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On The English Loan Words in French since the 18th Century终稿.docx

1、On The English Loan Words in French since the 18th Century终稿十八世纪始法语中的英语借词研究作者 李波 指导教师 王卫平摘要词汇学,作为语言学的一个分支,起着越来越重要的作用。美国著名的语言学家萨丕尔(1985)曾经说过,几乎所有的语言都不能 “自给自足”。文化的接触必然导致语言的接触。语言接触的过程中必然产生相互融合,相互借用,相互丰富的结果。对于每一种语言来说, 相对稳固的部分是语法,而最活跃的部分是词汇。因此,语言接触中最易受影响的也是词汇。法语在其发展过程中就曾向拉丁,希腊,意大利,西班牙等语种借入了大量词语。法语和英语由于历史

2、上长期接触,形成“你中有我,我中有你”的结果。但是,两种语言接触时,相互影响和相互渗透从来都不是平等的,总有一种语言处于优势,而另一种语言处于劣势。长期以来,英语和法语互相影响,不断从对方假借和吸收词汇,以丰富本语语言。英法之间在相互借词方面在18世纪以前都是法语占据主导地位,但18世纪后的一个多世纪以来, 英法借词的天平发生了变化: 法语由以借出为主变为以借入为主。目前,随着世界通用语英语在全球的广泛使用,它对法语的影响仍然在不断增强。而造成这中局面的本文主要从社会语言学和词汇学角度研究英,法两种语言之间的借用的历史和所依附的社会背景以及一般借用方式和法语教学中的英语借词。本文共六章,各章节

3、内容如下: 第一章绪论陈述了本文的研究背景和选题意义,并指出了研究将带来的益处:使法语学习变得容易,帮助法语学习中扩大词汇量,提高阅读速度和技能,同时回顾以往法语中英语借词的研究,指出本文结构以便阅读。第二章法语中英语借词的历史,首先阐述了“借词”和“借入”的概念,并从法语中的英语借词和英语中的其它借词来论述法语介词的历史,列举其向拉丁,希腊,意大利,阿拉伯,西班牙,德国等语言的借词,并指出了法语借入词的三个高峰。第三章谈及英国和美国对法语借入英语的影响,从不同的时期,英国和美国在政治经济地位上的转变与其对法语借入英语的影响得出社会因素特别是经济因素是影响语言发展的重要因素。同时对比了英语和法

4、语在历史上各个时期的交流,分析了其中影响语言交流的原因。第四章讲了三种借词的途径,从直接借词,语义借词和构词三种方法进行了阐述。让人更加清楚法语借入英语的过程与方法也便于法语学习者在学习过程中能够更好地掌握法语词汇第五章讲了法语教学中的英语借词,以及政府对它的态度,并且阐述了其必要性和其在法语词汇教学中的作用。第六章对文章做出了,总结包含了研究的意义与不足并做出建议。关键词:英语 法语 借词On The English Loan Words in French since the 18th CenturyLi BoAbstractLexicology, as a branch of lingu

5、istics, is playing a more and more important role. Sapir(1985), a famous American linguist has ever said “almost all the languages cannot be self-sufficient.” The cultural contact will inevitably lead to the language contact, and the process of language contact must have this kind of effect of mutua

6、l integration, borrowing and enrichment. For each language, the relatively stable part is grammar, while the most active part is vocabulary. Therefore, the most susceptible part of language contact is also vocabulary. French and English, the two languages contact with each other very often in the lo

7、ng-term history and as a result of that, they are of mutual penetration. However, it has never been equal when two different languages contact with each other, mutually interact and penetrate. Its always that one language occupies a dominant position and the other forced to be inferior. English and

8、French have been influencing each other in terms of their mutual word borrowing and enrichment over history. For a long time, English and French have influenced each other constantly through mutually borrowing word and enriching their own vocabulary over history. Between French and English, French w

9、ere dominant in the process of mutual word borrowing in the 18th century and before, but from then on, the situation gradually changed. At present, English as a lingua franca all over the world, its influence on French is still on the rise. This paper focuses on the history, social background for wo

10、rd borrowing by French from English, general methods of word borrowing by French from English, and the learning and teaching of English loan words in French from the point of lexicology. The paper is divided into six parts: First is the introduction, this part sets out the background and the signifi

11、cance of this study, and noted that the research will helpful for French learners to enlarge their French vocabulary by use of the English vocabulary that they have mastered, improve their reading skill and be more interested in French learning, meanwhile review the study has been done by other and

12、related theory and show the structure of this paper to help reader read it easier. The second part -the History of English loan words in French illustrates the definition of loan word and borrowing and discus the borrowing history form English and other languages and show some example of French impo

13、rted words from other languages and points out the three climax of French borrowing foreign words. The third part is about the communication between French and English in the history and the influences from England and America in diffrent times when America and England shift in their national power

14、and indicates that economicy is a key factor influnece language development.The fourth part just show us three methods of borrowing and illustrate from Direct borrowing ,Semantic translation and Word formation.This will make us clear to the process and methods of word borrowing and facilate the Fren

15、ch learning.The five part discusses the English loan words in French teaching and the governments attitude to it and emphasis its necessity and its significance in French learning and teaching. The last part just concludes and give us some suggestions, for example, taking advantage of English to lea

16、rn French. Key words: English French loan word Contents1. Introduction 1.1 Significance of the study 1.2 Literature review 1.3 Structure of the thesis2. History of French loan words from English 2.1 Definition of Loan Words and borrowing 2.2 Loan Words from other languages 2.3 Loan Words from Englis

17、h3. Causes for loan words in French 3.1 Influences from England 3.2 Influences from America 3.3Communication between French and English in history4. Methods of borrowing 4.1 Direct borrowing 4.2 Semantic translation 4.3 Word formation5. English loan words in French language teaching 5.1 Attitude of

18、French government 5.2 Inevitable use of English words in French 5.3 English loan words in teaching French vocabulary6. Suggestions and conclusion BibliographyAppendix1. Introduction 1.1 Significance of the studyAccording to the recent study done by French linguist Henriette Walter in his book LAvent

19、ure des mots franais venus dailleurs, “Among the 60,000 words in French vocabulary 8,600 are loan words. If the number of words is cut in 35,000, then there are 4,200 loan words, 25 % of which come from English.” The loan words Henriette Walter mentioned above are only those accepted formally in the

20、 French lexicon, but the loan words heard and seen in reality, especially those coming from British and American English, are far more than those mentioned (Fang 2006: 135).At present, an increasing number of English learners are taking French as their second foreign language. However, due to the si

21、milarities and differences between English and French, the English knowledge they have learned will inevitably exert both positive and negative influences on their French learning in which vocabulary plays a significant role. The value of the study is vividly indicated in the following remark by Wal

22、lace (1982: 9; cited in Zhang 2004: preface), “ there is a sense in which learning a foreign language is basically a matter of learning the vocabulary of that language. Not being able to find the words you need to express yourself is the most frustrating experience in speaking another language”. Jus

23、t as a building cannot be constructed without the building materials, no language is conceivable without vocabulary. As vocabulary plays such an important role in language, it is important to have some knowledge of it. As English and French have influenced each other in terms of their mutual word bo

24、rrowing and enrichment over history, English loans play a very important role in French. Moreover, lexicology, a branch of linguistics concerned with the vocabulary of the language with respect to words and word equivalents (an idiom or a set phrase), is becoming even more important than in the past

25、. This paper focuses on the social backgrounds and general methods of English loans in French in an attempt to facilitate the learning of French language. Hopefully, the English learners who take French as their second foreign language can take advantage of English vocabulary to enlarge their French

26、 vocabulary and improve their reading speed and skills.1.2 Literature review1.2.1Lexicology Lexicology is the part of linguistics which studies words, their nature and meaning, words elements, relations between words (semantical relations), word groups and the whole lexicon.The term first appeared i

27、n the 1820s, though there were lexicologists in essence before the term was coined. Computational lexicology as a related field (in the same way that computational linguistics is related to linguistics) deals with the computational study of dictionaries and their contents. An allied science to lexic

28、ology is lexicography, which also studies words in relation with dictionaries it is actually concerned with the inclusion of words in dictionaries and from that perspective with the whole lexicon. Therefore lexicography is the theory and practice of composing dictionaries. Sometimes lexicography is

29、considered to be a part or a branch of lexicology, but the two disciplines should not be mistaken: only lexicologists who do write dictionaries are lexicographers. It is said that lexicography is the practical lexicology, it is practically oriented though it has its own theory, while the pure lexico

30、logy is mainly theoretical.( 2011)In French, lexicology as “a new science” occurred in the 1960s. Since then, this science has fulfilled great achievements in France, and there are a large number of works about vocabulary in French (Cheng 2002: 9). Also there are some works on it,among those works,

31、the researches the authors have done are superficial and lack of supporting and guiding theories. That is, those papers are simply the accumulations of some English loans in French in certain fields, but few suggestions are given to the learning of English loans in French, though they have covered t

32、he social backgrounds, the causes and the uses of English loans in French.Word, Lexical Item, VocabularyWordIt is quite difficult to state the criteria by which a word can be defined; so far no completely satisfactory definition has been given. In brief, a word may be defined as a fundamental unit of speech and minimum free form; with a unity of sound and meaning (both lexical and grammatical meaning), capable of performing a given syntactic function. Therefore, from the lexicological point of view, a word is a combination of form (phonological) and meaning (lex

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