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人教版学年高中英语选修八 全册课后作业含答案.docx

1、人教版学年高中英语选修八 全册课后作业含答案Unit 1A land of diversitySection Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending课后篇巩固探究一、写作词汇检测根据该部分词汇,完成下列句子、小对话或小语段。1.She supported herself (借助) evening classes.答案:by means of2.Unluckily,his parents died when he was 8.But he managed to (习惯于新的生活方式) by himself.答案:make a life3.Wh

2、en was she (当选) to Parliament(议会)?In 1989.答案:elected4.Sorry,I cant move a bit. it (坚持),Julian.The train is coming soon.答案:Keep;up5.(艰难困苦) came one after another.Therefore,the (大多数) of the villagers left their hometown for Boston to build railroads.The small (百分比) (继续生存) there in the following years.

3、答案:Hardships;majority;percentage;lived on二、阅读词汇检测根据该部分词汇,写出画线部分的汉语意思。Im dreaming that Ill travel in the Arctic 1.Some day,Ill invite some international students,who come from Denmark 2. or Pakistan 3.,to go there.Well take an aircraft 4. in Korea 5.,and then take a ship across the Bering Strait 6.In

4、 two weeks,well arrive there.When there,well know the distinction 7. between the Arctic and the continent.答案:1.北极2.丹麦3.巴基斯坦4.飞机5.韩国6.海峡7.区别三、变式训练1.People believe that Ken is very good at operating a computer.Ken to be very good at operating a computer.答案:is believed2.There are a number of famous sta

5、tues in the museum,including two bronze casts.There are a number of famous statues in the museum,two bronze casts .答案:included3.It is not likely that Henry does it on purpose to tease me.Henry do it on purpose to tease me.答案:is not likely to4.Despite the fact that Helen is short,she is an excellent

6、basketball player. the fact that Helen is short,she is an excellent basketball player.答案:In spite of5.It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary.It that we should hire another secretary.答案:struck me四、阅读理解In 1885,the Republic of France,important friend during the American Revolution,dona

7、ted the largest statue in the world,Liberty Enlightening the World,to the United States of America.The statue would celebrate its century of independence.To ship it,the statue was broken down into 350 pieces.And now,spread across Bedloes Island in New York Harbour,it sat in 214 wooden packing boxes.

8、The problem was that New York had no money to reassemble it.Six other cities,less affected by the recent economic decline,had the money and bid to build it.But a Hungarian immigrant,Joseph Pulitzer,the owner of Americas biggest newspaper called the World,wouldnt let “Liberty” go.When he heard that t

9、he Statue of Liberty was about to die from lack of funds,he saw his chance.Pulitzer set the fund-raising goal of the World at $100,000.In its pages he laughed at the rich,thus increasing the papers appeal among working-class people,and firmly planted the idea that the statue was a monument not just

10、for New York City but,indeed,for all of America.Perhaps Pulitzers cleverest trick was the promise to publish the name of every single contributor in the pages of the World,no matter how small the contribution.The editorial that opened the fund-raising campaign set its tone.He wrote:“The World is the

11、 peoples paper and it now appeals to the people to come forward and raise the money for the statues base.”The statue,he said,was paid for by “the masses of the French people.Let us respond in like manner.”The circulation of the World increased by almost 50,000 copies.African American newspapers join

12、ed in the effort,encouraging their readers to contribute to a monument that would,in part,celebrate the end of slavery.So the money poured in,as single-dollar donations from grandmothers and pennies from the piggybanks of schoolchildren.On August 11,1885,the front page of the World announced,“ONE HU

13、NDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!”The goal had been reached,even slightly beyond,thanks to more than 120,000 contributions.1.What does the underlined word “reassemble”(Para.1) probably mean?A.Put together.B.Take apart.C.Transport. D.Repair.答案:A解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段可知,自由女神像是法国送给美国人民的礼物,为了运送它,女神像被分解成350块,装在214个木箱里。问题是

14、纽约没有钱来把它重新装配起来。故画线词“reassemble”与put together意思相近,表示重新组装。故A项正确。2.Which of the following was the greatest move in Joseph Pulitzers success?A.Attacking the rich people.B.Celebrating the end of slavery.C.Printing every contributors name in the World.D.Persuading children to donate their pocket money.答案:

15、C解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一句并结合第二、三段可知,为了不让自由女神像因资金短缺而落入他人之手,Pulitzer发起筹募资金活动,同时还做了一些其他努力。其中最伟大的一项就是把每位捐款人的名字都公布在世界报上。故C项正确。3.What did Joseph Pulitzer try to convey to his readers about the Statue of Liberty?A.It was a symbol of independence.B.It was a monument for the whole USA.C.It was a wonder in the build

16、ing history.D.It was a favor from the rich French people.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,关于女神像,Pulitzer想对读者传达的思想就是它是全美国的纪念碑。故B项正确。4.What was the main purpose of Joseph Pulitzers efforts?A.To protect the Statue of Liberty.B.To win working-class readers over.C.To expand the circulation of his paper.D.To raise

17、 money for the Statue of Liberty.答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的“Pulitzer set the fund-raising goal”并结合第三至五段的内容可知,Pulitzer所做的努力就是为自由女神像筹集资金。故D项正确。五、语篇填空How would you define your values?Before you answer this question,you need to know what,in general,values are.Your values are 1. things that you believe are

18、important in the way you live and work.Theyre 2.(probable) the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out to be what you want.When the things that you do and the way you behave match your values,life is usually goodyoure 3.(satisfy) and content.4. when these dont agree with your personal v

19、alues,it is time that things 5.(begin) to go wrong.This can be a real source of unhappiness.This is 6. making a conscious effort to identify your values is so important.Values exist,whether you recognize 7.(they) or not.Life can be much 8.(easy) when you acknowledge your values.If you 9.(value) fami

20、ly,but you have to work very long in your job,will you feel internal stress and conflict?And if you dont value competition,and you work in a highly competitive sales environment,are you likely to be pleased with your job?In these types of situations,10.(understand) your values can really help.When y

21、ou know your own values,you can use them to make decisions about how to live your life.答案:1.those/the2.probably3.satisfied4.But5.began/should begin6.why7.them8.easier9.value10.understanding六、短文改错(2016全国高考)The summer holiday is coming.My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday

22、.We can chose between staying at home and take a trip.If we stay at home,it is comfortable but there is no need to spend money.But in that case,we will learn little about world.If we go on a trip abroad,we can broaden your view and gain knowledges we cannot get from books.Some classmates suggest we

23、can go to places of interest nearby.I thought that it is a good idea.It does not cost many,yet we can still learn a lot.答案:第二句:howwhat第三句:chosechoose;taketaking第四句:butand第五句:about后加上the第六句:yourour;knowledgesknowledge第七句:删掉can或是canshould第八句:thoughtthink第九句:manymuchSection Learning about Language,Usin

24、g Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip课后篇巩固探究一、单句改错1.I was walking on the street when the accident was occurred.答案:去掉第二个was2.They were sitting back by back over there.答案:byto3.He wrote me a letter which he explained why he was fired.答案:whichwhere或which前加in4.It was their team spirits that helped them o

25、ut.答案:spiritsspirit5.The babysitter she hired for to look after her sick child left without saying goodbye.答案:去掉for6.Marking with numbers,the papers are easy to sort out.答案:MarkingMarked7.Children are easily taken down for lack of experience.答案:downin8.She was turned down when she applied to this po

26、sition.答案:tofor二、用所给短语的适当形式填空a good manyteam up withmark outtake inapply for1.You can another class member if you want.答案:team up with2.Some of the best pupils have been for special training.答案:marked out3.The club a new member last week.答案:took in4.I have been out of work for half a year,so I want

27、to a job in this company.答案:apply for5.Tom found that there were people already there.答案:a good many三、变式训练1.I think it would be a great idea to cooperate with your company.I think it would be a great idea to your company.答案:team up with2.Most of the people present at the meeting are for the plan. pr

28、esent at the meeting are for the plan.答案:The majority of the people3.You must practice speaking English whenever possible.You must practice speaking English whenever possible.答案:it is4.A large number of cattle of this type used to exist on the plains of America. cattle of this type used to exist on

29、the plains of America.答案:A good many 四、阅读理解Christmas in the United States is traditionally a time of gift-giving and family gatherings.But small towns across the country have their own traditions.Middleburg,a small town in the state of Virginia,is known for its horses.For more than 50 years,Middlebu

30、rg has organized a yearly Christmas parade(游行).Men and women ride horses through the woods and fields.They follow hunting dogs as they search for a wild fox.But first,these hunters ride in the yearly parade,wearing their bright red hunting clothes and hats.John Hale,a citizen of Middleburg says many city people visit his town.“We have a lot of people from an urban area that come to visit,but it incorporates(组成) a lot of the old traditions.” The nighttime hay ride is one such tradition.Small groups gather under the m

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