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1、第12周英语备课 于燕丽11月19日新标准英语课时备课卡1课题Module 6课时1课型Review and check教学准备Coaching paper、computer教学内容分析本节课是复习检测课,一节课完成本单元的单词,句子课文的复习,并做完相应的模块检测题。教学目标知识目标1、Able to read and recognize the vocabulary.2、Let the class read the text fluent, and say the text in your own languages in pairs.3、Let the students know som

2、e name of sports.学科素养Tell the story in their languages.情感目标Children like to learn English, and love themselves.重、难点选出不同种类单词和阅读理解题。这两个题型对一年级学生来说有一定的难度,但是通过反复练习,学生已经掌握了相应的做题技巧。教学过程目标分解目标达成措施具体内容(含教师如何指导)Review the words复习单词1、利用游戏抢答形式引导学生的学习兴趣。2、魔术眼辨单词,检查学生Get the students to look at the words and say

3、them.Ask them to read the words group by group and then have a competition.Play the game. Show some pictures and get the class to guess the words.In pairs practice these new words.Review the sentences复习句子Do actionsdrill 1、“我来争当小翻译”复习本模块重点句子Whats this? Its a 2、排火车提问检查。Point to the first picture and s

4、ay the sentences. The class repeats. Continue with the remaining pictures.Ask the class read the sentences together, then group by group and have a competition.In pairs practice these sentences.Review the text.复习课文Scene show同桌背诵表演课文,这是学生最喜欢的环节。 Play the cassette, the children listen and point to the

5、 pictures.Ask the children to read the text. Then read it group by group.Ask individual students to repeat the utterances. Alternatively, divide the class into groups.The whole class acts the dialogue, with each group saying the corresponding text.The class now acts out the dialogue in pairs.Consoli

6、dation达标检测Exercises做同行检测题Before starting this game, revise the nouns. Point to the pictures or real objects and get the students to say what they are. Now have the students continue the activity in pairs. They can look at the pictures in the book or use real objects.当堂检测内容设计意图:这是一节复习课,对于低年级来说,复习课的设计

7、要新颖有趣,足够吸引他们的注意力,否则就是很枯燥无味,而且学生注意力不集中,学习效率必然就很低。所以我在备课时增加比赛,竞赛的游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,这样才能达到良好的复习效果。课后反思: 通过复习发现,学生们对whats this? whats that?区分不开容易混淆,要加强学生对这两个句子的认读。11月20日新标准英语课时备课卡2课题Module 7 Unit 1 Is it a dog?课时1课型new教学准备Cards Courseware Computer教学内容及教材分析讲评第6模块试卷,并学习第7模块单词。教学目标知识目标全体学生能初步运用Is it a dog? Yes,

8、 it is .No, it isnt. Help! 掌握单词new kite or monkey monster.学科素养就自己的推断与他人进行交流。情感目标乐于和敢于提出问题。重、难点Is it a dog? Yes, it is .No, it isnt. Help!教学过程教学流程教学目标教学内容设计及活动方式1. Warmer歌曲热身,创设英语学习氛围。Repeat the song 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 from Module 5. Encourage that the class perform the actions as they sing.2、English show

9、英语开场秀,为学校英语风采大赛在做准备。Encourage the ss to show themselves.3、Coaching paper讲评试卷,总结分析。1、 集体纠错。听音圈单词和句子,出错较多,根据单词选择正确汉意也错了不少。2、 个别辅导。4、Learn the new words.学习M7单词,初步感知句型。1、 PPT出示新授单词。2、 单词卡练习。3、 导出新句型。板书设计Module 7 Unit 1 Is it a dog?Is it a dog? Yes, it is .No, it isnt.课后反思本节课是第六模块扫尾和第七模块开始,把第六模块在做练习是出现的错

10、误做了重点讲解,但是时间稍微长了些,学习第七模块单词和课文导入的部分时间不够了,今后一定要改掉拖拉的毛病,11月22日新标准英语课时备课卡3课题Module 7 Unit 1 Is it a dog?课时2课型new教学准备Cards Courseware Computer教学内容及教材分析学习第7模块课文。教学目标知识目标全体学生能初步运用Is it a dog? Yes, it is .No, it isnt. Help! 掌握单词new kite or monkey monster.学科素养就自己的推断与他人进行交流。情感目标乐于和敢于提出问题。重、难点Is it a dog? Yes,

11、 it is .No, it isnt. Help!教学过程教学流程教学目标教学内容设计及活动方式1. Warmer歌曲热身,创设英语学习氛围。Repeat the song“Head shoulders knees and toes”. Encourage that the class perform the actions as they sing.2、English show英语开场秀,为学校英语风采大赛在做准备。Encourage the ss to show themselves.3.Presentation呈现新知,学习课文,学生能够听懂,会读课文。1. Draw the chil

12、drens attention to the picture story in the books.2. Point to each picture and elicit as much information as possible from the children about the story. Ask them to guess what they think the children are saying.3. You will need to teach the words monster, fox and kite. Write them on the board for vi

13、sual recognition. Ask the class to repeat the words.4. Play the cassette or read the dialogue. The children listen and follow in their books.5. Play the cassette again, pausing after each utterance for the children to point at the corresponding picture. 6. Play the cassette again. This time pause fo

14、r the class to repeat each utterance. Encourage the class to act as they speak.4、Practice.学生能够熟练掌握句型Is it a dog? Yes, it is .No, it isnt.。1. Repeat this activity, asking individual students to repeat the utterances. Alternatively, divide the class into two groups. One can repeat the utterances of Da

15、ming and other repeats the utterances of Sam. You could take the roles of the girls.2. Repeat the text together.板书设计Module 7 Unit 1 Is it a dog?Is it a dog? Yes, it is .No, it isnt.课后反思大部分学生能够掌握课文,熟练认读单词。但是在处理重难点时Is it a dog? Yes, it is .No, it isnt.学生熟练程度达不到,需要在下节课时多下功夫。而且要把易混淆的地方提前点到。11月23日新标准英语课时

16、备课卡4课题Module 7 Unit 1 Is it a dog?课时3课型review教学准备Cards Courseware Computer教学内容及教材分析巩固第7模块第一单元课文。教学目标知识目标全体学生能初步运用Is it a dog? Yes, it is .No, it isnt. Help! 掌握单词new kite or monkey monster.学科素养就自己的推断与他人进行交流。情感目标乐于和敢于提出问题。重、难点Is it a dog? Yes, it is .No, it isnt. Help!教学过程教学流程教学目标教学内容设计及活动方式1. Warmer热

17、身,创设英语学习氛围。Play commands. Call children to the front of the class to call out the commands they now know. The rest of the class responds. Include Point to the ! Stand up! Sit down! Pass the! Open the!2、English show英语开场秀,为学校英语风采大赛在做准备。Encourage the ss to show themselves.3.review复习上节课学过的单词课文学生能够熟读课文。1

18、. Say each word. The children point to the corresponding picture.2. Point to the pictures randomly. Say the word. The class repeats.3. Ask individuals to say the words. Correct any pronunciation mistakes.4. In pairs, the children take turns to point to the pictures and say the words.4、Practice.学生能够熟

19、练掌握句型Is it a dog? Yes, it is .No, it isnt.并灵活运用。1. Show a picture “dog” to the class and ask them “Whats this?”2. Ask the children some questions:“Is it a monster?” “Is it a panda?” “Is it a fox?” “ Is it a dog?”3. Tell the children answer these questions.4. Play the cassette . The children listen a

20、nd follow in their books.5. Play the cassette again, pausing after each utterance for the children to point at the corresponding picture. 6. Play the cassette again. This time pause for the class to repeat each utterance. Encourage the class to act as they speak.7. In pairs, Partner A ask some quest

21、ions according to the pictures and the other student answer the questions.板书设计Module 7 Unit 1 Is it a dog?Is it a dog? Yes, it is .No, it isnt.课后反思本节课学生对重点句型的掌握更加熟练,并能够灵活运用。特别是设计的心有灵犀环节,让学生用所学句型玩游戏,你来做,我来猜,学生积极性很高。这个环节设计很好,以后多增加些这样的游戏活动。11月21日牛津英语课时备课卡1课题Unit3 My abilities课时1课型new教学准备cards、CD-ROM教学内

22、容及教材分析Lets learn and lets act.教学目标知识目标Say the words: dance read jump sing draw writeSay the new sentences: Raise your hand. Put it down. Show me your book.学科素养Ask others to do act情感目标Children like to learn English重、难点Raise your hand. Put it down. Show me your book.教学过程教学流程教学目标教学内容设计及活动方式1.Warm up歌曲热

23、身,创设英语学习氛围。Sing a song :one two three2.Learn the wods.学生掌握本单元关于动作的单词。1、 show the words.2、 Read together.3、 Lets play a game.3.Learn the sentences.学生掌握本节课的主要句型,听懂会说。1、 watch the CD.2、 Listen and repeat.3、 Lets act.4.Summer up and check.总结本堂课的重难点,并进行当堂检测。Translate:Dance :Draw:Jump:Raise your hand. Put

24、 it down. Show me your book.板书设计dance read jump sing draw write课后反思在让学生进行展示时由于时间较短,没有展示完,今后注意掌握好时间,向30分钟要效率。11月22日课时备课卡2课题Unit3 My abilities课时2课型new教学准备cards、CD-ROM教学内容及教材分析Lets talk and lets play.教学目标知识目标Say the words: dance read jump sing draw writeSay the new sentences: How old are you ? I am fiv

25、e years old.I can read. 学科素养Ask others to do talk.情感目标Children like to learn English.重、难点How old are you ? I am five years old.I can read.教学过程教学流程教学目标教学内容设计及活动方式1.warm up.复习旧知,引出新知。Lets act.2.Learn the dialogue.学习新对话,同桌之间能够用对话进行简单的交流。1、 watch the CD.2、 Listen and repeat.3、Lets talk in pairs.3.Learn the story.学习英语小故事,能够说唱,表演。1、 watch the CD.2、 Listen and repeat.3、Lets play .4.Summer up and check.总结本堂课的重难点,并进行当堂检测。Lets play in groups.板书设计I can read.I can sing. I can write. I can dance.课后反思学生展示的很好,表现很积极,也有很多创意。但是对于单词的认读不这扎实,教师应该再设计更多的单词认读环节,例如排火车,单词猜猜看,这样的游戏活动,加强单词的认读。

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