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1、五年级英语预习小学英语(PEP)五年级上册Unit 2预习学案五年级_班 姓名:_Unit 2 My Days of the WeekNo.1 A Lets learn Lets play预习内容及要求一、听录音,熟读课本第16页的单词和对话。二、通过预习,我会把下列汉语翻译成英语。星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 三、与你的同桌讨论一下你今天的课程。例子:A: What day is it today?B: Its .A: What do we have on s?B: We have , and .No. 2 A Lets try Lets talk预习内容及要求一、反复听录音,根据

2、录音内容尝试用铅笔圈出Lets try 部分正确的图片。二、通过网络教学视频或听录音熟读Lets talk。 三、通过预习我知道:询问“今天星期几?”应该这样问: “星期三你们有什么课?”应该翻译为: 四、根据实际情况填写:I like s.We have class.Unit 2 My Days of the WeekNo. 3 A Read and write Pair work 预习内容及要求一、听P18对话,跟读对话并理解内容,完成对话后面的问答练习。二、把下列句子译成汉语:1、What day is it today? _2、Its Wednesday. _3、What do you

3、 have on Thursdays? Unit 2 My Days of the WeekNo. 4 B Lets learn Lets chant预习内容及要求一、译一译星期六_ 星期天 _读书_ 做作业 _看电视_二、和同桌谈论一下你的周末活动并写下来。例:What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays ?I often No. 5 B Lets try Lets talk 预习内容及要求一、用英语在班内进行调查,完成这个表格。A: What do you do on .?B: I often . do sportsdo homeworkread bookswat

4、ch TVChen Jie二、翻译词组。做作业- 读书 -看电视- 打乒乓球 -Unit 2 My Days of the WeekNo. 6 B Read and write Group work预习内容及要求一、听录音跟读P21对话,在自己不认识的难词上做好标记。与同伴合作完成表格“Zooms Saturdays”。二、读一读,尝试翻译下面的句子。1. 星期六你都做些什么? 2. I often watch TV. 3. 你呢? 4. I do my homework , too. Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?No. 4 B Lets learn Le

5、ts chant预习内容及要求通过预习完成下面英汉互译。salty ( ) sour ( ) 甜 的( )tasty ( ) healthy( ) 新鲜的( )Its tasty . Is my favourite. 4我不明白的地方是: Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?No. 5 B Lets try Lets talk Pair work 预习内容及要求一、听录音或观看网络教学视频,熟读Lets talk,并翻译下面的短语和句子。favourite food Me too! They are sour. 二、根据实际情况回答问题:Whats your fa

6、vourite food? I like . Theyre .Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?No. 6 B Read and write Group work预习内容及要求: 二、完成对话后面的问答练习。三、完成对话。-Whats your (最喜爱的水果)? -I (喜欢苹果).Theyre .(甜)-I (我不喜欢葡萄).Theyre .(酸)3.英汉互译:carrot 果汁 vegetable 胖的 (No.1)五年级_班 学生姓名_课题: Unit 4 What can you do ?Part A Lets learn, Lets play, Le

7、ts chant预习内容:课本P461听Lets learn录音,跟读3遍。勾出你的难点。2根据单词表,写出下列短语。扫地_ 做饭 _浇花_打扫卧室_倒垃圾_3仿照例句,造句子。I can sweep the floor._4链接: helpful: 有用的,有帮助的I can 我能/会 (“can” 情态动词,能/会 后面跟动词原形)例: I can sweep the floor. 我会扫地。(No.2)Part A. Lets try, Lets talk 预习内容: 课本P471 自己读Lets talk 对话,划出不认识的单词和句子。2 听Lets talk 录音,跟读对话3 遍。3

8、 再读对话,口头翻译对话的汉语意思。4 根据对话,回答下列问题。 Teacher: What can you do?Chen: _ _5. 你能做什么?_链接: at home: 在家(No.3)Part A. Read and write, Lets play预习内容:P481 根据对话,连线。Monkey cook the mealsrabbit water the flowersZip sweep the floorZoom wash the windows2. 预习 Read and Write, 回答下列问题。3. 链接:Just do it! 开始干吧!五年级英语上册预习内容设计(

9、No.4)五年级_班 学生姓名_Unit 4 What can you do ?Part B. Lets learn, Lets chant Good to know 预习内容:课本P49(一)预习lets learn1 听Lets learn 录音,跟读3遍。2根据单词表,写出下列短语。洗衣服_摆饭桌_铺床_ 洗碗碟_ 收拾衣服_3熟读例句,说出句子含义。(二) 预习Lets chant 听lets chant 录音,跟读两遍,并试着连一连。 cook the meals 洗衣服 water the plants 做饭 wash the clothes 浇花 make the bed 扫地

10、sweep the floor 铺床(No.5)Part B. Lets try, Lets talk预习内容:课本P501 听Lets talk 录音,划出不认识单词和句子。2 听Lets talk 录音,跟读对话3遍。3 链接: “can”是情态动词,后面跟动词原形,变一般疑问句,提到主语前面,肯定回答Yes,I/you/he/she/they can.否定回答No, I/you/he /she/they cant. Id like to. 我想/我愿意。 have a try. 试一试4.按要求完成句子。Can you set the table?_.(肯定回答)_.(否定回答)(No.

11、6)Part B. Read and write Group work Lets check 预习内容:课本P51 1 听Read and write录音,跟读3遍。理解含义,圈出不明白的地方。 2 试着完成对话下的句子。3 熟练朗读四会句子。抄写。 五年级英语上册预习内容设计(No.1)五年级_班 学生姓名_课题:Unit 5 My New RoomPart A. Lets learn, lets play, lets sing 预习内容:一课本P581听Lets learn 录音,跟读3遍。2英汉互译 窗帘_ 镜子_ 垃圾箱_ 床头柜_ 衣柜_ 空调_3. 预习Lets play,仿照例句

12、,写写你的房间有什么?如:In my room, I have a trash bin.(No.2)Part A. Lets try Lets talk Good to know 1.试读Lets talk 对话,划出不认识的单词或句子。2.听Lets talk 录音,跟读对话3遍。3.口头翻译对话大意。4.小链接:own: 自己的 Whats it like ? 它是什么样的?5 根据对话填空:Chen: Whats is like?Sarah: There is a big _, a _ air-conditioner and a new_. There _ blue _.(No.3)Pa

13、rt A. Read and Write Lets play1听Read and write录音,跟读对话3遍,理解对话含义。2熟练朗读四会句子。3通过预习,回答P60页问题:4 在四线三格里抄写课本上的黑体句子。五年级英语上册预习内容设计(No.4)五年级_班 学生姓名_课题:Unit 5 My New Room Part B. Lets learn Lets find out:预习内容:课本P611听Lets learn 录音,跟读,了解这些方位介词各表示什么意思。2根据单词表 写出方位介词的意思。(1) on _ (2) under_ (3) near _ (4) in _ (5) in

14、 front of _ (6) behind _3.链接:“where”在哪里,提问地点。(No.5)Part B. Lets try Lets talk Lets practice预习内容:一自己读Lets talk, 划出生词和生句。二听lets talk 录音,跟读对话,重点读生词,生句。三口头翻译对话意思。四根据对话填空。1 There are two _(床头柜)_(在旁边)the bed.2. The computer is _(在上面) the desk.3. The trashbin is _(在后面) the door.五找规律There is a bed. There ar

15、e two beds.The computer is on the desk.The computers are on the desk.(No.6)Part B. Read and write Lets find out 听录音,跟读Read and write,并试着填一填。根据短文,选词填空。behind in near underThe closet is _ the table.Many clothes are _ the closet.The trash bin is _ the door.The mirror is _ the air-conditioner. 链接: Whats

16、 your room like? = Whats it like?你的房间什么样子?五年级英语上册预习内容设计(No.1)五年级_班 姓名:_ Unit 6 In a nature parkPart A. Lets learn Lets find out Lets sing 预习内容:一听Lets learn录音,跟读单词并能熟练掌握单词发音。勾出你认为较难掌握的单词。二结合单词表,写出下列单词。1.天空_2.云_3.山脉_ 4.河流_5.花_6.草 _7.湖泊_8.森林_9.路;小道_三听录音,熟读例句,说出句子含义。四仿例句,做词句替换练习。你能说多少:There is a forest

17、in the nature park.There is a _ in the nature park.。(No.2)Part A Lets try Lets talk Pair work 预习内容:1. 听Lets try录音3遍,理解对话内容。2.听Lets talk录音,跟读录音,能熟练朗读对话并理解对话含义。勾出你不懂的句子。3.对比下列句子,说说有何不同,并仿写句子:There is a river in the park.Is there a river in the park?There is a lake in the park._4.按要求完成句子。Is there a riv

18、er in the park? Yes,_. Is there a farm? No, _. (No.3)Part A.Read and write Group work Story time 预习内容:听一听,读一读,写一写:听Read and write 录音三遍,理解对话含义,勾出你的难点。五年级英语上册预习内容设计(No.4)五年级_班 姓名:_ Unit 6 In a nature parkPart B Lets learn Pairwork Good to know 预习内容:一听Lets learn录音,跟读单词并能熟练掌握单词发音。勾出你认为较难掌握的单词。二结合单词表,写出下

19、列单词。1.乡村_ 2.城市_ 3.房子_4.桥 _ 5.树_6.公路 _ 7.建筑物_三听录音,熟读例句,说出句子含义。四看课本Pair work,熟读例句。观察Pair work 图片,仿照例句,用there are 说出图画间的不同。There are _(No.5)Part B. Lets try Lets talk Lets play Lets check 预习内容(一)看一看,说一说:看课本Lets try 图,说一说图中都有什么?(二)听一听,说一说:听课本Lets talk 录音,跟读并能理解含义。(三)同桌之间表演对话,课上展示。(四)根据对话后的图画进行完成下列对话,并进行问答练习A: Are there any _?B:_A: Are there any _? B:_(No.6)Part B.Read and write Group work Story time 预习内容:(一)听一听,读一读,写一写:听P75 Read and write 录音三遍,并跟读录音,画出there be的句子,然后自己完成对话后的题目。(二)看Pairwork图画,并对图画内容进行问答。参考句型: Are there? Yes, .No,.(三)熟读四会句子,并抄写在下面:

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