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习题外研版选修8Module 6 课下能力提升二十四.docx

1、习题外研版选修8 Module 6 课下能力提升二十四课下能力提升(二十四).阅读理解The Poetry Foundation recently named American poet Jack Prelutsky as the nations first childrens poet laureate (桂冠诗人)The group created the award as a way to increase Americans love of poetry from an early age.As childrens poet laureate, Jack Prelutsky will

2、give two public readings in the next two years. He will also advise the Poetry Foundation about childrens literature and take part in projects concerning children and poetry.Jack Prelutsky has been writing poetry for children for almost forty years. He has written more than thirtyfive books of poems

3、. His first book was called A Gopher in the Garden.It was published in 1967. His latest is called Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant and Other Poems.Jack Prelutsky is well known for creating new words by combining two words to create a new kind of creature. For example, he combined “radish” with “shark”

4、to get “radishark”. “Lion” and “broccoli” became a “broccolion”Jack Prelutsky says children like his poems because he writes about things they care about. Poetry experts say Jack Prelutskys poems recognize childrens feelings. An example of this is the poem My Sister Is a Werewolf which is about how

5、it feels to be different.Jack Prelutsky also writes poems about American holidays. From the romance of Valentines Day to the thrills of Halloween, from the stuffing (and overstuffing) of Thanksgiving to the joy of Christmas, Jack captures these milestones of childhood with delightfully silly poems.1

6、Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?APoems with New Words Grow PopularBFirst Childrens Poet Laureate NamedCChildrens Love for Poetry IncreasedDJack Prelutsky Awarded Nationwide解析:选B标题归纳题。文章开头就点明了主题,然后介绍了这位诗人和他为儿童所作的诗,故选B项。2What is Jack Prelutsky famous for?AHis productivity.

7、BHis long time of writing.CCreating new words in his poems.DHis poems about American holidays.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知,Jack Prelutsky因为创造新词而出名,故选C项。3Which is the right order according to the passage?atwo public readingsbA Gopher in the GardencBehold the Bold Umbrellaphant and Other PoemsdMy Sister Is a

8、 WerewolfAb, c, d, a Bd, a, c, bCb, d, c, a Da, b, c, d解析:选C推理判断题。根据第二段第一句可知,a项的时间最晚;根据第三段第三句可知b项的时间最早;根据第三段最后一句可知c项应在d项之后,故答案为C项。4What can we learn from the passage?AThe Poetry Foundation was set up recently.BJack has written thirtyfive poems for children.CThe new words Jack created in his works ar

9、e easy to understand.DJacks poems about holidays are not popular with Children.解析:选C推理判断题。由第四段的内容可知,Jack Prelutsky在作品中创造的词大都是由两个简单的单词合并在一起构成的,并且他的作品是给孩子们读的,由此可推断这些新词都很容易理解,所以C项正确。.阅读七选五Tips to Manage StressYou cant rid stress from your life completely, but you can reduce it. Know that it takes some

10、efforts because you may have to make changes in your attitude and lifestyle. Reducing stress requires that you know how you react to stress. If you know, you can change your behavior. _1_. See the glass as half full instead of half empty. Also, develop a strategy for handling stressful situations. T

11、his way, you wont be caught off guard (措手不及). Here are the helpful tips: _2_When your body is healthy, it can stand up to stress. Keep your body healthy and strong with nutritious foods.A lowfat diet helps slow the progress of some stressrelated diseases. Avoid caffeine (咖啡因), nicotine (尼古丁) and alc

12、ohol.Laugh_3_. When you laugh or just smile, the blood which flows to the brain is increased. It is due to the release of endorphins (内啡肽) which results in a drop in the level of stress hormones (荷尔蒙)Be socialWhen you feel stress, your instincts tell you to isolate yourself. When you withdraw, you a

13、llow yourself to concentrate more on the problem, which makes your stress level greater. _4_. Be around with young children, who can help make you forget yourself and your worries.Know your stress and personalityDo you know how to react to stress? Do you yell and kick the furniture? Or do you retrea

14、t into stony silence? _5_. Make note of any stressor, the time, the place, how you feel, and what you do as a result. By knowing your own personality, you can learn to respond to stress before you reach the crisis mode.ACall friendsBSupport your coworkersCAdd good nutrition and exerciseDKeep a stres

15、s diary for two weeksEParticipate as actively as possibleFTry to be more optimistic and confidentGIt may be one of the healthiest ways to reduce stress1解析:选F由下文的“See the glass as half full instead of half empty”可推知,改变态度很重要,要努力变得更加乐观和自信,所以选F项。2解析:选C空处为本段的标题,根据本段中的“Keep your body healthy and strong wi

16、th nutritious foods”可知,本段主要讲的是增加营养和多锻炼身体可以应对压力,故选C项。3解析:选G根据常识并结合本段的整体内容可推知,笑也许是减少压力的最健康的方法之一,所以选G项。选项G中的It代指“Laugh”。4解析:选A结合本段的标题“Be social”可推知,本段主要讲的是多参加社交活动,不要自我封闭,所以选A项。5解析:选D由下文的“Make note of any stressor, the time, the place, how you feel, and what you do as a result”可知,把与压力有关的东西都记下来,分析并采取相应的策

17、略,这与D项契合,所以选D项。.完形填空My mother has a unique way of embarrassing her children. Whenever she gets _1_ about something, she jumps up and down, screaming. We _2_ this as the “silly dance”. As her daughter, I find this _3_ embarrassing. Anytime she goes into the silly dance, I will _4_ slowly away, smile

18、awkwardly, and _5_ to people, “No, shes not my mother.”Even though my mother brought me much _6_ when I was little, and even though she _7_ does the silly dance when something goes her way, I now _8_ it. Because the silly dance shows just who she is, and it shows that shes happy. _9_ she didnt do he

19、r dance and just obeyed our wishes for “not _10_, Mom”, she would compromise who she is.I owe a lot of my _11_ for the theater to my mother. I now sing publicly like my mother does. And my friends are always doing that _12_ awkward smile and usually _13_ under their breath, “Carolyn, public.”So in m

20、any ways Im becoming my mother. Im not going to _14_ singing just because people feel embarrassed at it. I have no _15_ that I will embarrass my own children with my performance of the “silly dance”. So what? Thats who I am.Its my _16_ that everyone should dance to the beat of her own drum, even if

21、the guy next to you gives you a(n) _17_ look. I believe in the things that set us _18_. I believe in being myself, no matter how many awkward smiles I _19_. I believe in the idea that never _20_ who I am.语篇解读:本文是夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己的亲身经历告诉我们一个道理:不要在意别人的看法,要做自己。1A.excited BdisappointedCconfused Dconcerned解析:

22、选A根据下文的“she jumps up and down, screaming”“does the silly dance when something goes her way”及“it shows that shes happy”可知,母亲在兴奋时就会跳起“舞”来,因此选择A。excited“兴奋的”;disappointed“失望的”;confused“困惑的”;concerned“担忧的”。2A.pick up Btake upCrefer to Dturn to解析:选C我们把她的这种舞蹈称为“silly dance”。refer to . as . “把称为”。3A.primar

23、ily BgraduallyCoccasionally Dcompletely解析:选D根据下句可知,作者认为这种舞蹈令自己非常尴尬,因此选择completely“完全地,彻底地”。 BrushCinch Dpull解析:选C根据句中的“slowly”“smile awkwardly”可知,此处指母亲无论何时跳起“舞”来,作者都会慢慢地走开。inch“缓慢地移动”,符合语境。5A.apologize BexplainCcomplain Drespond解析:选B根据上下文语境可知,为了使自己摆脱尴尬的处境,作者会向人们解释(explain)道,“不,她不是我妈妈”。6A.annoy

24、ance BsupportCfavour Dcourage解析:选A根据上文的内容可知,此处应是表示尽管母亲在作者小的时候给她带来了很多困扰。annoyance“烦恼,苦恼”,符合语境。7A.even BeverCnever Dstill解析:选D虽然当有些事情进行顺利时,她仍然(still)会跳“silly dance”。8A.avoid BimproveCenjoy Dignore解析:选C根据上下文语境,此处指作者现在喜欢上了母亲表达喜悦的方式。因此选择enjoy。9A.Unless BIfCIn case DNow that解析:选B根据语境,此处指如果母亲听从孩子们的意愿不在公共场合

25、跳“舞”,那她就违背了自我。根据句意可知,空处在此引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”,故选If。 public Bin personCin advance Din vain解析:选A参见上题解析。下文中的“sing publicly like my mother does”是提示。in public“公开地,当众”; in person“亲自”;in advance“提前”;in vain“白费力气,徒劳”。11A.affection BtalentCsympathy Dadmiration解析:选A此处指作者把自己对戏剧的喜爱归功于自己的母亲。affection“喜爱”,符合句意。1

26、2A.different BunusualCextra Dsame解析:选D根据上下文语境可知,此处指朋友们看到作者在公共场合唱歌,也会露出同样尴尬的微笑,因此选择same。13A.shouting BwhisperingClaughing Dcheering解析:选B根据下文中的“under their breath”可知,此处指的应是作者的朋友们通常会小声说道。whisper under ones breath“耳语,小声说”,符合句意。14A.make up for Bput up withCtake to Dgive up解析:选D根据语境可知,此处指作者不会仅仅因为会让别人感到尴尬就

27、放弃(give up)唱歌。15A.doubt BideaCchoice Dhope解析:选A此处指毫无疑问(doubt),作者也会使自己的孩子们感到尴尬。16A.advice BdreamCprediction Dbelief解析:选D此处表示作者认为(belief):每个人都应该按照自己的节拍去跳舞,即使你身边的人会向你投以奇怪的(strange)表情。17A.comforting BspecialCstrange Dappreciative解析:选C参见上题解析。18A.aside BawayCalike Dapart解析:选D此处指使我们有所区别的这些东西。set . apart“使与

28、众不同,使突出”。19A.share BreceiveCrefuse Dremember解析:选B作者表示无论自己收到多少尴尬的笑容,作者都会相信要做自己。receive表示“(客观上)得到,收到”,符合句意。20A.compromise BignoreCforget Dsuspect解析:选A此处指作者在坚持自我这个问题上永不妥协。compromise“妥协,让步”,符合句意。第二段最后一句中的“compromise who she is”也是提示。.语法填空Hospitals havent always been clean and quiet places. Long ago they

29、were dirty and crowded. Nurses were never taught_1_ to look after their patients and many people died. It was Florence Nightingale who changed all this.Florence was born in 1820. As a child, she often went with her mother_2_ (visit) the poor people.They took food and medicine to the sick. It was the

30、se visits that first gave her the idea of becoming_3_ nurse.Her chance came in 1854 when Britain went to war with Russia. Florence_4_ (ask) by the government to take a group of nurses to look after the sick and the _5_ (wound). The hospitals were dirty, and there wasnt enough medicine. Florence and

31、her team worked very hard, _6_ (clean) the hospital rooms and made the bed every day. At night, she would go from room to room, _7_ (check) on the patients. She often stayed to talk to the patients and provided comfort_8_ them.After the war, Florence opened a school to teach nurses to look after their patients_9_ (proper). However, she never really made a full_10_ (recover) from the illness that she had in t

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