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1、BEC中级真题答案及听力原文BEC中级真题(第二辑)答案及听力原文Test 1Readi ngPart 11 C 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 A 7 CPart 28 D 9 C 10 E 11B 12 FPart 313 D 14 A 15 C 16 BPart 419B 20 A 21 D22 A23 C 24 C25 D 26 A 27 B 28 C29 D 30 B 31 C32 B33 BPart534 ITSELF35 IN36 CORRECT 38 SEEN39 FROM40 CORRECT41THOSE42 FOR 43 WITH44 THAT45 CORRECTWrit in

2、gPart 1To: P. JonesFrom: Luisa Gamb onDate: 21 November 2002Subject: Late nessMr Jon es,I have no ticed that you ofte n arrive late for work, especially on Mon day mornin gs. As your colleagues are start ing to compla in about that, you un dersta nd that uni ess this habit changes, I will take disci

3、plinary action against you. Come and see me tomorrow at 9 my office. Thank youBand 5All content points are covered, using natural sounding Ianguage and a con siste ntly appropriate tone.Part 2Report on customer compla intsINTRODUCTIONThis report has the purpose of prese nti ng the reas ons fo

4、r customer compla ints in 2002. FIELDINGSThe customer compla ints received in 2002 were 300 in Janu ary. Then they in creased to540 in February because of the computer systems breakdow n.In March they fell to 230 because an improved order system was in troduced.The reas ons for compla ints from Janu

5、ary to March were an alysed:firstly the compa nv received compla ints for in correct orders delivered. These errors were fewer in March.sec on dly the time take n to deliver is too high. but the compa ny has pla nned to recruit new age nts.Fin ally customers compla in for the poor product quality .I

6、n order to solve this problem more quality con trols are making.CONCLUSIONSAt the moment all customers arent satisfied but many measures have been taken to improve their satisfact ion.Band 4There is a satisfactory range of structures, with some errors, but these do not impede un dersta nding. The co

7、ntent points are adequately covered, and the register is appropriate.The in formati on is gen erally well orga ni sed, using head ings and other discourse markers.Liste ningPart 11.JAYE2.CUSTOMER SERVICES3.OFFICE ASSISTANT4.4.EUROPE HOLIDAYS5.BUSINESS CARDS6.MARKETING EXECUTIVES8(THE) (COMPANY) EOGO

8、9INFORMATION PACK10.PARK HOTEL11.FRONT GATE12. NEW DESIGNSPart 213 E14 B15 G16 F17 A 18 C19 G20 H21 E22. BPart323 B24 B25 C26 A27 C28 B29 A30 CTapescriptListe ning Test 1This is the Busin ess En glish Certificate Van tage 2, Liste ning Test 1.Part One. Questions 1 to 12.You will hear three telepho n

9、e con versati ons or tn essages.Write one or two uords or a nu mber in the nu mbered spaces on the no tes or forms below.After you have liste ned once, replay each record ing.Con versati on One.Questi ons 1 to 4.Look at the form below.You will hear a man ask ing a colleague for in formati on about a

10、 former employee.You have 15 sec on ds to read through the form.pauseNow listen, and fill in the spaces.Woma n: Pers onnel .Man: Hello, its Tim here, from Finance.Woma n: Hi, Tim.Man: rve had a letter from the tax office about a student who worked here lastsummer -1 won der if you could look him up

11、in your records.Woma n: Sure, whats the n ame?Man: The surn ames Jaye. First n ame Stephe n.Woma n: How does he spell his sur name?Ma n: J-A-Y-E. Got that?Woma n: Oh yes, here we are . . . lives at a hun dred and eighty-three School Road,Barn field .Man: Yes, thats the one.Woma n: And you say he was

12、 work ing in Finance?Man: Uhm, Customer Services, actually.Woma n: Aah - they had lots of stude nts work ing for them last summer.Man: Well, the tax people want to know his exact job title - Im not sure why.Woman: Mm, let me see . . . He was an office assistant.Man: Right, got that. They also want t

13、o know about his mon thly earnin gs.Woma n: Lets have a look . . . five hun dred and thirty-eight pounds seve nty a month . Oh, sorry, he was a scale one, so thats four hun dred and fifty-seve n pounds sixty. Anything else?Man: Thats fine, thanks. Ill send them the information today .pauseNow listen

14、 to the recording again.pauseCon versati on Two.Questi ons 5 to 8.Look at the note below.You will hear a man describ ing a problem with an order.You have 15 sec onds to read through the no te.pauseNow liste n, and fill in the spaces.Woma n: Hello, Blackwell Prin ters. Julie Davids on speak ing. How

15、may I help you?Man: Hello. This is Mark Jones from Europe Holidays. I was hoping to speak to StevenKirby about the stati onery youre printing for us.Woma n: rm afraid Steve ns away un til Friday.Man: Oh - you see rm not very happy with the bus in ess cards and I wan ted to see if Icould make a couple of cha nges to the paper too.Woma n: Would you like me to pass on a message?Man: Yes, please. T

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