答案:BCADC ACDBA DBCAB 翻译:The darkest time, the best heart!至暗时刻,至善人心!As we tirelessly continue to battle the coronavirus, the response from those around the world leaves us, the Chinese people, both deeply humbled and resolutely defiant.在我们不懈地与冠状病毒作斗争的同时,世界各国的反应让我们中国人民深感谦卑,也坚定地反抗。Let me star

14、t by acknowledging the unprecedented outpouring of generosity and kindness from people around the world. For instance, since the inception of the outbreak, Japanese aid has been prompt and ample. A million face masks donated by people in Japan were among the first batch of foreign aid to arrive in C

15、hina. By the7th of Feb. its reported that at least 6.3 million masks, 180,000 protective gears, over one million pairs of gloves and other materials have been gifted to China from people in Japan.让我首先感谢世界各地人民前所未有地慷慨和善良。例如,自疫情爆发以来,日本的援助迅速而充足。日本民众捐赠的100万个口罩是首批抵达中国的外援之一。据报道,截至2月7日,日本民众已向中国赠送了至少630万个口罩、

16、18万套防护装备、100多万副手套等物资。Heart-warming citations of ancient Chinese poems posted on the delivery boxes have reminded us of the shared cultural bonds between the two nations, putting aside what makes us different and bringing us, with an often checkered history, closer together in this time of need. In r

17、esponse, the spokesperson for Chinas Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, such deeds will be engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people.投递箱上贴着的中国古诗词引文让人心旷神怡,让我们想起了两国共同的文化纽带,抛开让我们与众不同的东西,在这个需要帮助的时刻,让我们有着经常交错的历史,更紧密地团结在一起。对此,中国外交部发言人表示,这样的事迹将铭刻在中国人民心中。This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes t

18、o the compassion exhibited by organizations, friendly governments, but most importantly, by people of all ages, races, creeds, and political beliefs.这只是冰山一角,当涉及到组织、友好政府所表现出的同情心,但最重要的是,所有年龄、种族、信仰和政治信仰的人所表现出的同情心。These demonstrations of support have come in all forms, from material goods to video messa

19、ges or simply retweets of compassionate posts. Many have extended their arms, literally, to the Chinese community during this tumultuous time. Im sure many foreigners have learned a few Chinese characters these days, such as WuhanJiayou. It doesnt take much. The smallest of gestures, such as a song,

20、 a hug, or a smile, can go a long way. These images have been circulated across China on national television and social media. They have brought a lump to the throat of millions across the country, including myself.这些支持示威活动的形式五花八门,从实物到视频信息,或者仅仅是富有同情心的帖子的转发。在这个嘈杂的时期,许多人向中国社会伸出了双臂。我相信现在很多外国人都学过一些汉字,比如

21、武汉家有。不需要太多。最小的手势,比如一首歌,一个拥抱,或者一个微笑,都能起到很大的作用。这些图片已经在全国电视台和社交媒体上流传。他们让包括我在内的全国数百万人忍无可忍。However, such support has not been universal. Ugly rhetoric, especially racism, have reared their head above the parapet. Weve seen this not only from individuals, who might be forgiven for being ill-informed but a

22、lso in the response from some in the Western establishment.然而,这种支持并不普遍。丑陋的言辞,特别是种族主义,已经抬头挺胸。我们不仅从个人身上看到了这一点,他们可能会因为缺乏信息而被原谅,也从一些西方机构的回应中看到了这一点。In a recent article, Prof. Zheng Yongnian from the National University of Singapore highlighted this racist undercurrent in the way some have sought to isola

23、tes china in their response and overreaction to the coronavirus. Racism, he says, is deeply rooted in the Western ideology. Some have used the situation to promulgate the Western liberal order, which largely hinges on Caucasian dominance.新加坡国立大学的郑永年教授在最近的一篇文章中强调了这种种族主义的暗流,一些人试图在应对冠状病毒和对冠状病毒反应过度时孤立中国

24、。他说,种族主义深深植根于西方意识形态。一些人利用这种情况来颁布西方自由主义秩序,这在很大程度上取决于高加索人的统治地位。The cacophony of opinions expressed over the last few weeks leaves much for the Chinese to ponder. We shall quietly and resolutely guard ourselves against those who chose to exploit the circumstances and attack us as a people. But, to thos

25、e who have shown us such warmthand kindness in one of our darkest chapters, we say loudly and with the utmost gratitude, thank you!过去几周表达的意见纷至沓来,留给中国人很多思考的余地。我们要静下心来,坚决地防范那些利用环境,攻击我们民族的人。但是,对于那些在我们最黑暗的篇章中向我们展示了如此温暖和善良的人们,我们大声地、怀着最大的感激之情说:谢谢您!As we tirelessly continue to battle the coronavirus, the r

26、esponse from those around the world leaves us, the Chinese people, both deeply humbled and resolutely defiant.Let me start by acknowledging the unprecedented outpouring of generosity and kindness from people around the world. For instance, since the inception of the outbreak, Japanese aid has been p

27、rompt and ample. A million face masks donated by people in Japan were among the first batch of foreign aid to arrive in China. By the7th of Feb. its reported that at least 6.3 million masks, 180,000 protective gears, over one million pairs of gloves and other materials have been gifted to China from

28、 people in Japan.Heart-warming citations of ancient Chinese poems posted on the delivery boxes have reminded us of the shared cultural bonds between the two nations, putting aside what makes us different and bringing us, with an often checkered history, closer together in this time of need. In respo

29、nse, the spokesperson for Chinas Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, such deeds will be engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people.This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the compassion exhibited by organizations, friendly governments, but most importantly, by people of all ages, races,

30、 creeds, and political beliefs.These demonstrations of support have come in all forms, from material goods to video messages or simply retweets of compassionate posts. Many have extended their arms, literally, to the Chinese community during this tumultuous time. Im sure many foreigners have learned

31、 a few Chinese characters these days, such as WuhanJiayou. It doesnt take much. The smallest of gestures, such as a song, a hug, or a smile, can go a long way. These images have been circulated across China on national television and social media. They have brought a lump to the throat of millions a

32、cross the country, including myself.However, such support has not been universal. Ugly rhetoric, especially racism, have reared their head above the parapet. Weve seen this not only from individuals, who might be forgiven for being ill-informed but also in the response from some in the Western establishment.In a recent article, Prof. Zheng Yongnian from

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