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1、北京通州初三一模英语教师版2021北京通州初三一模英 语2021年4月学校_ 班级_ 姓名_考生须知1.本试卷共10页, 共五道大题, 39道小题, 满分为60分, 考试时间为90分钟。2.请在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校、班级、姓名。3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上, 在试卷上作答无效。4.在答题卡上, 选择题用2B铅笔作答, 其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5.考试结束后, 请将答题卡交回。知识运用(共14分)一、单项选择(共6分,每小题0.5分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. My father works in Shanghai. I ma

2、ke a video call to_ everyday.A. himB. itC. herD. them2. I usually watch the news at 7 oclock_ the evening on CCTV.A. at B. on C. in D. of3. We should drink enough water every day_ we may get sick.A. and B. or C. so D. but4. My sister_ swim very well but Im afraid of water.A. can B. must C. would D.

3、should5. I think nothing is_ than a glass of ice coke when youre hot and thirsty.A. good B. better C. best D. the best6. _ do you play sports after school?Seldom. I usually have chess lessons at that time.A. How often B. How longC. How much D. How soon7. My mother usually_ for a walk in the park nea

4、r our house every day. A. goes B. went C. was going D. will go8. Listen! The boy_ the piano again.A. plays B. played C. will play D. is playing9. When I got back home yesterday, my father_ the meal in the kitchen.A. cooks B. cookedC. was cooking D. is cooking10. My classmates_ a lot of volunteer wor

5、k since the beginning of this term.A. do B. did C. will do D. have done11. Twenty thousand books_ last week. You can buy them in the book store now.A. print B. printedC. is printed D. were printed12. Tony, could you tell me_ so many words last term?By reading English as much as possible.A. how will

6、you remember B. how did you rememberC. how you remembered D. how you will remember二、完形填空(共8分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项.Favorite Sports“Whats your favorite sport, Nick?” Ms. Rodgers asked.Nick thought for a moment. Everyone in the class was looking at him. He was nervous. He

7、 needed a good answer. “I like _13_.”Everyone smiled. A few people said, “I like soccer, too!”That was a safe answer. Nick really liked hockey(曲棍球), but no one else in class liked it. He wished he could be _14_, but he worried about what they would say. They would say things like, “Hockey? Why?” or

8、“What is that?” They didnt know about it.Nick came from Mary land Up North and all the kids liked hockey. Down in Florida, kids loved soccer. He didnt really understand why they didnt like hockey.He asked his dad when he got home. “Why dont the kids here like hockey?”His dad smiled. “Their families

9、grew up watching soccer. They like soccer. We grew up watching hockey, so we like hockey.”“They are so_15_.”“Youre right. They both have goal keepers. They both have nets. The scoring and penalties (处罚,点球) are nearly the same, too.” “Hockey is inside a cool arena(竞技场). Soccer is hot and sweaty.” Nic

10、k said.“Why dont you_16_ a couple of kids to watch a game?” Dad suggested, “We will take them with us.”Nick did that. He asked his friends Dave and Tommy. They did not know about hockey. They had never been to a game before. They were excited to_17_.At the game, they had hot dogs and soda. They watc

11、hed the game. Dave and Tommy asked Nick many questions about the rules and the teams. They watched with great_18_. All of them had fun.The next time at school when Ms. Rodgers asked Nick what his favorite sport was, he said, “Hockey.”Dave and Tommy said_19_, “We like hockey, too!”Nick was happy. He

12、liked it when other people liked the things he liked. It made him feel like he had friends who_20_ him.13. A. basketball B. soccer C. baseball D. volleyball14. A. honest B. patient C. confident D. friendly15. A. similar B. different C. popular D. harmful16. A. control B. follow C. invite D. send17.

13、A. play B. see C. eat D. work18. A. achievement B. help C. promise D. interest19. A. shyly B. sadly C. excitedly D. doubtfully20. A. encouraged B. respected C. questioned D. understood阅读理解(共36分)三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)AThe Invention of My Favorite TreatsMattPosted 5

14、/15/20 4:35 PM A woman named Ruth Wakefield invented chocolate chip cookies about80 years ago. Wakefield was a great cook. One day, Wakefield had an idea. She broke up a chocolate bar. Then she put the pieces in her cookie batter(面糊). The chocolate melted in the cookies. It made a sweet treat. I lov

15、e this kind of cookies.LindaPosted 5/15/20 6:25 PM Dr. John Stith Pemberton wanted to make a medicine to fix headaches more than140 years ago. He made a sticky brown syrup(糖浆) with the coca plant, the kola nut and sugar. He called his medicine Coca-Cola. Later, someone added fizzy(起泡的) water to the

16、syrup. It made a sweet, bubbly drink. The drink did not fix headaches but it was a yummy treat. I like drinking it.JordanPosted 5/16/20 5:20 PM More than100 years ago, a young boy named Frank Epperson was mixing a fruity drink. He used a wooden stick to stir(搅拌)it. Then he left the cup outside over

17、night. When he went back for his drink the next morning. It was frozen. He pulled the stick and licked the icy juice. It was cold and sweet. He called them popsicles. Its also my favorite.KathyPosted 5/16/20 7:46 PM According to the tale, a few leaves were blown from a tree into Shennongs freshly bo

18、iled water thousands of years ago, changing the color and taste. Tea was invented. It has been consumed in China very well, most of people like drinking it. I also like drinking it with my parents together.21. Who invented chocolate chip cookies?A. Ruth Wakefield. B. Dr. John Stith Pemberton.C. Fran

19、k Epperson. D. Shennong.22. Popsicles were invented_.A .about 80 years ago B. more than 140 years agoC. more than 100 years ago D. thousands of years ago23. Kathy likes_.A. chocolate chip cookies B. Coca-ColaC. popsicles D. teaBThe GuitarThe sound coming from Alpers room was awful. His mum opened th

20、e door.“Son, Ive got a headache. Can you give it a rest?”“But Im practicing the guitar.”“Practicing? Your mouth is open all the time. And you keep shouting. We send you to a guitar course but its a waste of time and money! Didnt they give you songs youre supposed to practice with?” “Oh, I do play th

21、ose songs sometimes. Theyre really boring though. I play with my heart. Its a lot more fun that way.”“Its disturbing the neighbours. Last night, Mr. Arif from upstairs said youre your singing sounded as if you had fallen into a pot of boiling water!”Alper likes writing lyrics(歌词). But he had no musi

22、c for his words. He couldnt write music. He bought the guitar because he thought that he only needed to touch the guitar and beautiful music would just come out on its own. But instead it was only practice, practice, practice. Not real music.His mums words really made him upset. He picked up his gui

23、tar and went to the park. He played the guitar and started to sing his song on the bench.At that moment, some young people walked into the park. A boy had a clarinet (单簧管)in his hand and the other boy had a drum. A girl took out her violin. Then they started to play. First the drum, next the clarine

24、t, then the violin. They were all doing their own things. The music didnt go together. The instruments didnt go together. But when they put together, it sounded fantastic. They were making their own kind of music!The park was getting more and more crowded with people attracted bythe young groups mus

25、ic.Alper slowly walked towards the group of young people. He began to sing the song he had written himself. The one he didnt know how to compose(作曲).The words fitted the music now!He left his guitar on the grass and now started to sing out loud.Alper was finally happy. Maybe this was all he had ever

26、 wanted.24. Alper was_ when his mum opened the door.A. boiling water B. writing lyricsC. practicing the guitar D. having a good rest25. Alper bought the guitar_.A. to play it in the park B. to help him write musicC. to have a guitar course D. to know some young people26. Alper was finally happy beca

27、use_.A. his song attracted his mum B. his guitar was very fantasticC. he could play the guitar very well D. he found the right music for his songCLife of children is competitive. For example, in kindergarten, some children can do something faster or better than other children can. In school, some ch

28、ildren do very well in spelling or they always win in sports.Every child likes winning because it gives children a good feeling about themselves and makes them proud. But learning to lose is just as important as learning to win. Research has shown that losing games is helpful for children.Melody Bro

29、ok, a therapist(治疗师) in Texas, says that the experience of coping with(处理) loss is helping children to understand other children in the same position. A child that has never lost a game will not realize that everyone struggles in life.Losing a game is the only way for children to learn from their mi

30、stakes and think about strategies(策略)to improve. When children improve their skills and win the next time, they do not only get better at the sport or game, but they also learn something new. Learning new things increases childrens confidence and their self-belief and they start to be proud of their

31、 abilities.Finally, losing shows children that they need to work hard in order to have success because good things are not just handed over to them. These situations also help children to lose with grace(优雅)in front of others and to be seen as a fair loser.Children need to practice losing in order to be able to cope when they lose in a competition in front of their peers. Children who do not experience losing can grow up to be anxious,

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