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1、地震导学案 Unit4 Earthquakes 第一课时班级: 姓名: 组别: 日期: 10 月 20 日 周次:8 星期: 一 主备人: 王 炜 备课组长: 王 炜一: 学习目标: 1,To master the new words and expressions 2, Know about something about the text二:课堂实施步骤:.独学环节:A识记单词1_ (vi.)爆裂;爆发 (n.) 突然破裂;爆发2_ (n.) 事件;大事3_ (n.) 废墟;毁灭 (vt.) 毁灭;使破产4_ (adj.) 极度的 5_ (vt.) 破坏;毁坏;消灭6_ (vt. & vi

2、.) (使)震惊;震动 (n.) 休克;打击;震惊7_ (n. & vt.) 援救;营救8_ (vt.) 使陷入困境 (n.) 陷阱;困境9_ (n.) 灾难;灾祸 10_ (vt.) 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏11_ (n.) 掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处12_ (n. & vt.) 损失;损害13_ (n.) 裁判员;法官 (vt.) 断定;判断;判决14_ (vt.) 表示;表达 (n.) 快车,速递B联想串记15_ (vt.)损害;伤害_ (n.)伤害;损害_ (adj.)受伤的16_ (n.)电;电流;电学_ (adj.)用电的;带电的_ (adj.)与电有关的;电学的17_ (vt.)使惊吓;吓唬_

3、 (adj.)受惊的;受恐吓的_ (adj.)令人恐惧的18_ (n.)祝贺;(复数)贺词_ (vt.)祝贺C.短语互译1轻视;认为没价值 _2仿佛;好像 _3掘出;发现 _4集资;筹款;募捐 _5right away _6at an end _7in ruins _8a (great) number of _9in the open air _10give a speech _II.对学、群学、组内展示环节:A完成句子太以至于不能In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were _ (太紧张而不敢吃东西)2It see

4、ms as if.看起来好像_ (看起来好像) the world was at an end!3“leave宾语宾语补足语”的被动语态Thousands of families were killed and many children _ (成了孤儿)4all.not.并非所有的都_ (不是所有的希望) lost.B句式填读1_ the world was at an end!仿佛到了世界末日!2Thousands of families were killed and many children _.成千上万的家庭被毁,许多孩子成了孤儿。3_ people who were killed

5、 or injured reached more than 400,000.死伤人数达到40多万。4_ hope was _ lost.不是所有的希望都破灭了。5_nearly everything was destroyed.人们无论朝哪里看,那里的一切几乎都被毁了。III班内展示、质疑评价环节:.达标检测环节:运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之。On May 12,2008, a strong earthquake shook my hometown Wenchuan in Sichuan Province. At 2:28 pm., we suddenly felt eve

6、rything began to shake fiercely and the earth rose and fell sharply. 1._ (在可怕的几秒钟内), the city of Wenchuan 2._ (成为一片废墟). The supply of water and electricity 3._ (中断). 4._ (大量的) people were injured or killed and the number of people who were killed reached more than 60,000. 5._ (数以万计的) children were l

7、eft without parents. It seemed that the world was 6._ (到了尽头). But all the hope was not lost. The government called in the army and organized a lot of people to 7._ (营救被困者). They sent 8._ (伤者) to hospitals and 9._ (埋葬) the dead. Nowadays, we are 10._ (全力以赴) and overcoming all kinds of difficulties to

8、 rebuild our home.V.总结整理环节。三、本节作业:.语境填读1The _(地震) left the whole area_(严重受损). Most buildings were_(毁坏)and great_(损害) was done to the mental health of the victims.2In the_(灾难),_(许多矿工) were_(掩埋) underground. It took the _(救援) workers much time to _them _(掘出). Luckily,most of them were still quite well

9、 and only some got_(受伤的)3He _(冲击) the house_(立刻) after he heard the crying _(好像) somebody was crying for help.4The prediction that many_(灾难) will happen and that the earth will be_(终结) soon _(震惊) all the people.5_(大量的)people _(被困在) the fallen buildings,which were built 20 years ago.Unit4 Earthquakes

10、第二课时 阅读课(语篇分析)班级: 姓名: 组别: 日期: 10 月 21 日 周次:8 星期:二 主备人: 王 炜 备课组长: 王 炜一、学习目标:1. Get the students to know basic knowledge about natural disasters.2. Get the students to learn about Tangshan Earthquake and understand the text.3. Get the students to learn different reading skills.二、课堂实施步骤:1独学环节:Step1.语篇导

11、读Lead-in1.What natural disasters have you heard of?2. Which disaster may cause the worst damage? Have you ever experienced an earthquake? 3. Discussion:How much do you know about an earthquake?Step2. Pre-reading-Talk about the title “A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep”Step3. Fast readingI. 用一句话概括 What do

12、es the passage mainly talk about?The passage mainly talks about a terrible_(回答what?) that happened in _( where?) in _( when? ) and caused great damage to people. (What result?)II. Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.Para.1 _Para.2 _Para.3 _Para.4 _III. Match the sentences. Divide the passa

13、ge into three parts and find out the main idea of each part.Part 1 (Para.1 ) What happened during the quake and the damage caused by the quake.Part 2 ( ) The rescue work after the earthquakePart 3 ( ) Signs before the earthquake.2对学、群学、组内展示环节:Step4. Careful readingI.完成下列表格Main ideaDetailsSigns befor

14、ethe earthquake(Para.1)(1)_ things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei.The water in the wells (2)_ and (3)_.A (4)_ gas came out of the cracks.The chickens and even the pigs were too (5)_ to (6)_.Mice (7)_ out of the fields looking for places to hide.Fish (8)_ out of their bowls and

15、ponds.At about (9)_ a.m. on July 28,1976,people saw (10)_ _ in the sky.Damage caused byearthquake(Paras.23)At 3:42 a.m.the (11)_earthquake of the 20th century had begun (12)_kilometres directly below the city.(13)_ burst from holes in the ground.Hard hills of rock became rivers of (14)_.(15)_ covere

16、d the ground like red autumn leaves.Two (16)_ and most of the bridges fell.The railway tracks were now (17)_ pieces of (18)_.(19)_ now filled the wells instead of water.Water,food,and (20)_ were hard to get.II.填入正确的数据 (The data show how _ the earthquake was. )(1)_ of the nation felt the earthquake.

17、(2) In _ terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.(3)_ of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.(4)The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than _.(5)All of the citys hospitals, _ of its factories and buildings and _of its homes were gone.3班内展示、质疑评价环节:4.达标检测环节:课

18、文回顾Go through the Reading again and then fill in the blanks with the books closed according to the given capital letter. Several days before July 28, 1976, many s_ things happened in Tangshan. They were signs for the e_. But people in the city of Tang Shan thought l_ of these. At 3:42 am everything

19、began to s_, which d_ everything of the city. People were s_. Then, later that afternoon, another big quake shook Tang Shan. Some of the r_ workers and doctors were t_ under the r_. More buildings fell down. Water, food, and e_ were hard to get. People began to wonder how long the d_ would last. Soo

20、n after the quakes, soldiers were sent to help the people in Tangshan. Slowly, the city began to b_ again. 5.总结整理环节:三、本节课作业:Do Ex1 and 2 on page 27高一英语必修1Unit4Earthquake导学案第三课时 阅读课(语言点处理)班级: 姓名: 组别: 日期: 10 月 22 日 周次:8 星期: 三 主备人: 王 炜 备课组长: 王 炜一、学习目标: Get the students to master the usages of the patte

21、rns: “It seemed as if the world was at an end” and “All hope was not lost”. etc.二、课堂实施步骤:1,独学环节:课文知识点重现根据中文提示完成下列句子。(方法指导:熟读课文,独立完成练习,然后校正答案。)1. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were_ (紧张的不想吃食).2. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings _ (爆裂开来).3. But one million people of th

22、e city, who _ (几乎都没有把这些情况当回事), were asleep _(照常) that night.4. It seemed _ the world was _(世界似乎到了末日). 5. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city _ (沉沦在一片废墟之中).6. The _ of the people _ (人们遭受的灾难极为深重).7. _(无论朝哪里) they looked nearly everything was destroyed.8. People were _(惊呆了) to see two-thirds of th

23、em die or _(受伤) and(成千上万)_families were killed during the earthquake.9. Some of the _ (救援人员) and doctors _ (被困) under the ruins.10. Water, food, and electricity were _ .(很难弄到)11. The army organized teams _ (挖掘) those who were trapped and _ (掩埋死者).12. Workers _ (盖起避难所) for survivors _(家园被毁).2对学、群学、组内

24、展示环节:语言点讲与练 (请同学们借助优化设计或词典课前独立完成。)I,重点句型突破1.It seemed as if the world was at an end!句子结构分析:It seemed as if是固定句型结构,意为“_”。as if意为_; at an end意为_.说明: 也可说It seems that.替代It seems as if, 其中as if 可用as though替代, 常用在动词look,seem,feel等之后引导_从句。如果从句表示的情况接近事实,从句用_语气;反之,如果从句表示的情况与事实相反,或者是不可能发生,从句用_语气仿写 好像有人在叫你。_.

25、 看来他似乎很笨, 但事实上比我们更聪明。_,but in fact he is cleverer than every one of us. 他说起罗马(Rome)来好像他以前去过罗马似的。He talks about Rome _ .2. All hope was not lost. 句子结构分析: all 与not 连用表示_否定。句型: all. not=not all. 并非都说明: all, both, each, always, every及every的合成词与not 连用时表_否定。仿写不是所有的学生都通过了考试。_ passed the exam. 并不是每个人都像你那么自私。_ as selfish as you.II. Deal with long difficult sentences与同桌讨论、理解下列长难句并尝试翻译成汉语。1.原句:“Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide.” 句子结构分析:这是一个复杂的简单句。现在分词短语looking for places to hide在句中表_,作_状语。 翻译:_

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