1、英汉互译翻译与实践技巧112单元参考答案docUnitl1.Every life has its roses and thorns.人生总是有苦有乐,甘苦参半。(人生的道路既铺满鲜花,又充满荆棘.)2.m have Lisa where I want her.我要丽莎去哪里她就得去哪里3.He carried his age astonishingly well.他一点儿都不显老,面容年轻得令人惊讶。4.Shed never again believe anything in trousers.她再也不愿相信任何男人了.5.He was a dead shot.However,he met h
2、is Waterloo this time.他是一个神枪手,可这一次却遭到惨败。/他遭遇了滑铁卢。6.Nixon was pleased by the distinction,but not overwhelmed.尼克松对受到的破格礼遇非常高兴,但并没有受宠若惊。7.Yet China was a land of constant surprise and shifting impression.而中国是一片令人惊讶、日新月异的土地。8.After the failure of his last novel,his reputation stands on slippery ground.、
3、 他上一篇小说写砸了,他的名声从此岌岌可危.9.Mrs.Sawyer looked radiant,too,and for the first time gobbled up her dinner like a little pig.索耶太太也容光焕发,第一次大口大口吃饭,活像一只小猪。10.He walked at the head of the funeral procession,and every now and then wiped his crocodile tears with a big handkerchief.他走在送葬队伍的前头,还不时有哪个一条大手绢抹去他那鳄鱼的眼泪。
4、11.It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it,of not being conscious of health until we are ill.还是那句老话:物失方知可贵,病时倍思健康。12.When we are in buoyant health,death is all but unimaginable.We seldom think of it .The days stretch out in an endless vista.So we go about our
5、 petty tasks,hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.当我们年富力强时,死亡几乎是难以想象的事。我们很少想到死。来日方长,前途无量。 于是,我们忙于琐碎的事物,根本意识不到我们对生命的漠然态度13.A greeting card can warm a heart,hold a hand ,lend an ear,pat a back light up a face,tickle a funny bone,dry an eye,surprise a child,woo a sweetheart,toast a bride,w
6、elcome a stranger,wave a good-bye,shout a bravo,blow a kiss,mend a quarrel,ease a pain,bost a morale,stop a worry and start a tradition.一张贺卡可以温暖一颗心,握紧一双手,倾听肺腑言,轻拍友人背;它令人喜洋洋,缭 的心痒痒,抹去泪汪汪;它给孩子以惊喜,给恋人一温存,给新娘以祝福,给路人以欢 迎;它可用以挥手告别,高声喝彩,送上飞吻,也可以平息争吵,减轻痛苦,提高士气, 解除忧虑,开创一种新风尚。Unit21.Needing some light to see
7、by,the burglar crossed the room with a light step to light the light with the light green shade.夜贼需要一点亮光来辨识四周,于是轻步穿过房间,去点亮带有浅绿色灯罩的灯。2.All citizens in this nation are subject to the law.这个国家的全体公民都必须服从法律。3.Payment are subject to change in keeping with inflation 支付随通货膨胀的变化而变化。.4.Subject to the fulfilme
8、nt of other formalities,they shall be granted all necessary permits.在他们履行其他正式手续的条件下,可授予他们一切必要的执照5.Before it begins to work,the yeast is subject to disruption caused by fluctuations in temperature.酵母在发酵之前,易受温度起伏变化的干扰。6.Accession shall be subject to approval of a two-third vote of the Directors of the
9、 Government Body.就任须得到董事会三分之二以上的成员同意。7.Samples are subject to a series of tests in the lab,te object of which is largely to determine the correct processing methods to be adopted in each case.样品在实验室经过一系列的检验,其主要目的在于针对不同情况来决定采用恰当的加工 方法。8.The mechanism o the process,slow and delicate,often escapes our
10、attention.这种作用过程既缓慢又微妙,经常逃过微妙的注意。9.Under capitalism drugs and alcohol are used by some as an escape mechanism.在资本主义社会,毒品和酒被一些人用作逃避现实的途径。10.But people are apt to marvel at an ingenious mechanism and obliterate the man who makes it. 但是人们往往对精巧的器械大为惊异,却忘记了制造它的人。11.Perhaps this is the very mechanism of t
11、he creators of our nation who hold these truths to be self-evident.我们国家的缔造者们认为这些真理是不言而喻的,或许这正是他们的匠心所在。12.And,again as a result of the development of modern technology,mechanism in philosophy became an upstart.随着现代技术的发展,哲学中的机械论再度变得盛极一时。13.The two model cariants of the socialist economic mechanism are
12、 to be distinguished from the point of view of market function.对于社会主义经济体制的两种模式需要从市场功能的观点来加以区别。Unit31 .With the passage of time,my admiration for him grew more more and more.我对她的仰慕之情与日剧增2.He has long been an enemy of stilted and pretentious English.他一向反对矫揉造作的英语3.The audience attended the performance
13、varied from tens to thousand .看演出的观众少则几十人,多则数千人。4.1ndependent observers have commented favorably on the achievement you have made in this direction思想独立的观察家们对你们这方面所取得的成就给予了很好的评价。5.No wonder the sight of it should send the memories of quite a number of people of the old generation back to 36 yeares ag
14、o.难怪老一辈的许多人一见到它就会想到36年前的往事。6.There is a big increase in demand for all kinds of consumer goods in every part of our country. 目前我国各地对各种消费品的需求量已大大的增加。7.Out of all the glorious tales written about the U.S.revolution for independence from Britain the fact is hardly known that a blank man was the first t
15、o die for American independence读遍了关于美国为摆脱关于英国统治争取独立而进行革命的堂皇纪事,也很艰难弄清第一 个为美国独立捐躯的原来是个黑人。8.1buried my head under the miserable sheet and rug,and cried like a child我心理十分难受,一头扎进被单和毯子中,像孩子一样哭了起来。9.The thief made a trembling confession of his wrongdoing , 小偷战战兢兢地坦白了所干的坏事。10.The sailors swarmed into a laug
16、hing and cheering around the two men.水手们欢欢乐乐,蜂拥而至,将这两人围城一团。11.1enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of water.我喜爱那洁净的暖风吹拂在我的皮肤上使我陶然欲醉,也喜爱那清凉的流水吧我的身体托 浮在水面上。12.It was a truth of which I had for some time been conscious that a figure with a good deal of fron
17、tage was ,as one might say ,almost never a public instituin.一段时期以来,我注意到了一条普遍规律,不妨说,仪表堂堂的人大抵不是什么社会名流。Unit41 .Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.海洋与其说是分隔了世界不如说是连接了整个世界。2.When she came to, she saw smiling faces around her.她苏醒过来,看见周围一张张笑脸。3.The planet we live on is not just a ball of ine
18、rt material.我们居住的星球并不仅仅是一个由惰性物质组成的球体。4.o The pupil of the eye responds to the change of light intensity.瞳孔随光线的强弱变化而缩小放大。5.Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.勇敢过度,即成蛮勇,感情过度,即成软弱,简约过度,即成贪婪。6.Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exac
19、t man.读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔写使人准确。7.Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed healths.热情的主义又是切肉,又是倒茶,又是上菜,又是切面包,谈啊,笑啊,敬酒啊,忙个 不停。8.This digital camera is easy to operate, versatile, compact and has a pleasing modern design.这种数码相机操作简便,功能齐全,结构紧凑,造型美观。9.A scientific hypothesis can
20、 be proven-or, perhaps more importantly, disproven-but a poem, a picture, or a piece of music, cannot.一条科学假设可以被证实,或被否定,后者可能更为重要。而一首诗,一张画,或一曲音乐 却不能。10.Histories make men wise; poets witty; mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.读史使人明智,读诗人灵秀,数学使人周密
21、,科学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑修饰之学 使人善辩。Unit51.If you give him an inch, he will take a mile.你要是迁就他,他会得寸进尺。2.Never trouble yourself with trouble till trouble troubles you.不要自找麻烦。3.The true joy of joys is the joy that joys in the joy of others.与人同乐才是真乐。4.It is not entirely right to say that 迁 there is food, let ev
22、eryone share it. 说有饭大家吃并不完全正确。5.There was no haste or restlessness in his manner but a poised friendliness.他从容不迫,和蔼可亲。I他举止不慌不忙,十分友好。6.Radioactivity may cause illness that could be passed on to our children and grandchildren. 放射线可以引起遗传性疾病。7.Bacteria capable of causing disease are known as pathogenic,
23、 or disease-producing germs.会引起疾病的细菌称为致病菌。8.For generations, coal and oil have been regarded as the chief energy source to transport men from place to place.世世代代以来,煤和石油一直被认为是人员运输的主要能源。9.Patients with influenza must be separated from the well lest the disease should spread from person to person.流感病人必
24、须与健康的人隔开,以免疾病传播。10.Among the 18 species of penguins, 8 have chosen the environs of the South Pole as their habitats.在18种企鹅中,有8种栖息在南极四周。11.These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass a large population and abound in natural resources.这些发展中国家,土地辽阔,人口众多,资源丰富。12.In order to survive, to
25、feed, clothe and shelter himself and his children, man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature.为了生存,为了自己和子孙后代的衣食住行,人类和大自然不断进行斗争。13.Winter is the best time to study the growth of trees. Although the leaves are gone and the branches are bare, the trees themselves are beautiful.冬天是研究树木生长的最好季节;虽然树
26、叶落了,树枝光了,但树木本身却很美丽。14.Scientific exploration, the search for knowledge, has given man the practical result of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by others.人类对科学的研究,对知识的寻求,其实际结果是使自己具有抵御天灾人祸的能力。Unit 61.It is easy to see what weight can be overcome and
27、 what thrust is necessary to maintain flight. 要知道应该抵消多大重力并需要多大推力才能保持飞行,这很容易。2.He was dumb-founded at her insistence that he explain where every cent of his allowance had gone.她非要他讲清楚他的每一分钱都到哪儿去了,他哑口无言。3.That our environment has little,if anything,to do with our abilities,characteristics and behavior
28、 is central to this theory.这种理论的核心是,我们的环境同我们的才能、性格特征和行为即使有什么关系的话, 也是微不足道的。4.Behaviorist,in contrast,say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other vantages that whites enjoy.相反,行为主义者认为,成绩的差异是由于黑人往往被剥夺了白人在教育及其他环境方 面所享有的许多有利条件。5.H
29、e would be a rash man who should yenture to defy world public opnion and act arbitrarily. 如果有人敢于公然蔑视世界公众舆论而一意孤行,那他一定是个鲁莽之徒。6.I was all the more delighted when,as a result of th einitiative of your government,it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.由于贵国政府的提议,才得以这样快地重提访问之事,这使我感到特别高兴。7.Acc
30、ounts are given of huge mountains sinking,of former plaiins seen heaved aloft,of fires flashing out amid the ruin.大山沉陷,平原隆起,火焰喷射,周围是一片废墟,这些都有报道。8.The president has also called for an annual moment of silence at8;46 a.m.Eastem time,when the first plane hit the first tower.总统也号召每年的这一天,在东部时间8:45,也就是当第一
31、架飞机撞上第一座塔楼的时 刻全国默哀。9.Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may result in serious disease if certain important elements are missing o如今人们知道,如果食物中缺少了某些重要的成分,即使其中不含任何有害的物质,也 会引起严重的疾病。10.Can you forge against these enemies in a grand and global alliance,North and Southeast
32、 and West,that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind ? Will you join in that historic effort?你们能不能部分东南西北,建立起一个对付这些敌人的全球联盟,以保证全人类享有更 为丰富的生活?你们是否愿意参与这一历史的努力?11.Many more visitors than it can comfortably accommodate poured into it ,off the regular steamers,off chartered motorboats and off yachts;all day they ambled up the towpath ,looking for what?游客太多了,这小地方接待不过来。搭班船的、坐包船的、驾游艇的,一批批涌到,从 早到晚,络绎不绝,漫步爬上纤路。
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