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1、管信复习资料第一章The development of computer1. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator): 1946 - developed by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert2. UNIVAC I(Universal Automatic Computer ):First sold in 1951 to the U.S. Census Bureau 1954 - first computer installed in a business (another UNIVA

2、C I at GE)电脑的类型1 Mainframe :computers are large, centrally located computers typically found in large organizations.2 Minicomputers: are smaller and less powerful computers than the larger mainframes with an ability to handle the processing of small organizations and are less expensive then mainfram

3、es.3 Personal computers :are small, relatively inexpensive computers that can be used for both business and personal applications.管理信息系统的发展阶段及年代图片理解表格相关IDInformation systems time1 Transaction processing system(TPS)1950s2 Management information system(MIS) Office automation Decision support system(DS

4、S)1970s3 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System1990s管理信息系统 Management information systemsA computer-based system that makes information available to users with similar needs.Transaction processing system(TPS)Transaction Processing System (TPS) processes data that reflects the activities of the fi

5、rm.MIS MODEL(第一个重要模型)Description: The database contains the data provided by the transaction processing system. In addition, both data and information are entered from the environment. The information is produced from data in the database by two types of software, including report-writing software t

6、hat can produce both periodic and special reports software and mathematical models that can simulate firm operations.The output information is then used by organizational problem(both managers and professionals) solvers as an aid in decision-making.Multitasking: Perform multiple processing tasks fro

7、m multiple users concurrently.5 Management level and its influences on both the source and presentation form of information掌握各层次关注的信息,可以根据给出的情况判断出是哪种uers,属于哪个管理层水平以上为图片理解Managers can be foundIn addition to the organizational levels, managers can be found in various business areas. The three traditio

8、nal areas are marketing, manufacturing, and finance. Recently, two additional areas have assumed major importancehuman resources and information services.补充:需要了解的1Introduction to Computer Architecture The central processing unit (CPU) controls all the other components of the computer. Random access

9、memory (RAM) acts as the temporary workspace for the CPU; the greater the work area, then the more quickly the CPU can accomplish its tasks. The central processing unit (CPU) random access memory (RAM) reside on the computers motherboard, the single circuitry that all other devices plug into.The CD-

10、ROM, floppy drive, and hard disks (also known as the hard drive) are storage devices. But unlike the random access memory they are permanent data storage and not temporary.第二章1The General system model of the form(会描述模型,会画模型,理解)(第2个重要模型)The General Systems Model shows the flow of resources from the e

11、nvironment, through the firm, and back to the environment.Physical resources flow through the physical system at the bottom of the model. The arrows in the upper part of the diagram show the flows of the conceptual resources-data, information, and information in the form of decisions. A two way flow

12、 of data and information that connects the firm to its environment is at the right.The physical system :consists of three elements-input, transformation, and output.Physical resources flow through the physical system at the bottom of the model. The physical resources include personnel, material, mac

13、hines and money.While in the firm, all of the physical resources are used to produce the firms products and services to its customers.(解释:物理系统由三个要素组成,即输入、转换和输出,通过物理系统在模型底部的物理系统中流动。物质资源包括人员、材料、机器和金钱。 在公司中,所有的物质资源都是用来生产公司的产品和服务的客户。)The control mechanism elements include the standards of performance th

14、at the firm is to meet if it is to accomplish its overall objectives, the management, and an information processor that transforms data into information.(解释:控制机制要素包括:企业要完成其总体目标、管理和信息处理器,将数据转换为信息的标准。)Feedback loopThe feedback loop is composed of conceptual resources-data, information, and information

15、 in the form of decisions.(反馈回路是由概念资源组成的数据、信息和信息的形式决定的。)Data is gathered from the firm and from the environment and entered into the information processor, which transforms it into information.The information is made available to management who makes decisions to affect necessary changes in the phys

16、ical system.Management is guided in its decision making by the performance standards .The performance standards can also be utilized by the information processor in determining when the performance of the firm is not proceeding as planed.(数据是从企业和环境中收集的,并输入信息处理器,它将信息转换为信息。这些信息是由管理者提供的,他们决定在物理系统中影响必要的

17、改变。管理是以绩效标准为导向的决策。在决定企业绩效的过程中,信息处理器还可以利用信息处理器的性能标准来决定企业的绩效。)Closed-loop systemOne that can control itself by means of a control mechanism and feedback loop.(闭环系统:一个可以通过控制机制和反馈回路的装置。)Eight Environmental ElementsDescription: Organizations and individuals that exist outside the firm and have a direct o

18、r indirect influence on it.Such as suppliers, customers, labor unions, financial community, stockholders and owners, competitors, and governments.These eight elements exist in a larger system called society.(要求:会描述会画图)Suppliers:also called vendors,supply the material,machines,services,people,and inf

19、ormation that are used by the firm to produce its pruducts and services.Labbor unions are the organization of both skilled and unskilled workers for certain trades and industries.The financial community consists of institution that influence the money resources that are avilbale to the firm.Stockhol

20、ders or owner are the persons who invest money in the firm and represent the ultimate owners of the firm.Competitors: include all of the organizations that compete with the firm in its marketplace.The government: on the national ,state or province ,and local levels, provide constrains in the form of

21、 laws and regulationS and also provideS assistance in the form of purchases,information ,and funds. the global community is the geographic area where the firm perform its operation.customer: these productS and ServiceS are marketed to the firmS customerPorters Value ChainsSupport Activities:Firm Inf

22、rastructure,Human resource management Technology development,ProcurementPrimary Activities:Inbound logistics,Operations,Outbound logistics, Marketing And sales,ServiceExpanding the Scope of the Value Chain(要求知道如何建立连接)Asked to know how to establish a connectionA firm can link its value chain to those

23、 of its suppliers by implementing systems that make input resources available when needed.E.g. Just-in-time system (JIT)A firm can also link its value chain with those of its distribution channel members.E.g. Airlines computerized reservation systemsThe buyers value chains can also be linked to thos

24、e of the firm and its channel members. E.g. Cisco Systems selling switches to a company When the buyer are individual consumers, they can use their computers to log onto the firms Web site and obtain information and male purchases.E.g. Dell Computer(划线的是例子)Information management1 Basic Types of Info

25、rmation Resources Available to the FirmA firms information resources consist of: hardware, software, information specialists, users, facilities, databases, and information.(给出例子,知道是哪种类型)2 Information management的概念Acquiring information, using it in the most effective way, and discarding it at the pro

26、per time.(获取信息,以最有效的方式使用它,并在适当的时间丢弃它。)第三章1 掌握Electronic Commerce 的概念refers to a business transaction that uses network access, computer-based systems, and a Web browser interface.(指使用网络访问、计算机系统和网络浏览器接口的业务交易。)B2B B2C (给出情况,知道属于哪种)2掌握概念 Interorganizational system (IOS) is the strategy in which a firm

27、is linked with transmissions of electronic data with other firms so that all of the firms work together as a coordinated unit, achieving benefits that each could not achieve alone.(跨组织信息系统(IOS)是其中一个公司与其他公司,所有的公司一起工作,为协调单元的电子数据传输相关的战略,实现效益,都无法独自完成。)其好处:IOS BenefitsContents Descriptions Comparative Ef

28、ficiency Internal efficiency Consists of improvements in the firms own operations Gathers data faster Analyze it faster Make decisions faster Interorganizational efficiency Include improvements that are gained by working with other firms Offer more products and services, Serve more customers Shift c

29、ertain work to suppliers or customers Gather environmental data more easilyBargaining Power The ability of the firm to solve the disagreements with its suppliers and customers to its own advantage Unique product features Offer better service Reduced search-related costs Reduce the ” shopping costs”

30、Increased the customers switching costs A firm would like to make it expensive, in cost and/or convenience, for customers to switch to a competitor.3 Internal and Environmental Influences on IOS AdoptionAdoption influences (Premkumar and Ramamurthy)Competitive pressures (HIGH, firm is reactive in ad

31、opting IOS, usually EDI)Exercised power (powerful firm is proactive in adopting/demanding IOS)Internal need (firms see participation as a way to improve)Top management support (ALWAYS influences the decision)( 知道是主动还是被动影响) 4 (可以根据给出的情况判断出是哪种类型的店)Virtual sales are those made by a firm that does not operate a physical storefront.Customer cant enter and purchase the product.Click-Only Strategy(单纯的网店)Hybrid sales occur when firms have both a physical storefront and a Web site where customers can purchase products.Brick-and-click operations(既有实体店又有网店)第六章Data Field:The smallest unit of data. (i

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