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初二Oxford English知识点归纳.docx

1、初二Oxford English知识点归纳初二年级英语(Oxford English)Chapter 1:Water1a little, much, no, too much, too little, not enough + 不可数名词2a few, many, no, too many, too few, not enough, many a + 可数名词3A lot of, lots of, some, no, not enough, a great deal of + 可数名词或不可数名词4A little = not much a few = not many5经常在否定句中用 mu

2、ch, e.g. There is not much water.6与There be 句型搭配: There are a lot of people in the swimming pool.7用在特殊疑问句中:How much food is there? How many oranges are there?8. need的用法, 两种词性:A. 情态动词:need do sth./ neednt do sth.B. 实意动词:need to do sth./ dont need to do sth./ need sb to do sth.C. We need water for dri

3、nking (表示目的) 9. It be + ( very much, quite, rather, a little, ) 形容词 + for sb + to so sth. 对某人而言做某事比较, e.g. Its very important for us to learn English well.10. 由 If 引导的状语从句:主句用将来时态,If从句用一般时态A. 现在时态 We will be thirsty to death if there is no water.B. 过去时态 We would have arrived at home if there was no

4、traffic jam.C. 将来时态 They will go to American if they get their passport and Visa.11. 英语中分数词的表达法: A. 用“基数词序数词”表示: 其中基数词表示分子,序数词表示分母, 分子除用one外,也可用a;如果分子大于1,分母要用复数形式。但是,12不能说a(one)second,而要说a(one)half。E.g. one tenth, a tenth, two fifths, a half, three eighths, a quarter, three quarters, one fourth, thr

5、ee fourths, B. 分数修饰名词时,若该名词是不可数名词只能用单数;若是可数名词,用单数或复数均可。但是,若它们在句子中作主语,则谓语动词是用单数还是复数取决于名词,即与分数所修饰的名词保持一致。例如: Only one-fifth of air consists of oxygen氧气只占空气的15。 About two thirds of the students attend the meeting大约23的学生都参加了会议。 C. 用“基数词介词基数词”表示:借助介词表示分数,介词前的数词是分子,介词后的数词是分母,一般介词用 out of, of, in, to. 例如:N

6、inety-nine people out of a hundred,if they were asked who first found America, would answer Clumbus如果要问是谁首先发现美洲,一百个人中有九十九个(百分之九十九)将回答是哥伦布。 12. Until一词的用法:A. 当谓语动词是延续性动词时,用肯定形式:You can wait here until help comes. (直到.才)B. 当谓语动词时非延续性动词时,用否定形式:She didnt go to bed until her daughter came back. (直到她女儿回来了

7、她才睡觉)C. 是否用not要取决于动词时延续性还是非延续性的,即使动词用否定形式,在翻译成汉语的时候都要说成“直到.才.”。D. it was not until.that., 强调句型。It was not until her daughter came back that she went to bed.E. Not until放在句首,句子要倒装:Not until her daughter came back did she go to bed.12. 常用短语:Believe it or not, flush the toilet, at least, pour into the

8、sink, waste water, clean up, in the first place.Chapter 2 School newspaper1. suggest用法:建议,暗示,同义词 advise, A. Suggest + doing sth. : She suggests going shopping at weekend.B. Suggest + that ( should ) do sth. He suggested that school should hold a sports event.2. Take charge of = be in charge of , 由.负

9、责;be in the charge of . 某物在某人的掌控之下She takes charge of all books in the library. She is in charge of all books in the library.All books in the library is in the charge of her. 3. ask的用法: ask sb ( not ) to do sth. / ask for help, sth./ ask ab about sth.He asked me to fetch water He asks me about the w

10、hether in England.He asks for help.4. how often, 多久.; How often do you take exercise ?5. agree 的用法:A. agree with sb. 同义某人的观点,意见,想法,分析: In my opinion, we should not play computer games frequently. Yes,I totally agree with you.B. Agree to sth. 表示一方提出意见,观点,计划,另一方写作,We agree to their arrangement.C. Agre

11、e on/ upon sth: 指双方通过协商而取得一致意见,We agree on the price.D. Agree to do sth.= agree on doing sth. 同意某人做某事 They agree to conclude the meeting soon. (不能用 agree sb to do sth. )6. In one weeks time = one week later 表示在一星期之后,一般用于将来时。7. finish 用法:finish doing sth./ finish sth 完成某事8. take part in & join in & j

12、oin 的用法:A. Take part in,常指参加某活动,聚会等:She took part in Helens birthday party yesterday.B. Join in, 常指参加某活动,聚会等: Would you like to join in the dancing with us ?C. Join常指参加某团体,组织,军队等:Pupils are proud of joining Young Pioneer.9. Should & ought to :两者都“应该”,用法基本相同,区别在于:(1)ought to比should 语气强, should 表示主观看法

13、,一些建议,劝说时,译作“应当”。 ought to,直接接动词原形,更多反映客观情况,“有义务”或“必要”做某事,译为“应当,应该” (2)(2)ought to的否定就表示做某事一定是错误的 而should的否定就表示某动作不一定要做。A. I/You/He/She/We/They should + do sth = I/You/He/She/We/They ought to do sthB. I/You/He/She/We/They should not + do sth = I/You/He/She/We/They ought not to do sthC. I/You/He/She/

14、We/They shouldnt do sth = I/You/He/She/We/They oughtnt to do sthE.g She ought to take care of her sister. = She should take care of her sister. You oughtnt to be late for school. You shouldnt be late for school.10. 感叹句形式:A. What a/an + 形容词 + 名词+ 主语+ 谓语B. How + 形容词、副词 + 主语 + 谓语E.g. What a beautiful g

15、irl she is! = How beautiful girl she is! What an exciting new it is ! = How exciting the new is ! How quickly he ran !11. Hundreds of , thousands of, millions of, billions of. 成百上千,成千上万,成万上亿.12. 常用短语:hold a meeting, elect the chief editor, vote for (为.投票),take charge of =be in charge of , ask for, t

16、ake notes (of ), be responsible for, take over, be free to readers, pay for sth., agree to do sth. Conclude the meeting, bring the meeting to the end, give out newspaper(出版),common sense, put a mark on, write down, at the New Years Party, in all (总共),march around the street, take part in, at the end

17、 (of ), in the end, take place, be on fire(着火),be born in(出身于),science fiction film, adventure film, what a shame, congratulations! Well done, you deserve to win. Long time no see. Im sorry but., find out.Chapter 3 Detectives and Crimes1. The + adj.:表示一类人,the old 老人, the young 年轻人, the guilty 有罪之人,当

18、这类词做主语时,谓语动词要用三人称单数形式:e.g. The old always needs to be taken care of.2. protect用法:protect sb from doing sth, 保护某人.不受影响, 相当于 prevent from.阻止某人受.影响。 The government tried best to protect local villagers from being threatened by the flood. The government tried best to prevent local villagers from being t

19、hreatened by the flood.3. deny用法:deny doing sth. E.g. He denied stealing Lis bag.4. admit用法:admit doing sth. 承认做某事。She admitted taking away her roommates camera.5. 非谓语动词(infinitives):to do & doing两种形式A. refuse, offer , decide, fail, pretend, agree, promise + to do sth.(只能加不定式)B. 区别remember to do sth

20、. / doing sth. , Stop to do sth./ stop doing sth., forget to do sth./ forget doing sth., like to do/ like doing, try to do sth/ try doing sth, go on to do sth/ go on doing sth, mean to do sth./ mean doing sth.C. Enjoy, practice, finish, admit, suggest,avoid, deny, forgive, + doing sth.(只能加动名词)D. Beg

21、in/start/learn + to do sth = doing sth. 加动名词和不定式意思相近。6. On + 具体时间, He went to hospital on May 8th, 2011.7. knock at ones door 敲某人的人8. 常用短语:protect the innocent, as well as, find the guilty, alone, lock sth in the safe, report the theft, look for clues, the same as, no longer, not at all, break into

22、ones house (破门而入),go to jail/ go to prison, behind bar (在监狱中),fake money (假钱),in the case of., instead of, short of sth. (缺少东西),play games with sb., share information, bump into.Chapter 4 Computer Technology1. 形容词的比较级与最高级:形容词有三种等级:原级、比较级、最高级。 A. 原级:句中只有一者时用原级,其标志词是very, so, too, quite,rather等修饰。 e.g

23、. His handwriting is very good.他的书法很好。 (一个人不作比较。) B. 比较级和最高级构成:1)单音节或少数双音节词一般在原级后加er 构成比较级,加est构成最高级。 e.g. small smaller smallest young younger youngest 2)以不发音的字母e 结尾的形容词,直接加r 或st 构成比较级和最高级。 e.g. Nice nicer nicest late later latest 3)以辅音字母+y 结尾的形容词,变y为i ,再加er 或est, 构成比较级和最高级。 e.g. Busy busier busies

24、t heavy heavier heaviest 4)在重读闭音节中,末尾只有一个辅音字母的形容词,要先双写这个辅音字母,再加er或est, 构成比较级和最高级。 e.g. hot hotter hottest big bigger biggest 5)多音节词前加“more”构成比较级,加“most”构成最高级,形容词的最高级前要加the, 副词的最高级前面可省略the。6)有些词语没有最高级,因为它本身就是最高级,例如:favorate/ favourate.7)个别形容词的比较级和最高级是不规则变化,需个别记忆。 e.g. good (well) better best bad (bad

25、ly, ill) worse worst many(much) more most Little less least Far father farthest 或 further furthest C. 形容词各级用法归纳:1) 原级(同级)比较:asas; not as(so)as Well give you as much help as we can. She isnt as(so) active in sports as before. 2) 比较级:表示两者之间比 更可用状语much, a little, even等修饰: He made fewer mistakes than I

26、did. He is even richer than I. 3) 最高级:形容词最高级前必须加the, 副词最高级前常省略the,后面多用of, in短语表示范围: It was the most/least interesting story I have ever listened. He is the tallest of the three. 4)如果在两者之间表示“最”时要在比较级前加the,而且还用of the two, of the pair短语: John is the clever of the two boys. Of the two boys, John is the

27、clever. 5)表示是最中的一个用“ one of the most./形容词的最高级”句型。Yangtz river is one of the longest river all over the world.6) 表示“第几.”用 “ the + 序数词 + 最高级 + 名词单数”:The Yellow river is the second longest river in the world.7) the more., the better 句型:越.越.The more exercise you have taken, the healthier you will be.8)

28、比较级+ and + 比较级,表示“越来越.”,Drinking water will make you look more and more beautiful.2. prefer 的用法:1)后接不定式时与rather than 或instead of连用:He preferred to die rather than (to) steal. / He perferred to die instead of stealing. 他宁死也不去偷窃。 2)注意介词搭配,如: I prefer swimming to skating. (I like swimming better than s

29、kating.)我喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。prefer 因其本身含有比较之意,而不可再与more 或most连用。 3)prefer名词或动名词“宁愿”,“更喜欢”: He comes from Shanghai, so he prefers rice. 他是上海人,因此更喜欢吃米饭。 I prefer going by bike.我宁愿骑单车去。 I prefer the white one.我喜欢那个白的。 4)prefer to do “愿意做”。 I prefer to go at once.我愿意马上就走。 5)prefer sb. to do “愿意某人做” I prefer you t

30、o go out at once.我倒希望你马上就走。 6)prefer sth to sth./ prefer doing sth. to doing sth.“宁愿做.而不做.”. I prefer tea to milk.我宁愿喝茶也不喝牛奶。I prefer watching TV to going out. 我宁愿看电视也不出去。 7) prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁愿做.而不做.” ,但是不能说prefer sth rather than sth I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.我宁愿呆

31、在家里也不出去。 7、prefer that从句“宁愿”(从句一般用虚拟语气) I prefer that you should do it.我宁愿你做这件事。3. In the 1960s, 意为“在20世纪60年代”4. way的用法:1) the way to do sth. 表示做某事的方法: There are many ways to learn a foreign language well.2) the way of doing sth. 表示做某事的方法: There are many ways of learning a foreign language well.3) on ones way to +地名, 在某人去某地的路上;也可以引申为“在某人做某事,成为。的路上” She was on her way to school when I came across her this afternoon. He has been on his wa

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