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1、律师所实习工作总结报告en律师所实习工作总结报告(Summary report of the internship of the law firm)律师事务所是律师执业的载体,搞活律师所增强律师所的活力,始终是律师工作的中心环节。今天我给大家整理了律师所实习工作总结,希望对大家有所帮助。(Law firms are the carrier of lawyers practice. Invigorating the law firms and enhancing the vitality of the law firms is always the central link in the wor

2、k of lawyers. Today I have compiled a summary of the internship work of the law firm for you.)律师所实习工作总结范文一(Summary of Practice Work in Law Firm)本人于*年四月在xx律师事务所完成了一个月的实习工作。在实习期间,我亲身接触到了律师实务,实际参与了一些案件的诉讼过程,独立完成了几篇律师日常法律文书的写作。现将实习期间的工作经历总结为本报告。本实习报告正文部分将分三个部分完成。第一部分为实践经验,主要讨论一些律师在办案过程中的工作方法。第二部分为诉讼技巧,主

3、要论述在诉讼过程中的一些技巧性工作方法。第三部分为法律文书,主要讨论初规范性格式外,在律师文书应该注意的问题。(I completed a one-month internship in the xx law firm in April *. During the internship, I personally got in touch with the practice of lawyers, actually participated in the litigation process of some cases, and independently completed the writ

4、ing of several lawyers daily legal documents. The work experience during the internship is now summarized in this report. The main body of this internship report will be completed in three parts. The first part is practical experience, mainly discussing the working methods of some lawyers in the pro

5、cess of handling cases. The second part is litigation skills, mainly discussing some technical work methods in the litigation process. The third part is the legal documents, mainly discussing the issues that should be paid attention to in the lawyers documents in addition to the initial normative fo

6、rmat.)一、实践经验(1. Practical experience)1、以事实为依据(1. Based on facts)事实胜于雄辩,律师实务不同于学术研究,律师在诉讼中的难点并不是解决法律如何使用,而是理清案件的客观事实。以法律为标准将生活事实整理为法律事实。因此律师在开庭前最主要的工作除了研究法律适用外,就是认真的搜集证据,掌握与案件有关的客观事实以及证据基础。并且应该注意证据的证明力问题。尽最大努力使我方主张的事实得到证据的支持。在分析证据的时候应该对全案证据作出综合判断,仔细分析每一个证据的证明事项,以及各证据之间的关系。主要工作在于检查证据之间是否相矛盾;证据对待证事实的证明

7、力的强弱;所提供的证据与诉讼请求之间有无矛盾;以及不同的待证事实之间的证据与诉讼请求的关系、从整体上把握证据与诉讼请求之间的关系,不可割裂开各各证据之间的联系,孤立的审查证据。(Facts speak louder than words. Lawyer practice is different from academic research. The difficulty of lawyers in litigation is not how to use the law, but to clarify the objective facts of the case. Organize lif

8、e facts into legal facts based on the law. Therefore, in addition to studying the application of the law, the most important work of a lawyer before the trial is to collect evidence conscientiously to grasp the objective facts and evidence base related to the case. And should pay attention to the pr

9、obative power of evidence. Do our best to make the facts claimed by our side be supported by evidence. When analyzing the evidence, it is necessary to make a comprehensive judgment on the evidence of the whole case, carefully analyze the proof items of each piece of evidence, and the relationship be

10、tween the pieces of evidence. The main task is to check whether the evidence is contradictory; the strength of the evidence to prove the facts; whether there is any contradiction between the evidence provided and the litigation request; and the relationship between the evidence and the litigation re

11、quest between different facts to be proved , Grasp the relationship between evidence and litigation claims as a whole, and cannot separate the links between the various pieces of evidence, and examine the evidence in isolation.)例如,在一起发生在上海的交通事故人身损害赔偿案件。原告方的诉讼请求之一就是要求被告承担其交通费,而在其主张的交通费中主要的褶证据是两张价值400

12、元的从赤壁到上海的汽车票。而其起诉书中确表明在事故发生后原告的丈夫就赶到了医院。根据最高人民法院关于审理人身损害赔偿案件若干问题解释中规定,对于必要的交通费用,原告的主张可以支持。由于原告的丈夫已经在原告身旁,这400元的车票不属于必要的费用。显然,原告的起诉书中所承认的事实与其诉讼请求以及提供的证据之间存在矛盾,直接影响了诉讼请求的成立。(For example, a case of compensation for personal damage in a traffic accident occurred in Shanghai. One of the plaintiffs litiga

13、tion claims was to require the defendant to bear his transportation expenses, and the main evidence in the transportation expenses claimed was two bus tickets from Chibi to Shanghai worth 400 yuan. The indictment did indicate that the plaintiffs husband rushed to the hospital after the accident. Acc

14、ording to the Interpretation of the Supreme Peoples Court on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Personal Injury Compensation Cases, the plaintiffs claim can be supported for the necessary transportation expenses. Since the plaintiffs husband was already beside the plaintiff, the 400 yuan ticket

15、was not a necessary expense. Obviously, there are contradictions between the facts admitted in the plaintiffs indictment and its claims and the evidence provided, which directly affects the establishment of the claims.)2、注重交易习惯(2. Pay attention to trading habits)法律只是对社会生活的一种法律抽象,其并不是穷尽所有社会生活。对一些对社会发

16、展没有直接影响的习惯,法律并没有作出明确规定。尤其是一些商事交易习惯,在与法律没有冲突的情形下,可能直接决定了交易双方的权利义务关系。因此在应该注意案件所涉及的交易习惯。在很多时候,交易习惯可能直接影响案件的结果。(Law is only a legal abstraction of social life, and it does not exhaust all social life. The law does not make clear provisions for certain habits that have no direct impact on social developm

17、ent. In particular, some commercial transaction practices may directly determine the rights and obligations of the parties to the transaction when there is no conflict with the law. Therefore, we should pay attention to the trading habits involved in the case. In many cases, trading habits may direc

18、tly affect the outcome of the case.)例如,在一起房屋买卖纠纷中,双方当事人签订了房屋定购协议,后房屋一直没有开工。我方当事人主张对方承担违约责任。但是对方当事人主张其并没有房屋预售许可证,依据最高人民法院审理商品房买卖合同纠纷若干问题解释规定,合同应该无效。我方当事人无权要求违约责任。我方主张:根据交易习惯,订购不同于定购其只反应了一种交易意向,而不是交易本身。合同的标的不是房屋所有权的转让,而是以协议中约定的条款来订立买卖合同。因此房屋定购协议并不违反最高人民法院审理商品房买卖合同纠纷若干问题解释。合同有效,对方应承担责任。由此可见交易习惯在诉讼中的重要意

19、义。(For example, in a house purchase and sale dispute, the two parties signed the House Purchase Agreement, and the house has not been started since. Our party claims that the other party shall be liable for breach of contract. However, the opposing party claimed that it did not have a pre-sale permi

20、t. According to the Supreme Peoples Court Trial of Commercial Housing Contract Disputes, the contract should be invalid. Our party has no right to claim liability for breach of contract. We believe that: According to trading habits, order is different from order, which only reflects a transaction in

21、tention, not the transaction itself. The subject of the contract is not the transfer of the ownership of the house, but the conclusion of the sale and purchase contract with the terms agreed in the agreement. Therefore, the House Purchase Agreement does not violate the Interpretation of the Supreme

22、Peoples Court on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Commercial Housing Contract Disputes. The contract is valid and the other party shall bear the responsibility. This shows the importance of trading habits in litigation.)3、注重法律以外的规范性法律文件(3. Pay attention to normative legal documents outside the

23、 law)根据我国的宪政结构,地方政府,人大有权力指定行政法规以及地方规章。这些规章虽然效力低于法律,但是确具有规范性效力,可以在诉讼中直接作为判决的法律依据,因此其在现实中的诉讼纠纷中确十分重要。而且法律的抽象性与法律的确定性之间存在矛盾。为了保证规则的涵盖面,法律不得不使用抽象语言表述规则,这样确又与客观事实之间产生一定距离。在大多数诉讼中,虽然都有法律对相关问题作出规定,但是确没有明确给出解决纠纷的方,把相关问题交给法律以外的规范性法律文件解决。因此在诉讼中一定要注意行政法规,地方规章。首先应注意对案件行使管辖权的法院所在地的政府,人大对案件涉及的问题有无规定。其次,应该注意案件争议的所

24、涉及到的行业主管部门对此是否由规定。第三,分析各规定,法规之间有无矛盾,以及它们彼此之间的效力层次。(According to my countrys constitutional structure, local governments and peoples congresses have the power to specify administrative regulations and local rules. Although these rules are less effective than the law, they do have normative effects an

25、d can be directly used as the legal basis for judgments in litigation. Therefore, they are indeed very important in actual litigation disputes. And there is a contradiction between the abstraction of the law and the certainty of the law. In order to ensure the coverage of the rules, the law has to u

26、se abstract language to express the rules, which does create a certain distance from the objective facts. In most lawsuits, although there are laws that provide for related issues, there is really no clear party to resolve disputes, and the related issues are resolved by normative legal documents ou

27、tside the law. Therefore, we must pay attention to administrative regulations and local regulations in litigation. First of all, we should pay attention to the government where the court exercises jurisdiction over the case, and whether the Peoples Congress has any regulations on the issues involved

28、 in the case. Secondly, we should pay attention to whether the competent authorities of the industry involved in the dispute are subject to regulations. Third, analyze the various regulations, whether there are contradictions between the regulations, and the level of effectiveness between them.)例如,在

29、上文中涉及到的交通事故人身损害赔偿案件中,涉及到的法律主要是:道路交通安全法;涉及到的法律解释有:最高人民法院关于审理人身损害赔偿案件若干问题解释;涉及到的行政法规有:中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例、以及道路交通事故处理程序规定;涉及到的地方规定有:上海市适用道路交通安全法条例;上海市高级人民法院人身损害赔偿标准;上海市国家机关工作人员外出补助标准(For example, in the traffic accident personal damage compensation case mentioned above, the law involved is mainly: Road

30、Traffic Safety Law; the legal interpretation involved is: The Supreme Peoples Court Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Personal Damage Compensation Cases ; The administrative regulations involved are: Implementation Regulations of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the Peoples Repu

31、blic of China, and Procedures on Procedures for Handling Road Traffic Accidents; local regulations involved are: Regulations on the Application of Road Traffic Safety Law of Shanghai Municipality; Standards of Compensation for Personal Injury of Shanghai Higher Peoples Court; Standards of Subsidy fo

32、r Staff of State Organs in Shanghai)在这样一起纠纷中,所涉及到的法律外的规范性文件的数量大于法律文件。(In such a dispute, the number of non-legal normative documents involved is greater than that of legal documents.)4、注意会计技能在案件中的适用(4. Pay attention to the application of accounting skills in the case)在民事纠纷中大多数都涉及到损害赔偿的计算,计算方法将会直接影响到诉讼请求能否得到法院的支持。而这个时候引入一些基本的会计方法即简化了计算步骤,又比较容易被法院接受。(Most of the civil disputes involve the calculation of damages, and the calculation method will directly affect whether the litigation request can be supported by the court. At this time, introducing some basic accounting methods simplifies the

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