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1、2AM4U1教案盛敏婕Teaching planSchool: Jianghai No.1 Primary School (江海第一小学)Teacher: Sheng Minjie (盛敏婕)Subject:2A Module 4 Unit1 In the sky.教材单元分析1 学生情况分析本班学生课堂中大部分能积极举手,表现欲较强,班级学习英语气氛较热烈。但也有一部分学生胆子小,发言声音轻。因此,我在课堂上创设轻松愉快的教学氛围,用多种方法鼓励这部分学生大胆开口,及时表扬积极发言的学生。通过儿歌、歌曲、 对话表演等教学形式,营造整个班级乐于学习英语的氛围,提升学生对英语学习的兴趣。经过半学

2、期的教学,班级学生各方面都有了进步,学生课上注意力加强了,积极举手发言的人数更多了,声音有了明显提高,良好的英语学习习惯正在逐渐培养中。在学生学习能力方面,26个字母能较好认读,但个别字母书写规范上还需加强。大部分学生单词的认读能力较强,拼读能力较好。但有一部分学生还需努力,句子的认读能力也较弱。班级学生在语音语调和连续说话上,还需作进一步系统的指导、训练。2 教材分析本单元主要教学单词sun, moon, star ,句型Look at Can you see? Yes,I can./No, I cant.How many? 通过词与句的整合,让学生运用所学英语来描述自己在自然界看到的事物。

3、学生之前已学的单词有big ,small ,night,evening,morning ,afternoon,sunny,cloudy 等。句型有 Look at.Can you? How many?本单元在对这些内容稍作复习的基础上,引出单词、句型的教学,并通过新旧句型的整和,编成简短的对话作为语言训练的重点。为了培养学生连续说话的能力,可整合旧句型This is _.Whats this/that? What colour is it? What can you see? 进行语言训练,鼓励学生用多个句子来进行描述所见。此外,定冠词the的使用,是本课的一个难点。3单元教学目标分析知识与能

4、力:(1) 四会单词:sun, moon, star(2) 能正确听读并表达句型:Look at Can you see? Yes,I can./No, I cant.How many?(3) 能表演对话, 并掌握句型Look at Can you see? Yes,I can./No, I cant.How many?(4) 能诵唱歌曲,理解句意,注意语音语调。过程与方法(1) 通过教师的引导,能自编简单的儿歌来学习运用新单词。(2) 通过同桌对话、小组表演等形式培养学生英语表达交流能力。(3) 通过让学生做小调查,培养学生用英语交际的能力。情感态度与价值观 (1)关注学生情感,努力营造宽松

5、和谐的教学氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,在合作活动中互助共进。 (2)培养学生大胆用英语描述自己所见的能力。(2)培养学生热爱大自然的感情。4 教学策略分析(1)循序渐进,由易到难,逐步推进,增加所学知识的再现率。(2) 面向全体学生,切合学生的现状,力求满足不同类型和不同层次学生的需求,使每个学生获得不同程度的发展。(3)加强对学生学习方法的指导, 体现学生发展为本的教学理念,关注学生语言学习的整个过程,将新旧知识整合,单词教学和句型教学整合,鼓励学生说多句,培养学生连续说话的能力。(4)采用TPR全身反应法,调动学生多种感官,唱一唱,听一听,说一说,画一画,小组之间做做小调查,激发学生的参

6、与性与主动性。.教学实录(3课时)Period 1TitleLook and learn/ Look and sayAimsBasic aims 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read and use the words: the sun, the moon, starb. Learn to say: Look at Can you see? Yes,I can./No, I cant.How many?2. Ability objectives:a. The usage of nouns to identify natural objectse.g.

7、 the sun, the moon.b.To useimperativestogivesimpleinstructions。e.g.Look at -. Can you see-? How many?3. Emotional objectives: Love natural objects.Main points1. To use nouns to identify natural objects. e.g. sun, moon2. To use correct response by listening to can-questions. e.g. Can you see the moon

8、? Yes, I can. /No, I cant.3. Describe the natural objects in the sky.Difficult points1. To use correct response by listening to can-questions. e.g. Can you see the moon? Yes, I can. /No, I cant.2. Describe the natural objects in the sky.Teaching aidsPower Point ,cards, blackboard etc. ProcedureStepC

9、ontentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationSing a songGreetingIts time to get up.Lets go to the childrens gardeen. Sing togetherGreeting ask:Whatcanyou see?What colour is it?Answer:I can see-Its-.复习巩固,为新授做准备。While-task procedure1 To learn: sunPlane/rainbow/ cloudsCan you see? Yes,I can./No, I cant.2 T

10、o learn: moonbright3.To learn: the picture of morning, say : How is the weather?Its sunny.Look at the sky, we can see the sun.Elicit: sun follow the teacher2.Look at the sun.The sun is shining.How is the sun?Its a sunny day.3.Read the chant: 4.Ask and answer: Look at the sky.Whatcanyou se

11、e?What colour is it?5.Ask and answer:6.Make a dialogue.1) Show the picture of night. Guess:What can you see in the sky? Elicit: moon ,the moon2) Read the word3) Show the flash, ask: Look at the moon. The moon is moving.4)How is the mon? brightRead the chant: 1.Can you see the moon?Yes, I can.Can you

12、 see the sun?No, I can cant. I can see the stars.2.Elicit: star Read the wordHow many stars can you see?3. Listen to a song: Read twinkling4. How are the stars?5. Read the chant: Read, use different voicesPair work用所学的句型引出新授的内容运用chant来巩固操练。整体感知,教师设置语境,灵活运用语言,做到听、说、认读通过所学的句型进行适当的操练。教学设计从生活体验转入到语言训练,有

13、助于学生巩固所学知识,提高会话水平。Post-task activity1. Listen and read2. Make a new rhyme.Openthebooks. :Listen and repeat.Work in pairs.Say the rhyme.自编儿歌,培养学生的创新意识和说话能力。Assignment1.Read and copy the new words.2.Listen and read the text P38.3.Draw a picture and talk about it.(Use: sun,moon,stars)板书设计Unit 1Look at

14、the sky, can you see the -? Yes, I can see-.How many-?-.教学反思Period 2 Contents Say and act/Play a gameAimsBasic aims 1.Knowledge objectives:a. Learn to read and use the words: the sun, the moon, starb. Learn to say: Can you see? Yes,I can./No, I cant.c. Review the letters: d. Ask and answer: Look at

15、Can you see? Yes,I can./No, I cant.How many?2. Ability objectives:a. To use correct response by listening to can-questions. e.g. Can you see the moon? Yes, I can. /No, I cant.b. Pronuncing and writing of the letters Aa-Zz3. Emotional objectives: Love the natural worldMain points1. The usage of yes/n

16、o questions to obtain a simple response.e.g. Can you see -?2. The usage of formulaic expressions to confirm/deny e.g. Yes, I can./No, I cant.3. To know more information about ask and answer .e.g. No, I cant.4.Describe the natural objects in the sky/in the park/in the shop.Difficult points1. To use c

17、orrect response by listening to can-questions. e.g. Can you see the moon? Yes, I can. /No, I cant.2.Describe the natural objects in the sky/in the park/in the shop.Teaching aidsmedia, cassette, ProcedureStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1.Review the letters.2. Read the rhyme.3. Sing a so

18、ng.1 Review the letters.2. Read together.3. Sing together.用歌曲引起学生兴趣,教师自然引入新授内容。While-task procedure1. Read the rhyme.2.Ask and answer:3.Superstar4. Ask and answer:5. Read the text.6. Read the rhyme.Play a game7. Talk about the park.8.Make a dialogue.Read together.Prepare a picture of the sky, Say: L

19、ook at the sky, Can you see the stars?Ss: Yes, I can.Ask: How many stars are there?Ss: One, two, three-,-stars.2) Do pair workWho is he/she?_is a superstar.He/She can _.I like _. Look and answer: Look at the sky.can you see the _? Yes, I can./No, I cant. What colour is the _? How is the_?Listen and

20、read.Read together.Show some clouds in the sky, ask: Look at the sky, Can you see the clouds? S1: Yes, I can. Ask: How many-?(guess)S1:- cloud(s).Ask and answer:Look at-Can you see-?How many-?Do pair work. Use these sentences.Look at-Can you see-?How many-?通过直观情景的问答,让学生直观的理解句子的含义。通过学生生活中的经验来学习运用英语。让

21、学生学习如何正确运用the.游戏的形式,避免枯燥,增加乐趣。培养学生独立思维的能力,合作学习的意识。Post-task activity1 Listen to the dialogue2 look and act out the dialogue3 Make a new dialogue.Ps read after the tape. Ps read together.T&S1 A modelLook at the fruit shop, can you see the -? Yes, I can see-.How many-?回到课文,培养学生听,说能力。让学生结合生活正确运用英语。Home

22、work1.Read the words and sentences.2.Listen and read the text P39.3.Draw a picture and make a dialogue.作业要求学生将语言训练再次融入到生活中,养成良好的学习习惯。板书设计Look at the sky, Can you see the -?Yes, I can./ No, I cant.How many-? -.教学反思Period 3ContentListen and enjoyAims1.Knowledge objectives:a. Learn to read and use the

23、words: the sun, the moon, starb. Learn to say: Can you see? Yes,I can./No, I cant.c. Review the letters: d. Ask and answer: Look at Can you see? Yes,I can./No, I cant.How many?e. Learn to sing the song.2. Ability objectives:a.To use nouns to identify natural objects. e.g. sun, moonb. To use correct

24、response by listening to can-questions. e.g. Can you see the moon? Yes, I can. /No, I can t.c. Describe the natural objects in the sky.d. Review the letters of the pronunciation and writing: Aa-Zz.3. Emotional objectives:a. To use educate the pupils to love the natural world.b. To bring up pupils go

25、od habits of listening and speaking.Main points1. To use nouns to identify natural objects. e.g. sun, moon2. To use correct response by listening to can-questions. e.g. Can you see the moon? Yes, I can. /No, I cant.3. Describe the natural objects in the sky.Difficult points1. To use nouns to identif

26、y natural objects. e.g. sun, moon2. To use correct response by listening to can-questions. e.g. Can you see the moon? Yes, I can. /No, I cant.3. Describe the natural objects in the sky.Teaching aidsPictures, multimedia, etc.ProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1.Warming up: 1) Let

27、ters2)Say some rhymes2. Quick response S:1) Read the letters.2)Say some rhymesT-S work in pairs.S-S work in pairs.朗诵儿歌,唱歌,能营造英语课堂的氛围,复习字母,使学生进入学习准备阶段.While-task procedure1.Show the media. Can you say something about it?Ask and answer2. Show the media.Make rhymes aboutthe moon.3. Show the picture.Sin

28、g a song.Learn: twinkle, world,diamondWonder,aboveHi. Im CiCi. Good morning.T: Look! This is the sun. Can you say something about it?1.P: OK. P: Try to say.e.g. The sun is hot.The sun is red.The sun is big.The sun is nice.I like the sun.Do pair workHi. Im CiCi. Good evening. Whats in the sky?P:A moo

29、nP: Try to say. (four a group)e.g. Moon, moon, big and yellow.Moon, moon, I like youHi. Im CiCi. Im coming again. Good night. I see the stars in the sky.1.T: Do you like the stars?T: How many stars?2.T: Sing a song.How is the star?Its twinling.Its small/ ittle.Its wonderful.Read: twinkle/wonderTwink

30、le,twinkle,little starHow I wonder what you are3.where are the stars?Theyre in tne sky.Theyre above the world.So high.Read: world/aboveIt like the diamond.Read:diamond.Up above the world so highLike a diamond in the sky.P: Sing and act.以小精灵为主体,用早晚夜为串联线,复习sun, moon, star,课件设计中的完整性,能吸引学生的眼球。培养学生说英语的习惯,让学生大胆发言,张开嘴说,提高学生口

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