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广州五年级第二学期 M1U2 Its the middle of winter.docx

1、广州五年级第二学期 M1U2 Its the middle of winter五年级下册M1U2 Its the middle of winter知识导图词汇单词middle; begin; find; if;everyone; classmate;August; December; February; beach; ice cream; country;said(say过去式);answered(answer过去式);ate(eat过去式);took(take过去式);短语the summer holiday; fromto; go swimming; too cold to swim; e

2、very day; eat mooncakes; sell lots of ice cream; wear warm clothes; lucky money; talk with;语法1. 时间介词in、on、atin+_ on+_ at+_ 2.连词and、or、but、so的用法and_ or _ but_ so_3.特殊疑问词的运用课首小测1.看图补全句子。(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(1)We sometimes _ _ _ _ at the weekend in spring.(2)The children _ during the summer holiday.(3)I

3、always _ in winter. Its my hobby.(4)People like to _ when the weather is fine.(5)The children like to _ in winter.(6)The girl can _ very well.【题型】填空题【知识点】2.1 词法【参考答案】(1)go for a picnic; (2)go camping; (3)go skiing; (4)play outside; (5)make a snowman (6)fly a kite互动导学导学一:重点词汇和句型知识点讲解1:be from的用法例句翻译下

4、面三组句子,判断其中文意思是否一致。1)I am from China.I come from China.2)My mother is from America. My mother comes from America.3)Where do you come from? Where are you from?我是小小总结家1)“来自”的表达式为_= _ 2)“询问某人来自哪里”的表达式为_ _我爱展示1. Hes from China. = _【题型】句型转换【知识点】2.1.7 介词和介词短语【参考答案】He comes from China.【解析】根据所学知识可知be from= c

5、ome from,并且主语he为三单,动词come应加s。2. Where_ your mother from?A.does B. is C. do【题型】单选题【知识点】2.1.7 介词和介词短语【参考答案】B【解析】本题考查的是be from的结构,your mother是三单,要与is搭配。知识点讲解2:介词fromto用法课文原句:Our summer is from December to从.到.我爱展示1. Every week, we have classes _ Monday to Friday.A. on B. to C. from D.

6、with【题型】单选题【知识点】2.1.7 介词和介词短语【参考答案】C【解析】根据题意可知表达的是从周一至周五我们要上课,“从到”用fromto表示。2. But if you are here _ July _ August, we can go swimming every; in; to C. from; in D. from; to【题型】单选题【知识点】2.1.7 介词和介词短语【参考答案】D知识点讲解3:like的用法例题1.David _ his father _ playing football.A. like, like B. likes, li

7、kes C. likes, like D. like, likes【题型】单选题【知识点】2.1.7 介词和介词短语;2.1.6动词;【参考答案】D思考1):第一个空想表达的是“David喜欢他的爸爸”还是“David像他爸爸”?思考2):第二个空的like是作为介词还是动词呢?我是小小总结家like的用法:1)用作动词“喜欢”,有人称和数的变化:同义词enjoy/ love搭配:_ / _ /_+V_2)用作介词“像”,没有人称和数的变化:搭配:看起来像/长得像_ / _如:我长得像我妈妈。_.=_.拓展问某人或某物的样子可用两个句型:What + be 动词 + 人 / 物 + like?

8、=What + 助动词 + 人/ 物 + look like?我爱展示1.你的老师长得怎么样?What_ your teacher _? = What _ your teacher _ like?【题型】翻译【知识点】2.1.7 介词和介词短语;2.1.6 动词;【参考答案】is; like; does; look【解析】本题考查的是be like与look like的同义句转换,用look like结构时应与助动词do、does搭配。【思维对话】1)思维障碍:学生对询问某人某物的样子的两大句型理解不透彻,容易在第二个空填likes,第三个空填is。2)突破方法:第一步,提问法,老师询问学生l

9、ike在本题中的含义,学生答“像”,继续提问“是什么词性呢?”学生答“介词”,“介词能加s或ing形式吗?”“不能,只有动词才可以”从而引导学生总结出在第一个句型中like不能加s或ing。第二步,提问法,老师问学生“is、are是一个什么词,后面要加动词什么形式?”学生答“be动词,要接动词ing形式”继续提问“那be+动词ing是哪个时态的结构呢?“现在进行时”逐步引导学生观察本题句子的时态,总结出第三个空不可能填be动词,要借助助动词,主语your teacher是三单,因此应用does。3)规律技巧:让学生记住一些常见的容易记的例句,比如“你妈妈长什么样子?”用英语的两种表达方式,利用

10、例句,多进行仿写。2. 他的学校怎么样啊?What is his school like? =What _ his school _ like?【题型】翻译【知识点】2.1.7 介词和介词短语;2.1.6 动词;【参考答案】does; look3. 我妈妈喜欢唱歌和跳舞。_.【题型】翻译【知识点】2.1.6 动词【参考答案】My mother likes singing and dancing.【解析】主语my mother是三单,动词like应加s;like后面的动词要用ing形式,and表示并列,前面动词形式应保持一致。4.按实际情况回答问题。(1)Whats China like?_【题

11、型】其他【知识点】2.1.7 介词和介词短语【参考答案】略(2)What does your mother look like?_【题型】其他【知识点】2.1.7 介词和介词短语【参考答案】略知识点讲解4:tooto的用法课文原句:Its too cold to swim now.我是小小总结家表示“太.而不能”的结构是:too+_+to+_例题1.翻译句子。Tom年龄太小不能上学。_【题型】翻译【知识点】 副词【参考答案】Tom is too young to go to school.我爱展示1.汉译英。她太胖了穿不下这条裙子。_【题型】翻译【知识点】 副词【参

12、考答案】She is too fat to wear the dress.2.Miss Liu is _ happy _ say a word.A. to; to B. too; too C. too; to; too【题型】单选题【知识点】 副词【参考答案】C【解析】第一个空应填too,表示“太”的意思,后面接形容词;第二个空应填to,后面接动词原形。知识点讲解5:介词from的用法课文原句:I get lucky money from my parents in winter.get.from. 从.得到.小常识:lucky money压岁钱我爱展示1.He _ m

13、any gifts on his birthday_ his friends.A. get; from B. come;from C. is;from D. gets;from【题型】单选题【知识点】2.1.6 动词【参考答案】D【解析】根据题意可知表达的是“他生日时从他的朋友得到很多礼物。”,B和C选项表示的是“来自”,故排除。又因主语he为三单,动词get要加s。导学二:重点语法知识点讲解1:特殊疑问词1)疑问代词who 谁 whose 谁的 which 哪个,哪些 what 什么注:疑问代词都属于第三人称,一般为单数,有时也代表复数。what, whose, which 作定语时,它们所

14、修饰的名词必须放在它们之后。2)疑问副词 _何时 _ 几点 where 何地 why 为什么 how 怎样 _多少(钱)how many 多少 _多久 _ 问频率 how old 多大年纪 how far 多远我爱展示1.用合适的疑问词填空。(1)- _ does your mother do? - She is a teacher.(2)- _ is Tom? - In the classroom.(3)-_ is your little sister? - She is six years old.(4)- _ does your father go to work every day?

15、- At about 7:30.(5)- _ students are there in your class? - Forty-five.(6)- _ class are you in, Class 1 or Class 2? - Class 2.(7)- _ do you want to make friends with Anna? - Because she is very friendly.(8)- _ is your best friend? - Mary.(9)- _ bag is this? - Its Johns.(10)- _ does your brother go to

16、 school? - He goes to school on foot.【题型】填空题【知识点】 特殊疑问句【参考答案】(1)What; (2)Where; (3)How old; (4)What time; (5)How many; (6)Which; (7)Why; (8)Who; (9)Whose; (10)How2. - _ do you go to school? - I go to school by bus.A. When B. What C. Where D. How【题型】单选题【知识点】 特殊疑问句【参考答案】D【解析】根据回答by bus可知

17、提问的是你如何去上学,应用how来提问。3. - _ do you dance? - Its for an hour.A. When B. What C. Where D. How long【题型】单选题【知识点】 特殊疑问句【参考答案】D【解析】根据回答for an hour可知提问的是多长时间,应用how long来提问。4. - _ do you go swimming? - In the morning.A. When B. What C. Where D. Who【题型】单选题【知识点】 特殊疑问句【参考答案】A【解析】根据回答in the morning

18、可知提问的是时间,应用when来提问。5. - _ is the boy in blue?- Hes Jack.A. When B. What C. Where D. Who【题型】单选题【知识点】 特殊疑问句【参考答案】D【解析】根据回答Jack为人名,可知提问的是谁,应用who来提问。6. - _ is the diary?- Its under the chair.A. When B. What C. Where D. Who【题型】单选题【知识点】 特殊疑问句【参考答案】C【解析】根据回答under the chair可知提问的是地点,应用where来提问。

19、知识点讲解2:特殊疑问句例句特殊疑问句 - Whats your hobby? - My hobby is playing basketball.一般疑问句 - Are you going to fly a kite? - Yes, I am.我是小小总结家就句中某一部分提问的疑问句,叫做_。特殊疑问句句首用_,句末声调_。特殊疑问句与一般疑问句的区别在于:特殊疑问句不可用_或_来回答,一般疑问句则用_或_来回答。我爱展示1.根据实际情况回答下列的问题:(1)Where are you from?_【题型】其他【知识点】 特殊疑问句【参考答案】略(2)Are you from A

20、merica?_【题型】其他【知识点】 一般疑问句【参考答案】略知识点讲解3:介词例题1.My grandfather was born_a cold winter morning_January,1949.A. in; in B. on; in C. on; on D. in; on【题型】单选题【知识点】2.1.7 介词和介词短语【参考答案】B【解析】第一个空后面表达的是一个寒冷的冬天早上,为具体某天的上午,应用on;第二个空只是年份和月份,故用in。【思维对话】1)思维障碍:学生容易错选A或D选项,受固定思维影响,以为看到morning就一定要用in。另外以为January

21、,1949是一个日期,要与on搭配。2)突破方法:第一步,提问法;老师提问学生“在早上用英语怎么说?”学生答“in the morning”,继续追问“在星期天早上呢?”“on Sunday morning”。老师提问“为什么用on,不是in呢?”学生答“因为是星期天的早上,具体到某一天了。”“那在一个寒冷的早上用in还是on呢?”“用on,也具体了”依次类推,引导学生总结出只要是具体到某一天的上午、下午、晚上都要与on搭配。第二步,提问法,老师问学生“月份,年份用哪个介词?”学生答“用in”继续提问“日期呢?”“用on”。老师继续提问“2015年,2015年10月,2015年10月22日分别

22、跟哪个介词搭配?哪个才是日期?”让学生通过观察总结出“只有年月日都有才算是日期,才能用on。”3)规律技巧:泛指的上下午、晚上用in,具体某一天的上下午、晚上用on。年月日与on搭配,年月与in搭配。【学有所获】in+_ on+_学有所获答案in+年份;月份;季节;以及没有范围的早中晚。on+星期;日期(年/月/日;月/日);有修饰、有范围的早中晚;我是小小总结家时间介词in/on/at1)in 后接_;_;_; _。如:in 2014; in October;in October, 2014; in autumn; in the morning2)on后接_;_;_。固定搭配: on wee

23、kdays如: on Friday;on October 8th;on October 8th,2014;on a cool evening; on the evening of October 8th,2014;on the morning of Childrens Day;3)at后接_。如at six oclock;固定搭配:at noon,at night,at the weekend4)在every, next, last, tomorrow, yesterday, this前不用介词。地点介词at/ in/on/toat :1)表示在_地点; 2)表示“在附近,旁边”in: 1)表

24、示在_地点; 2)表示“在范围之内”。on:表示毗邻,接壤,“在上面”。to :表示在范围外,不强调是否接壤;或“到”我爱展示1.选时间介词in/on/at。(1) I get up at 7:30 _ (at, in, on) the morning.(2)The party will begin _ (at, in, on) 2:00pm.(3)My birthday is _ (at, in, on) January 3rd. (4) The autumn term in China begins _ (at, in, on) September.(5) He often plays football with his friends_ (at, in, on) Sunday.(6) Childrens Day is _ (at, in, on) the first of June.(7) Rose always visits the museum with her family _ (at, in, on) the weekend. (8) He often gets up at 6:40 in the morning _ (a

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