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1、阅读理解阅读理解能力的基础高效的阅读能力是在理解的基础上达到一定的速度。要做到这一点,必须具备三方面条件:基本常识、语言基础和阅读技巧。阅读不是一种孤立的能力,读者首先要有一定的背景知识,具备一定的词汇量和语法基础,并掌握一些有效的阅读技能,才能读得多、读得快。 一、 影响阅读的主要因素(一) 语言知识(1) 词汇量不够,生词太多,处处卡壳,句意联系不明,抓不住主题思想,速度上不去。(2) 有些句子太长,句式结构太复杂,也影响正确理解。(3) 英语语感不强,对英语的问题结构不熟悉。(二) 背景知识(1) 知识面太狭窄,缺乏深度和广度。对不熟悉的题材,因缺乏背景知识,全文理解很费力。(2) 对科

2、普知识掌握不够。(3) 对西方的政治、经济、文化、风土人情等不了解。(三) 认知能力(1) 分析解决问题的能力不强。(2) 有时对所读的信息难成记忆。(3) 解题的思路不开阔,解题的方法不正确。(4) 有时很难判断作者的观点和态度,甚至误解了作者的意图。(5) 对有些单词和句子,仅依据字面意义去理解,忽视了引申意义,造成推理错误。(四) 阅读技能(1) 没有掌握正确的阅读技能,从而影响了阅读速度。(2) 脱离原文去解题,导致错误。(五) 情感因素(1) 如果遇到困难,情绪就会受到影响,不能静下心来阅读。(2) 阅读能力不强,对阅读有恐惧感。二、 阅读技能的培养(一) 形成良好的阅读习惯这主要指

3、两方面:一是阅读时注意力集中,思想不开小差;二是持之以恒,不能“三天打鱼,两天晒网”。(二) “一目十行”地读视域要宽,以句组为单位阅读。一个段落通常是由一层或几层意义组成,而描写同一层意义的句子即为句组。阅读理解常见题型分析一、主旨题主旨题要求考生概括文章主题、中心思想和段落大意。【解题技巧】 遇到此类题,首先要通读全文,初步判断文章谈论什么或者谈论谁,或者找出文章的关键词。阅读时随手在主要内容下面做记号,以节省时间。不要把过多的时间停留在某个不认识的的单词上。一般情况下,答案越概括,涵盖面越广越好,句子越长越有可能是正确答案。【提问方式】The best title for this pa

4、ssage would/can be _.This passage is mainly related to _.Whats the passage mainly about?What can be learned from the first/second paragraph of this passage?Whats the main idea/subject of the passage?This passage mainly explains _.【真题解析】In addition to the words brought to English by foreigners, there

5、 are plenty of words which the British have collected from the countries they have settled in all over the world. There are even a few Chinese words, which Im sure a Chinese speaker would never recognize from the way we pronounce them: “typhoon” is a great wind; “to kowtow” is to bow down low; a “sa

6、mpan” is a small wooden boat. Over 5,000 of the words in common use in English today are words of foreign origin. Some of them are clearly recognizable as foreign like “judo” or “pizza”; others now look so English that only a language historian knows where they came from.So English is in a state of

7、permanent development. Both in Britain and abroad it is gaining new words and expressions, and dropping and changing old ones. Words change their meaning, and they go in and out of fashion like hairstyle. Nobody knows all the 4 million words that said to exist; a well-educated person probably uses u

8、nder 200,000. so dont be surprised if you never encounter some of the expressions that still appear in school textbooks; and next time you hear somebody using a strange word you havent heard before, you can comfort yourself that there may well be a native speaker somewhere who doesnt know it either.

9、Paragraph 1 mainly tells us that_.A) few English words are of British originB) many English words are over 5,000 years oldC) few English words are of foreign originD) many English words are from other languagesThe main idea of the passage is_.A) the British have collected words from all over the wor

10、ldB) only a language historian knows of foreign originC) no English speakers knows all English wordsD) English words are changing all the time二、观点态度题观点态度题是指考察作者的观点(opinion)、态度(attitude)以及文章的基调(tone)的题,通常文章中没有直接的答案,必须通过字里行间作者的用词、语气等进行揣摩。【解题技巧】 一般来说,新闻类、科学报道、历史事件方面的文章是以事实为依据,作者的观点、态度一般是中立的;而社论、评论性文章(如

11、影评、书评)和辩论文,作者的观点是是首要的,这类文章主观性极强,通常文章最后一段或最后一句作者的观点、态度表达尤为明显。观点态度题常用选项如下: positive negative neutral unfriendly worriedhumorous favorable unfavorable tolerant criticalpessimistic optimistic impersonal objective subjectiveangry respectful offensive approving disapprovingconcerned unconcerned indifferen

12、t defensive sympathetic【提问方式】 Whats the authors attitude toward? The authors attitude towardcan be best described as _. This passage can be best described as _. The tone of this passage can be best described as?【真题解析】In the United States elementary education begins at the age of six. At this stage n

13、early all the teachers are women, mostly married. The atmosphere is usually very friendly, and the teachers have now accepted the idea that the important thing is to make the children happy and interested. The old authoritarian要求绝对服从的 methods of education were discredit不被认可 rather a long time agoso

14、much so that many people now think that they have gone too far in the direction of trying to make children happy and interested rather than giving them actual instruction.The social education of young children tried t make them accept the idea that human beings in a society need to work together for

15、 their common good. So the emphasis is on co-operation rather than competition throughout most of his process. This may seem curious, in view of the fact that American society is highly competitive; however, the need for making people sociable in this sense has come to be regarded as one of the func

16、tions of education. Most Americans do grow up with competitive ideas, and obviously quite a few as criminals, but it is not fair to say that the education system fails. It probably does succeed in making most people sociable and ready to help one another both in material ways and through kindness an

17、d friendliness.The authors attitudes towards American education can be best described as_.A)unfriendly B)negative C)tolerant D)favorable三、推断题【解题技巧】推理题不能从文章中直接找到答案,凡是从原文照搬的答案一般都不是正确选项。必须根据文章内容进行推导,切忌只依据某个句子或段落就慌忙得出答案。 【提问方式】 It can be inferred/conclude from the passage that _. We can learn from this

18、passage that _. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? The author implies that _. The author suggests that _.【真题解析】Why do people write? Lets take a look at some representative writing situations.A college student taking the history learns that she is required to write a ten-to-fift

19、een pages term paper, due in six weeks. Sighing because she has another paper for a different class due the same week, she starts brainstorming, looking for possible topics, while listening to the lecture.A newly hired manager of a department store meets with her supervisors to discuss her stores go

20、al, she goes back to her office and brainstorms at the computer for two hours. When she is done she has the outline of a plan to present to her staff for discussion. Afterwards, she will write down the groups ideas in a brief report to her supervisor.The officers of a new software company meet for t

21、he eighth time in a week to write and design their first brochure. After a consideration discussion and even a few arguments about the best way to describe their products and services, they finally agree on the wording of their brochure.As you can see, people write for a variety of reasons. Many peo

22、ple write because they are required to. The writing often functions to provide means by which individuals solve problems, make different decisions, or better understand complex situations.We can conclude from this passage that_.A) writing functions in various waysB) writing helps get along with his

23、supervisorC) writing helps students fulfill course requirementsD) writing guides company officers in decision making四、局部概括题局部概括题是对文章的某个段落或者某个部分的内容进行总结归纳。【解题技巧】这类题的提问方式是灵活多变的,其对象涉及短文的各种具体细节,如时间、地点、原因、结果、方式等。答案一般可在文章中直接找到,这类题难度虽然不大,但困难在于不能尽快找到答案的出处。这主要是一方面细节量大,而且位置不固定;另一方面,由于文章中的细节大多数都是说明一个主题,头绪较多,有时要

24、花费很多时间才能找到答案。因此,一定要采用一些对策技巧,在做与此相关的题目时就会不但速度快,而且准确率高。(1)划出作者为阐明中心思想而列举的例证,如举例、引用、调查、结果(for example, for instance, that is to say, in fact, a case in point, it is important),等等。(2)注意一些表示因果关系的词语,如since, because, as, therefore, and. Sa a result等。(3)理解一些表示转折关系的词语,如but, while, however, though, yet, on th

25、e contrary, on the other hand等。【提问方式】 It is commonly accepted that According to the passage, According to the author, Which of the following best characterizes (is the MOST distinctive of) the main feature ?The reason for is that Which of the following can be the cause of (a probable reason why) ?Wh

26、at cause the accident?We can learn from the paragraph ?五、重述题重述题是用不同的方式对原句意义重新表述。【解题技巧】它不是简单的重复,而是使用同义词、近义词和不同的语法结构来表达相同的意思,或者是从文章的具体细节、事件、人物等中悟出某个道理或得出某个结论。 六、辨析题辨析题一般采取以下两种测试方式:三正一误,三误一正。【解题技巧】辨析题一般采用排除法。 【提问方式】 Which of the following statements is TURE according to the passage? Which of the follow

27、ing is NOT mentioned in the passage? Which is NOT included in ? All of the following were mentioned in the passage EXPECT _?七、词义题【解题技巧】此类题要求给出某个自然段某个特定单词或短语的意思。在做此类题目时,我们必须要仔细看清题目,在准确的段落中找出相应的单词。因为在一篇文章中该单词可能会多次出现(尤其是某些代词,如it, this, that等),且出现在不同的地方,意思可能会截然不同。在做题目的时候,针对一些我们非常熟悉的单词,可以凭借常识得出该词的大概意思,在四

28、个选项中选出正确答案;如果该单词是我们不认识的,必须紧密联系上下文(尤其是该单词所在的自然段),选出正确答案。【提问方式】 The word/phrase “” (in Line , Paragraph ) most probably means _. The phrase “” is closest in meaning to _. The word “” in Paragraph can be replaced by _.八、指代题指代题是询问一个代词或相当于代词的表达方式的所指。【解题技巧】指代的对象可能是最靠近的名词或短语,也可能是某个词或短语所表达的内容,这要求考生对上下文有正确的理

29、解。【提问方式】 The word/phrase “”refers to_. What does the word “it/this” (in Line , Paragraph ) refer to? The word “they” in the first sentence refers to _. 解题钥匙(1) 对立统一,一分为二是解。对立统一,一分为二是常见的辩证思维方式,也是高层次的思维方式。凡是表达这类思想或内容的答案均为正确答案。比如:The positive and negative aspects of advertising.Happiness often goes in

30、hand with pain.He is confident though he is aware of the enormous difficulties confronting it.Although too much attention to details may be costly, they should not be overlooked.Those who are aware of difficulties in life but know how to avoid unhappiness.(2) 一物多面是解。指一事物有多方面、多种特点,等等。凡是这样的答案多为正确答案。同样

31、的口诀还有“一果多因”和“一因多果”。(3) 意思全面是解,局部意义不是解。如果文章谈论了3个问题,前3个选项分别描述一个问题,这些选项只反映了局部内容,选择任何一个就意味着要扔掉其他两个,因此不是正确答案。第4个用抽象的或概括性的语言描述了文章总提到的3个问题,该选项反映了整体或全面内容,因此是正确答案。 (4) 高度概括是解。该口诀主要用于归纳总结出的答案,如中心思想、段意和概括题。这类题所包含的内容比较笼统泛指,包容性很大。因此,概括性答案是解,含义狭隘不是解。(5) 关键词是解。关键词是文章中最重要的信息词,是表达文章主题或中心思想的重要线索。故凡是包含关键词的答案较有可能是正确答案。(6) 抽象的内容是解,具体的答案不是解。内容抽象或含有以下抽象词语的答案通常作解:effort,conception,property,aspect,characteristic,awareness,important,necessity,approach,convenience,factor,nature等。(7) 隐含/深层意思是解,表面意思不是解。推理题不能从文章中直接找答案,必须根据语义线索或逻辑关系进行

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