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1、外研社新标准小学五年级英语教案xx小学五年级英语教案 Module 1 UNIT1 There wasnt a clock here before 一、教学目标与要求1、 知识与能力目标 能熟练掌握本模块单词 能初步运用句型there wasnt there werent there is there are描述事物或场景的变化。 在图文或场景下能用英语描述事物或场景的变化。能在真实的情景中灵活运用本节课所学内容。2、 情感态度目标培养小组合作意识,鼓励学生仔细观察,勤于思考。3、教学重点及难点1) 本课的教学重点是运用句型there wasnt there werent there is t

2、here are描述事物或场景的变化。2)本课的教学难点是there wasnt there werent there is there are句型结构的理解和运用。二、教学过程Step 1:Warm up1.Free talk.How many children are there in your class?How many boys/girls?How many windows/desks/chairs?Step 2:Presentation and practice1. Before Listening:T: Please open yours books and look at th

3、e pictures then answer.T: Where are they?S: Linging is in London with Sam and Amy.They are in a park. T: Whats the park like now?2. While listening:1).听录音, 每一遍解决一个问题,可巩固操练。Q1: Does this park look different now?different不同的, look different看起来不同Yes, it does. This park is different.Q2: Were there any b

4、enches here before以前,教读No, there werent.2).Listen, point and find“There was, There wasnt, There werent”.反馈,听录音跟读划出的句子。3).Listen and repeat. 4).Read in groups.3.After listening:1). Activity book P2 P32). Listen and say.Listen and say, then practise in pairs.Step 3、学生观察一下教室与以前相比有哪些变化,小组讨论后反馈。There was

5、/werehere.There wasnt/werenthere.ExamplesThere was a small blackboard here. Now there is a big blackboard.There wasnt a computer here. Now there is a computer.Step 4: Summary 总结本课所学重点。before nowThere was there isThere wasnt there isntThere were there areThere werent there arentStep 5: Homework (菜单式)

6、A. Listen and repeat the dialogue.B: Copy the key sentences and words.Step 6: Blackboard designModule 1 Unit 1 There wasnt a clock here before.There werent any. here before.There was . There wasnt a . here before.xx小学五年级英语教案Module 1 UNIT2 There are tall trees now一、教学目标与要求1. 知识与能力目标能熟练掌握单词 before now

7、 playground能初步运用句型There was There were There is There are描述事物或场景的变化。在图文或场景下能用英语描述事物或场景的变化。能在真实的情景中灵活运用本节课所学内容。2. 情感态度目标培养小组合作意识,爱校爱家的美好情感。鼓励学生仔细观察,积极动脑。二、教学重点及难点1本课的教学重点是运用句型there was, there were, there is, there are描述事物或场景的变化。2. 本课的教学难点是there was, there were, there is, there are句型结构的理解和运用。三、教学过程Ste

8、p 1:Warm up1.出示五张图片,学生认读记忆图片(图片内容以单数形式出现)。再出示十张图片,其中包含刚才学生读过的五张图,学生根据自己的记忆用There was abefore. There wasnt abefore.来说。同样方法出示内容为复数形式的图片,There werebefore. There werent before.Step 2:Presentation and practice1.Before Listening:(出示挂图)T:Look at the pictures of the school.Does it look different now?S:Yes,i

9、t does.2.While listening:1).听CD-ROM,每一遍解决一个问题Q1:How about the trees?There were lots of little trees here.Now there are tall trees.Q2: How about the playground?playground 操场, 教读。There was a small playground here.Now there is a big playground.2).Listen and repeat. Then practise.Step 3.After listening:

10、1)How about our school?trees, playground, classroom, school gateThere were. Now there areThere was. Now there isExampleThere was a small school gate.Now there is a big school gate.2)Look and say.a).What can you see in Picture 1?A small blackboard, small desks, small chairsWhat can you see in Picture

11、 2?A computer, a big blackboard, big desks, big chairsb).Find the differences.ExampleThere were small desks in the classroom before.There are big desks in the classroom now.c).Practise in pairs.Example(Student A closes his/her book.)B: There were small desks in the classroom before.A: There are big

12、desks in the classroom now.After three turns, the students should swap roles.While singing the song:Enjoy the song.Repeat the sentences.总结本课所学重点now beforethere is there wasthere are there wereStep4: HomeworkA. Listen and repeat.B. Try to sing the song.C. Write something about our school.Step5: Black

13、board design:Module 1 Unit 2 There are tall trees. There were lots of little trees here.Now there are tall trees. There was a small playground here. Now there is a big playground.xx小学五年级英语教案 Module 2 UNIT1 This one is heavy一、单词 短语及句型单词:heavy 重的 lift 提,抬 sell 卖country 国家 sometimes 有时短语:come on over t

14、here句型:What a big supermarket!Let me help you.I cant lift it.You are helpful.语法:there be 句型,主+系+表结构二. 重点、难点:语法详解:一般将来时用法口诀:一般将来时,将要发生的事。谓语不一般,will 加动原(动词原形),要变疑问句,will提前面。否定句,也不难,will后面添not。There be 句型要记住,will定在be之前。三、具体内容:重难点解析:There be 表示“某处有某物”,此处的“有”表示存在关系。There be 的一般将来时为: there will be 和there

15、is /are going to be There will be robots in peoples homes.人们家里将来会有机器人。there be (is ,are , was , were) +某物+地点there be句型:a. there be句型的肯定句,注意主语就近原则,There is a book ,3 pens and 4 pencils on my desk.There are 3 pens, a book and 4 pencils on my desk.b. there be句型的否定句There isnt a cat in my room.There is n

16、o cat in my room.There arent any cats in my room.There are no cats in my room.但对于不可数名词只有两种否定句There isnt any bread on the bowl.There is no bread on the bowl.c. there be句型的就划线部分提问:There are 3 books on the desk.就主语提问:Whats + 地点状语:Whats on the desk?就数量提问:How many +复数名词+are there + 地点状语:There is one book

17、 on the desk.How many books are there on the desk?就地点提问:Where is (are) + 主语?Where is (are) the book(s)?主系表结构:S十V十P句式在此句式中,V是系动词(link v.),常见的系动词有:look,seem,appear,sound,feel,taste,smell,grow,get,fall ill/asleep, stand/sit still, become, turn等。例如:He is older than he looks. 他比看上去要老。He seems interested

18、in the book. 他似乎对这本书感兴趣。The story sounds interesting. 这个故事听起来有趣。The desk feels hard. 书桌摸起来很硬。The cake tastes nice. 饼尝起来很香。The flowers smell sweet and nice. 花闻起来香甜。You have grown taller than before. 你长得比以前高了。He has suddenly fallen ill. 他突然病倒了。He stood quite still. 他静静地站着。He becomes a teacher when he

19、grew up. 他长大后当了教师。He could never turn traitor to his country.他永远不会背叛他的祖国。注意:有些动词同时也是及物动词,可构成S+V+O句式,例如:He looked me up and down. 他上下打量我。He reached his hand to feel the elephant. 他伸出手来摸象。They are tasting the fish. 他们在品尝鱼。They grow rice in their home town. 他们在家乡种水稻。Hes got a chair to sit on. 他有椅子坐。Ple

20、ase turn the sentence into English. 请把这个句子译成英语。句子成分掌握句子成分,把握句子脉络,有助于理解句子意思。见到英语句子应当首先抓住句子的主要成分,即:主语部分和谓语部分。先搞清句子所要陈述的对象(谁或什么),干(做)什么,然后再去找修饰成分或说明成分。句子所要陈述的对象(谁或什么)是主语;干(做)是谓语;谓语的承受者是宾语。修饰主语和宾语的成分是定语;修饰谓语、形容词或副词的成分是状语;系动词之后的成分是表语。例如:The Chinese workers are building a tall building near the school .定语

21、 主语 谓语 定语 宾语 状语These delicious food tastes good .定语 定语 主语 谓语 表语第一节 主语主语是句子所要陈述的对象。它是一句话的“头”,它回答“谁”“什么”的问题。作主语的主要是名词和代词,其次还有数词,动名词,不定式,从句等。例如:1) You are wanted on the phone . (代词作主语)2) Mary is the cleverest of the class . (名词作主语)3) What makes you so upset? (疑问词作主语) Losing the wallet. (动名词作主语)4) Its n

22、o use crying over spilt milk . (动名词作主语)5) To see is to believe . (不定式作主语)6) Whether he comes or not doesnt matter. (从句作主语)7) Its important for you to finish this task .(不定式作主语)有几个值得注意的问题:1)动名词与不定式作主语意义不同,动名词作主语一般说来指的是一个概念或一个既成事实,如3)句和4)句。而动词不定式作主语则表示将要发生的事,如7)句2)在主系表结构中,主语和表语使用不定式还是使用动名词应当一致,如5)句主语是

23、to see ,表语也是不定式,此句还可以改成,Seeing is believing .主语和表语都是动名词3)动词不定式作主语经常由it来作形式主语,如7)句中,it 为形式主语,真正的主语是 for you to finish the task .4)名词化的形容词也能充当主语成分,如:the rich(富人),the poor (穷人),the wounded (伤员),the dying(临死的人),例句:The wounded are now out of danger. (那些伤员已经脱离危险)5)主语一般情况下放在句首,只有在疑问句或倒装句中后移。【典型例题】例1. 找出下列句

24、中的主语并说出是由什么来充当的(1)We wrote a letter of thanks to whoever had helped us .(2)Whether you dont like him is none of my business .(3)They live on a busy street . It must be very noisy .(4)There are some boys and girls on the playground .(5)To say it is easier than to do it .(6)It is possible to fly to th

25、e moon by spaceship .(7)My brother gave me two books . The first was a novel.(8)Skating is good exercise .(1)The wounded have already been sent to the hospital .(10)How to do it well is an important question .答案:(1)we(代词)whoever(宾语从句中的主语,从属连词)(2)whether you dont like him(主语从句)(3)they(代词);it(代词)(4)so

26、me boys and girls(名词)(5)to say is (不定式短语);to do it(比较状语从句中的主语,不定式短语)(6)it(形式主语,真正的主语to fly to the moon by spaceship)(7)my brother(名词);the first (数词)(8)skating(动名词)(9)the wounded(形容词)(10)how to do it well(带疑问词的不定式短语)例2. 用正确的词性填空(1)_ (fight) broke out between the South and the North .(2)_ (complete) t

27、he building in two months will be a great achievement .(3)_ (succeed) or _ (fail) depends on the support of the masses.(4)What has _ (happen) proves that our policy is right .(5)_ (its) happened that I wasnt there that day .Key:(1)Fighting (2)To complete(3)Success, failure (4)happened (5)Itxx小学五年级英语

28、教案Module 2 UNIT2 They sell many different things一、教学目标1语言知识目标:引导学生学习本课课文;使学生掌握What do you want句型;学习认读书写单词:sell, restaurant ,sometimes 与 restaurant。2. 语言技能目标:使学生能够根据指令做动作, 在图文或场景下进行简单的英语交流和表演。3. 情感态度目标:通过探究、体验、合作等途径,使学生参与其中,乐于学习。4文化意识目标:引导学生了解英国超市的情形。二、重点、难点重点:该课的课文学习。难点:学生对于课文中的名词单复数辨认。三、教学过程设计Step

29、1. Warm-upGreet with Students.Sing the song Can you play very well with Ss.Step 2. PrviewShow Ss a basketball .T:Whose ball is it ?S1: Its mine .T: Where did you buy it ?Ss answer .T:Whats this ?Ss answer .T:Where can we buy it ?Ss answer .T:Is there anything else can we bury in the supermarket ?Let Ss discuss in 4 groups.Let Ss answer.T:Yes. We can buy lots of things in the supermarket .They sell different things.(Write them on the b

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