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1、经典美剧老友记第八季第九集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语Did you know that during pregnancy. 你知道怀孕的时候your fingers swell up to twice their size and never go back? 你的手指会肿成两倍大 而且再也不会消了吗?Oh, my God! Let me see that. 天啊,让我看看You fall for it every time. 你每次都会上当Hey! I brought you my old maternity clothes. 我把我的旧孕妇装 拿来给你Oh, Pheebs, thats

2、 so sweet. Oh, those are so cute! 菲比,那真的是太棒了 好可爱喔!Look. See how they expand as the baby grows? 你看,宝宝越长越大 它们也会跟着撑开来And after the babys born theyre great for shoplifting melons. 宝宝出生后 可以穿它去偷西瓜Good, youre all here. Thanksgiving, 4:00. 太好了,你们都在 感恩节,明天四点Guess who I invited? Remember Will Culvert from hig

3、h school? 你猜我邀请了谁? 还记得高中同学威尔卡佛特吗?-No. -He was in Ross class. -不 -他跟罗斯同班Marching band, was kind of overweight. Really overweight. 他是仪仗队的,有点胖 他是个大胖子I was his thin friend. 我属于他瘦朋友那一群I dont remember. Are you talking about your imaginary boyfriend? 我不记得 你是说你假想的男朋友吗?No, that was Jared. 不,那是贾拉德Wow. Havent

4、thought about him in a long time. 我好久 没有想起他了Wills here on business, and he didnt have a place to go, so I invited him here. 威尔来城里出差,他没地方可去 所以我邀请他过来-Thats nice. -Oh, hes lost a bunch of weight. -那很好啊 -他减肥成功He looks good. Okay, I mean really gorgeous. 他看起来很不错 好吧,他真的是帅呆了-I still love Chandler. -Wouldnt

5、 hurt you to say it once in a while. -我还爱着钱德 -偶尔说一下不会要你命的Just so you know, Im not gonna make a turkey this year. 先说好了 今年我不煮火鸡-What? -Phoebe doesnt eat turkey. -什么? -菲比不吃火鸡-Phoebe! -Turkeys are beautiful, intelligent animals. -菲比 -火鸡是漂亮聪明的动物No, theyre not! Theyre ugly and stupid and delicious! 不是的 他们

6、既丑又笨,也很好吃Plus, eating them is like a tradition. 而且吃火鸡是传统It goes back to the first Thanksgiving when the lndians sat down with the cowboys. 这得回溯至第一次过感恩节时 印第安人跟牛仔坐在一起Oh, right. Thats when they had that big rodeo at Plymouth Rock. 对,那个时候 他们在普利茅斯石办牛仔表演Its not just Phoebe. Wills still on a diet, Chandler

7、 doesnt eat Thanksgiving food. 不只是菲比,威尔还在节食 钱德不吃感恩节食物-Rachels having her aversion to poultry. -She is? -瑞秋对家禽类反胃 -是吗?Yeah. Remember? I had to leave the other day when you had that chicken. 对,记得吗? 那天你吃鸡肉时我得走开I thought that was because I put the whole thing. 我以为那是因为 我手里on my hand and made it walk acro

8、ss the table. 拿着鸡要他在桌上走的关系Its not worth it to make a whole turkey for just three people. Its a lot of work. 为了三个人做一只火鸡太不划算了 那真的很费功夫But you gotta have turkey on Thanksgiving! 但感恩节一定要吃火鸡啊Thanksgiving with no turkey is like Fourth of July with no apple pie. 感恩节不吃火鸡 就像国庆日不吃苹果派Or Friday with no two pizza

9、s. 或是星期五不吃两个披萨Fine, if it means that much to you. But theres gonna be a ton left over. 好吧,如果它真的对你很重要 但到时候一定会剩下很多No. I promise I will finish that turkey. 不,我发誓我会把那只火鸡吃完Youre telling me you can eat almost an entire turkey in one sitting? 你是说你可以一次 吃掉一整只火鸡?Thats right. Because Im a Tribbiani! This is wh

10、at we do. 没错,因为我是崔比亚尼家的人 这是我们的专长We may not be great thinkers or world leaders. 我们不是伟大的思想家 或世界领袖we dont read a lot or run fast, but damn it, we can eat! 我们书念的不多,跑不快 但该死,我们是大胃王The One With The Rumour 本集播出:谣言Four wide receivers. On third and 18. 第四次长传,第三次18码Isnt it weird how next year there will be a b

11、aby at the table? 明年桌边会坐一个宝宝 感觉真的很奇怪吧?Rachels. But good to know where youre at. 我是指瑞秋的孩子 但我很高兴你还有在听我说话-Hey! -Hey! -嘿 -嘿-Happy Thanksgiving. -You too! -感恩节快乐 -你也是-Can I help? -Yes. -需要我帮忙吗? -好啊Chandler usually helps, but hes into the game. 通常钱德会帮忙 但他看球赛看得正入迷Could you fold these napkins? Im gonna go a

12、cross the hall to check on the yams. 麻烦你帮忙折餐巾 我要去对面看看地瓜泥好了没No, sweetie. No, not like that. 不,甜心,不是那样的Were not at a barn dance. 我们不是在办农场舞会Fold them like swans. I showed you at Christmas. Remember? 把它们折成天鹅的形状 我在耶诞节时教过你,记得吗?Yeah, it all just came screaming back to me. 记得,一切历历如新-So hows the game? -I hav

13、e no idea. -球赛还好看吗? -我不知道-What? -Im pretending to watch. -什么? -我假装看球赛so I dont have to help out. 那样子就不必帮忙I dont believe you! That is brilliant! 我不敢相信 这招太高明了-And Monica has no idea? -No. -摩妮卡不知道? -对Once in a while, I just yell stuff at the TV. 偶尔 我会对着电视大叫Hey! What? Aw! Hey! 嘿,什么?啊-Your team winning?

14、-Anderson just scored again. -你的球队赢了吗? -安德森刚刚又得分了There is no Anderson. 根本就没有安德森这号人物I wanna get in on this. Hey, Mon? 我也想如法炮制,摩妮卡I cant help you after all. I didnt realize this game was on. 我真的没办法帮你 我不知道球赛打到哪里了-You like football? -Normally, I dont. -你喜欢美式足球? -通常我是不喜欢But, you know, Green Bay is playin

15、g. 但今天是绿湾队在比赛-You like Green Bay? -Its only my favorite bay. -你喜欢绿湾队? -那是我最喜欢的海湾-Happy Thanksgiving. -Will, Im so glad that you came. -感恩节快乐 -威尔,我很高兴你能来You look great. You mustve lost. 你看起来帅呆了,你一定减掉了150 pounds. Ill be on one of those Subway commercials. 150磅 我会是潜水艇三明治广告的下一号人选-A pie! -Its no fat, no

16、sugar, no dairy. -是派 -零脂肪,无糖,也没有奶-Its no good. Throw it out. -Meet some people. -它不好吃,丢了它 -我来介绍你们认识This is my husband, Chandler. This is Will. 他是我丈夫钱德 他是威尔Oh, hey. Id shake your hand but Im really into the game. 我很想跟你握手 但我忙着看球赛Plus, itd be better for my ego if we didnt stand next to each other. 而且我们

17、两个只要不站在一起 就不会伤了我的自尊-This is Phoebe. -Hi. -她是菲比 -嗨Hey. Wow! 嘿,哇Well done. 做的好-Wanna give me a hand? -I cant get over how great you look. -你要帮我吗? -我真的觉得你很漂亮-You look incredible too. Youre so fit. -Im watching the game, but Im not deaf. -你也很帅,你的身材真棒 -我在看球赛,但我没聋-I meant to tell you, Ross is coming. -Gre

18、at, I love Ross. -我一直想告诉你,罗斯也会来 -太棒了,我喜欢罗斯Good. And Rachel Greene too. 很好,瑞秋葛林也会来-Is there a problem? -No. Its okay. -有问题吗? -没有,没关系的Its just. God, I hated her. 那只是天啊,我恨她-What? -I hated her. -什么? -我恨她She was horrible to me in high school. 高中时她对我很凶But hey, that was a long time ago. Im in a good place.

19、 Might be fun to see her again. 但那是很久以前的事了,现在我很好 或许再见到她会很有趣Got any cakes or cookies or something? 你有蛋糕或饼干吗?No, Will! No! 不,威尔Its been a while since we screamed. Maybe we should. 我们很久没大叫了 或许我们该大叫一下-Oh, okay. No! -Come on! -好吧,不! -加油Damn you, ref! You burn in hell! 该死的裁判,下地狱去吧!What are you doing? Youv

20、e got an entire turkey to eat. 你在做什么? 你还得吃掉一整只火鸡Let me explain to you how the human body works. 让我跟你解释一下 人体的运作方式I have to warm up my stomach first. 我得先让我的胃暖暖身-Eating chips is like stretching. -Okay. -吃薯片像是在做拉筋运动 -好吧-Dont worry, Tribbianis never get full. -Im here to tell you something. -别担心,崔比亚尼永远吃不

21、饱 -我要告诉你一件事You can eat and eat, but nothing will ever fill that void. 你可以吃个不停 但你无法填满内心的空虚-Who the hell is this guy? -This is Will, from high school. This is Joey. -这家伙到底是谁? -他是我们的高中同学威尔,他是乔伊-Want some chips? -No. -要来点薯片吗? -不-Will! -Ross! -威尔 -罗斯Hey, you came! Man, you look incredible! Hot stuff! 你来了

22、 天啊,你看起来棒极了,大帅哥-Hot stuff? -Its good to see you, man. -大帅哥? -很高兴能见到你Yeah. You too. So, what are you up to? 我也是,你是做哪一行的?-Im a commodities broker. -That sounds interesting. -我是期货经纪人 -听起来很有趣-Yeah, its not. -Oh. -才怪 -喔-But Im rich and thin. -Oh. -但我现在既有钱又苗条 -喔I havent seen you since Lance Davis graduati

23、on party. 自从兰西戴维斯的毕业派对之后 我就没有见过你That was such a fun night. 那一晚真的很疯狂Wouldve been good if we had gotten in, but still fun. 如果我们都有被邀请就好了 但那还是很疯狂We were lame. Do you remember how into dinosaurs we were? 那时我们逊呆了 你还记得我们多迷恐龙吗?-Yeah. -So, what do you do now? -对 -你是做哪一行的?So how long are you in town? 你要在城里待多久

24、?-Hi. -Hey, sweetie. Oh, good. -嗨 -嘿,甜心,太好了Rachel Greene. 瑞秋葛林Oh, thats right. Are you gonna be okay? 啊,对了 你没事吧?Oh, Ill be fine. Its just. God, I hate her, Ross! I hate her! 我没事,只是 天啊,罗斯,我恨她High school was a long time ago. 高中是很久以前的事了Look at her standing there with those yams. 看看她拿着地瓜泥 站在那里的样子My two

25、greatest enemies: Rachel Greene and complex carbohydrates. 我的两个死对头 瑞秋葛林跟碳水化合物Oh, my God. Who is that? 天啊,那是谁?-Thats Will, from high school. -Oh! I do not remember him. -他是我们的高中同学威尔 -我不记得他了Wow, really got that sexy smoldering thing going on. 他真的 越来越性感了Oh, my God. Look at the way hes just staring at m

26、e. 天啊 看他盯着我瞧的样子Hes trying to mouth something to me. 他用唇语跟我说话I hate you! 我恨你-Okay, dinners ready! -Okay! -好了,晚餐准备好了 -好吧-Solid effort. Solid effort. -Oh, so who won? -真的很精彩 -谁赢了?-Green Bay. -Detroit. -绿湾队 -底特律队-What? -The Lions technically won. -什么? -技术上来说狮队赢了But it was a moral victory for the Green B

27、ay Mermen. 但在士气方面 是绿湾美人鱼队赢了Hi! Will, right? Right, hi. Im Rachel Greene. 嗨,你是威尔吧? 嗨,我是瑞秋葛林-Oh, I remember you. -Really? Arent you sweet? -我记得你 -真的吗?你真好I gotta tell you, Im having the hardest time placing you. 我得告诉你 我真的很难记得你的样子Hang on! I think I remember you. 等一下,我想我记得你Did we fool around at Lance Dav

28、is graduation party? 我们在兰西戴维斯的毕业派对上 厮混过?-You are unbelievable. -Thank you. -你真是不可思议 -谢谢你Rachel? Why dont you sit here? And Will, you sit way over there. 瑞秋,你坐这边 威尔,你坐到那边去Thats it? Even if nobody helps me, I can eat that. No problem. 就那样?即使没有人帮我 我也可以吃掉它,没问题-At least give me a challenge. -This is Chan

29、dlers chicken. -至少给我一点挑战 -这是钱德的鸡肉This is the turkey. 这才是火鸡Oh. How big is that? 那有多大呢?-About 19 pounds. -Its like me when I was born. -大约19磅 -它跟我刚出生时差不多大-Who would like some yams? Will? -Youd like that, wouldnt you? -谁想吃地瓜泥?威尔? -你喜欢那样做,对吧?What? Oh, can we please keep the chicken. 什么? 拜托把鸡肉and the tur

30、key on the other side? 跟火鸡放到另一边去-The smell is just. -Typical. -那个味道真的 -太典型了-What? -I said it was typical. -什么? -我说那太典型了Typical of you. Queen Rachel does whatever she wants in Rachel-land. 你的典型作风,瑞秋女王 在瑞秋王国想做什么就做什么Seriously, who is this guy? 说真的,这家伙是谁?Sorry, do you have a problem with me? 抱歉,你对我有问题吗?

31、-I dont know. Do I? Do I? -I think you do. -我不知道,我有吗? -我想你有You were a little mean to him in high school. 你在高中时对他有点凶-A little mean? You made my life miserable. -I had no idea. Im sorry. -有点凶?你让我活在痛苦深渊 -我不知道,抱歉Well, you should be. Screw it. Bring on the yams. 你应该抱歉的 去他的,把地瓜泥拿过来给我But you worked so hard. 但你很努力在减肥-Yams! -Okay. -地瓜泥 -好的Im real sorry for whatever I did to you in high school. 不论在高中时我对你做了什么 我都非常抱歉It wasnt just me. We had a club. 不只是我,我们组了一个社团-You had a club? -The I Hate Rachel Greene Club! -你们组了一个社团? -“我恨瑞秋葛林社”So you all just joined together to

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