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1、暨南大学考研真题706语言水平测试A卷final2019年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(A卷)*学科、专业名称:外国语言文学 研究方向:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学考试科目名称:外语(英)水平考试 考试科目代码:706考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。 Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marke

2、d A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.1. The district _ was established by the government a few years ago. A. council B. counsel C. console D. consul2. Heavy rainfall in the south of England means that flooding is_.A. imminent B. m

3、omentous C. transient D. prospective3. Early studies often concluded that the public was _ the propagandistic influence of mass communications, but one recent study indicates that, on the contrary, mass communications seldom produce marked changes in social attitudes or actions. A. unaware of B. sco

4、rnful of C. susceptible to D. coping with 4. This composer has never courted popularity: her rugged modernism seems to defy rather than to _ the audience. A. ignore B. discount C. teach D. woo5. _, we have to adopt new measures to solve the problem. A. So is the situation B. That being the case C. T

5、hat is the case D. The situation is so6. The school agree to _ their decision until they had spoken to the young boys parents.A. convert B. retain C. deter D. expel7. When a psychologist does a general experiment on the human mind he selects people_ and asks them questions. A. at length B. at random

6、 C. in essence D. in bulk8. She is careful with her money, and spends only a _ of her earnings. A. fragment B. section C. fragrant D. fraction 9. Proposed changes that are not _ with exiting safety regulations will not be considered. A. dependent B. compliant C. relating D. supportive10. Please note

7、 that customs regulations do not permit the shipment of _ items. A. perishable B. compatible C. sustainable D. incredible11. Reporters and photographers alike took great _at the rude way the actor behaved during the interview. A. annoyance B. offence C. resentment D. irritation12. Advances in food p

8、reservation gave consumers in developed countries access to_all foods grown in distant lands.A. extensively B. virtually C. artificially D. continually13. The music aroused an_feeling of homesickness in him. A. intrinsic B. intentional C. intermittent D. intense14. An institution that properly carri

9、es the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education_.A. settlement B. establishment C. construction D. structure15. “If we fail to act now,” said Tom, “Well find ourselves _in action later on.”A. paid back B. paid for C. paid up D. paid off1

10、6. If you want children to work hard you must _their interests instead of their sense of duty.A. appeal to B. look into C. give rise to D. go in for17. I really appreciate _ to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to manage by myself.A. that you offer B. you to offer C. your offering D. that y

11、ou are offering18. Heredity accounts for 50% to 60% of a womans _ to alcoholism, about the same as for men. A. devastation B. vulnerability C. pharmacy D. fibrosis19. Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they didnt _ to close examination. A. keep up B. put up C. stand up D. pay up20. The

12、 ink had faded with time and so parts of the letter were _. A. illiterate B. illegible C. illegitimate D. illegal21. Policeman _ very busy.A. nearly are always B. always are nearly C. always nearly are D. are nearly always22. The media once portrayed the governor as anything but ineffective; they no

13、w, however, make her out to be the epitome of _. A. fecklessness B. brilliance C. dynamism D. egoism23. The girl was sorry to _ the singers when she arrived at the airport. A. be missed B. being missed C. have been missed D. have missed24. The greatest obstacle to economic and environmental improvem

14、ents in the developing countries is their _ foreign debts. A. reminiscent B. degenerative C. mammoth D. ethical25. Materials presenting permanent deformations after the disappearance of the loads are said _ plastically. A. to have behaved B. behaving C. to behave D. behavior 26. The best way to cont

15、rol rats is by seeing that they have as _. A. possibly little nourishment B. nourishment possible little C. little as possible nourishment D. little nourishment as possible27. Oceans play a major role in climate, often serving to _ extremes of hot or cold. A. exacerbate B. temper C. conceal D. obscu

16、re28. _ is intrinsic to language, but writers should nevertheless strive to be as precise as possible. A. Equivocation B. Ambiguity C. Malapropism D. Innuendo29. The fact that irony is _ means that the listener (or reader) who “gets it” is able to feel superior to those who do not understand it. A.

17、subtle B. humorous C. situational D. generic 30. All the flights _because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead. A. were canceled B. had been canceled C. having canceled D. having been canceledPart II. Proof-reading and Error Correction(10 points)Directions:Proofread the given passage a

18、s instructed. The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way: For a wrong wordUnderline the wrong and write the correct one in the blank provided on the a

19、nswer sheet. For a missing wordMark the position of the missing word with a “” sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided on the answer sheet. For an unnecessary word Cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/” and put the word in the blank provided on the answer sheet.

20、What is the advantage which we may hope to derive a study of the political writers of the past? An earlier view would have provided a simple answer to this question. A work of politics, it would have been said, is the handbook of an art, the art of governing. Just as a man of superior skill in the a

21、rt of carpentry may compile a work in which his skill is made available to those who inspire to be good carpenters, so a man of inferior wisdom in the art of politics may set down his knowledge in a book for the construction of those whose business it is to find, govern, or preserve states. If this

22、is what political theory is, there is no difficulty in determining what advantage may be expected from the study of great political works. They will be insulted by those who have to govern states. But this is certainly not the advantage which a modern reader can be compromised from a study of their

23、works. This entire conception of politics as an art and of the political philosopher as the teacher of it rests upon assumptions which it is possible to accept. If it were correct, the writers of political theory would need to be themselves past masters in the art of governing, and statesmen would n

24、eed to apprentice themselves to them in order to learn their job. But we find that this is not so. Few political philosophers have themselves exhibited any master of the art of governing, and few successful statesmen have owed up their success to the study of political writings.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6

25、. _7. _8. _9. _10. _Part III. Cloze (20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. You are required to read the passage and fill in each bank with a word from the word bank, and change the form where necessary. Do not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Write your

26、answers on the ANSWER SHEET. combing intricate heyday churning utilitarian pillars tiers descending paving relaxation irrigation architecturally dotted craters level positioned inhabitants access aquifer passages During the sixth and seventh centuries, the 1 of the modern-day states of Gujarat and R

27、ajasthan in North-western India developed a method of gaining 2 to clean, fresh groundwater during the dry season for drinking, bathing, watering animals and 3 . However, the significance of this invention the stepwell goes beyond its 4 application. Unique to this region, stepwells are often 5 compl

28、ex and vary widely in size and shape. During their 6 , they were places of gathering, of leisure and 7 and of worship for villagers of all but the lowest classes. Most stepwells are found 8 round the desert areas of Gujarat (where they are called vav) and Rajasthan (where they are called baori), whi

29、le a few also survive in Delhi. Some were located in or near villages as public spaces for the community; others were 9 beside roads as resting places for travellers.As their name suggests, stepwells comprise a series of stone steps 10 from ground level to the water source, (normally are underground

30、 11 ) as it recedes following the rains. When the water 12 was high, the user needed only to descend a few steps to reach it; when it was low, several levels would have to be negotiated. Some wells are vast, open 13 with hundreds of steps 14 each sloping side, often in 15 . Others are more elaborate, with long stepped 16 leading to the water via several storeys. Built from stone and supported by 17 , they also included pavilions that sheltered visitors from the relentless heat. But perhaps the most impressive features are the 18 decorative sc

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