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1、unit5教案授课题目:Unit 5 I Never Write Right授课类型主讲教学目的1. Grasp the main idea.2. Understand how the text is organized3. Master key words and useful phrases and learn them by heart教学重点1. Understanding the great courage that a high school student has demonstrated.2. Writing skills教学难点Using context clues for

2、word meanings: examples; comparison; contrast教学手段利用多媒体课件参考教材大学英语精读(学生用书)董亚芬主编 上海外语教育出版社 2006,6大学英语精读(教师用书)董亚芬主编 上海外语教育出版社 2006,6大学英语教学要求 教育部高教司 上海外语教育出版社 2004,1教学内容Unit 5 I Never Write RightI. Warm-up Exercise1. daily presentation (1 student)2. daily quoteII. TextA: Read the new words and expression

3、sB: Answer the questions1) Have you got any dreams? If so, what are they?2) What do you think are needed to fulfill ones dreams?3) A Hindu proverb says, “Luck is one half of success.” How do you understand this proverb?C: Group discussion: Tell your group members why students think writing is so dif

4、ficult.D: Background information: Linda Stafford(born in 1943)A native American writer. She was brought up by her grandmother on an Indian reservation(保留地). She attended several universities in the 1960s. Many of her stories are based on her own experiences. “Crying Wind” is actually her birth name

5、and she writes under the pen name Linda Stafford. All her books carry a message of hope and express the optimistic theme of never giving up. The Cappers WeeklyCappers is a bimonthly publication for residents in small towns and rural areas in Americas Midwest. In each issue, you will find human inter

6、est stories, food articles, reader recipes, a medical column, a gardening column, and financial advice. OklahomaThe name “Oklahoma” comes form the Choctaw words:”okla” meaning people and “humma” meaning red. With the discovery of oil, people came from all parts of the world to Oklahoma in hopes of s

7、triking it rich. The promise of a black paradise brought tens of thousands of former slaves from the South. By the time Oklahoma became the 46th state on November 16, 1907, African Americans outnumbered the Indians. Some who were former slaves of Indians, took part in the runs or accepted their allo

8、tments as tribal members. Indians from more than 67 tribes, including the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, Seminole, Osage, Cheyenne, Sac and Fox, Delaware, Apache, and Pawnee, numbering 252,420, call Oklahoma their home today, many are descendants from the original tribes inhabiting Indian Terr

9、itory.Oklahoma is comprised of 77 counties with a land area of 68,667 square miles (50.3 people per square mile). According to 2000 U.S. census data, Oklahomas population is 3,450,654. Of those, 76.2 percent are white, 7.9 percent American Indian, 7.6 percent African American, 5.2 percent Hispanics,

10、 and 1.4 percent Asian. The present day Oklahoma State Flag adopted by the State Legislature in 1925, is Oklahomas 14th flag. Native AmericansThe 1st people to live North America were the American Indians, or Native Americans. Modern scientists believe that the 1st Native Americans came from Asia 15

11、.000 or 30.000 years ago across the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska. They did not live in one place, but instead were always on the move as they looked for food. These early natives gradually spread out all over the North American continent (now Canada, the U.S. and Mexico). Websters dictionary

12、It is a common title given to English language dictionaries in the U.S. deriving from its name from American lexicographer Noah Webster, in America, the phrase Websters has become a generalized trademark for dictionaries. Webster Noah (1758-1843) American lexicographer whose Spelling Book (1783) hel

13、ped standalize the American spelling. His major work An American Dictionary of the English Language was originally published in 1828.E: Ask Ss read through the text to find out the main idea of the author about TV and the negative facts of TV. Linda Stafford was laughed at by her classmates and teac

14、her when she announced to write her own book, but she didnt lose heart and stick to her dream. Many people thought her “just plain dumb luck”. Later she got one friends help. While she was supporting her family, she didnt forget her dream. At last, her writings got to great achievement. Her experien

15、ce told us to stick to our interests and fulfill our dreams. F: Read the text in 15 minutes. Then finish the following tasks:1) What did the author do in her English class one day when she was 15?2) How did the class react when the author made her announcement?3) What was the short poem she wrote th

16、at night about? What happened to it?4) Why did she think that “dumb luck” was fine?5) What daily household chores did the author have to do when she was working on her first book?6) How was her life changed when her first book became a bestseller?7) What happened to the eight books the author wrote?

17、8) To the author, whats the secret of her successful writing career?G: T explains the key language points in the text and has Ss practice them. 1. illustrate1) To add pictures to sth. esp. a book 加插图(be) illustrated with by 以说明之The book was illustrated with color photographs. 这本书配上了彩色照片。2) To show t

18、he meaning or truth of sth. more clearly, esp. by giving examplesThe speaker said he would endeavor to illustrate. 演讲人说他将设法举例说明。His story illustrates her true generosity very clearly. 他所说的事很清楚地说明了她确实慷慨大方。 illustrate by facts 用事实说话 illustration n.1) 插图;图解Its not a very good novel, but I like the illu

19、strations.2) 例证The scientist cited vivid instances in illustration of his theory.2. geniusn. a person with very great and rare natural ability or skillman of genius 有天才的人 genius; gift; talent 意思都是“天赋”、“才能”。Genius 在这组同义词中程度最高, 指“最全面的天才”,也可指“有天才的人”,如:Einstein was a great genius.Gift 侧重“天赋”,如:She has a

20、 gift for music.Talent 侧重“才能”,如:He showed great talent in language. 他显示出语言才能。3. semesterfall semester 美 秋季学期There are two semesters in a year.4. embarrassbe feel embarrassed 局促不安When I began to sing, he laughed and made me embarrassed. Meeting adults embarrassed the shy child. embassrassment n.5. as

21、tonishmentin astonishment 惊讶地He looked at me in astonishment.lost in astonishment 惊异不已,十分惊愕to ones astonishment 使人吃惊的是 astonish v. be astonished at sth.He was astonished at what he found. amaze, astonish, astound, shock, surprise 都含有“使惊异”的意思,而且它们都是一般以事物或他人作主语,以本人作宾语;以本人作主语时用被动形式。Amaze 强调“使惊异,困惑”间或还有

22、“惊叹,佩服”的意思,是意义很强的词,如:We were amazed at the ingenuity with which they solved their difficulties.他在解决困难中所表现的智慧使我们惊叹佩服The American visitors were amazed at the students conversational fluency in English.Astonish 表示“使人大吃一惊”、“几乎无法使人相信”,但没有“惊叹”的意思,指因不可能理解或不相信会发生突发事件使人吃惊,语气很强,如:I was astonished at his ruden

23、ess. His words astonished us all.His sudden death astonished us.Astound “使震惊”,指对突发事件的震惊。语气极强,有“惊恐”的含义The earthquake astounded us all.Shock “使震惊”,指对突发事件的震惊,强调心灵深处的震撼反应。I was shocked by his rudeness.Surprise 语气较上述词弱,只表示“出乎意外的惊异”,出乎意外的事发生在没有心理准备的人身上,由此产生的冷不防的效果。如:We were surprised at finding the house

24、empty. 我们惊讶地发现房子是空的。6. publish1) 出版;发行The book was published in 1988.This company publishes childrens books.2) 公开;发表publish the news 发布消息When will the dictionary be published?News of the generals sudden death was not published for several days.Publishable adj. 可发表的7. dumb dumb from birtha dumb shows

25、trike sb. dumb 把某人吓得目瞪口呆They remained dumb at the meeting. 他们在会上保持沉默。as dumb as a fish 很少讲话,沉默不语8. recipe n. 食谱;烹饪法A recipe for chicken soup 鸡汤的做法 A method or an idea that seems likely to have a particular result 方法;秘诀Whats her recipe for success?9. minus+Minus adj./prep. -Plus adj./prep.subtract v.

26、 add v.A minus B is C. A plus B is CIf you subtract B from A, you get C. If you add A to B, you get C.Minus charge 负电荷 adj.The temperature today was minus 20 degrees. Prep.10. Dream killer: a person who kills your dream Serial killer:a person who murders several people one after the other in a simil

27、ar way连续作案的谋杀犯 Zodiac Lady-killer: 11. Latter: adj. Being the second of two things just mentioned 后者的The latter half of the year 下半年Of the two the latter is better than the former. 12. Echo: n. There was an echo on the line and I couldnt hear clearly. 回声The speech found an echo in the heart of many

28、of the audience. 在某人心中引起共鸣v. Her footsteps echoed in the empty house. 发出回声He echoed every word of his superior. 他随声附和他上级的每一句话。13. laughter n. act or sound of laughingburst into laughter 哈哈大笑die with laughter 笑得要死Homeric laughter 洪亮爽朗的笑声(源自荷马史诗中诸神的大笑)roar with laughter 哄堂大笑scream with laughter 捧腹大笑,笑

29、的前仰后合tears of laughter 笑得流眼泪14. nonsense n.Rubbish; ideas, statements or beliefs that you think are ridiculous or not true 谬论,胡扯Its all nonsense.You are talking nonsense. 胡说八道Its nonsense to say that they dont care. Silly or unacceptable behavior 愚蠢的行为Stop that nonsense, children! 别胡闹了,孩子们!No-nonsen

30、se 简单直接的,不说废话的,言简意赅的No-nonsense approach/style 直截了当的方法;言简意赅的风格15. ancientadj. belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past 古代的Ancient RomeAncient historyAncient civilizationTo study ancient history Very oldHes ancient-he must be at least fifty! (humorous)16. random adj.A r

31、andom sample 随机抽样The terrorists fired into the crowd at random. 恐怖分子胡乱地向人群开枪。17. Manuscript: n. 手稿 in manuscript 以原稿形式Script/scrib = write 写Conscribe 征兵,招募,征募Conscription 征兵,征集Describe Description 描绘Scripture 手稿,文件Subscribe 签名;订阅Subscription 签名,预订Inscribe 刻写,雕Inscription 碑文Postscript 信后的附言,书后的附录,跋18. package n. a package of cigarettes v. to package up the clothes to package Christmas presents He packaged up the presents he had got for his birthday and put them in the cupboard.19. enclose: v.To put sth in the same envelope 随函Please return the

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