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1、教资英语教学设计口语及写作教资英语教学设计-口语及写作Part 4 口语课 教学设计真题回顾(18 年下初中)根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计 20 分钟的口语教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:teaching objectives teaching contentskey and difficult pointsmajor steps and time allocation activities and justifications教学时间:20 分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学七年级(初中一年级)学生,班级人数 40 人

2、。多数学生已经达到义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)二级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。Ms Li:Hello,my name is Li Fang.Im your teacher and you are my students.Im Chinese.Im from Wuhan.Whats your name?Lingling:My name is Wang Lingling.Ms Li:Nice to meet you,Lingling.Where are you from? Lingling:Im from Beijing.Im Chinese.Ms Li:How old are you

3、? Lingling:Im thirteen years old.Ms Li:Good.Hello,what about you?Daming : Hello,Ms Li,my name is Li Daming and Im from Beijing,too.Im twelve years old.Ms Li:Thanks.Hello,are you from America?Tony:No,Im not.Im from England.Im Tony Smith. Ms Li:Nice to meet you,Tony.Hi,are you English,too?Betty:No,Im

4、not.Im American and my name is Betty King. Lingling:Tony and Betty are our friends.Ms Li:Good!Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7!口语课教学模式PWPPre-speaking While-speaking Post-speaking PPPPresentation Practice ProductionPWPPre-speaking1.Read/listen to the conversation/passage2.Learn expressions While-speaking 1

5、.Tasks2.SpeakingPost-speaking 1.Display 2.Evaluation模板Pre-speaking(8 mins) Step1. Pre-speaking(8 mins)1.Read/Listen to the conversation/passageStudents will listen to/read the conversation/passage to get the main idea, then fill in the chart/answer some questions:(1) ?(2) ?(3) ?2.Learn expressionsTh

6、e teacher will explain the meaning and usage of the new words and sentences about the situation: and invite students to do some exercises about the new knowledge.(Justification:With those activities,students will be familiar with the situation,and accumulate many expressions which can be used in thi

7、s situation,making good preparation for the speaking activities.)Ms Li:Hello,my name is Li Fang.Im your teacher and you are my students.Im Chinese.Im from Wuhan.Whats your name?Lingling:My name is Wang Lingling.Ms Li:Nice to meet you, Lingling.Where are you from? Lingling:Im from Beijing.Im Chinese.

8、Ms Li:How old are you? Lingling:Im thirteen years old.Ms Li:Good.Hello,what about you?Daming : Hello,Ms Li,my name is Li Daming and Im from Beijing,too.Im twelve years old.Ms Li:Thanks.Hello,are you from America? Tony:No,Im not.Im from England.Im Tony Smith.Ms Li:Nice to meet you,Tony.Hi,are you Eng

9、lish,too? Betty:No,Im not.Im American and my name is Betty King. Lingling:Tony and Betty are our friends.Ms Li:Good!Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7!小试牛刀Step1.Pre-speaking(8 mins)1.Read/Listen to the conversation/passageStudents will listen to/read the conversation/passage to get the main idea,then fill i

10、n the chart/answer some questions:(1) ?(2) ?(3) ?2.Learn expressionsThe teacher will explain the meaning and usage of the new words and sentences about the situation: and invite students to do some exercises about the new knowledge.(Justification:With those activities,students will be familiar with

11、the situation,and accumulate many expressions which can be used in this situation,making good preparation for the speaking activities.)模板While-speaking(7 mins) Step 2 While-speaking(7 mins) 1.Read after the audio.The teacher will play the audio and lead students to read after it.Students should pay

12、attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Then they can read the dialogue inroles.2.Group workThe teacher will set a situation. Students will imagine that and design a dialogue with their group members.Students will practice their dialogue.(Justification:Through those activities, students will m

13、aster the new words and sentence patterns firmly.Students will have a deeper understanding about the topic and usage of the new knowledge,and they can also have more opportunities to express themselves.)模板Post-speaking(5 mins) Step 3 Post-speaking (5 mins) Display and EvaluationThe teacher will invi

14、te some students to share their dialogue to the whole class and guide other students to evaluate the performance,then the teacher will make a conclusion.(Justification:Through this activity,students will regulate their language and work out better ideas or expressions,and they will improve their spe

15、aking skill.Besides, they will be more willing to share their ideas in public and learn from each other.)完整模板即将登场!语言素材:一封信Dear JennyI am very busy on Friday.At 8:00 I have math.It is not fun.The teacher says it is useful,but I think it is difficult.Then at 9:00 I have science.It is difficult but int

16、eresting.At 10:00 I have history.After that,I have P.E. at 11:00.Its easy and fun.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00,and after that we have Chinese.It is my favorite subject.Our Chinese teacher,Mr.Wang,is great fun.My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.It is really rel

17、axing!How about you?When are your classes?Whats your favorite subject?Your friendYu MeiI.Teaching Contents:This is a speaking lesson. It talks about .II.Teaching objectives(1)Knowledge objectives:a)Students will learn some words and phrases like .b)Students can understand the passage and learn more

18、about .(2)Ability objective:Students can express their opinions about by using the target language.(3)Emotional objectives:a)Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English and be fond of taking part in kinds of class activities.b) .III.Key and difficult points:Key point:Help student

19、s get the details of the passage.Difficult point:Guide students to use the new knowledge in their daily life.IV.Major Steps:Step1.Pre-speaking(8 mins)1.Read/Listen to the conversation/passageStudents will listen to/read the conversation/passage to get the main idea,then fill in the chart/answer some

20、 questions:(1) ?(2) ?(3) ?2.Learn expressionsThe teacher will explain the meaning and usage of the new words and sentences about the situation: and invite students to do some exercises about the new knowledge.(Justification:With those activities, students will be familiar with the situation,and accu

21、mulate many expressions which can be used in this situation, making good preparation for the speaking activities.)Step2 While-speaking(7 mins)1.Read after the audio.The teacher will play the audio and lead students to read after it. Students should pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.T

22、hen they can read the dialogue in roles.2.Group workThe teacher will set a situation.Students will imagine that and design a dialogue with their group members.Students will practice their dialogue.(Justification:Through those activities,students will master the new words and sentence patterns firmly

23、.Students will have a deeper understanding about the topic and usage of the new knowledge,and they can also have more opportunities to express themselves.)Step 3 Post-speaking(5 mins) Display and EvaluationThe teacher will invite some students to share their dialogue to the whole class and guide oth

24、er students to evaluate the performance, then the teacher will make aconclusion.(Justification: Through this activity,students will regulate their language and work out better ideas or expressions,and they will improve their speaking skill.Besides,they will be more willing to share their ideas in pu

25、blic and learn from each other.)PWPPre-speaking1.Read/listen to the conversation/passage2.Learn expressions While-speaking 1.Tasks2.SpeakingPost-speaking 1.Display 2.EvaluationPPPPresentation1.Basic&detailed information 2.Knowledge:words,sentences Practice1.Dialogue2.Putting pictures in order 3.Time

26、line cards Production1.Group discussion2.Survey 3.Role-play理论精讲-教学设计 4(笔记)【说在课前】今天进行教学设计第四次课程,即教学设计的收关之课。今天会将所有教学设计的内容都完成。1.How to write 2.What to write Pre-writing1.Task &Requirements2.Writing While-writing 1.Editing 2.Display 3.Evaluation Post-writing【解析】我们先来回顾一下上节课讲过的写作课的流程,写作课的核心模式还是 PWP 模式。听说课和

27、阅读课占比最重要/最高的环节在 while 部分,写作课最重要的是写前,有范文的,需要进行有范文的框架学习,并且要构思自己的写作内容。1.Pre-writing:写前如果总体是 20 分钟,可以按大于三分之一的时间来安排, 即 7、8、9、10 分钟都可以。(1)How to write:怎样去写。总结:读一遍总结大意。内容:读第二遍,关于细节问题。A.提问:提 3-4 个问题。B.如果遇到议论文,不太好提问,就找支撑论点的内容可以找 Topic sentence和陈述句。结构:Structure,学习已有材料的结构。(2)What to write:写什么内容。用小组讨论的活动,让学生将有用

28、的想法、观点记下来,可能包括有用的句子、短语等。2.While-writing:(1)Task &Requirements:在写中环节需要给学生一些具体任务,并且明确具体的要求,接下来让学生自己写。(2)Writing:Outline:写大纲。Draft:写草稿,把刚才自己写的东西填充进去。3.Post-writing:写后环节,可以进行修正。(1)Editing:Self:自己先改一改,看看有什么样的错误,包括语法、拼写。Peer editing:同伴互改,给到一些语法、拼写、标点符号的修改建议。Polishing:润色一下,提出一些润色建议。(2)Display:老师邀请同学呈现,其他同学

29、需要评价。(3)Evaluation:最后老师进行总结。【注意】写前活动:需要把前面的三个活动(学习内容、结构、构思素材)分别的写出来。每一个对应的时间安排,设计意图,将内容填充实。真题回顾-2020 下高中四、教学设计题(本大题 1 小题,40 分)33.根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计 20 分钟的写作教学方案, 帮助学生顺利完成该写作任务。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:Teaching objectives Teaching contentsKey and difficult pointsMajor steps and

30、time allocation Activities and justifications教学时间:20 分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中年级第一学期学生,班级人数 40 人,多数学生已经达到义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)五级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。【解析】在年后的真题讲解部分会讲 2020 年的新题型,如果前面讲了,那么后面再讲就会重复,因此就没有给大家呈现最新考查的题目,请大家放心最后的真题体验部分会讲到的。语言素材:WRITING1.Think of someone famous that you admire a lot,for example,an artist,a m

31、usician or writer.2.Write two or three paragraphs about his or her life.Below are some suggestions to help you.3.Write about:Where he/she was born and where he/she lived as a child. His/her family.How he/she become famous.His/her songs/ music/painting/novels/poems. To show he/she has been in.Your opinion of his/her work. Explain why you like him/her. What you think will happen to him/her.Whether he/she will continue to be successful.【解析】语言素材:只是有题目的要求,没有范文,那么刚才的范文就不适用了,此时形成了无范文的情况,这种情况最重要需要调整的是写前的环节。有同学听过就当复习了,第一次听的同学重点看看素材给了哪些信息。1.Think of someone famous that you

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