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1、手机英语报Online Sales網上銷售The best thing about online sales is that-.網上銷售的最大優勢在于Everyone can see your product人人都能看見你的產品Your store is open 24/7你的店全天候經營They can grow so fast它們發展得很迅速Online SalesSelling products through a website or other network. Often also called e-commerce.通過網站或其他網絡銷售產品。通常也稱為電子商務。In onlin

2、e sales a product is sold using the Internet to the customer by e-commerce method. This is done by a company itself, or a third party. Online sales and catalog sales are also a kind of direct sales. Usually these sales are automated. The hard parts are bill payment, the right product gets shipped to

3、 the right place, and customer service problem resolution. Online sales often provide much information and pictures that a customer can read and see to understand the product better. When they are ready to buy, they click a shopping cart or order form and the sale or reservation is recorded.網上銷售即通過互

4、聯網將產品銷售給客戶,這就是電子商務。它可以由公司或第三方完成。網上銷售和產品目錄銷售都是直銷的方式之一。這些銷售通常是自動控制的,最大的困難在于支付、送貨和客服。通常網上銷售會提供大量的信息和圖片,幫助客戶更好的查看并理解產品。如果他們準備購買某樣商品,只需點擊購物車或者填寫訂單表格,即可完成預定或銷售。Channel sales渠道銷售Eric says channel sales are good for -.艾瑞克說渠道銷售有利于Coverage覆蓋面Market area市場區域Overseas sales in other languages海外銷售Selling through

5、a distribution channel or other organization. Often called wholesale.通過分銷渠道或其他組織銷售。通常稱為批發。Channel sales or wholesale sales methods are common for manufactured goods and services like hotels. Few large factories have their own network of stores; they usually sell through some distribution service to

6、a final store or customer. Channel sales puts a middleman between the product or service provider and the end customer. They do this because the middleman provides the service of distribution or aggregation. Distribution is a common idea. Aggregation means offering many similar things in one place.

7、Hotels and airline companies now sell most of their services through online aggregators.銷售渠道或批發銷售在成品銷售中較為常見。大型工廠幾乎沒有自己的商店網絡,他們往往通過分銷將產品銷售給終端商店或客戶。銷售渠道在產品(服務)與最終客戶之間設立了中間商。他們負責產品經銷或整合銷售。分銷是頗為常見的一種概念。而集中代表在某地提供多種類似的商品。酒店與航空公司目前都是在線整合銷售的。Media Kit媒體配套資料Journalists always like getting media kits at lunc

8、htime, because_.記者們總是喜歡在午餐時間拿到媒體配套資料,因為They get a free meal他們可得到一份免費的餐飲It gets them out of the office這使他們遠離辦公室 It puts them in a good mood這使他們擁有一個好心情Media Kit媒體配套資料Folder or web page with press releases, background, photographs, speeches and other relevant info.文件夾或網頁包括新聞稿、政府官員舉行的記者招待會、照片、演說和其它一個新聞活

9、動相關的信息。A media kit will contain prepared statements, background info, and photos and visual diagrams on different issues relating to an organization. The purpose of a media kit is to answer most of the questions most media will have quickly, conveniently, and through the filter of the organizations

10、PR department. The media kit presents the issue in the best light. It includes only factual information. If something in the media kit is found later to be false, the organization will be accused of lying or misleading. A difficult issue can be influenced by preparation of a good media kit, though.

11、Influencing is OK.媒體配套資料包含準備妥當的聲明書、背景資料和照片和圖表。配套資料的目的在于能夠及時便捷的回應媒體的絕大多數問題,并且已經通過公關部門的過濾。媒體配套資料必須展現出公司最為優秀的一面,而且保證信息的真實性,否則公司會被指控欺騙或誤導。往往一件棘手的事情會被一份準備充足的媒體資料所扭轉,轉變為良好的結果。Spokesperson發言人A good spokesperson will know the organization, and know 一位優秀的發言人應該了解企業,知道What will make a good press release如何開好新聞發

12、布會What will make a good news story制造好的新聞故事The tough questions media will ask回答媒體的苛刻問題SpokespersonA senior company representative who will speak at a news conference or give interview.要在一個記者招待會發言或與于采訪的公司高層代表。A spokesperson is the face and voice of an organization. This is a person who will give many

13、interviews to the media. This person must explain the actions as well as the position and decision of an organization on many issues. This person must also keep up to date on breaking news. If a news conference is scheduled for 3 pm and a new fact is discovered by the media at 2:45, they will certai

14、nly focus their questions on this fact. A spokesperson will give the message of the PR department and leaders of the company. This person must look good, think on their feet, and in some cases stonewall and misinform.發言人代表著一家公司的形象和話語權。他必須接受來自媒體的諸多采訪,闡述公司行為和公司立場以及相關事件的決策。因此發言人必須時時跟蹤最新信息。假設新聞發布會將于下午三點

15、召開,而2:45突發新情況,那么發言人必須把這一消息傳達給公關部門和公司領導。發言人必須儀表端莊、才思敏捷,否則會阻礙議事,發布錯誤信息。Loss leader pricing虧本價銷售That product is old, so we will bundle it with _ as a loss leader.那個產品已經過時了。所以我們會把它和綁定進行虧本銷售。Our new one 我們的新產品Its replacement 它的替代品A sample of our other products 我們其他產品的樣本Loss leader pricing虧本價銷售To sell one

16、 product for a very low price or even a loss to increase sales or market share for another product.以很低甚至虧本的價格銷售產品。通常為增加另一項產品的銷售或市場份額而使用。Loss leader pricing虧本價銷售Loss leader pricing is done when one product is nearing the end of its life, or you have a new product that is coming out to replace or upgr

17、ade an older one. Often these two will be bundled together. Customers who know and trust the first product will buy the bundle for the first one. Because few people like to waste things, they will try the new one, too. Your goal is accomplished, to sell your old product, and get people to try your n

18、ew one. Loss leader pricing is also known as a kind of penetration pricing. It accepts a loss of sales to gain market share or customers for a new product.虧本價是指舊產品即將被(市場淘汰)、或是被新產品取代/更新時的售價。通常這兩種情況是同時發生的。信任老產品的客戶會接受綁定在一起的新產品。因為很少有人喜歡浪費,而且通常人們也愿意嘗試新產品。你的目標是完成老產品的銷售,并試圖讓人們接受新產品。虧本價銷售也可以理解為低價銷售,它允許以占有市場

19、、贏得新產品客戶群為目的,進行虧本銷售。Demand Based Pricing按需定價We will use demand based pricing, so we need to _ to succeed我們想按需定價,所以為了成功我們需要。Closely follow the market緊跟市場Work very hard努力工作Absorb all the demand滿足所有的需求Demand Based Pricing按需定價To set the price based on the value the market puts on a product. To let the d

20、emand set the price.根據市場賦予產品的價值制定價格,按照需求定價。Demand Based Pricing按需定價Demand Based Pricing is letting the market set your price. How to figure out the correct price? Start with the price of your closest competitor. Then set your price around the same. After your product is established, raise your price

21、 slightly each month. Carefully watch the order statistics for your product. One month they will drop dramatically. Quickly bring your price down slightly to where it was the month before. You have found the price above which customers will not buy your product. There are also psychological forces w

22、orking here. It is always better to sell for 9.99 than for 10.按需定價是指讓市場來決定你的產品的價格。如何制定出合理的價格呢?首先要看看你的競爭對手的產品定價,你應該制定和他們產不多的價格。待產品在市場上“站穩腳跟”后,再每月微微調高價格。緊密觀察產品的訂購量,到了一定的時候,(你會發現)產品銷量會急劇下滑,這時你應將產品價格下調回最初的低價。這時你會了解到價格上漲到何種程度會導致客戶停止購買。這里面也有一定的心理戰略。人們總覺得9.99元比10元便宜!Senior managers高層管理層Q-Are you interested

23、 to come work for us? We need good senior managers.有興趣到我們這邊工作嗎?我們需要一位好的高級管理人員。A-I am listening, but I think our company is stronger than yours.我注意到了,但是我認為我我們公司更有實力。Q-Have you heard of our-new X-18 product? It will take over the market.你聽說過我們的新產品X-18嗎?它將占領整個市場。A- Yes, I heard about it. It seems reall

24、y great. Please tell me more.是的,我聽過,很不錯的。我很感興趣。Senior managersA high level leadership position in an organization.組織中的高級領導地位Reading閱讀The tight labor market in most countries for technical and senior management people makes it a challenge to hire senior management. Senior managers should have leaders

25、hip, industry experience, and a good education and good judgment. When hiring senior managers, one of the main concerns is if they will bring their “baggage” with them from another company. You may get new ways of doing things that you like, but you may also get bad habits from another company. For

26、this reason, many companies like to hire up from within. This also shows mid level employees a path upwards to success.在許多國家,技術和高級管理人員供不應求,使得公司很難找到合適的人選.高級管理人員應具備領導才能、行業經驗及良好的教育背景和很好的判斷力。當公司雇傭了一位高級管理人員,不得不考慮的就是高級人員“隨身攜帶的行李的”。他們可能會帶來廣受歡迎的更好的工作方式,但也可能帶來一些平日里養成的不好的工作習慣,正因為如此,許多公司傾向于內部選拔,許多公司傾向于內部選拔,給員工

27、提供了一條通向中層管理層的成功之路。重點詞匯Tight labor market人員供不應求Technical personnel有專業技術的人Leadership領導權Industry experience行業經驗a good education良好的教育背景good judgment良好的判斷力baggage, bad habit行李,壞習慣hire from within內部選拔 hiring process雇傭Q-Would you like to apply for a job?你想要應聘什么職位嗎?A-I am interested, but I want to know abou

28、t your compensation for sales people.我很感興趣,但是我想知道銷售人員的傭金。Q-Our sales people get salary plus commission and use of a car. Interested?銷售除了工資以外還有提成,可以使用公司的車,對此你感興趣嗎?A- That sounds good, how do I apply聽上去很不錯,怎樣申請這個職位?Hiring is the process of finding the best people and getting them working for your orga

29、nization.雇傭是指物色到最合適的人員并使其為公司工作的過程。ReadingHiring is the process of finding the best people and getting them working for your organization. It takes time to find the right people, whether you look for recruits at a job fair, on a web site, or in an employment ad. The most popular place to find people

30、now is on job search web sites. Job fairs still are important at major universities, and competition for the best and brightest is tough. The best people out of school or other companies in an industry are easier to recruit when the economy is going well. Smart organizations hire constantly to make

31、sure they get the best human resources.雇傭是指物色到最合適的人員并使其為公司工作的過程。無論是通過人才市場招聘,網絡招聘還是招聘廣告都要花費時間找到合適的人選。如今,最流行的招聘是網上招聘。人才市場對于在校大學生來說仍舊重要,出類拔萃極具潛力的畢業生非常搶手,用人單位之間的競爭也同樣激烈。經濟形勢不好的時候,招聘到剛畢業或者剛離職的優秀人員是很容易的;經濟形勢好的時候,情況就不一樣了。睿智的公司總是不斷地尋找并雇傭那些更優秀的人才。Find the right people 找到合適的人選Look for recruits 應聘Job fair人才市場J

32、ob search web site網上求職Employment ad招聘廣告Competition is tough競爭激烈Best and brightest出類拔萃極具潛力的人Hire constantly持續的雇傭Pre-sales Phase售前階段How do you find customers?你如何尋找客戶?Most of our customers come in from our website.主要的客戶來自網站。We do newspaper advertising every week.每周我們都做報紙的廣告。All the activities and items that need to be completed b

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