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1、英语考研之19911998年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题英语考研之1991-1998年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 作者: 日期: 1998年全国攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试英语试题Part Cloze TestDirections:For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corres

2、ponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points)Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They1that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the2man. But they insisted that its3results during the period from 1750 to

3、 1850 were widespread poverty and misery for the4of the English population. 5contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years,from 1650 to 1750, when England was still a6agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.This view,7, is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists8histo

4、ry and economics, have9two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was10by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace.1.A admittedB believedC claimedD predicted2.A plainB averageD normal3.A momen

5、taryB promptC instantD immediate 4.A bulkB hostC grossD magnitude5.A OnB WithC ForD By6.A broadlyB thoroughlyC generallyD completely 7.A howeverB meanwhileC thereforeD moreover8.A atB inC aboutD for 9.A manifestedB approvedC shownD speculated10.A notedB impressed C labeledD markedPart Reading Compre

6、hensionDirections:Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Then mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter i

7、n the brackets with a pencil. (40 points)Passage 1Few creations of big technology capture the imagination like giant dams. Perhaps it is humankinds long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the idea of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating. But to be fascinated is als

8、o, sometimes, to be blind. Several giant dam projects threaten to do more harm than good. The lesson from dams is that big is not always beautiful. It doesnt help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achievement for nations and people striving to assert themselves. Egypts leaders

9、hip in the Arab world was cemented by the Aswan High Dam. Turkeys bid for First World status includes the giant Ataturk Dam. But big dams tend not to work as intended. The Aswan Dam, for example, stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egypt of the fertile silt that floods left-all in return for a gi

10、ant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity.And yet, the myth of controlling the waters persists. This week, in the heart of civilized Europe, Slovaks and Hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troops in their contention over a dam on the Danub

11、e. The huge complex will probably have all the usual problems of big dams. But Slovakia is bidding for independence from the Czechs, and now needs a dam to prove itself.Meanwhile, in India, the World Bank has given the go-ahead to the even more wrong-headed Narmada Dam. And the bank has done this ev

12、en though its advisors say the dam will cause hardship for the powerless and environmental destruction. The benefits are for the powerful, but they are far from guaranteed.Proper, scientific study of the impacts of dams and of the costs and benefits of controlling water can help to resolve these con

13、flicts. Hydroelectric power and flood control and irrigation are possible without building monster dams. But when you are dealing with myths, it is hard to be either proper, or scientific. It is time that the world learned the lessons of Aswan. You dont need a dam to be saved. 11. The third sentence

14、 of paragraph 1 implies that.A people would be happy if they shut their eyes to reality B the blind could be happier than the sightedC over-excited people tend to neglect vital things D fascination makes people lose their eyesight12. In paragraph 5, the powerless probably refers to.A areas short of

15、electricityB dams without power stations C poor countries around IndiaD common people in the Narmada Dam area13. What is the myth concerning giant dams? A They bring in more fertile soil. B They help defend the country.C They strengthen international ties.D They have universal control of the waters.

16、14. What the author tries to suggest may best be interpreted as.A Its no use crying over spilt milkB More haste, less speedC Look before you leapD He who laughs last laughs bestPassage 2Well, no gain without pain, they say. But what about pain without gain? Everywhere you go in America, you hear tal

17、es of corporate revival. What is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they are presiding over is for real.The official statistics are mildly discouraging. They show that, if you lump manufacturing and services together, productivity has grown on average

18、by 1.2% since 1987. That is somewhat faster than the average during the previous decade. And since 1991, productivity has increased by about 2% a year, which is more than twice the 1978-1987 averages. The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this

19、 point in a business cycle, and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend. There is, as Robert Rubin, the treasury secretary, says, a disjunction between the mass of business anecdote that points to a leap in productivity and the picture reflected by the statistics.Some of t

20、his can be easily explained. New ways of organizing the workplace-all that reengineering and downsizing-are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy, which is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment and machinery, new technology, and investment in ed

21、ucation and training. Moreover, most of the changes that companies make are intended to keep them profitable, and this need not always mean increasing productivity: switching to new markets or improving quality can matter just as much.Two other explanations are more speculative. First, some of the b

22、usiness restructuring of recent years may have been ineptly done. Second, even if it was well done, it may have spread much less widely than people suppose.Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bon Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much reeng

23、ineering has been crude. In many cases, he believes, the loss of revenue has been greater than the reductions in cost. His colleagues, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied re-engineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long-ter

24、m profitability. BBDOs Al Rosenshine is blunter. He dismisses a lot of the work of re-engineering consultants as mere rubbish-the worst sort of ambulance-chasing.15. According to the author, the American economic situation is.A not as good as it seemsB at its turning pointC much better than it seems

25、D near to complete recovery16. The official statistics on productivity growth.A exclude the usual rebound in a business cycle B fall short of businessmens anticipationC meet the expectation of business people D fail to reflect the true state of economy17. The author raises the question what about pa

26、in without gain? because.A he questions the truth of no gain without painB he does not think the productivity revolution works C he wonders if the official statistics are misleadingD he has conclusive evidence for the revival of businesses18. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the

27、 passage? A Radical reforms are essential for the increase of productivity.B New ways of organizing workplaces may help to increase productivity.C The reduction of costs is not a sure way to gain long-term profitability.D The consultants are a bunch of good-for-nothings.Passage 3Science has long had

28、 an uneasy relationship with other aspects of culture. Think of Gallileos 17th-century trial for his rebelling belief before the Catholic Church or poet William Blakes harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of Isaac Newton. The schism between science and the humanities has, if anything, dee

29、pened in this century.Until recently, the scientific community was so powerful that it could afford to ignore its critics-but no longer. As funding for science has declined, scientists have attacked antiscience in several books, notably Higher Superstition, by Paul R. Gross, a biologist at the Unive

30、rsity of Virginia, and Norman Levitt, a mathematician at Rutgers University; and The Demon-Haunted World, by Carl Sagan of Cornell University.Defenders of science have also voiced their concerns at meetings such as the Flight from Science and Reason, held in New York City in 1995, and Science in the

31、 Age of (Mis)information, which assembled last June near Buffalo.Antiscience clearly means different things to different people. Gross and Levitt find fault primarily with sociologists, philosophers and other academics who have questioned sciences objectivity. Sagan is more concerned with those who believe in ghosts, creationism and other phenomena that contradict the scientific worldview.A survey of news stories in 1996 reveals that the antiscience tag has been attached to many other

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