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1、花式拒绝的实用英语口语最新【篇一】花式拒绝的实用英语口语1. No.2. Nope.3. No thanks, I wont be able to make it.4. Not this time.5. No thanks, I have another commitment.6. Unfortunately, its not a good time.7. Sadly I have something else.8. Unfortunately not.9. I have something else.10. Sorry.11. Apologies, but I cant make it.12

2、. Maybe another time.13. Sounds great, but I cant commit.14. Im booked into something else.15. Im not able to make that time.16. Thanks, but no thanks.(这句话可能听起来会挺有礼貌,但是实际上是当一个人有一点不耐烦或者生气的时候用的。比如在商场,销售员总向你推销商品,这时候你就可以用这句话,那么他们就知道你不需要他了。)17. Im not able to make it this week/ month/ year.18. Ive got to

3、o much on my plate right now.19. Im not talking on anything else right now.20. Bandwidth is low, so I wont be able to make it work.21. I wish I could make it work.22. Not possible.23. I wish I were able to.24. If only I could!25. Id love to but cant.26. Im slammed.27. Perhaps next season when things

4、 clear up.28. Im at the end of my rope right now, so Ill have to take a rain check.(take a rain check 表示“延期约会”“改天再约”)29. If only it worked.30. Ill need to bow out.31. Im going to have to exert my NO muscle on this one.32. Im talking some time.33. Thanks for thinking of me, but I cant.34. Nah.(Neh/Na

5、h 用于比较熟悉的人之间,一般是家人,或关系很亲近的人,比较口语化的拒绝。)【篇二】英语口语花式拒绝的方式1. veto 否决;禁止Veto joins that group of Latin words that are used as everyday parts of English. Literally translating as I forbid, this is a fairly commanding way to show your disapproval of a scheme.Veto来源于日常拉丁词汇。按字面翻译为“我禁止”,这是一个相当强硬的方式表明你反对某个计划。2.

6、 out of the question 不可能Originally meaning beside the point, not relevant to the matter under discussion. One of the earliest uses of this later sense comes from Eliza Haywoods The History of Betsy Thoughtless: A marriage with miss Betsy was, therefore, now quite out of the question with him.最初的意思是“

7、离题,与正在讨论的问题无关的”。out of the question作为“不可能”最早出自伊丽莎海伍德的作品贝琪的粗心历史中:“因此,他和贝特西小姐结婚是不可能的。3. no sireeYou would be right in thinking that siree here is derived from sir ultimately it is, but it developed as a variant of sirrah (much used in Shakespeare), which (in turn) was formed directly from sir with a (

8、perhaps arbitrary) suffix, as a term used when addressing men or boys with contempt.Siree源于sir,sir是sirrah的变体,sirrah又sir和后缀(可能是arbitrary)组成,用来表示对男性的轻蔑。4. for foul nor fair 不可能Putting opposites together to cover a spectrum is a pretty good way to indicate that something isnt going to happen: this one

9、can be found as far back as Chaucers Canterbury Tales.将反义词放在一起表达一些不会发生的事是非常好的方式:这个用法最早可以追溯到乔叟的坎特伯雷故事集。5. not on your life 一点也不;绝对不行This emphasizes your reluctance to comply with a request that, even if the requesters life was at stake, youd still be a hard pass.这个俚语强调你不愿遵守某一个请求即使请求者有生命危险,你也不愿意服从。6.

10、not on your Nelly 绝对不The British expression not on your Nelly, in its earliest incarnation in a 94 issue of the New Statesman . Not on your Nelly is just another way of saying not on your life.not on your Nelly是英式表达,这个表达最早出现在 94 年发行的新政治家上。Not on your Nelly是not on your life的另一种表达。7. not on your tinty

11、peAtintypewas a photograph taken as a positive on a thin tin plate but also found its way into this phrase, which dates to at least 900.Tintype最初指的锡版照相法,后在大约 900年以前Tintype在短语中也有应用。8. not for all the tea in China绝不可能This phrase, despite drawing on Britains national obsession, is actually originally f

12、rom colloquial Australian English.英国人很倾向于用这个短语,但这个短语源于澳大利亚口语。9. not in a million years 绝不可能People havent been using it for quite a million years, but it certainly dates back over a century.这个短语的使用可以追溯到一个世纪以前,但已经很久没什么人使用了。10. under no circumstances 决不For avoidance of doubt, this one pretty much cover

13、s all bases. Circumstance was originally a noun of action or condition, in the singular, but is now usually pluralized.为避免产生歧义,你可以用这个词组来表达坚决的否定。起初词组中的circumstance用的是单数,但现在都是用复数形式了。11 . not likely 不见得;不会Although youre probably in complete control of the likelihood or otherwise of something happening

14、if you say not likely, its an option for dismissing someones suggestion with a bit of sass.如果你说not likely,你可能对事情的可能性及发生的事有一定把握。如果有人提了无礼请求,可以用这个词拒绝。12. not for Joe 决不The phrase not for Joe, meaning not on any account, dates from the mid- 9th century and appears to use Joe as a non-specific person (al

15、though the phrase may have originally arisen from the name of the 8th-century comedian Joe Miller, and a popular jest-book published after his death).短语not for Joe意思为not on any account “决不”,可以追溯到 9世纪中叶,当时joe并不代表具体的个人,(尽管这个词可能最早出现是由于 8世纪的喜剧演员乔?米勒,一个受欢迎的笑话集在他去世后出版)。13. thumbs down 拒绝Turning the thumb

16、down is, of course, a gesture intended to indicate disapproval or rejection and the term can be used figuratively for the same thing; i.e. a substitute for no but its got a somewhat muddled history. The earliest uses of thumbs down and thumbs up relate to the use of the thumb by the spectators in th

17、e ancient amphitheatrebut in these instances, thumbs up would indicate rejection.当然将大拇指反转向下的手势表示反对或拒绝,这个短语可以用来代替no但短语的来源历史却比较混乱。最早使用拇指向下指的是“古剧场中观众大拇指指向”。但是,在这些情况下,大拇指向上意味着拒绝。14. pigs might fly 不可能Pigs (we hate to break it to you) dont fly, andpigs might fly, pigs have wings, and similar expressions

18、are used to indicate impossibility or incredulity. The first known use, in this way, of pigs grounded behaviour is not quite synonymous with no but has the distinction of being found in Alices Adventures of Wonderland: Ive a right to think,said Alice sharplyJust about as much right,said the Duchess,

19、 as pigs have to fly.猪当然是不会飞的,类似的pigs might fly, pigs have wings地表达用来表示“不可能;怀疑”。第一次为众所周知的以猪的行为作比喻的用法是在爱丽丝梦游仙境中,爱丽丝说:“Ive a right to think(我有权思考)”。公爵夫人回答了一句“Just about as much right as pigs have to fly”(对,这个权利就像猪在天空飞翔一样)。15. not a cat (in hell)s chance 没有机会If you think the pig did badly, the cat fare

20、s even worse: as far back as Groses Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue in 796, he cited No more chance than a cat in hell without claws; said of one who enters into a dispute or quarrel with one greatly above his match. Its application now is, of course, rather wider than disputers and quarrellers.如果你认

21、为猪的表现力不够,那猫的表现更糟:早在在 796年,格罗斯的俗语词典中,他以“No more chance than a cat in hell without claws;来比喻一个人进入一个对手远比自身强大的争议或吵架之中。当然,现在的应用更广泛,不仅仅运用在争吵中。【篇三】英语口语花式拒绝的方法uh-uh这个词以书面形式出现最早可追溯到上世纪20年代。The imitative uh-uh is first found in its written form in the 1920s.nix起源于维多利亚时代的俚语,类似于早期德语中的nix,是德语nichts(nothing)的口语缩略

22、形式。Originally Victorian slang nix can be compared with the earlier German nix, which is a colloquial shortened form of nichts (nothing).nixie / nixy / nixeyNix加后缀,y/-ie的后缀通常用于宠物名和昵称。And it wasnt long until this slang term was given a y/-ie suffix, used to form pet names and familiar diminutives.nope

23、Nope在17世纪是红腹灰雀的别名,直到19世纪末开始用作“no”的意思。也是差不多时候“yep”开始用作“yes”的意思。The earliest sense of nope (albeit an unrelated word spelled the same) was actually another name for the bullfinch, used in the early 17th century but fast forward to the the late 19thcentury and nope is being used for no, with an apparen

24、tly arbitrary extension, at around the same time that yep began being used for yes.nay这个词起源于北欧,来自冰岛语nei,直到14世纪后才开始频繁使用。This form of no is particularly characteristic of Northern English. In origin it is a borrowing from early.Scandinavian (cf. Icelandic nei). People havent been using this expression

25、 much since the 14th century.nah伦敦腔发音,“no”的非标准拼写。A non-standard spelling of no, nah is often used when representing southern English pronunciation, particularly cockney way虽然被认为是一种俚语,但其实no way最早可以追溯到18世纪。Though decried as slang by some, no way (for no) has a long history, dating back at le

26、ast as far as the 18th century.negative如果你是个军事迷,你可能会不自觉得在回答“不”的时候蹦出negative这个词。它比“no”更清晰地表达“不”的意思,相应地也用“affirmative”来表达“yes”。在无线电通话中,用“negative”或者“affirmative”比单纯的“no”或者“yes”更清楚。If youre feeling in a military frame of mind, you can say negative instead of no (as opposed to affirmative for yes). This

27、 probably started as a way of saying no over the radio with as much clarity as possible.vetoVeto源自拉丁语,字面意思是“我不许”,是一个比较强硬的说法,用来反对某个计划。Veto joins that group of Latin words (including et cetera, ad hoc, and per se) that are used as everyday parts of English. Literally translating as I forbid, this is a

28、 fairly commanding way to show your disapproval of a scheme.out of the question原指“与讨论的问题无关”,后来引申为“不考虑、不赞成”。Originally meaning beside the point, not relevant to the matter under discussion that is, outside the parameters of the matter in question this took on the meaning not to be considered or count

29、enanced. One of the earliest uses of this later sense comes from Eliza Haywoods The History of Betsy Thoughtless: A marriage with miss Betsy was, therefore, now quite out of the question with sireeSiree是sirrah的变种,而sirrah则来自于sir,是一种对男性轻蔑的说法。You would be right in thinking that siree here is der

30、ived from sir ultimately it is, but it developed as a variant of sirrah (much used in Shakespeare), which (in turn) was formed directly from sir with a (perhaps arbitrary) suffix, as a term used when addressing men or boys with contempt.for foul nor fairFoul和fair可以说是一对反义词,把它们放在一起表示某件事不会发生。这个说法最早可以追溯

31、到乔叟的坎特伯雷故事集。Putting opposites together to cover a spectrum is a pretty good way to indicate that something isnt going to happen: this one can be found as far back as Chaucers Canterbury Tales.not on your life这是not on your life的另外一种说法。The British expression not on your Nelly, in its earliest incarnation in a 1941 issue of theNew Statesman, appears as not on your Nelly Duff. It is just anothe

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